What Now?

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Foxete's POV:

    We're completely in the dark. Figuratively and literally. I'm stuck in a tiny capsule with a in-protocol Kat and a terrified child. Worse yet, my girlfriend is off in another escape pod, possibly dead, with Dex and who knows who else. And if it couldn't get any worse, Bonnie and Foxy, my friends, are with Freddy. I should've just taken them, granted, it might've killed us, but it's better than being with that monster. He tricked us. Foxy will probably be reset, and Bonnie won't last a minute.
"Foxete?" Icey knocks me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, Icey?" I ask, my voice is completely monotone. No life in it. This is the only way I won't completely break down and start crying.
"We'll be okay, right?" She asks.
I was never the optimistic one, Bonnie was.
"I'll be honest, we could die." I laugh.
"Sorry, that is not the password." Protocol Kat smiles.
"Oh shut up!" I hiss.
    Icey sits silently. Her tears seem to have dried. I miss being a kid. Being able to curl up to someone and just cry. I wish I was with Illoha. I wish we were sitting in our room together watching movies and eating chips. I wish things were normal.
"We'll be fine, Icey." I sigh, "If Freddy hasn't killed us now, he's not going to kill us." I clench my fists.
I try to call Illoha one last time. All I get is static on my signal tuner. The names of the people I care about, that I have no contact with, float through my head.

I wish you were here, buddy. I don't even mind if you call me a kid. I just wish you were here to help me. Suddenly, I hear rumbling.
"We're landing." I tuck my head between my knees, "Prepare for a crash!"
I'm just going to hope Icey followed what I did.
The pressure of our crash landing throws me to the ground, hard.
The world turns white. My ears ring. I can feel the warm air around me. I can't hear anything,other than the ringing. I eventually hear faint rustling and what sounds like gunfire. I feel someone help me up, but I can't tell who. I'm being carried by someone, hopefully on our side. Suddenly I hear small quiet voices, probably Icey and Kat.
Good they're alive.

Dex's POV:

I see a crashing escape pod. Illoha is ducking for cover beside me, holding GlubGlub tightly. He's getting slime everywhere, but I don't think she cares. She is frantically looking for Foxete. We took cover behind a rock after our escape pod crashed. My body aches like all hell, but I need to get them to safety. My gunshot wound hasn't fully healed, but I don't particularly care. If Foxete didn't make it off that ship, I'll need to help these people. They rely on her for leadership.The escape pod hits the ground and I see Foxete get flung out of it.
"Ah crap." I mutter. Now I have to go get her. At least she has a possibility of being alive.
    Icey wobbly steps out of the escape pod pulling Kat behind her, they don't seem as hurt.
"I'm going to get Foxete." I tell Illoha.
"She's safe?" Illoha smiles. She's been shot in the leg, so she's a bit panicked. She leans her neck forward to try and see her.
"She was just flung from her pod, so no." I laugh nervously, "Be back in a jiffy."
I run to Foxete, but with my bruised ribs it makes it a tad difficult. I see her lying next to a tree. It looks like she hit her head pretty hard. I see Icey sobbing while Kat sits. I realize that her normally yellow eyes are green. Eh, don't really care.
"Icey! Take Kat and follow me!" I pick Foxete up and wrap her arm around my shoulder. I can hear her breathing, so, she's alive. Thank the gods, Illoha would've killed me.
    I recognize the planet. Animales. The main hybrid planet. We're under attack from Freddy's men. They followed us down here from our ship. I don't know how many are here. I don't know how many of us escaped. I run back to the rock and lay Foxete next to her. She is gaining conciseness, but it's clear she is still dazed. Icey is running as fast as she can, but not fast enough. There are many bots following her, so I muster all my strength and shoot at the bots, giving her a clear path to us. Thankfully, my time taking apart bots on Amona helped me understand where to hit them. I come and sit down again.
"Oi, Foxete, you alive there?" I ask.
"It's either I'm alive or Dex is with me in the afterlife. Don't really know which is worse." Foxete groans, opening her eyes.
"You idiot! You never called me!" Illoha grabs her and kisses her. Foxete just kinda sits there in shock.
"Hold up, when did this happen?!" I exclaim.
"Oh yeah, like, months ago, dude." GlubGlub laughs.
    Icey just panics from our cover, a rock. She clutches her sword. Must be important.
"Bonnie and Foxy are captured." Fox frowns, coming back to her senses, "Who else is safe?"

"We saw Keeva, Keori, Damien, Lexi, Jake, Arie, and Ophelia." I sigh.
"No Kip or Malra?" Fox asks.
"We... left Mal." Illoha looks away, I could tell she was crying a bit, "I couldn't save her, I could only take one, and Dex was in better condition."
"She wasn't in the med-bay when I left." Fox confesses, "You think she escaped?"
"Maybe?" I try to be positive.
Suddenly, we see Keeva, Keori, Arie, and Ophelia run thought the forest. Bots are following them. Keeva takes a few shots at the bots to secure a path. They seem pretty okay. A minute later we see Lexi, Jake, and Damien. Jake is carrying Damien while Lexi has her gun out.
Where are they going?
"How about we go to them?" Fox suggests.
"Great idea." I stand up, helping everyone else into a crouching position, "We have to run."
"Uh, man, I can't walk, concussion here. Just because I'm talking doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Help me up." She rolls her eyes.
"Yes, madam." I sigh, helping her up and helping her to the forest. Everyone follows. As soon as we're deep enough in I see a small ship surrounded by our crew members. We all walk over there.
"They with you?" A voice asks.
    I look ahead to see a Avoc man. He looks terribly like Acron. Same brand and height. Their voices could be identical.
"Yes. They are." Keeva nods. She looks heavily shaken up.
"Where's Kip?" Foxete asks. There's a hint of sadness to her voice.
"No idea." Keeva doesn't look at Foxete, her voice breaks a little while answering.
"He'll be okay," I sigh.
"I hope so," She smiles, looking back at us.
"Hop in!" The man smiles, "My name is Tallahassee, but you can just call me Tally!"
    Keori nods, she looks like she's been crying.
Probably 'cause of Foxy.
    Everyone files aboard. We begin to launch when I see a Evon boy with blue hair running towards us, waving one of his hands.
He's carrying Malra.
"Tally, wait. One of our friends is there!" Keori screeches.
"I can't cut the engines." Tally says apologetically, "It would break the vehicle."
"I'll get them." Fox looks determined.
"Absolutely not." I laugh, "You will get yourself killed."
"Hover here. I'll be able to go here and back." She dismisses me.
"How on Earth will you get them?" Tally laughs.
"I just can, don't worry about it." Foxete winces.
"Be quick." Tally nods.
"No! Fox, don't." Illoha says wide eyed.
"Too late." She smiles.
    I understand how she feels. She just lost most of her crew, she can't afford to lose more. I see her teleport down there and grab onto Kip and Malara. She wobbles in pain. I can see her struggle a bit as Kip holds her and Malara up.
She teleports back and falls onto the ground.
"Told you so." She closes her eyes and leans against the wall of the ship.
"You're an absolute idiot." I shake my head, helping her sit properly.
"Most of us are safe then?" She asks.
I hesitate, "Yes." I lie.
"Good." She sighs.
A few minutes later, she's asleep against Illoha's shoulder.
Poor kid. When she wakes up, reality is going to hit her hard.
    At least not all of us are dead. I salute those who died. The other members of Lexi's crew. Probably Nova, Tim, Bonnie, and Foxy. I'm sorry it had to end like this. Now it's time for new beginnings.
This time Bonnie won't be here to hold us back.

(1500 Words)

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