Chapter 11 - Movies and Jammies

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Everyone was still crowded around Ashton, and Luke had disappeared when the police came in.  They quickly told everyone to step back as they checked Ash’s vital signs.  The police officer on the ground got up and went over to the others and started talking.  Finally the ambulance arrived and they took him away.

“Hey, I’m gonna go to the hospital with Mikey to make sure that Ash is ok, can you take the other two home and maybe stay with them tonight.  Because they are a bit too intoxicated to take care of themselves tonight, and I don’t want them to get into anymore trouble,” Ildri said looking panicked.

“Umm..yeah sure.  I’ll just crash I guess,” I said.  Great this was going to be weird.

“Thanks Addie I gotta go Michael is waiting in the cab for me. BYEE!” she said walking away.

“Bye,” I said even though I doubt she heard me.

I have no idea where Calum or Luke had gone. I decided to look at the bar for Cal since he’d probably be looking for another drink, and of course there he was.

“Hey Cal! I think we are gonna head home now, do you know where Luke went?”

“Awwww no I don’t wanna gooooo,” Calum said whining.

“Well I don’t care. C’mon,” I said grabbing his arm and pulling him to the bathroom to see if Luke is in there.

I just walked right with Calum following me in not really caring that it was the men’s bathroom. I saw Luke’s black converse in the last stall, and I tried to push open the door but it was locked.

“Luke unlock the door. We’re going now,” I said banging on the door. He still didn’t unlock it though so I asked again. “Luke seriously come out of there.” He wasn’t cooperating so I got down on my hands and knees and crawled under the door.

I looked at the giraffe boy standing in front of me. He had tear stains on his cheeks, and his eyes were all puffy and red.

“Luke are you okay?” I asked walking over to him. He just sniffled in response. Awkwardly, I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. I am absolutely terrible at comforting people when they are sad. It was obvious that he felt terrible about the whole fight. After all, he did just beat up one of his best friends.

“He’s gonna be fine, don’t worry..I’m sure he feels just as bad,” I said attempting to comfort him.

“C’mon guys I wanna go home!” Cal whined.

Luke got up and Calum and I followed.  How were we supposed to get home?

“Are we supposed to call a cab or is your van thingy getting us?” I asked both of them even though I doubted either of them knew.

“Umm let’s just spend the night here!” Calum said.

“Yeah that’s not happening Cal..I’m just gonna like call a cab I guess,” I said getting out my phone and dialing the number.

The bar owners kicked us out as soon as they recognized Luke as the guy that started the fight, but we didn’t have to wait for very long. I spent the whole time trying to make sure Calum didn’t make a run for the ice cream shop across the street.


Once we got to their house, I paid the driver, and dragged the boys into the house. They were both sleeping during the ride so they were half asleep.

Luke went straight to his room and passed out, but Calum decided he wasn’t going to go that easily.

“Cal, go to bed,” I said.

“Noo I'm not even tired I wanna watch The Lego Movieeee!!” he started yelling.

“Fine, I’m gonna go try to find something in Ildri’s closet to wear,” I said not wanting to hear anymore of his whining.

I walked down the hall and up the stairs to where I remember Ildri and Michael’s room being.

I walked in and saw clothes all over the floor. Of course they were all Michael’s. I felt a little bad for Ildri having to share a room with him. I walked over to the closet where I figured Ildri’s clothes would be. She didn’t really have any comfy clothes in there so I went to look in the suitcase that was on the ground, but didn’t find anything.  Looks like I’m sleeping in this dress tonight.

I went back to the living room to find Calum in front of the TV with like 50 DVDs thrown around him.

“YAAAAAAAY I found it!!” he yelled. “Why are you still wearing the dress? I thought that you were gonna change.”

“Well I couldn’t find any comfy clothes of Ildri’s so I’m just gonna wear this I guess.”

“I’m going to change into my JAMMMMIES!! I’ll find you something that matches me so we can be TWINSSS!” he was always yelling.

“Oh yay..” I said laughing.

I went into the kitchen to try to find some popcorn since I hadn’t eaten in forever.  I had no idea where anything was so I was just opening random cupboards but I finally found some, and right as I put a bag in the microwave I heard Calum yelling and running down the hall.

“I found some jammies for you!!” he said as he threw them at me. Cal was wearing Robin footie pajamas, and I got the Batman ones.

“These are Lukey’s, but it’s fine cuz he was sleeping!” he said with a big smile. “Hurry go put them on, I’m the master popcorn chef here.”

“Okay!” I said walking to try and find a bathroom.

I finally found one and where I put it on they were GINORMOUS on me since Luke is 50 feet tall.

I walked into the living room, and Calum was already on the couch eating the popcorn.

“Wow it fits perfectly. Come sit down. The movie is about to start,” he said patting the spot on the couch next to him. Once I sat down, he put the foot rest up and grabbed the blanket that was on the back of the couch. “Have you seen this movie before?’ he asked putting the blanket over both of us.

“Nope,” I said.

“Really?! This is like my all time favorite movie,” he said as the movie started.


When the movie finished I could tell that Calum was sobering up.  

“Soooooo how was it? The best thing you’ve experienced in your life?” Cal asked turning to me.

“Yeah amazing choice Calum,” I said clapping my hands.

“I mean you're welcome Addie,” he said smiling.

“I’m picking the next one,” I said walking to the mess of DVD’s that Calum had thrown everywhere.

I looked for like 5 minutes until I found The Breakfast Club.

“Have you see this?” I asked holding it up for him to see.

“Yeah, but it was a long time ago, and I don’t remember it very well,” he said.

“Okay we’re watching it now then,” I said putting it in the DVD player.

“Wait first I’m gonna make some more popcorn with m&m’s. I know where Mikey’s secret stash is,” he said giggling as he skipped into the kitchen. I laughed as I watched him. Cal was actually pretty amusing when he was drunk.

Cal came back with some popcorn, and we finished it within 10 minutes.

We both fell asleep like halfway through the movie apparently, and we woke up to Luke trying to take a picture of us.

“Wow looks like the lovebirds have awaken,” Luke laughed.  

I somehow ended up laying across Calum’s legs, and it turned really awkward so I quickly got up.

“DELETE those!” Calum yelled and chased after Luke.

“NEVERR!” Luke said shutting himself in his room.

“I’m gonna shower Calum. Where’s a towel?” I asked trying to get out of the weird situation.

“Umm here I’ll find one somewhere,” he said and went into a different room.

I found some random clothes from Ildri’s room to where and headed to the shower after Calum found a towel.


After I got out of the shower, I went to the living room to find Luke and Cal. Instead of finding the two boys, I found Ildri sitting there. She instantly ran up to me.

“Oh hey, you’re back. How’s Ash?” I asked. She totally ignored my question and instantly started questioning me about last night.

“How was it last night? I saw you and Calum got very comfortable,” she said wiggling her eyebrows.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Don’t play dumb with me. I know what happened. Luke sent the pictures in a group chat with everyone.”

“Ohh yeah.. that happened. He insisted on wearing matching pajamas, or “jammies” as he kept calling it.  Then we just ate popcorn and watched movies all night,” I said defending myself.

“Yeahhhhhh surrrre..” she said.


HEYYYYY BROSSS this was just a filler chapter and it was pretty boring but yeah so Addie and Calum are pretty cuteeeee who agrees with mehhhh hey guess what catherines coming to my house in a few days so thats fun but you probs didn’t care lol Can we start getting more votes and comments cuz we barely get any and thats kinda sad and remember that the dedication goes to a commenterrrrr ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeee


hiiiiiiiiiii peeps yeah this chapter was just like a lame filter thingy but we finished it in like a night so yayayayayy next week’s is gonna b goooooood but yay we r actually like updating every week this is a RECORD for ussssssssss umm yeah so this week was HIDDDDD for me so many tests and papers and projects and stuff but wooooo this week is my spring break and I’m going to Savinni’s house on Monday it’ll be a PARTAYYYY so everyone should come but hah sav doesn’t have a break so yeah that’s all purdy much oh yeah and people comment and you get a dedication so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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