Chapter Thirteen

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I walked out of my bedroom door right as Erick was passing by. He stopped short and bowed low with his hand against his heart. He had changed into a uniform of silver and black which made his silvery hair seem to glow. The uniform had a short silver cape that buttoned at the neck and shoulder, embroidered with black runes. Silver buttons traveled down the black jacket which was tapered to his narrow waist. His black pants were tucked into boots of the same color that fastened with silver buckles. 

"Erick," My mouth felt stiff as I turned to him. I would not admire the traitor. I would not.  I'd noted his face was uninjured and beautiful as ever, dang it. "Glad to see you've healed so quickly." No, I wasn't.

Still bowing, he said, "Thank you, My lady."

I raised my brow at his new formality. "Were you going to Luke's office as well? A man was in my room."

He straightened then stepped closer to me to scrutinize me from head to toe. "A man? Did he do anything to you?" 

As he was too close now, I stepped back. His nearness made me yearn for childhood memories and that tore at my heart.  "No. He just wanted to ask me if he could be in my court. I didn't give him an answer yet." I fidgeted, wondering if I somehow had. He didn't look disappointed before he'd disappeared.

"My Lady, Master Luke is waiting," Beth said as she walked up the steps. Erick froze when he heard her voice then spun to face her.

"Beth. What are you doing here?" There were no honorifics when talking to her, just the tones of an angry friend.

I backed up so that I could observe them both. If this woman was someone, Erick knew well, and if he was surprised, then she must have been someone he knew from Earth. And, if that was the case, then that meant she would be a pivotal person to learn who was instrumental in my childhood betrayal. Beth was bright red and staring back at him defiantly.

"The Elect chose me to be a banmuinen." She shrugged as if I'd left her no choice, and her tone was challenging. She left out the why and how for her presence, which made it seem like I somehow spirited her to this mansion on my own.

His glare went to me, "What are you planning, My Lady?"

"Planning?" Really. He would immediately start blaming me? Oh I see.  "The only thing I'm planning is how to get out of this place. The ladies asked me, and I said yes. Elsie told me they all were honored — a better job and all that. Beth could have said no." Both of my brows shot up.

His focus returned to Beth, who folded her arms and looked away.

"Her banmuinen!" He sounded accusatory, and that just had me more intrigued.

"What's this about?" I asked.

After glaring at me once more like he wasn't convinced that I hadn't masterminded this, he smacked his hand on the top of the banister, then stormed down the stairs. I heard the front door slam. I peered over the rails and saw that the foyer was empty. That was fast. Forty steps and thirty feet of marble stood between us and the door. It had taken only a minute.

"Tell me what that was that about." I slanted my gaze at Beth.

She was trying hard not to cry. Her eyes were red, and she was clenching her bottom lip between her teeth. She shook her head.

"We would all like to know," Elsie said, her voice grim as she put herself between Beth and me, "If you came here under pretenses to harm the Elect, we would punish you."

From the obstinate clenching of  Beth's jaw, I knew she would not share.

Elsie turned to me, stunned by Beth's rudeness, "I am so sorry about this. I'll make sure we remove her."

"Not yet." I eyed Beth. "We'll talk to my jailor about it. Maybe he can help us learn a few things."

"My Lady, to call the Master your jailor is a little..." Elsie began to admonish.

I turned to her and when she saw the frustration on my face, she curtseyed, "I suppose you have a right to feel so, My Lady. I hope your feelings change.

Beth gaped at me, her hostility having melted to worry. I smirked. Good.  Have her worry. She'd been a pill all morning and now it was time for a little groveling. After giving her a long  look, I continued down the stairs.  My stomach rumbled then, ruining my haughty exit. "How long have I been out? I didn't see any clocks in my room. "

"The staff is preparing breakfast," Jeanne replied.

Not only had my world been turned upside down and my heartfelt all torn apart, but I'd also missed an entire day of meals. "Hopefully, he won't pontificate too long; I feel like my stomach is trying to eat itself."

Bertha's peach pie! Would I ever see it again? And when I thought about the pie, I also thought of cheesecake and Dom. I hurried down the stairs. I had no time to fantasize about food when my friends were still in danger.

Luke was sitting at his desk when I walked in, and at his left shoulder stood another man.

The stranger wasn't all that interesting at first, but he had this hum of energy about him that made me think of a timer about to go off. When the timer went off, what would happen was the question - would it be a cooked egg or a world of devastation? Besides being tall and thin, he had light sandy blonde hair shaved so close to his head that his scalp shone through. His eyes were a faded watercolor blue, but they felt like they were piercing my soul despite seeming so benign. His lids were slightly hooded, and he had eye bags underneath. He was clean-shaven, with a rounded chin and jawline. I didn't trust his averageness one bit.

The man's pale gaze riveted on me. I was the first to look away as I took an interest in my bitten fingernails. "She is lovely, Luke, or she will be when you have polished her. Her lack of purity is both a problem and an enticing mystery." His voice was cultured, smooth, and even, like a fine English lord's - a fine English lord about to cut into a juicy steak.

"She's standing right here," I muttered under my breath.

"My Lady Madeline, this is Counsul Parson Metovis. His daughter is one of the Elects of Duir. He requests your consideration to make his son part of your court."

"I am looking forward to getting to know you better, My Lady." He grinned with large white teeth, and I felt like the honorific was a joke to him. 

I swallowed as I tried to size up this man. I would have to be careful of him if Luke seemed so polite and wary in his presence. "I'll have to meet him first. What's his name?"

"We call him Ios." Parson rubbed his chin as his mouth split into a grin. "I believe you'd be quite satisfied. His mother was a beauty, and my son resembles her."

"I'm not interested in looks, but I'll be happy to meet Yos."

"Ee-os, my lady," Parson corrected.

I acknowledged the name correction with a nod then I focused on Luke. "Are we going to talk about the man in my room?"

"Ah yes, the mysterious man. A pink-haired Asian, was he?" I glanced at Parson Metovis, wondering why he was interrupting. His eyes flashed with delight that my focus had returned to him. 

"We are unsure who he is. What did he want?" Luke asked.

I pulled my gaze from Parson and addressed my jailor. "To be in my court, whatever that means."

Parson laughed. "Ah, a place in her court seems to be a more popular position than we thought if we have men appearing in her room to beg her for it."

"Is that all he said or did?" Lukes's fist clenched, and he looked quite troubled. 

I thought of the key in my jewelry box but deflected, answering what he did by mentioning another fact. "No, he warned me that the victor of the games might kill my friends and me." I tilted my head. "Funny that you didn't mention that before you made me agree."

"Quite true, Luke. Shame you didn't explain everything to our Lady," Parson said, his voice heavy with glee.

Luke's jaw twitched. "There was a situation last night, so our talk was cut short."

That's what we were calling breakdowns, I suppose. I shrugged. 

 "We of the Counsul may cancel such requests for a favorite." Parson's voice dropped into a suggestive tone.

I shuddered. I doubted I wanted to be a favorite of Parson Metovis or his son. Then I glared at Luke. "If this is all, I want to see my friends."

Parson chuckled and slapped Luke's shoulder. "All that pain and fiery intensity. It rolls off her in waves." He closed his eyes and inhaled. When he opened them again, his pale eyes flashed to a startling cerulean blue for a second. "Delectable, My lady."

Luke gave the counsel member an inscrutable look and said, "She is the Brigid's daughter, Sir Parson." 

Parson bowed. "Of course. I forgot myself in the face of your exquisiteness, My Lady. Since I've made my request, I will take my leave now. After all, I must make sure that Marisol comes to your party this evening. Unfortunately, Ios cannot attend as he has other plans, My Lady."

Parson's eyes reminded me of Joseph's when he thought he had me cornered. I made a note that I would never be alone with Mr. Metovis.

 Parson turned from me and addressed Luke. "I understand her Eminence, Valenia, has agreed to hold the ceremony here."

"Our Holy Eminence has been most gracious," Luke replied.

"It is rather convenient she is your cousin," Parson said dryly as he stood near the door. "A cousin and two nieces involved in the most important event of our world. A nice deck you have stacked." Parson's gave me a broad smile that belied the savagery under his refined veneer.

"If that is all, I would not want to keep you from your journey." Luke's face was vicious as he rose from his chair.

"Hmmm..." Parson roved his gaze over me. Even with the flowing, heavy robes covering me, I felt naked. "Well, it is enough for now. I look forward to the celebration, My lady."

"I will see you there, Sir Parson" Luke ushered Parson out of the door. 

Then he exhaled sharply and approached me. "I am glad you wore your robes and veil. Parson is a powerful man, and you had an alarming effect on him. It is only your station and my protection that will keep you safe."

 I scoffed at that. He was acting as if he did me a favor.  "I don't want your protection. I want my friends."

He bowed. "Despite your feelings, you cannot rid yourself of me, My Lady."

"Don't I know it. Bad luck to me."

"Her Eminence, Valenia, called me while you were in bed. She said that your appearance moved all the timetables up, and the Becoming ceremony must happen tonight. I do not even have time to choose your court for you, My Lady." He looked frustrated. "I was going to postpone the event, but she insisted. I cannot go against the high priestess."

"Then, I want my friends to be in my court. That keeps them alive, right? If I have to have your ugly self around me, I at least would like a buffer."

Luke looked thunderous. I don't think he was used to anyone being this blunt to him. If he wanted a simpering sycophant, he would not find her in me.

"Very well, My Lady," he said while straightening the cuffs of his shirt.

"Very well," I echoed in a breathless whisper. I hadn't thought he'd agree. Instead, I was expecting much more argument. Because of his easy agreement, I was now expecting more traps and demands.

"The only reason I agree, My Lady, " he said as if he heard my silent question, "is because we have no time to choose. The eligible applicants are refusing you because of your bloodline. We need seven, and we do not have enough."

"I guess I have one more if I count pink-haired guy."

"That... is not an option. I will see to it that wards are put on your room to keep out any that are uninvited, My Lady."

As Luke opened the door, I wondered why I felt a bit disappointed that Ciaran would be barred from seeing me, although I wasn't sure why. He was as much a stranger as Luke was, and probably someone I shouldn't trust.  At least, it looked like I would see my friends again — and maybe get something to eat.

"Come this way," Luke said. 

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