Mom Your Embarrassing Me!

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The next morning, the entire Rosier family sat at the breakfast table. Two almost identical looking blonde woman, an old man, and a young man with a wild looking eye twitch.

Aveline hadn't slept the entire night, in fact, she spent most of the time replaying her childhood trying to figure out what she was missing.

As far as she was aware her mother was an absolute saint, but perhaps she should've stopped to question why such a "saint" ended up married to Mr Rosier.

She couldn't stop staring at her mother, feeling as if she was seeing a ghost.

The way she'd hum as she kissed her husband on the forehead, or the beautiful sun dress that fell to her ankles she wore, all seemed to perfect. Perhaps Aveline was delusional last night, and her mother hadn't said all the horrid blood purity stuff.

It was when the daily prophet came though with the news seven muggle families in a single neighborhood had been murdered, Aveline nearly had a stroke.

For her mother, read her title, and the widest smile flew over her face, the woman clutching her hand over her chest.

"Oh how wonderful! Calvus look, 14 muggles dead!" the woman said sweetly, as if she was talking about happy news, like homeless people being put into proper homes, not families dying. "You kids better better be grateful, this stuff didn't happen when I was growing up. Though my Evan bear seems to be a leader in it all."

It was so incredibly odd to witness, all Aveline could do was hang her mouth open. For her mother spoke so nicely and softly, looking like a woman made of daisy's and roses.

But then she wasn't different from any of the people Aveline so detested, she just happened to have a pretty face and a nice demeanour.

Evan beamed anytime she praised her, as did her father. It was odd, almost as if both men were under some sort of spell. Dotting over the woman as if she was the most important thing in the universe.

After breakfast Aveline went to pack up her trunk, though it was already mainly done, she just needed to get away from it all.

Her door squeeked open, and in walked the woman that had made her so confused, a sweet smile on her makeup covered face.

"Hello my love," she said softly, walking over to where Aveline stood. She reached out, placing a hand on her daughters face and staring at it sweetly. "Your father tells me your going through a rebellious stage."

Aveline scoffed, taking a step back.

"Rebellious stage? How about I will never support my father and brother being part of a vile and disgusting genocide," Aveline snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.

Her mother tutted, moving to sit on the edge of Aveline's bed, patting the spot next for her to Aveline to sit down too. Hesitantly she did.

Mostly because she was still begging the universe that her mother was just playing a part, that she was just trying to survive in this house as she was. That maybe one day they could run away from it all, start a life of peace and love.

"Now my sweet girl, I know you are still young, and I don't expect you to understand, but the work our Lord is doing is revolutionary. Once he is done, our society will be pure of just the best. We can be free, and only then, when all the vile parts of the world are gone, can we truly prosper," she spoke with a dazed look in her eye, as if she was excited jsut thinking about. Eleanora reached forward, grabbing Aveline's face in her hands. "The future is bright my love, and we are so lucky we are on the right side of history."

For a moment Aveline just gaped, her jaw hanging open. Then, like vines slinking through her mind, she started to think about her family.

And by family, she did not mean the Rosier's.

She thought of James Potter and Sirius Black , proud blood traitors who loved everyone no matter who they were, regardless of blood status. She thought of Peter Pettigrew, Marlene Mckinnon, Mary Mcdonald— brilliant beautiful people who weren't pureblood.
The most brilliant witch she had ever met, Lily Evans, who also happened to be a mudblood.

And most of all, she thought of Remus Lupin. A werewolf with a muggle for a mother.

"You have no idea what the right side of history is,"

Aveline said slowly, as it slowly clicked in her brain. "I will never understand how you could want to kill innocent people all over a false sense of superiority."

"One day you'll understand—"

"No," Aveline deadpanned, rising to her feet. "I don't think I ever will mother."

Tears were begging to be set free from her eyes, as she started at the lively face of the woman she once thought was the best woman in the world. How delusional, had she been, that she thought this?

For Eleanor Rosier was nothing more then a blood prejudice freak, and realizing that made Aveline feel like she'd been stabbed a million times.

"Aveline don't you understand?" The woman rose, grabbing Aveline's arms and leaning forward, there faces mere inches apart. "It is in your blood to help with this cause as it is mine. We will be victorious—"

"When did this happen?" Aveline blurted out, her voice full of hurt. "I always thought you weren't like them. I thought you didn't believe in this kind of stuff."

She laughed, an airy laugh that usually filled Aveline with happiness, though this time it cut into her soul.

"My dear sweet daughter," she whispered, her eyebrows pushing together and her brown eyes wide and wild. "I am part of the reason this cause exists. Why did you think I was gone all those years? I sacrificed my life to try and make our Lord immortal—"

Slowly Aveline stepped back, putting as much distance as possible between her and the woman.

"— and somehow, it wasn't enough," the woman looked as if she wanted to cry, though it was clearly just dramatics. For as she turned to loook Aveline in the eye she smiled wildly. "This time though, I'll have you my sweet beautiful girl."

She tried to pull Aveline into a hug, but the girl flinched back, swatting the woman's arms away.

"Get the fuck out of my room."

Platform 9 3/4 buzzed with the anticipation of starting the school year up again after a near month of rest and recovery.

Three of the marauders— James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin— were lazily making their way through the crowds. Having already said their goodbyes to their parents, they were off to search for the remaining two members of their little group.
The full moon was coming back, so Remus tugged his feet along clearly exhausted

"James," Sirius said suddenly, grabbing his friends arm to stop him in the tracks. "It's Aveline!"

They followed his line of stare to see Aveline, standing next to Evan. It was rather odd, she had her arm around the boy and was kissing him on the cheek.

"Hey Aveline-," James went to tap her on the shoulder, expecting the girl to greet him with a wide hug and big grin.

Though what turned around, wasn't actually Aveline. It was a woman who certainly looked a lot like Aveline, though her eyes were brown and she looked older. The woman had a smile on her face, so bright it almost seemed a little forced.

James eyes widened, as did the other two boys behind when they realized this wasn't Aveline.

"Er, sorry ma'am—"

"Oh don't be!" she spoke in a very cheerful voice. "You must be looking for my daughter— Aveline Rosier."

None of the boys quite knew what to say. For Remus was the only one who knew her mother technically wasn't dead. Though even he was confused, staring at this woman who looked as if she was definitely not over the age of 25 grinning like a maniac.

"Uh yeah, sorry about that we'll just be on our way," Sirius tried to interject, which was only a mistake, for the woman snapped her brown eyes on him and smiled even wider if that was possible.

"A Black?" She asked, Sirius who only stood, slightly frozen. "Oh don't be scared sweet boy! I am thrilled my sweet little Aveline is making company with-"

"This Black, is the blood traitor Black," Evan cut in, sending Sirius a disgusted look. "And that is a Potter, and the boy behind them is a dirty halfblood."

Elenor's wide brown eyes scanned over each boy in turn, the grin never slipping from her face.

"Oh," she giggled. "Well then Potter, Black, halfblood, stay away from daughter if you don't want your heads chopped off and bodies dismembered. Especially you filthy halfblood!," she said cheerfully, before finishing it off with a little giggle.

With that they watched as she wrapped her arm around Evan, walking away from them leaving each boy effectively stunned. For a moment all they could was stare,  many many questions running through each of their heads.

"What the fuck?" Sirius broke the silence.

James only shook his head. "I don't know mate, but we better go find Aveline."

They found Aveline in their usual compartment. She was wearing a thick knitted sweater in the color red. It was one she had stolen from Remus and it was the first thing she thought of changing into when she stepped onto the train— finally hidden from her parents eyes. Her knees were tucked up, the girl hugging them to her chest as she stared out the window.

She didn't even notice anyone had walked in, till ever so gently Remus tapped her on the back, spooking her from her mind. She flinched, though breathed a sigh of relief when realized it was only him.

It was Remus, sitting infront of her with his warm brown eyes and stupidly adorable messy hair.

She didn't think, she just threw her arms around him, pulling him so close it was like she trying to fuse their bodies together. Remus squeezed her back just as much, rubbing his hand over her back in a comforting manner.

He was so warm. The type of warm that seemed to seep into bones that had been so chilled over the holidays. It ran through her whole body, till even her toes felt the warmth.

If she could live in his arms forever, she so greatfully would.

Normally James and Sirius would pull her from Remus, demanding a hug from her themselves. Though this time, the boys only took the seats across from the pair, letting Remus keep his arm wrapped around her.  She looked like she needed it, snuggled into his side as much as she possibly could be.

"So um Aveline, I hate to break up this happy reunion," Sirius began, scratching the back of his head, "but we just had the most fucked up conversation with your dead mother!"

James wacked him on the back of the head, muttering something about being more sensitive.

"Yeah," Aveline cringed. "She's not exactly dead, is she?"

"Clearly not!" Sirius scoffed, crossing his arms. "She told us to stay away from you or she'd chop off our heads and dismember our bodies!"

Aveline head flew up, eyes flickering over the boys.

"She said that?" Aveline asked, her tone bubbling with something beneath, that they had never seen.

"She even called moony a filthy halfblood," James piped in, not at all helping the situation.

At once Aveline was on her feet, peaking out the window to see if she could spot the window as the train hadn't left yet.

"I'm going to kill her," Aveline muttered, before heading towards the door.

At once both James and Remus were on there feet. James blocking the doorway as Remus grabbed her waist, trying to pull her back.

"Okay maybe let's like not do that?" James tried to reason, his hands up as if he meant no harm.

"That foul evil, disgusting bitch!" Aveline hissed, stepping away from the door but still pacing around the compartment.

None of the boys had ever seen her so worked up. James didn't know what to do, he just kept telling her to breath, and holding out his hands as if he was scared she'd try to run out the door. Remus was running his hands through his hair, though had a look on his face like she has a point.

And Sirius? Well Sirius was hollering, "DRAG HER!" and swinging his fist in the air.

The door suddenly swung open, an out of breath Peter Pettigrew joining them. He slammed the door shut behind him, leaning on his knees to catch his breath.

"Lads, not to freak anyone out, but someone's stolen Aveline's identity! There's a woman walking around with her face!"

"Your late to the party pete," Sirius waved him off. "That's just Aveline's dead bitch mom who told us she was gonna dismember us and cut our heads off."

"WHAT?!" Peter exclaimed, and that seemed to be what everyone was wondering.

All eyes staring at Aveline, begging her to make sense of the situation. She sighed, throwing her head in her hands with a groan.

"I should probably explain shouldn't I?"

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