Twenty Eight

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The morning was a disaster. Charlie slipped and fell in the foyer skinning her knee, Jessie spilled her milk reaching for the cereal box, and Alex was just plain crabby.

Michael did his best to get the girls out of the house as soon as possible. He could see that Grace was on edge.

She felt herself relax as soon as the front door closed. She needed some alone time. She didn't count Reggie, who was stretched out on the family room floor. He had become her companion and her guard. He made her feel safe and offered comfort without judgment or advice.

The phone shattered her peaceful moment and made her jump. The hollow sound echoed throughout the now empty house as she grabbed the receiver in the kitchen, the same way one slaps at their alarm clock in the morning.

"Hello," she demanded.

"Grace, Detective Hillman."

"Oh, yes, good morning."

"Well, it appears this Donny Mason has fallen off the map. We've been in contact with Oregon from Brookings to Portland and California all the way to Santa Barbara and no Donny."

"That's good for me, right?"

"I think he's taken off. If he were watching you, the way I believe he was, then he knows we're on to him. He'd be stupid to hang around."

"Then you think I can get back to a normal life?"

"I understand that this has been hard for you. I wish I could tell you, yes, but I can't at this time. We don't have any solid leads, and we have no evidence to prove he's done anything wrong, even if we do find him."

She didn't speak so he continued.

"Listing him as a 'person of interest' is the best we can do. Hopefully, he'll get picked up. For now, I'd still be cautious."

"Thank you. You will keep me posted, right?"

"Of course every step of the way. Call if you have any concerns, Grace."

She hung up the phone feeling a mixture of relief and worry. Until Donny was in custody she could never really feel safe. In a burst of bravado spurred on by a need to take control of her fear she said, "Come on Reggie, let's go for a walk."

Reggie jumped up at the word walk, wagging his tail and prancing towards the front door. Grace scribbled a note to Michael and grabbed Reggie's leash from the hall table, hooking it on his collar. "Okay Reg, let's go." She opened the door and suddenly the outside world seemed different. She felt as if she had been a recluse and was finally able to get out. The air felt cool and fresh as she breathed it in. This is what freedom smells like, she thought.

As they reached the end of the driveway, she decided to go right towards Pier Street. She wanted to follow it all the way to the pier to see what preparations were being made at the restaurant for the Halloween party the next night. The opaque mist was slowly dissipating and glimpses of blue sky peeped through. It was forecast to be a nice, Indian summer day, even though such days were rare this late in October. Reggie kept pace slowing only when his nose caught an interesting scent.

As they approached the pier and grotto area, the morning's commerce was beginning. She listened to the sound of metal gates being rolled up, gulls squawking as they flew over crates of fresh seafood being unloaded from boats, and fishermen drinking cups of coffee strengthened with bourbon or whiskey as they mulled around their catch shouting out greetings to each other. This cacophony gave a surge of energy to the new day.

Grace was grateful that Reggie handled all the commotion in stride. He kept pace with her and paid no attention to the people who came near. She walked around the large parking area and stopped to buy several crabs at a kiosk to make crab quesadillas for tomorrow's early dinner.

Several restaurant employees were adding Halloween decorations to the outside porch. She could see that it was going to be quite a party.

"Well, we better get back before Michael sends out a search party," she told Reggie.

On their way out, a pick-up truck pulled in and slowed down as it approached Grace, causing Reggie to growl protectively.

"Hey there," a friendly voice greeted, "you two are out early."

Grace looked over to find Ray smiling at her. She held up her bag, "Just getting some fresh crabs for dinner tomorrow."

Ray had his left arm resting on the open window frame. He wore sunglasses, which she saw no need for, and a light blue tee shirt which accentuated his deep tan.

He gestured to the restaurant with his head, "Are you coming to the party tomorrow night?"

"Yes, the whole family is coming."

Reggie's growl became louder and was followed by several warning barks.

"Stop Reggie!"

"I'll see you there." Just then a car pulled up behind him, "I better move."

Grace turned right on Pier Street heading back to Marina Street. "He dresses like a surfer," she told Reggie. "If he comes without a costume everyone will mistake him for a beach bum. What a character!"

By the time they arrived back home Michael had returned. "I got your note but I was getting worried." He enveloped her slight frame in his arms and gave a slow, passionate kiss.

"Hillman called." She went on to tell him about their conversation and how she wanted to get on with her life. "With our life," she amended.

Michael wasn't sold on believing Donny was gone. He told her that he felt it was too soon to let down their guard.

She nodded. "Not completely, but if Donny has moved on, and there's no reason to think he hasn't, then let's move forward and break away from this prison of fear he's put us all in. I agree to be cautious, but not obsessed." She sounded strong and determined. "Tomorrow is Halloween and the only goblins we'll see are going to be friendly."

Michael wasn't so sure. He had every intention of keeping alert.

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