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"So Wayne set all this shit up." Cameron told me.

"That's too weird like we only texted for a day. I never thought it would be that deep." I said

"I know but imma handle it." He said

"Cam don't get hurt. I already got 2 babies to watch over." I said

"You must not know who Cameron Beat That Ass Price is." He said

I start dying laughing.

"Alright Arthur." I said

His smile drop at hearing his middle name.

"That ain't my middle name." He said

"I never said it was." I said

"You know what you were doing though." He said

"Did I?" I asked

"You ever been ate out?" He asked outta no where.

"Cameron." I said shocked

"What? I want a beard." He said

"What that gotta do with eating me out?" I asked

"You know eating pussy give you facial hair." He said

"I never knew that." I said

"See I'm teaching you new things everyday." He said

"MIYAAA." I heard coming downstairs.

I looked and saw Jamila walking into the kitchen.

"You not supposed to get outta bed." I said

"But I have to use the bathroom and there's no tissue." She said

"Get it." I said

"My stomach huuurttts." She cried

"Jamila Marie you 16 years old you better suck it up and get the tissue yourself." I said

She walked to the closet in the hallway and got a roll.

"And take the medicine like the doctor told you." I said

She groans as she went back up the stairs.

"She sick?" He asked

"Yeah she caught a virus and so did Mikah." I said

"Looks like your plate is full." He said

"No sir I think not. Mikah is your brother." I said

"But he loves you more." He said

"Cameron if you start whining imma punch you in your throat." I said

"Damn you can't just pop me?" He asked

"You're 21." I said

"Savage." He said

I shook my head


I started getting the bed ready for Cam to come over. I lit the candles and sprayed the rose scent perfume he liked so much back in high school.

It was a knock at the door and I went over to get it. I looked at myself in the mirror and pushed my boobs up.

I opened the door and saw Wayne.

"I forgot my key. Why you dressed like that?" He asked

"You were supposed to be Cameron." I said annoyed.

"Well I ain't." He said

"Imma text him." I said

"Tell him I wanna fuck his girl." He said

I pulled out my phone and texted Cameron number.

Kayla- Cam?

Cameron- Who this?

Kayla- Your first love โค๏ธ

Cameron- Miya?

Kayla- No

Cameron- Nina from Pre- K?

Kayla- No it's Kayla

Cameron- What you want?

Kayla- You. ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Cameron- I don't have that.

Kayla- Stop playing

Cameron- โœŒ๐Ÿฝ

Kayla- Cam?

Kayla- Cameron
Kayla- Answer me
Kayla- Answer this text.


"She calling now." I told Kamiya

"I still don't see why y'all have each other number." She said

"I had her number before me and you got together." I said

"I HaD hEr NuMbeR bEfOre Me aNd yOu GoT tOgEtHeR." She copied.

"You mad?" I asked

"Nope." She said getting off the couch.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her down with me. She sat on my lap but didn't look at me.

"I'll delete the number." I said

"Good." She said

She got off my lap and walked away.

I gotta get Wayne ass first.


I searching up any and everything to figure out why can't nobody catch this girl. It's not even about the sex anymore I love the chase. The more you push me away the harder imma cum.

"WAIT A MINUTE!" I heard Lil Niko yell

I walked outta my office and to the front. I saw 3 niggas with mask standing hold AK-47s.

"What the hell kinda shit?" I asked

"You Wayne?" One asked.

"You don't need to kn-" I get cut off with a bullet flying through my throat. I fall on the ground in pain. I hold it to try and stop the bleeding but it's too much.

My life is ending over some little bitch.


We left the building and got into the car. It was 3 in the morning so I know 12 would have this place surrounded soon. We drove off and parked in the back of a crack house.

I walk over to my truck and get in. We all drive off in different directions. My phone started to ring and I answered.

Mikah- Cam Kamiya fighting.

Cameron- Fighting who?

Mikah- I don't know b- KAMIYA STOP. Cameron come stop her

Cameron- I'm coming

I hung up and sped home. When I parked I quickly got out and walked into the house. I saw Mikah holding Kamiya back. He started coughing and Kamiya turned to him.

"Go upstairs." She said

Mikah looked around for me and nodded towards me. He let her go and went upstairs.

"Stop trying me bitch." Kamiya say to the girl on the ground. I look at her and realize that it's Richlyn.

"Why are you living in my mans house?!" Richlyn screamed

"Why are you screaming bitch? Lower your fuckin voice." Kamiya said

"I DONT HAVE TO DO SHIT!" Richlyn screamed.

I grabbed her by her throat and held her up.

"Stop yelling." I said.

She nodded her head and I dropped her to the ground.

"Since you can get her to shut up. How about you remove her." Kamiya said crossing her arms.

"Get up and out." I told her

"Cameron wait." She said

"Nope you gotta go. You already pissed my girl off." I said

"We need to talk." She said

I had her at the door and she yanked from me and turned. She gave me the dirtiest look.

"I hope you're happy." She said

"I will be once you leave and don't bring yo ass back." I said

"I'll raise this baby on my own then." She said

"I ain't get you pregnant." I said

"You were the only one that went raw." She said

"I had a vasectomy." I said

Her face drop and tears fill her eyes.

"Cam please don't." She said

"Don't you have a std? The baby might not even make it." I said

I closed the door in her face and turned back. Kamiya was right behind me looking over my shoulder.

"I was about to be disappointed in you." She said

"Why?" I asked

"If you got that lil fucka pregnant." She said

"You will be the only one I'll ever get pregnant." I said kissing her

"Cam we haven't even had sex yet. Why are you so sure you see a future with me?" She asked

"Because you've been a bigger impact on me than my own dad. You are the only person on earth who could ever change me and for that I don't ever wanna lose you." I said

She smile and jump on me. She wrapped her legs around me and kissed me.


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