And so the story really begins

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Approximately 8 Months Later:

July 31st 1980:

It takes a village, as they say, and luckily for James and Lily Potter a Village they had indeed.

Sirius Black, Aveline Rosier, Remus Lupin, Marlene Mckinnon and Mary Mcdonald were currently running around the house in Godric Hollows like maniacs.

You see, it was currently the middle of the night and James and Lily Potter were currently at the hospital— awaiting Baby Potter.

In a panic, James had called his friends and told them they needed to bring the baby bag to the hospital as he had forgotten.

That's how the group of friends ended up running around, throwing anything in the bag they thought Lily or the baby would need.

"What about this?" Sirius screamed, holding up a large bottle of vodka in the kitchen.

"You can't be serious," Marlene yelled back, staring at Sirius in disbelief. "Why would the baby need Vodka?"

"It's not for the baby," Sirius answered back, putting the bottle of vodka in the bag. "This is for me. I'm a nervous wreck, I'm about to be an Uncle!"

Nonetheless, a little while later the group of friends ended up shoulder to shoulder in the hospital waiting room.

Truthfully, none of the friends realized how long labour took.

After nearly an hour of sitting patiently they began to become restless— especially Sirius who couldn't sit still even if a gun was too his head .

Excitement did come however, with Frank and Alice came rushing in, the man holding the woman upright who was screaming in pain.

"Frank?" Remus greeted, the group standing up to see if everything was okay.

"Someone get me a chair -AAAAA," Alice screamed hunching over . 

Marlene instantly ran off to find a healer.

"Her water broke," Frank exclaimed a worried look on his face.  "What are you lot doing here?"

"Lily's in labour," Sirius answered, and Franks eyes widened.

"The babies will have the same birthday."

It didn't take long for a healer to whisk Alice and Frank away, leaving the rest in the waiting room.

Sirius had taken to playing toys with a little boy in the waiting room, and was currently bickering with him over what muggle rocket ships did.

A little while later the door burst open to reveal James Potter standing with his face pale.

For a moment Aveline was worried, as they all rushed towards James whose face stood unreadable.

Suddenly though, James broke out into a wide grin.

"He's here. His name is Harry."

"He's hairy?" Sirius asked, having misheard what James was saying. "I thought babies didn't have hair."

"No you idiot," Marlene answered, smacking Sirius in the arm. "His name is Harry."

"You can't be serious?" Sirius asked James.

"No," James deadpanned. "But you are. Now, who wants to meet my son...."


Crowded around Lily, the group craned their necks to get sight of the little baby.

He was just darling, with the tiniest little nose and closed sleepy eyes, and the littlest bit of black hair peaking out of his little baby beanie.

No one dared to make a singular noise, too scared to wake little baby Harry.

Suddenly, the little boy opened his eyes to reveal the greenest little orbs staring up at them.

"Merlin!" Aveline gasped. "He has his mother's eyes."

Little did the little Harry know, this would be the first of many times he heard those words.

Lily somehow still looked radiate even after hours of labour. A layer of sweat glistened on her forehand, but she stared down at her baby boy with such love Aveline could feel it radiating off of her.

Lily was truly meant to be a mother.

"Aveline," Lily began, smiling up at the girl. "Would you like to hold him?"

James walked over, delicately scooping the boy in his arms and placing him in Aveline's. James was a natural, picking up the baby like he had done it for years.

"James wait I don't know if I should— Oh," Aveline began to panic only to look down at the little baby and felt her heart melt.

It was a moment she had never felt before, despite the fact this baby wasn't even hers. Suddenly she realized she would do anything for this little wide eyed person in her arms.

"Hi Harry," she whispered softly, her eyes taking in every single little feature in his face.

He was so soft. So delicate. So pure.

Remus was standing behind her, and she looked up and to see him staring down at Harry with an equally thrilled grin.

"We should have one," she whispered to him,

"Don't tempt me," Remus whispered back with a devilish grin.

The baby got passed to Sirius next, who took one look at the boy and started to cry so loud it caused a chain reaction and soon both James and Harry started to cry with him.

"Sirius!" Lily complained, glaring at the boy. "You make my son cry one more time and I won't ask you to be his God father !!"

Sirius froze, realizing what Lily had let slip.

This really didn't help the crying as Sirius started to cry even more— if that was even possible.

"G-God Father?" Sirius choked, looking down at little Harry. "You want me to be his God Father?"

James clapped Sirius on the back, looking down at his son in his best friends arms.

"Of course we do mate," James answered, grinning at Sirius. "I know you'll give him the world if anything ever happens to Lily and I."

Sirius passed baby Harry back to Aveline, before tackling James and Lily in such a tight group hug it looked like James was about to turn blue.

"Oh Harry," Sirius began, abandoning James and Lily and closing over the baby in Aveline's arms. "I can't wait till you grow up and we can be best friends."

Though they all adored little Harry, Sirius specifically seemed to be completely smitten with the little boy.

He already had declared multiple times that he would push James into a train for Harry, and was already planning on all the activities  they could do together. 

"Sirius you are not to corrupt my son!" Lily declared from her hospital bed.

Sirius scoffed at this. "Lily I will be your sons saving grace. I will not have my God son become a nerd like you."

Lily was about to bite back when the door swelled open and in walked  Albus Dumbledore and Mcgonagall looking rather tight faced.

Neither James nor Lily was expecting the duo and exchanged worried looks as Albus's eye sweeped around the room.  

Minvera seemed more intrigued by the baby , and peered down to baby Harry with a twinkle in her eye. 

"I trust the boy is in good health?" Albus asked James.

"Yes Sir," James nodded. "His name is Harry."

James watched as Albus walked over to little Harry, looking down at the boy through his half moon spectacles with a distant expression.

"Harry Potter," Albus whispered, and the name seemed to echo through the hospital room a little louder than usual.

Harry Potter— there was something about that name, Aveline could feel it.

They all watched— holding their breathe as Dumbledore observed the boy.

"James, Lily," Albus spoke, his eyes looking between the two. "If Minvera and I could have a word with you two alone."

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