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"What do you mean that she doesn't want you in the girl's life?!" Ethan roared at Scott.

Scott had already broken the news to his parents about his meeting with Anna some days back. They had pressed hard that Scott meet with Anna. When Scott had decided to tell them what the outcome of the meeting was, Ethan was furious.

"Dad, I understand her. Maybe she's right, I don't have a claim over Isabelle." Scott didn't wanted to push the issue further. He had resigned to fate that maybe he wasn't meant to be with either of them.

"What?! Can you hear yourself? How can you abandon your own flesh and blood because the mother says you're not needed? What right does she have to tell you that?!" Ethan snapped at Scott.


"Isabelle is an Ontario! She belongs with us and not in some cramped up apartment." Ethan said raising his voice.

He frowned at Ethan. "What?"

"I already did my investigation while you were being slow about it. Most times, you don't use your heart to act, you use your brain. Did you really think Anna would give you your daughter just like that? You need to always have a plan B." Ethan told him.

"Plan B?" Scott was confused.

"We're filing for custody, she would get her subpoena by the end of the week." Ethan told him firmly.

Scott widened his eyes, stunned. "Subpoena! What the hell?!"

"Get a grip of yourself Scott, this is just the beginning." Ethan told him.

"Oh God." Scott ran his hand down his hair. "You wanna make more problems for me? How could you go behind my back and do that?!" Scott couldn't even yell at his father.

"I did you a favour, you should be glad I did because I don't know how a father would want to abandon his own child for no reason." Ethan glared at him.

Daniel opened the door, he entered his father's office and shut the door immediately.

He glanced at Scott and Ethan, sensing something, he asked. "Um... Is something wrong?" He asked walking up to his father's desk to drop some files. He could see that Scott was angry and his father was in a bad mood. "What's going on?" He glanced up at his father.

"I have made a decision, we are taking custody of Isabelle." Ethan told Daniel bluntly

It took some seconds for Daniel to process the name Isabelle. "Wait what?" He blinked back at Ethan.

"Everything has been put in place already." Ethan leaned back against his chair.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Why do you want custody?" Daniel frowned at him.

"I don't see matters concerning my daughter as any of your business, I don't need a reaction from you." Scott eyed his brother.

Daniel ignored Scott's statement. "You can't do that!" Daniel raised his voice. "Why would you want to do that?!"

"Ask your brother, that woman doesn't want him near the child. She made it clear that she wouldn't give him a chance to be a father to Isabelle." Ethan said to Daniel, his older son.

"No one is touching the girl. No one in this room has the right to decide anything." Daniel was upset. The fact that Ethan wanted to take Isla away from Anna made him furious.

Scott turned to him. "I am Isabelle's father, I have ever right to decide."

Daniel turned, raising a brow at Scott. "How can you be so sure she is yours?"

Scott scoffed. "Looks like you're lagging behind in family news. News flash Daniel, Isabelle or Isla is my daughter. DNA test proves me right." Scott said with his voice stone cold.

Daniel's expression softened. "It does?"

"Of course it does! What did you think? It's not like you and Anna had anything back then, so why the hell would you think Isabelle is yours?" Scott gave him a look of disgust.

Daniel narrowed his eyes, parting his lips to say something but he didn't. "You might be her father, but that's only by blood. That's not enough."

That sentence alone made Scott boil. "Sonofabitch..." Scott swung his fist to throw a punch at Daniel.

"Scott!!" Ethan roared as he banged his hands on the table. "Don't you dare raise that hand!" Ethan pointed at Scott whose fist were so close in jamming Daniel's nose.

Scott stared at Daniel who stared back. "I don't care if you're older, next time, I'll strike." Scott threatened, tightening his fist until his knuckle turned white.

"Stop this foolishness! Stop it at once." Ethan glared at Scott.

Scott pulled back, turning to Ethan. "You heard what he said."

"I don't care what he said, it does not give you the right to hit your brother. How are you different from thugs?!" Ethan slammed his fist on the table.

"I am getting custody of Isabelle whether anyone likes it or not." Scott turned to Daniel. "Don't you dare get in my way." He said, shouldering Daniel before leaving the office.

Daniel sighed, turning to Ethan. "Dad-"

Ethan raised a hand to silence him. "You should know better than to pick a fight with your brother. You know how he acts." Ethan frowned at him.

"I said what I said out of anger." Daniel told his father. "Dad, it won't be fair to Anna if you try to take her daughter from her. Please, don't do this." Daniel pleaded with him.

"I don't think it's your say anymore. If Scott wants to proceed with the case, I am in total support." He told Daniel with finality, resuming his work.

Daniel walked out of his father's office. He had to speak with Anna immediately.


Scott, standing by his window, from his office could see Daniel leave the premises.

"Betty." Scott called his assistant by her name.

"Sir." She was already in the office, waiting for an order.

Scott turned to her. "I want you to follow my brother, find out what he is up to and report to me immediately."

Betty looked shocked. "Sir? Follow your brother?" She batted her lashes in confusion.

"While you're standing here, he's getting away, move it. I want you to follow him, find out who he is meeting, try to hear what they are talking about. And also... Make sure you're not caught."

"Sir?" She widened her eyes. "I-I-I-" Betty wanted to protest.

"Do you wanna lose your job?" Scott raised a brow at her.

Betty cleared her throat and forced a smile. "Of course sir, I'll see to it right away." She said, turning to leave as she walked awkwardly in her heel.

Chad walked into Scott's office, glancing at Betty who seemed to be in a hurry to leave.

"What's up with your assistant?" Chad walked up to Scott's desk.

"Nothing." Scott went over to his desk, sitting on the desk.

"The look on your face means something is up, what is it Scott, what did you do?" Chad narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"I asked Betty to spy on Daniel." Scott glanced up at his cousin.

"Why?" Chad frowned.

"I know for sure that Daniel is going to meet up with Anna, I want to know what they're going to talk about." Scott told him.

"If you ask me, that's too much. Why can't you just.... Let them be. Forget about Anna, it's obvious she can't stand you." Chad said to Scott.

"I don't care about Anna anymore Chad, I don't care if she's screwing my brother. It doesn't bother me a single bit." Scott shook his head and sniffed. "But she has Isabelle with her and Daniel is already trying to assume the role of a father to my kid. I will never let that happen. I don't care if it hurts Anna, but I am taking my daughter away from her." Scott rubbed on his lips.

"You are?" Chad's face lit with surprise.

"I am taking custody of Isabelle." Scott told Chad.

Chad heaved. "Is this really what you want?"

"It's not about what I want, it is about what needs to be done." Scott said confidently. His father was right- always have a plan B.

Daniel walked into AnStin pastry restaurant.

"Dee!" Naraya recognized him immediately. She went to meet him. "Hey." She hugged him with a smile.

"Naraya, is Anna here? I can't seem to get hold of her." Daniel pulled away from the hug.

"She's not here at the moment, but she'll be back soon." Naraya frowned slightly. "Di-did something happen?" She asked.

"No, everything is fine." He tried to smile. "Well um... May I know where she might have gone to?"

"She went off to meet a client, it's been a while now. So I guess she is on her way back." Naraya told him.

Betty sat in her car, parked in front of the restaurant. She took out her phone to call Scott.

"Mr Ontario, I am at AnStin bakery. What should I do now? Your brother is inside, he's talking to a woman, if I go in, he'll notice me." Betty said, waiting for Scott to give his orders.

"What does the woman look like?"

"She's a black American, I think she works in the bakery." She saw Daniel heading out of the restaurant. "Sir, your brother just left the building." Betty notified him.

"Keep following him." Scott said to her.

"Okay." Betty nodded before hanging up. She watched Daniel drive off and so she followed.

Anna stepped out of a building heading towards the parking lot. She walked over to her car, just then she felt her phone vibrate in her purse. She took it out her phone, placing it over her ear. "Hey, I just got out of a meeting. Sure.... Okay I'll meet you there.... Bye." She said before hanging up. She had just gotten off the phone with Daniel who had asked her to meet him.

She got into her car, driving off immediately. It didn't take long, she got to the restaurant Daniel wanted to meet. As soon as she spotted Daniel, she walked up to him, giving him a hug.

"Hey." Anna smiled before pulling away.

"You look nice." Daniel complimented, touching her cheek.

"Thank you." She blushed. "You wanted to talk to me?" She asked him. "Is it something serious?"

Daniel gestured for her to sit across the table. "How is Isla?"

"She's fine, I was going to pick her up but since you called and I still have a little time to spare, I came by." Anna smiled at him. "Is everything okay? You sounded serious on the phone."

Daniel sighed softly. "Anna, there is something you should know." He spoke softly.

"What is it?" Anna got curious as she could see the anxiety on his face.

"It's my father.... And Scott." Daniel told her. "They plan to take custody of Isla."

Anna's face dropped, she frowned, staring at Daniel. "W-what?"

"It is being processed right now." He said slightly frowning.

Her heart dropped. "What?" She was too shocked to even say a word.

"Anna..." Daniel reached out for her hand but Anna averted his touch.

"T-that can't be." Anna gasped, having a horrified look on her face. "It's not true."

"I wish it wasn't. Anna, let me help you. I'll arrange for everything. You and Isla need to leave the states sooner." Daniel told her.

"What?" Anna swallowed nervously. "Why? Why would Scott do this to me?" Anna broke down into tears. "How dare he try to take my daughter away from me? I-I-I have to talk to him. It can't be! He can't do this to me!!" Anna cried. "I have to talk to him." She stood up, stepping out of her seat.

Daniel stood up immediately, leaving his seat to stop her when she tried to leave. "His mind is already made up Anna. You need to listen to me." He pulled her closer, "For now, take Isla with you, leave the country before you take any step."

"Why does this have to happen?" Anna hugged him. "I thought everything would finally be okay. Now it only got worse." She cried out. "I'll die if he takes Isla away from me." She sobbed on his shoulder.

"That won't happen. I'll make sure of it." Daniel said to her while stroking her back.

Betty sat behind, with her back facing them. She unlocked her phone, sending the voice note to Scott.

Scott replayed the voice note over and over.

"So they are planning to leave..." Scott was in his infinity pool, relaxing at the edge. "We'll see about that." He scoffed, picking up a glass of wine from the pearl marble floor to sip it.


  "Mommy? Where are we going?" Isla asked, watching her mother taking out her clothes from the closet.

"On a vacation." Anna answered, dumping some clothes into a suitcase.

"Vacation?" Isla looked up at Anna.

"Yes, we're going to Asia sweetie." Anna dumped more clothes into the suitcase.

"But why? Don't you like it here anymore?" Isla asked sadly.

Anna sighed, turning to her daughter. "It's just for a while, don't you want to travel to other places?"

"I made new friends here." Isla's voice softened. "I don't want to leave."

"Peaches we don't have a choice." Anna shook her head as she zipped up the suitcase.

"Can we not go? Let's stay here." Isla frowned at Anna.

"I just said we can't." Anna went back to the closet gathering more clothes. "This is for the best." She said returning to the room.


"Isla that's enough, let's not argue about this. I have made up my mind and we're leaving." Anna spoken sternly.

Isla burst into tears. "I don't like you anymore!"

Anna sighed, if only she could get her daughter to understand. "Baby I am sorry. How can I make it up to you? What do you want? A dress? More toys, tiaras? Tell me." She said, walking up to Isla.

Isla had tears in her eyes. "I want.... I want my daddy." She said, staring into her mother's eyes.

Anna stumbled back in shock. "No, no, no, Isla. Don't do this to mommy right now okay," Anna went over to Isla, but Isla pulled further away. "Oh baby, mommy is so sorry." Anna apologized softly.

"Danielle and Aubrey and the other kids in my school were talking about their daddies, I was so sad." Isla frowned in tears at her mother.

Anna buried her face in her hands to calm herself so that she wouldn't break down in front of Isla. "Isla my dear..." She looked down at Isla. "Mommy loves you very much."

"If you love me so much, why can't you tell me about him?" Isla wiped her tears.

"You're just a little girl sweetie, you won't understand." Anna reached out to hug her.

"I hate you." Isla yelled out, running out.

"Isla!! Isla-Isabelle Estephania Corazon Maria-Angelus Windsor get back here!" Anna went after her.

Isla ran into another room, locking it immediately.

"Isla open the door! Isla-Isabelle Estephania Corazon Maria-Angelus Windsor, open the door." Anna's hand rattled the doorknob.

"Go away. I don't like you!" Isla yelled back at her mother.

"Isla open the door this instant!!" Anna tried to push the door. She was so mad at her daughter for saying hurtful things. Soon, Anna started crying. "I-Isla." She placed her hands on the door. "Baby I'm sorry." Anna had finally calmed down but Isla didn't want to open up.

Anna slipped down the door, sitting on the floor. She raised her knees to her chest and began sobbing.

Scott wanted to take Isla away.

Isla hated her.

Anna had to cry everything out, at this point, she was confused and weak. Why did it have to be this way?

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