Chapter Two: An Offer He Can't Refuse

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One year later....

Sans sighs to himself as he sits in an interrogation room. He just looks around the barren walls and the obviously fake mirror. Man...should've been more responsible and not as careless... he sighs. "If your gonna send in a police guy or somethin, do it now..." he says "there's no way you can't say it was me who didn't use my...quirk, was it? To defend those folks?"

A man walks in, who appeared to be dog like, which sort of reminds sans of home. He frowns a bit at the thought of the world he once loved to be in...he shakes off the thought as the police man speaks.

"I assume you know what your in for? Based on you literally rushing the police to send someone in....We're sorry it took a while, we just needed to go through some records.." he says.

"Let me guess...wanted to see if I was a wanted felon, and put me behind bars if I am? Cause I am not...I consider myself a...uh..judge." He says.

"...right..." he says. He checks his file of a case. "Eyewitness reports account a small skeleton like person..."

"Me..." sans says bluntly.

"...who allegedly defended two innocents from a robber...and with this case, combined with the others, show us your the blue eyed defender I've heard so much about..?" He says "you confess to that..?"

"Eh...never liked that name.." he says "but yeah..that's me.." he says "only did what heroes didn't do.."

"You do realize that heroes could have helped at any other time..?"

"Tell that time the victims that almost were murdered countless times.." sans says, his eye sockets closing a bit. "I did what I did to help others..arrest me if you want, but that means your putting away a kid who honestly wants to help..."

The police man sighs. "Kid, you do realize that using your quirk unsupervised and without a registered license is illegal, yes?"

"Yes...but..." he sighs "I come from a place where no one could save anyone...I escaped that hell...and came here."

The police chief nods. "Well, we don't have official records to prove what you fact...not even a birth certificate exists..." he says "how old are you, and what month and day was your birth so we can correct...?"

Sans thinks for a moment. "I know I'm 14...but my month and day was never family abandoned me and my bro..." he says. It was the truth, really. Him and Paps where the only ones that watched our for one another.

"Hm...that explains no records..not even a doctors visit was recorded...I guess you could have had a record from the morgue..."

Sans chuckles. "A joker, are ya? Well, that's hilarious...just don't "sniff" around any more..I promise ya I have no more records.."

The police man sighs "Exaclty...that's the problem...we've got all our records to check of your existence...only accounts about you are from newspapers explaining your exploits.." he says.

"Yep.." sans says "I know it sucks, and sounds sorta like a lie, but...I'm not from here...from like, another continent..dangerous town...had to leave on a port ship...then I wandered here..found out that although this place wasn't really all that bad, but still.." he sighs "I'm sick of seeing people die on I defended everyone..and no casualties were caused during my fights to, so you boys in blue can handle the criminal...simple as that.."

The police man nods "yes..we're glad you actually thought ahead so you wouldn't be charged with still have unauthorized use of you quirk on your we would put you behind bars..but..."

Sans leans forward. "Oh? You want me to be like a police or somethin? I don't wanna be restricted to certain jobs..I'm just a soul that wants to wander and help..."

"That was the offer...someone is here to offer you a place where you can, in fact, get your license.." he says. He gets up and opens the door, revealing a tired looking man that wore black clothing. He sorta recognized the man, and smiles.

"'s that erasing, I made a bunch of erasing puns during that one job..."
He says "and I could feel it in my bones that he was a hero too, since he didn't give off a bad aura...despite the look and all.."

The hero sighs and sits down. "My names not names Aizawa..." he says "..I'm still sort of miffed that I wanted to bring you in sooner and you still disobeyed my orders..."

"What can I say? I'm a free spirit.." sans says "I don't take orders...unless it means lives can be saved.." sans says.

Aizawa sighs "I know.." he says "but I'm not here to interrogate you...I'm here to offer you something.."

"Let me want me to be a sidekick?" Sans asks.

"No..." he says "the joke hero already gives me enough trouble...I can't have two of you.." he says. "No, I'm here to offer you a place in a special school..."

"Huh...UA...." he smiles "interesting...ya know, I never would have said yes to that..but..let me guess...if I say no, I do the time in juvie until I learn my place?" Sans says.

Aizawa nods. "That's about right..."

Sans smiles "alright then...go on. What made you see me as a good hero, eh?"

Aizawa checks his notes "let me see..from what I've summon bones at will wherever you wish...blasters that appear to be like insanely quickly...teleportation...telekinesis..." he goes on "..that sounds like powers that can be used just for hero work...." he says

"So...your just interested in what I could do, eh? Nothing more?" Sans says

"Well...I mean....technically..?" Aizawa says "all I know is that your a joker from what I've seen..but your targets who are arrested swear you looked like death at times..." he says "talking about having they're sins crawling on they're back or something..." he says

Sans nods "yep...I can't stand people like that...I act chill with all of you since I know your smart enough to not kill anyone intentionally...but...if I can tell any sins on your back..murder more specifically..." his eyes become hollow and dead "you would be dead where you stand..."

Aizawa was taken back by this sudden change in behavior. "...right." He says. "Let me guess...don't prefer murders..?"

Sans sighs and goes back to his normal self. "Well...if you've seen your family and friends slaughtered in front of your eyes...yes.." he says, sadly.

Aizawa was even more taken aback. This kid had everything taken away from him...maybe that's why he feels the burden of taking all this on his shoulders? To defend others?

"Look...kiddo..." Aizawa says.

"That's my line." Sans says.

"...the offer to stay in UA and get a license is still there..." he says "you'll be able to protect lives wherever and whenever you wish..."

Sans sighs "yes..." he says, caving in. "Not like I can refuse, as you say...and I'm determined to, you know, handle whatever class you throw at me.."

Aizawa smiles for once, big turns back to a neutral face. " I'm assuming you need a place to stay..?"

"Nah...I'll just take a shortcut to my little hideout..which is my only home..just give me a date when you want me..." sans says

Aizawa sighs "a week from today..go to UA at around 6 in the morning..." he says "take the exams, and if your successful...which I know you will be based on your knowledge of combat and general'll make it in...and I'll be sure to place you in my classroom..." he says.

Sans sighs. "Sure..." he yawns. "Anyways....tell them I'll be in UA at that time..doing whatever.." he says "I'm the meantime...ciao..." he teleports our of there.

The police went to investigate his location and where he went, when Aizawa stops them. "Don't worry...even if he seems like a slacker, he's a man of his word...if he doesn't make it to the exams, arrest him for any crimes he may commit.." he says "if he does, cease any and all cases against him..becuase he'll be a worthy ally if we let him be."
Sans teleports back to his rooftop hideout, and lays on an old couch he shortcutted up here from that Dagobah Beach. He sighs and looks at his calendar. " Monday...." he smiles. "Good.." he laughs back down, and slowly passes out.

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