Dante King

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Dante's POV.
After she told off Maddy, I couldn't stop looking at her.

She looked back at me and shot me a questioning look. I smirked and winked at her.

Laughing slightly, she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, bro! What are you looking at?" I ignored Jay and continued looking at her, who was now facing her friends.

He followed my gaze. Once he seen who I was looking at, he said, "Oh! The new girl! Yea, shes hot."

I slowly turned my head to him, my fists clenched, "What'd you just say about her?" I gritted.

"Why are you acting up about her?" He asks. I continue to glare and narrow my eyes. His eyes widened in shock.

"Holy shit! You found her!?!" He asked. I smirked and went back to watching her.

After School

I walked into my house and called Ronald.

"Hey. I need information on someone." I said into the phone.

"Who, sir?" He asked.

"There's a new girl at our school."

"Okay. Can I ask a question sir?"


"Is this the girl?"

Smiling, i responded, "Yes."

"Okay sir, it'll be there in an hour."

"Thank you."

"O-Of course." He hung up.

Sighing, I sat behind my desk and got some work done.

Thirty minutes later, Ronald called. "Speak." I said, leaning back in my chair.

"Well, there's a slight problem with the girl you wanted me to search." He informed me.

"What problem?" Gritting my teeth.

"W-Well, we found her name. Other than that, nothing. It's like she just randomly popped up, sir."

That fired questions in my mind. "Hmm. Can you get a phone signal?"

"Umm." There was the click of keys, "Yes. Right now, she just left Marry's Diner. I believe she's headed for, the mall."

"Thank you, Ronald. Continue to look and get back to me."

"Yes sir." With that we ended our call.

"What are you hiding princess?" I asked my self.

I stand and exit my office. When I leave, I was able to move my way through the house and get downstairs.

My main men were all sitting on the couch.

"Someone, please get the SUV ready." I say.

"Holy shit, when did you begin using manners?!" Jay asks.

I glare at him.

10 minutes later and the SUV is around front. We all leave and head for the street the diner is on.

We get out and walk down the street.

"So, what are we out to do?" Reggie asks, lighting a cigarette.

"Finding her." I reply. "I had Raymond do a background check on her. He said he could only find her name. Nothing else. Not a date or place of birth. Nothing."

"Do you think she's a federal agent or something?"  asks.

"Hell no." I say.

"Oh! By the way, James called. He said that they got a new fighter, but they don't want there identity out." Duke informed me.

"Did he say anything else?" I asked.

"Yes. That they took down Mack." He snorts.

"Good. He's an ass." Smirking.

"Get off me you ass!" I hear a voice from an alley. Immediately, I recognized the angelic voice.

I ran to her. There was some guy pinning her with a knife to her neck.

"Give me whats in the bag." He say. She spits on him.

"Fuck. You." She says.

I walk up and grab him by the back of his shirt collar. Pushing him away, I begin to beat the crap out of him.

All I could see was red.

Nothing but red.

Repeatedly, I beat his face in.

Then there was a hand on my shoulder, "Hey, calm down. He's had enough." There was a soft voice behind me.

My beating stopped. Turning around, I see her. I drop his collar before grabbing her waist and pulling her to me.

"Hey there buddy!" She laughed lightly, "Thanks for the help and all, but I'm not a big fan of physical contact, so could you release me?"

Sighing, i let go of her. Backing up, I look at her.

"Anyways, thank you." Smiling, avoiding eye contact.

"What's your name?"

"Tru." She responds.

"Tru," I mumbled her name.

"You?" She asks.

"Dante." I respond, hoping she'll say my name.

"Well, Dante," when my name rolled off her tongue, I almost moaned, "if you don't mind, I need to be getting home."

She turned and went to grab her bags.
"How about we walk you?" I quickly ask.

"That's not necessary, but thank you." She said before she walked past the boys and to the crowded side walk.

I jog up to her. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Oh! And let me know what I can do to repay you!" She said smiling.

"You can start by giving me your number." I say slyly.

"Getting bossy now, are we?" She asked.

"Yep!" She laughed slightly.

"Okay, then it's," she gave me her number.

She turned at a stop sign and me and the guys circled back to the SUV.

When we got home, I took a shower, changed into my boxers and climbed in bed.

I got under the covers and laid there. The bed felt unusually cold knowing that my princess could be in our bed.

Sighing, I picked my phone up from the nightstand, and made her contact.

'Hey princess.' I type and send.

'Who the fuck you calling princess? This PRINCESS will kick your fucking ass!' she responds. I chuckle.

'The guy who saved you in the alley? Remember?'

'Oh. Sorry... Lol. :I' She replies

'It's okay princess. What are you doing?'

'Nothing much. Just relaxing. You?' She respond.

'Long day? And I'm just laying in bed.' I say, trying to avoid the subject of me and focus on her.

'Not yet. Lol. I'm about to head to work. :/' she shouldn't have to work. I will take care of her.

'Work? Didn't you just move here? How'd you land a job so quickly? And why at night?'

'What can I say? I got mad skills. And because I gotta do whatever I can to keep a roof over my head and food on the table. :I.'

Chuckling, i respond, 'Well, let me help.'

'Sorry, I'm gonna have to politely decline. Plus I'm in enough debt with you already. XD'

'Well, let this be the way you repay me. I help you, were even.'

She doesn't text back for about 5 minutes. I lay, waiting for her to text. Suddenly, my phone beeps and lights up.

1 text from, My Princess

Unlocking my phone, I read her text.

'Your weird. Lol, but no. I'm good. Hey, I gotta dip out. Gotta get ready for work. :)'

'Okay. Bye princess. Text me when your off. I'll be up. ;)'

'cue eyeroll. Lol. Bye weirdo.'

I shut off my phone and sigh in content. We already have nicknames.

Oh gosh. What is she doing to me?!?

I don't know and I don't care. I love it.

I turn my ringtone as far up as possible before going to sleep dreaming of my princess.

10:02 PM

I awoke to the sound of my phone going off.

1 message from, My Princess.

'Hey weirdo. I'm home.'

Smiling at the fact she remembered, I responded. 'Hey princess. Hope they didn't work you too much. Get some rest beautiful. We have school tomorrow.'

'I know I will. :/ Goodnight weirdo.'

'Night my beautiful princess.'

I turn off my phone and sleep, knowing that she was safe.


Hoped this chapter was okay.

It's currently 1:26 AM where I live, SO if there happens to be any mistakes, I'm sorry.

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Live wildly.


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