Mr Casanova

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Dear Father and Mother,

I am writing to inform you that I will be calling off my engagement to Theodore Nott.

If you wish to change my mind, please stop as I will most certainly not.

If you have any concerns over this, please feel free not to contact me.


Your Daughter Aveline

Licking the envelope she sighed, tying it a owl and watching it fly through the morning skies.

It was february— almost Valentine's day— and slowly the harshness of winter was seeming to fade, all the horror it brought with it melting away. The sun was poking through the clouds ever so often and now, the snow beginning to melt to reveal the ground desperate to wake up from its winter slumbers.

Aveline always adored the morning. It was as if during the morning she was in her own little world of peace. She could stare at the beautiful sunset with no one to interrupt her, and question the meaning of life with no one around to judge her.

The morning was peace, the morning was calmness,
the morning was by far her favourite time of day.

"Oh sorry, I didn't expect anyone to be in here," a boys voice said.

She turned around to see a ravenclaw boy standing there. She wasn't exactly sure his name but she was certain he was in her charms class. He was tall, dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, and sent her a charming smile.

"Don't worry your all good, I was actually just on my way back," she told the boy kindly, sending him a smile back.

She didn't catch how his eyes trailed after her, the boy doing a double take as she walked away. Happily though Aveline began descending the stairs, humming to herself softly at the sound of the birds finally waking up.

"Hey wait up!" the boy called, and she paused as he came rushing down the stairs towards her. He sent her another small smile, taking a bit of a shaky breath. "You're Aveline Rosier right?

"Yep that would be me," she responded kindly as she usually did. "I apologize, I don't think I know your name."

"Don't apologize, everyone knows who you are Aveline," he responded, a smile stilll on his face as he continued to stare at her. "This uh- might be a little straight forward but I was wondering if you'd like—"

They both paused, as the sounds of footsteps approaching made them look up.

Just Aveline's luck, there was Remus Lupin, a letter to send in his hand. The boys eyes flashed between Aveline and the boy, widening as he realized their closed proximity

"Sorry for interrupting," Remus stated in a rather odd tone, before continue his way up the stairs.

Though he didn't actually continue , for about three stairs up he decided it was the perfect time to tie his shoe. So he stopped, six feet away from Aveline and this strange boy, tying his shoe very very slowly.

"Er right okay— so um you might not know who I am like I-I don't expect y-you of all people too, I am um- I am um.." the boy was a stuttering mess, unable to take his eyes off her enchanting blue ones. "Sorry," he sighed sheepishly. "I'm just not used to talking to pretty girls."

From where he was "tying his shoe" Remus let out a scoff.

"Thats very nice of you to say, now what is you'd like to tell me?" she said empathically, still smiling kindly at him.

"Well I- um- I-I notice you a lot in um er charms and was wondering if youdliketogoonadatewithmetohogsmeadforvaletinesday," he rushed the last part out so fast she couldn't even hear.

Aveline was a bit oblivious when it came to this sort of thing— knowing when people actually liked her. So she genuinely thought something was wrong with him, like he was having some sort of stroke. So the girl reached out, placing a supporting hand on his arm genuinely worried she was going to have to take him to madam pomfrey.

"What was that?" she asked softly. "Are you alright?"

"WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TO HOGSMEAD WITH ME FOR VALETINES DAY?" He hadn't intended too, but he sort of stranglely screamed the words at her, as if they were  coming out in a burst.

It was exactly a week from Valentine's day, and so it wasn't out of the ordinary for people to be asking people out. Though Aveline wasn't used to it, the girl rarely ever being asked out in reality.

"Oh that's very sweet of you to ask, you seem like a very nice boy, but I'm actually already going with someone else," she lied, she didn't have a date but she was too nice to flat out say no. "Though I'm sure you'll have the most lovely time with someone else."

The boy looked as if he was about to faint, not saying anything just awkwardly making his way down the stairs. She watched him, and after about two steps he quite literally stumbled.

"Oh-" Aveline winced as he smacked his head on the ground. "Are you ok-"

She never did finish for the boy jumped up like a scared animal and sprinted away as fast as possible. Aveline Rosier did not understand boys nor dating.

She hadn't even realized Remus was still there, working on his other shoe now, before he let out a loud chuckle, throwing his head back as he did.

"Do you not know how to tie your shoes?" she asked, slightly annoyed.

"Merlin that was brilliant! The poor bloke couldn't even get a word out properly!"

Aveline crossed her arms, looking at Remus with a disapproving look.

"Not everyone is Mr casanova of Gryffindor tower," she told him, eyebrow raised.

With that she turned around to leave, slightly putt off by his attitude. As awkward as he was, the Ravenclaw boy seemed sweet, and she truly did feel bad for him.

Remus, apparently abandoning his plan to send his letter caught up to her in a slight run, falling into pace to her as she wouldn't even look up at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he challenged.

"Please," she huffed, pausing and crossing her arms. "Everywhere you go girls are practically drooling over you."

"Okay, but they never ask me out like that."

"That's because you shoot them down before they can even ask," Aveline pointed out, not sure why she was pointing it out.

Remus was definitely one of the schools most heartthrob worthy boys. Similar to James and Sirius, he had fan clubs of girls bascially running around screaming his name. Though well Sirius and James both intended to have fan clubs of girls with there charming smiles and sly winks, Remus simply never did.

The girls simply just liked he had that quiet, mysterious brooding boy in the corner thing to him, and were instantly attracted. It also helped he was particularly good looking, with a smile that could stop a bull in its tracks.

Unless it was a casual makeout session at a party, Remus never actively dated or even attempted to date any girl. Which somehow only made him more desirable to the population of people who swooned over him.

Boys and girls alike, Remus Lupin was one of those people who walked in the room and people heart lurched.

Either everyone wanted to get with or be him, and he barely even noticed. He did it so effortlessly, without putting much effort into trying to be a heartthrob. He actually thought it was ridiculously stupid that he had dozens upon dozens of letters, chocolates, and confessions sent to him during Valentine's day.

"Please, I guarantee you get asked out more then I do," Remus taunted, for some reason wanting to prove that she got more dates then him.

"That's most definitely not true," she pointed out.

"Please the looks on every single guys face when you walk in the room is enough to make me want to throw up."

She stopped dead in her tracks, tilting her head with much confusion.

For she didn't notice it, at all.

Though the truth was, Aveline Rosier was known for many things amongst the halls of hogwarts.

And Perhaps the most prevalent thing, was that the girl was known as being one of the most beautiful girls to walk the halls of Hogwarts.

Remus wasn't lying— when Aveline Rosier entered the room most people stopped and stared. She was the type of girls that guys dreamed to have, and would shamelessly flirt with her even infront of a whole classrooms worth of people.

The issue was, Aveline never noticed people were flirting with her. Even when she had people telling her they thought they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with her, she would simply think they were being sweet.

For that, was the kind of impact she had.

People seemed to become obsessed with, or infatuated, to the point where she was the type to be on a large portion of the Hogwarts populations minds all of the time.

"Please Remus, don't be dramatic," she sighed.

"Oh yeah? How much you want to bet that if I was here right now you'd be approached by at least one other guy?" Remus challenged, his hands tucked away in the pocket of his pants.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Alright then go sit on that bench over there and prove it," he suggested nonchalantly.

Remus knew he was right. It was hard to ignore eye upon eye of the majorly of the male population at the school eyeing up the girl her cared so much about.

Aveline's though, was certain he was wrong. She was just some annoying Hufflepuff girl who spent most of her time with four boys.

"Fine! But when I'm right, you owe me a butter beer and an apology!"

"Are you asking me out on a date Rosier?" Remus asked a slight smirk on his face. "Doesn't matter though, because I will be right. And when I'm right you owe me a butter beer and my favourite red sweater that you stole back."

"Fine!" She huffed, before stomping away and plopping herself on the bench.

Remus snorted with amusement, leaning against the stone wall where no one could see. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, lighting it well his eyes never left Aveline.

He couldn't even describe how beautiful he found her if she tried. She didn't even seem real to him, like some divine entity had place her in this earth by accident. Her beauty was incomparable to anything he had ever seen in his life, and he often made a habit of watching the sunset.

And exactly two minutes after she sat down, Aveline was indeed approached. This time it was a Gryffindor seventh year Remus recognized as McLaggen.

Of course it was him. Though they never told Aveline, James had purposely cut him from the Quidditch team this year, because he wouldn't shut up about how "fine" Aveline was.

In fact, he probably spent more time talking about her to James, then he ever did actually trying out of the Quidditch positions.

"Hey Rosier!" Mclaggen called, shuffling over to her. "Mind if I steal this seat?"

She nodded with a smile and he did just that, throwing his arm over the back of the bench.

"So, what are we doing for our date this Saturday?" he asked casually, sending her a wink.

She narrowed her eyes, before raising her eyebrows in amusement.

"You must have me mistaken for someone else."

"Don't think so," he shook his head. "How could I mistake beautiful blonde hair, gorgeous eyes and a smashing body for anyone else?"

"I've got to go McLaggen," she said, standing up and immediately b-lining it towards Remus

The boy got up, no doubt to chase her, but was stopped dead in his tracks as Remus emerged from the shadows. A cigarette hanging in his mouth as he ran a hand through his messy brown hair.

When Aveline reached him he tossed an arm over her shoulder, before sending McLaggen a look that most definitely said sucks to sucks.

"What' a weird fuck !" she complained, once tucked under Remus arm. "You know you shouldn't be smoking. Especially now, when teachers might be walking around," she reminded him.

"Right now, I'm more concerned about the fact I was right and now you owe me a butter beer."

She didn't know what was up with him today, he was acting a lot more straight forward and casual,. She had to admit she quite liked it.

"Oh shove off," she snapped, though playfully, shoving the boy in the shoulder.

"What? Unless you wanted to take McLaggen, I'll go chase him down right now—"

"Don't. you. dare."

He merely tugged her a little closer, continuing to walk down the hall wall they bickering playfully. She quite liked to see Remus in a good, carefree mood. For often the boy was so inside his own head, it was like she could see the gears turning like a mad man.

So when he smiled and laughed, she instantly did too. Staring up at his warm brown eyes, full of so much warmth of life, it was addicting.

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