15. Raven

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Viri seemed relaxed and happy on the journey back and it was bugging me, how could she be so relaxed about everything, I didn't get it.

"What are you stewing about?" she asked with grin as my gaze shot round to her.

"Watch the road" she reminds me and I grit my teeth and focus again on my driving.

"Why are you so calm?" I bite out.

"Raven, I've had threats hanging over me for as long as I can remember, in that time I have learnt not to let the worry get to me, it would drive me mad if I actually sat down and focused on it, so I don't.  I know about Jamison and the Sig... what ever they are called and I can adjust to know that and if I need to call in help I can" she lifts the phone and waves it at me.

"And what about us, i'm confused you didn't want anything to do with us and now, you kissed me" I trail off as she giggles.

"That was a thank you peck" she says and I can hear the teasing in her voice "Did you not like it, should I not do it again?"

"And you've cuddled my brothers" I continue.

"Yes I have" she grins again and for safety, I have to pull the truck over, turning to look at her.

"Tell Me" I growl and pulls her hands into mine, turning her to face me.

"The truth and only the truth?" she fusses and I nod.

"Well, I didn't want to get involved with anyone, I know how much of an issue that can be, people cannot be trusted to be who and what they say they are, I would have been happy just doing my classes and studying, but they you, you and your brothers forced you way into my mind.  I was already having to work to keep you out, but this evening has changed everything for me.  I want to take the risk that this will work and we can all be friends and maybe more but I don't know"

"Who hurt you, before, who was he?"

"They" I correct him, "I was so excited when my parents finally agreed I could join in real schooling, and at first it was everything I had seen and read about.  I was still quiet but I had friends, at least I thought I did, turns out I was wrong, Josh and Melanie were popular, not at the top of the school hierarchy but not far off"

"They set you up" I guessed aloud and she nods.

"It was a learning curve and in truth the only thing hurt was my trust, and the only thing I lost was my first kiss, and it  wasn't even a good one" she tells me evenly and the urge to crack open her walls hits me.

"What did they do?"

"Melanie recorded him kissing me, so my face was clearly seen then made it seem like more happened, she altered the angle of the camera and all that could be heard were noises, their noises as they got... well you know what I mean" she blushed and I smiled at her.

"Then what?"

"They shared it online, I didn't know till some of the football team approached me telling me how they had jacked off to the sound of me coming and was I open for business as Josh had said" she took a deep breath before continuing "I raced home and either luckily or unluckily , depends on who you are Uncle Joey was there and I blurted out what had happened, Mum offered to pull me from school but I refused and they let me stay but my cousins Dominic and Leo transferred in" she smiled at the mention of her family.

"They dealt with them" I grinned back at her and she nodded.

"I did calm them down a little and they promised not to kill anyone but... Melanie was caught with a locker full of drugs, she got two years as apparently two people came forward and said she had been dealing to them and others"

"And Josh"

"Josh was mugged, when the police found him, he was in a bad way, partly because he was high at the time and partly because he had been left outside naked in December" she looks a little worried as she looks up at me.

"Is it bad that I think they got what they deserved, after they had their 'accidents' people came forward and said they too had been victims of their not so nice hazing.

"Okay then, mind me not to piss your family off and baby, I agree they got what they deserved, don't feel guilty for what happened, after all they are still alive" I tell her and she leans into me, her arms coming around me to give me a hug.

"Thank you for listening and that's why I agreed to your suggestion, and just maybe something else will come out of it. I want to take a chance and see what happens"

"God because after all these revelations, I don't think I could let you go anyway" I tell her, not adding the thought that my brothers would also agree with that.

"Come on, let's get you back" I grin and take her hand in mine and pull back out onto the road to return her to her dorm.

We pass a few students as I walk her right up to her door, they turn away at my scowl but I know it will reach the ears of the students that I was here with her.  Good I hoped it would stop Jamison and Sigma Beta from trying anything stupid.

She opens her door and we both step inside and I look round properly this time, she has made her space feel welcoming already, The noticeboard on the wall by the desk showing pinned pictures of... I move forward as she watches me.

"Thats mum and dad" she confirms and I look at the image of her standing between the two taller adults, both of them beaming down at her. I can see the family resemblances, she has her mothers bone structure but her fathers eyes and lips.

"I bet they miss you" I tell her and she smiles softly.

"They do but they also know i'm an adult now and they need to let me spread my wings" 

"What would they think of us?" I watch her blush before biting her lip.  "What no answer?" I tease.

"My parents would think I was lucky to have such caring friends" her eyes sparkle "The rest of the family would threaten to kill you if I got hurt, mentally or physically" she finishes.

"We would never knowingly hurt you" I tell her honestly and she nods her gaze searching mine.

"I know" she replies.

I step forward and pull her into a hug, leaning my head on hers as she leans into me. "I'm leaving but remember anything you need, anyone upsets you, hell just to talk, please use the phone and call me" she tightens her hug before stepping back.

"See you tomorrow, will you join us all for lunch?" I say moving to the door, knowing I need to leave but not wanting to.

"Okay" she agree's and I smile.

"I will text you the details in the morning" I grin, knowing she has the phone now and I have an excuse to contact her about lunch, and that gives me the opportunity to keep the conversation going when I can't see her.

"Good night Raven" she laughs, stepping up to the door as I open it.

"Good night Baby girl, now lock the door behind me" I tell her and step out, waiting till I hear the lock click in place before I leave.

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