All a Mystery

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When I woke up I notice it was about one in the afternoon and that Andrew wasn't here, or anywhere in the house in fact. So I decided to take a shower, I turned it to the right temperature and got in taking my time. When I got out I put on some mascara and put on some Grey sweat pants and one of his shirts. Then headed down stairs to make some breakfast, ever since I was with Andrew Iv been eating IV gained about five pounds, its not bothering me to bad. when I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard the front door open, so I headed in that direction. Then I froze, he had a gash on his forehead. And his expression was something as if he wished I was still asleep so I wouldn't see him like this.
"W-what happened?" I said feeling a knot in my stomach.
"Everything going to be okay babe" he replied
He walked over to me and kissed me lightly on the forehead,
" Im going to take a shower then we can go get something to eat, okay baby."
Then he ran up the steps and disappeared out of my sight, I sat on the couch and my mind was wondering why? Why, why did he have a gash on his forehead? Why did he blow me off? And.. I just didnt know what was going on but I was going to find out.
Three days later
Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back your tears and pretend you're okay. Im sad, hurt, angry, disappointed, but why wouldn't I be, everyday he left, different times of the day and came back with bruises and cuts and bumps, and everyday he always said 'everything going to be okay.'

I felt like I was going crazy because Carter and her friends gave me theses hateful looks but never gave me hateful comments, at school they stopped talking bad about me or at least to me, Andy still didnt make it to school, and he seemed to talk to me more. Then I ran into Carter, finally she said something
"Hello Sara. "
"Go ahead call me whatever you want, push me hit me ." I said preparing for what she was about to say.
"No no I just want to talk." She said
This was weird, I felt like things were just empty and fuzzy. Kinda like when you walk into a room and forgot why your even in the house to begin with.
"Okay, about what?" I asked.
"Oh I dont know you, how your doing, or maybe your boyfriend!"
She said, she had this mean look on her face.
"My boyfriend?" I asked, confused
"Yeah, keep him under control! You skinny freak!"
Then she walked away, and I was in shock just standing there with my books in my hand, then I walked right out of school and went Straight to Andy's house.

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