You really believe that?

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Rosabella's POV
After Evangeline is finished telling us about their past everyone is silent. Coral, Albie and Danny share awkward glances as they don't know what to say, Blair looks a tad shocked at her ancestors involvement but also amused. Satana, who is currently sat on Danny's lap is pursing her lips with a bored expression making me smirk, Griff and Jett look a little in awe at their story making my smirk drop immediately, while Jaycee and Samuel are in their own world, not really paying attention to us all.

"That's it?" I ask bluntly causing everyone's attention to turn to me.

"I'm sorry?" Evangeline asks me, a little confused as to what I meant.

"That's it? That's all there is to the supposed tragic and romantic sacrifice?" I add with a scoff and she glared at me.

"What is your point?" She asks making me chuckle to myself.

"I don't know, I just guess I was expecting a little more oomph, you know? A little more pizzaz." I smirk at her face as I do jazz hands while I talk.

"Pizzaz?" Atticus ask while flashing his wolf eyes at me only making my smirk wider.

"Yeah, like the way everyone went on and on about the stupid sacrifice I thought it would be like some Romeo and Juliet shit."

"But they sacrificed themselves for love?" Coral countered, sounding more like she was asking a question due to her intimidation of my none-emotional self.

"Well she was going to die anyway so there technically wasn't any point in the sacrifice. I mean you could have lived if you wanted to." I exclaim, directing my last comment at Atticus who snarls in return making me mock a surrender, putting my hands up with raised eyebrows.

"I think what Bella means is that she was expecting a little more to it." Jett adds making me roll my eyes,

"No I meant what I said." I state making State stifle a laugh.

"You're not helping." Danny whispers to her only making her snort laughing.

"I'm sorry, but I kinda missed her being this blunt about everything I'm not gonna lie." She responds making everyone but me send her glares as I reply,

"Thanks Sate, I know, I'm fabulous!" I exclaim only making her chuckle at my antics.

"Okay anyways," Griffin starts taking the glares off of me, "you mentioned that you moved to California before the sacrifice, why did you move away from home?" He asks Evangeline as we all look to the couple in question, I sip from my bourbon casually as I eye them.

"Well before we got married, Atticus told me about him being a werewolf and my parents didn't exactly approve-" before she can continue, I interrupt her,

"Ooo we have a rebel on our hands" I chuckle at my own joke as everyone other than Sate, who laughs at me, roll their eyes, looking to Evangeline for her to continue,

"Anyway, let's just say they didn't want me to be married to somebody who could kill me. So when they raised their concerns," she practically spits the word 'concerns' bitterly making me smirk into my glass, "they made me pick, it was either my family or Atticus; I chose Atty."

"So you dumped your whole family over a boy?" I ask with a dumbfounded expression.

"Not just any boy Rosabella, my true love." She says gazing into his eyes making me physically gag.

"Ew, gross, affection." I say like it's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, which I think it is. The cringe is visible on my face and my friends hold amused expressions.

"Is she always like this?" Atticus asks them with wide eyes and they all share a look before replying in unison,


"Moving on because quite frankly your relationship is way less exciting than i was told," I start while standing from the sofa and turning to face everyone, "I'm hungry." I state and they all look at me confused.

"Well we could go to the diner I suppose-" Albie begins before I cut him off,

"Not that type of hungry, angel boy."

"Well we have some animal blood in the fridge." Evangeline shrugs at me and I look at her like she has three heads.

"Animal blood?" I ask her with a repulsed look covering my face. Just the thought of it makes me nauseous.

"Yes, animal blood" Atticus answers for her turning my attention to him.

"But it tastes so much better from the vein." I whine making my boyfriend look over at me with an amused expression.

"Well I don't drink normal blood." Evangeline states factually making me frown.


"Because she can't, she's a ripper." Atticus replies for her, resting a reassuring hand on her back.

"So am I but no way on earth will I ever drink from an animal, ew." I say with a fake shiver before I walk over to Jett.

"Please can you come with me to get blood?" I ask him softly but before he can answer, Blair butts in.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Rosa,remember last time you fed from the vein?" She asks me with a sympathetic smile as I think back to the warlock.

"What happened last time?" Evangeline asked and I replied quietly,

"I beheaded a warlock." She looks shocked before I continue, "but I'll control myself, please Wolfie?" I ask Jett with a pout making him chuckle.

"Fine, but I'm coming with you just to make sure you don't behead anybody." He says and I just smirk before speeding out the castle, Jettson following behind me.
After feeding, Jett and I head back to the castle. We climb the stairs hearing a faint piano playing and as we walk in the room I notice everyone stood around the piano while Evangeline plays the love song that's always stuck in my head.

"We're back bitches!" I announce to the room before getting another drink of bourbon and sitting on the couch.

Everyone turns to see Jett and I when we enter with concern written all over their faces. Before they can say anything though, my boyfriend speaks up,

"I can't believe you Bella!" I exclaims, he's upset at me but I don't care.

"I told you I was hungry." I shrug  making him clench his jaw.

"That doesn't mean you can devour 5 hikers!" He yells making everyone in the room flinch apart from me.

"Relax it's not like I beheaded them." I wave him off gaining looks of disbelief from everyone.

"You still killed them Bella! You fed until there was no blood in their bodies."

"Why didn't you stop her?" Satana speaks up while coming to my side, best friend goals right here.

"I couldn't she injected wolfsbane into my neck to make me pass out before she fed!" He yelled while glaring daggers at me.

"Well I knew you'd stop me if you was conscious." I argue back.

"Damn right I'd stop you Rosabella, those people were innocent."

"Ooo he pulled out the legal name." I mock with a smirk only fuelling his temper.

"Okay why don't we all just calm down, what's done is done." Danny attempts to calm the situation and before either of us can speak up, Evangeline buts in.

"So Rosabella, your friends were telling us that you know my song?" She asks, changing the subject as I roll my eyes.

"Yeah I know your song but when I sing it, it doesn't sound like a death march."

Ignoring my comment she replies, "well why don't you play it for us on Atticus' guitar?" She asks and I think about it before nodding and taking the instrument over the the couch, beginning to play as everyone watches me in awe.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Love Story-Taylor Swift//Cover-Melissa Strivastava)
When I end the song everyone claps while Evangeline stares at me before replying, "We know the lyrics were from me but when you decide to write the music, why'd you go for such a light tone?" She asks curiosly and I just shrug before replying,

"I don't know. I was ten, it was before my emotions were switched off and when I believed I would get happily married and fall in love like a normal person."

"So if you don't believe that anymore, why still sing it so happily?"

"Because I guess there was always some hope there, even without my humanity. I just wanted a true love and I thought I found it with Jett but we'll never know if that's just due to the soulmate bond." I shrug causing Jett to look down sadly at my statement.

"You really believe that?" Coral asks me and I just shrug my shoulders again without saying anything else as everyone around me shares awkward glances while Jett glares at the floor.

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