White Dress

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A word that for Aveline's entire life was synonymous with cage— or whatever adjective could be used to describe the restraint of freedom. Aveline always told herself she would never get engaged, as the concept was always held above her head like a threat by her father, though as she stared down at the ring on her finger she realized there was nothing else she would rather be.

She knew it was awfully young to be engaged , but as her and Remus had discussed they didn't plan on getting married till after the war was over. This was more of a holding promise, that made her heart full everytime she caught a glimpse of the glittering ring.

"I just can't believe Lupin had the guts," Marlene sighed, shaking her head in amusement as she applied a layer of foundation onto Lily's face.

The girls were crowded up in one of the large upstairs bathrooms in the Potter mansion. It was one of those bathrooms with multiple sinks and large windows that basked them in natural mid morning light.

Today was  the day.

Lily's dress hung up on the back of the door,  soft muggle music playing through the space as the bride got her makeup done by marlene adorned in a soft silk robe.

Aveline herself sat tucked up on the bathroom counter, staring down at the right on her finger as if she took her eyes off of it, it would run away. She still couldn't believe it, as she took a sip out of a mimosa made by Mrs Potter herself.

How had life gone so fast, and here she was about to walk down the aisle at her best friends wedding as an engaged woman herself?

When everyone heard the news of Aveline and Remus's engaged, of course everyone was over the moon.  James Potter himself began crying at the news, the point Lily had to console him with gentle pats on the back.

"Are you nervous?" Aveline asked Lily, as she watched the girls face being adorned with powder.

Lily sighed, smiling at herself in the mirror.

"No," the red haired girl answered. "I know this is it. Can you guys believe it? I'm about to marry James Potter?"

Her voice was full of a million emotions— excitement, happiness, love— to the point you could hear the words were coming from her chest.

"I would like to say I  always told you you'd become Mrs Potter," Marlene gloated, as she continued blotting Lily's face. "Didn't I?"

Lily glowed as she laughed, shaking her head in amusement.

It was true, if anyone had told Aveline she would be at the wedding of James and lily Potter six years ago she would've laughed in your face.

Shortly after that the rest of the girls started putting on their makeup and doing their hair. Constantly surronded by the many little appetizers and drinks Euphemia was constantly having brought up to them.  

As per Lily's wish, they were doing it the muggle way as they were being joined by Lily's Mother and sister, so the room was full of small compacts and hair tools.

The dresses they were wearing were of course red— gryffindor red to be exact.

The whole thing felt surreal, as Aveline stared at Lily adorned in her wedding makeup and white dress, her mother clinging to the brides shoulders as she looked at her in the mirror.

Despite the fact she didn't want too, at the sight of Lily and her mother Aveline was brought back to her own twisted wedding that took place two summers ago were she was caged in dress so tight it made her ribs bleed.

How different this wedding was.

"You look beautiful Aveline," Euphemia said softly, reaching out and giving the girls hand a squeeze.

"Thank you Mia."

Before the girls knew it they were making their way down to the potter backyard which had been set up for a small ceremony with a few lawn chairs and pots of flowers.

It was a small wedding — obviously with the war. James and Lily's immediate families, and a few chosen friends and such. Though neither the bride nor groom cared, this small ceremony full of love was all they needed.

Aveline was set to walk down the aisle next to Remus, the boys already waiting outside for the girls.

The blonde haired girl took one last look at the bride, the two girls sharing a look.

Though she wasn't much of a crier, Aveline felt herself on the verge of tears as she looked at Lily in her beauitful dress. This was all James ever wanted.

Aveline reached forward, giving Lily's hand one last squeeze.

"I love you lils," Aveline whispered, her voice nearly breaking. "I'm so grateful James found a woman like you."

"Ave," Lily sighed, grabbing the girls hand tightly. "Don't start I'm going to cry and ruin my makeup," she joked, fanning her eyes to stop the from watering. "I love you."

With that Aveline gave the bride one last look before heading down the aisle herself. The next time the two girls talked Lily Evans would be Lily Potter.

Despite the limited resources available, the potters had done an amazing job at setting up the Garden for a wedding. Aveline was greeting by the rows of smiling faces sitting in white chairs, as Remus awaited with his arm waiting for her.

Remus in a suite was something Aveline never got used too. His tall figure and broad shoulders all that more obvious in the sharp and crisp lines of the suite

"Ready?" he whispered as she grabbed his arm, soft violin music playing in the background.

As he looked down at her rosy cheeks grinning back up at him, an effortless smile crossed his face and the two began to make their way down to the isle to wear james stood.

James already looked like he was fighting back tears, and Aveline sent him a cheeky grin and thumbs up before departing from Remus and taking her place next to Marlene. As they awaited the bride, Sirius stepped forward giving James an encouraging shoulder run and pat on the back.

Very predictably, the moment Lily stepped into eyesight adored in her wedding gown, red hair tied up in a soft up do, blush cheeks smiling wide, James's tears started to flow.

They boy looked like he was trying to fight it, but the closer his bride got the more emotions bloomed from his chest.

It seemed there was barely a dry eye in the audience, as even Aveline herself was clearing away tears from under her eyes.

"Hi," Lily whispered to James with a giddy grin on her face as they grabbed eachothers hands.

"Hi," James choked out. "Lily you are so beautiful."

A dragon could've flown through the sky and James wouldn't have noticed, he was so focused on his beautiful bride as he was trying to burn the image of her into his mind so it could forever live on.

"We are gathered her today to witness the union of James and Lily. For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is Minvera Mcgonagall and I have had the honour of watching Mr Potter and Miss Evans fall in love over the years ..."

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