I like to think we make an excellent pair

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Some people believed in fate. The stars aligned, and that everyone had a destiny carved out for them. Even it was small and mudane, the universe had control.  Aveline Rosier always considered herself one of those people. That no matter how hard it got, the universe had a plan.

She trusted the universe, she really did. Though she couldn't help but question it.

Question why it had given Aveline blood to share with some of the most horrible people she ever met. And she also wanted to question why, that as much as she tried too, she couldn't rid her heart of the love she had for them.

"You'll catch a cold like that."

Aveline didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. She was sitting on top of the astronomy tower in nothing but her white school shirt to fend her from the winter air.

She felt a blanket being dropped over her shoulders, and she turned her head to see Remus. Giving her a sly smile before looking up at the stars.

Her relationship with Remus had never been so much better and so much worse at the same time. Without even really saying much, in the past year the two had gone from childhood best friends to something evidently more.

She knew this because none of her friends held her the way Remus did, and none of them sent shivers down her spine like him either.

What she felt for him was a longing that had been growing in her chest since the moment she met him, except now it was finally coming to the surface.

It was electric, extraordinary— every single english adjective to describe something that made her feel out of this world.

It was him— his smile, his eyes, his touch, his laugh— that made her questioning of the universe seem a little less relevant. For if it could bring her Remus Lupin, they had to be doing at least something right.

They hadn't ever talked about it, but it was impossible this connection was one sided.

A love this deep couldn't be unrequited. It was the connection of two souls reaching for eachother to become one.

The problem was though, they both were incredibly young.

So young, that neither even understood how they were supposed to explain what they felt for one another.

Though as Aveline set her head on his shoulder, and without saying anything he pulled her into his side, it sure did feel like some sort of unspoken confession.

That not matter, he had her And she had him.

"How was your christmas?" she asked, looking up to see his face.

The full moon had been over the holidays, and he was sporting a bright new scratch running across face. She could tell it bothered him — he would try to make his hair flip down across his forehead, and
kept his head hanging low down.

"The usual," he shrugged. "A whole lot of hot chocolate and listen to my mom rant about the consumerism of the holidays."

Remus rolled his eyes lightly and Aveline giggled.

"How is Hope?" she asked.

Though Aveline had only met Remus's parents briefly on the platform on occasion, she absolutely adored them both. The first time she met Hope the woman didn't even hesitate to pull Aveline into a tight hug, immediately telling her how happy she was that her son had friends. Every christmas without fail she always baked a ton of muggle goods for Aveline, and would always force a blushing and embarrassed Remus to give it to her.

Hope Lupin was a woman who truly deserved every good thing in life. She was beautiful soul inside and out, the type of woman who would take in anyone who showed up at her doorstep with open arms.

When Remus was in his second year, he left school for a week without telling anyone where he was going. He received probably over 100 letters from his four friends he left back at school, worried out of there minds over where he was.

It was the first time in his life that Remus realized these friends he had made actually cared for him. That perhaps family meant more then just you share a last name with.

The circumstances of his disappearance were indeed so not happy, for his mother, Hope Lupin, had been diagnosed with a form of muggle cancer week prior. It was a shame, because in the wizarding world she would have access to treatment and be healed over a weekend stay at St Mungo's, but Hope Lupin was a muggle. And no matter how much Lyall Lupin had begged and urged the ministry, they would not allow his wife the treatment.

Though she most certainly had years left, it took a toll on Remus every-time he went home, and saw his mothers diminishing state. He felt like every-time he went home for the holidays she looked different. Her skin a little paler, rib cage a little more visible.

"She's decent I suppose," Remus sighed, rubbing his hand over his neck. He always did that when he was talking about something difficult, as if he had to massage the words out of his throat. "The muggle doctors they just aren't the same."

"Load of cow shit they won't let her get treatment," Aveline said, having strong opinions on the subject matter. It seemed inhumane that they had the treatment to save lives, though refused to share it.

Remus nodded his head in a you can say that again type manner.

"Christmas is her favourite holiday you know. She always goes all out," Remus said, a small smile on his face as he looked down at her hands. "The worse she gets the more effort she puts into it all. Birthdays, christmas, halloween. I suppose because anyone could be her last."

Aveline didn't know what to say to that, for there really wasn't anything too say. There was no words she could offer him to make it better.

"Tell me about how the muggles do christmas," Aveline asked instead, turning around to face him with an eager smile.

She was always excited to learn the muggle way to do things, and Remus was always equally as delighted to tell her. Mostly because he found it adorable how pureblood wizards got excited and amazed about the tiniest muggle things.

Like the fact they could make cookies by hand, or the idea of starting the fire without a wand.

"Oh merlin, where do I even start?" Remus asked, tapping his finger on his chin. "Have you ever heard of Santa?"

"What?" She asked, scrunching you her nose.

Remus eyes danced with amusement, ready to completely make Aveline confused and way too invested in a muggle retelling of stories of magic. So, he did just that. Starting from the very beginning of who Santa even was, then diving into the whole they claim he's magic and has elves.

It was particular amusing watching her face. The girl jaws dropped as she was holding into every word he was saying as if it was true fact.

"Wait, so he has like a bunch of house elves? House elves aren't jolly that simply can't be true. They are lying to these muggle children!" she pointed out.

Remus laughed. "Well it's like a folklore. The stories are made up. I don't think muggles are that concerned over the specifics of how it would look in the real world."

Aveline couldn't wrap her head around it. She was in fact so confused all she could do was scrunch her eyebrows. It didn't make sense to her at all, why the muggles would tell there children a big man would break into there house if they were good.

"Those muggle boys with the sirens—WOOP- WOOP-WOOP," she mimicked, forgetting the word.

"The police?" Remus laughed.

"Yes those guys! Wouldn't they stop the large man and his house elves from entering the homes?" She asked, a bit dumfounded.

"The thing is it's not real. It's just made up magic, you know? A story."

"But magic is real, so are elves and so is magic?"

"Yes, but that's just what muggles do. Like the tooth fairy!" Remus explained, though he only received a dumb founds look from Aveline.

She titled her head. "What's a tooth fairy?"

Remus face palmed, trying to hide his smile and giggled behind his hand. Sometimes pureblood wizards were just too entertaining for their own good.

"Oh your gonna freak out about the tooth fairy."

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