July 24 Continued (2)

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You know, he says. I tell him I know some of it, but not all. It's about the crystal guns, I say.

He tells me they stole three of them, one for each man. But Hooker turned on them. Disappeared with all three guns.

I ask about the third man. Fitch says after they stole the guns, another agent named Craigmore came looking for them.

Craigmore got to Brock. Killed him. But never found Fitch or Hooker or the three guns. Eventually Craigmore stopped looking.

I don't tell Fitch that Craigmore stopped looking because he had bigger fish to fry. Instead I ask how Hooker died.

Fitch says that after all these years he finally found Hooker here in Scargill Cove. Confronted him down here in the basement.

Fitch says there was an argument. Hooker refused to give up the guns. Why? I ask. He never used them. Never sold them.

Fitch says Hooker had a change of heart after they stole the guns. He decided they were too dangerous. So he hid them.

Fitch says Hooker planned to take the secret to his grave. Which is exactly what he did. So how did Hooker end up in the vault?

Fitch says during the argument, Hooker clutched his chest. Looked like he was having a heart attack. Stumbled into the vault.

Fitch says Hooker pulled the vault door closed. It locked. Fitch couldn't get it open.

I understand now. Hooker was dying. Knew he had only one chance to leave me a message. Locked himself in the vault.

The dying Hooker scratched his message in code on the inside of the bank vault door, hoping that eventually I'd find it.

I look at Fitch. You asked me to investigate because you couldn't find the crystal guns yourself, I say.

Fitch says that I failed. Says it's time to tie up loose ends. I'm going to have the same kind of heart attack that killed Hooker.

The wave of cold psychic energy comes at me like a tsunami, crashing across my senses. Killing energy. Fitch is generating it.

Always knew there was something about Fitch. Guy is a powerful talent. Very few can kill with psychic energy.

The icy mind blast is freezing my para-senses. Power like this can stop the human heart. I now know exactly what killed Hooker.

I need to distract Fitch for a second. That's all. One lousy second. I manage to talk. I know where the guns are hidden, I say.

He doesn't believe me but he doesn't want to take any chances, either. The mind blast lessens a little. Where are they? he asks.

And suddenly I know. Hooker gave me that information, too, in his coded message. But I'm not about to tell Fitch.

I've got an opening. With my talent, I reach into the whirlwind of chaos and seize the power I need.

I slam the chaos energy into Fitch's aura, shattering his currents. He goes down hard. Dead before he hits the floor.

I take a little time to get myself back under control. Killing a man takes a psychic toll. I'll revisit this scene in my nightmares. Won't be the first bad dreams I've had.

I leave the body on the floor and go upstairs. Hooker stocked a lot of New Age books: meditation, dream theory, crystals.

There are three shelves of books devoted to crystals. I find one that carries the logo of the Arcane Society. Open it.

Book is hollowed out. Three small flashlights inside. The crystal guns. Hidden in plain sight.

I go back down into the vault room. Crouch beside Fitch's body. I know the authorities will call it natural causes.

I feel a frisson of intuition. I unbutton Fitch's shirt. Breathe a sigh of relief when I don't find any mark on his shoulder.

But I make the mistake of turning him over. Look at the back of his shoulder. A small tattoo. Looks like a tornado. Vortex.

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