♡ Chapter 18 ⋆ Abnormally large baby

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Veronica was over the moon, it was their first day as a couple. She wanted to make a grand entrance just so she could rub it in Ella's face and all the other girls that swooned over Ace. She was waiting for Ace to come and pick her up. She had her own car but she insisted that Ace should pick her up every day. It was an Ace and Ella thing but now it gonna be theirs. She was glad that Ella won't be accompanying them anymore.

Ella dressed up for school and picked up her school bag without having breakfast or acknowledging her parents she walked straight out of her house. Keeping her head down she walked to school. She felt numb, she didn't cry nor did she speak to anyone. Her mind failed to understand why would Ace do such a thing. Was he not happy? If he wasn't then why didn't he say something to her? Did he fall out of love? She inhaled sharply, it hurt to even think about it. If he did then why didn't he say so! Why? Why? Why? The only word she couldn't find the answer to. How can Ace hurt her like that after everything...

Ace drove out of his mansion and the first thing he did was to look at her house. It was an involuntary action, he found no one standing there just a couple of guards. He slowly drove to Veronica's place. Then he found her, his eyes followed Ella as she was mindlessly walking with her head down. He wanted to talk to her but he couldn't, not anymore. He gripped the steering wheel. He was with Veronica now. He clenched his jaw and stared at her for a few seconds. Shaking his head, he sped past her but her mind was too occupied to even notice that.

She finally reached school and heaved a sigh of relief. She walked straight to her locker and took out her cellphone. She had lots of calls and messages but she didn't bother checking them.

She walked straight to her class and sat down at the back alone. She was trying to avoid Ace and Veronica at all costs. She wanted nothing to do with them. She hated Ace at the moment and this feeling wasn't going to go away anytime soon. But then she thought about if she saw him... How will she react? Where do they stand now? Enemies? Exes? Strangers? She took a long deep breath and closed her eyes.

The whole day, she didn't even talk to her other friends either. She didn't know how to face everyone. She felt a constant dull ache in her chest. When it was lunchtime a feeling of dreadfulness settled in the pit of her belly. Ace and Veronica will be there, she thought.

She nervously walked into the crowded cafeteria and looked around. Even though she didn't want to but something inside of her still wanted to see Ace... To see how can he be happy without her... She didn't know how to be happy without him.

Keeping her tears at bay, she bought her lunch but didn't know where she would sit. She thought about Zoe, Chris, and Axel, they were still her friends.

Ella walked towards her usual table but stopped dead in her tracks. She saw Veronica sitting with all her friends in her seat. Ace had his arm wrapped around her. All the feelings she was trying to suppress, resurfaced. She was so easy for him to replace. Her bottom lip quivered, and her shoulders dropped in resignation. They all were laughing and joking around, they were having a good time... Without her. Ace showered kisses on Veronica's face playfully while she pushed him away. Then she remembered the time, she pecked his cheek in front of everyone. 

They were all sitting at their table. Ella approached them happily and sat beside Ace. It was one of those days when they were still fighting about the fact if they should tell everyone or not. Obviously, Ella was the one who wanted to tell.

"Hi!" She chirped happily and pecked Ace's cheek.

Ace flinched away from her like she had burned him. "What the fuck, El?"

"What?" She asked making an innocent face. "Can't I kiss my best friend?"

"No, it's weird" he had said and everyone at the table laughed.

Ella rolled her eyes. "I have been meaning to ask you guys something" Everyone stared at her even Ace. "Do you guys think that two people who have known each other their whole life can fall in lo-- love"

Her speech broke as Ace held her hand from under the table. He gripped it harshly, the pain intensified as he squeezed it hard. It was a warning to shut up and she did. An inaudible whimper left her mouth.

"You were saying?" Zoe asked

"N-nothing..." Her voice broke.

Hearing that Ace finally left her hand and gave her a look that this wasn't over yet.

Deep in her thoughts, Ella was busy staring at them. She forgot that she was standing in the middle of the cafeteria with everyone's eyes on her. Hunter saw her watching them. He wanted to comfort her. He wanted to tell her that he was here for her but she hates him, he didn't even know why she did. But he wouldn't let her humiliate herself. She was far more precious to feel that way. He sat on the table next to which Ella was standing. He tried to think of something and then an idea hit him. He purposely poured his milkshake all over her outfit.

"Ahh!" she screamed as the cold sticky liquid seeped into her dress. Everyone's attention turned towards her. Veronica laughed out loud.

Hunter perched his fists into his mouth, hiding a wide grin as Ella glared at him.

"You jerk!" She placed her lunch tray on the table with a slam. She fisted her hands in his hair and pulled them harshly. Hunter laughed and groaned in pain at the same time but she wasn't done. She picked up her milkshake and poured it over his head. He in return just laughed hysterically.

"Stop laughing!" Ella yelled. She picked up her sandwich and shoved it in his mouth. Ella knew she was taking all her anger out on the wrong person but it's not like Hunter didn't deserve it.

Everyone recorded their food fight. The whole cafeteria laughed including all her friends and Veronica. Meanwhile, Ace couldn't find humor in all this. He just bitterly stared at them. He didn't know why he was feeling this way. He had nothing to do with Ella Carter anymore.

"Ms. Carter and Mr. Grey, to the principal's office, right now!" A teacher ordered sternly

"He started it" Ella shrieked

"All I saw was you shoving your food down his throat" the teacher replied.


"Uh! No more arguments" the teacher shut her up.

"You are dead" Ella sneered

"And no more threats, Ms. Carter. Now go change your clothes before going to the principal's office"

Ella stomped out of the cafeteria with Hunter following behind with a goofy smile.

She gasped as she remembered something and halted in her tracks. "I don't have any spare clothes" her eyes as wide as saucers.

Hunter smiled triumphantly, he knew Ace wasn't on her mind anymore. His actions made her forget even if it's for a little while. "What about your cheerleading outfit?" He asked

"Don't talk to me!" she snapped

"You can wear mine. I have an extra pair of clothes"

Ella thought for a while. She didn't have an option. It was either his clothes or the sticky clothes she had on or the ones in the lost and found section, she cringed.

"Fine," she said, swallowing her pride.

"Come on" he held her hand in his, Ella's eyes widened at his bold move but she didn't say anything. It wasn't like she was committed to someone. It wasn't like Ace ever gave her the same respect. Who knows what he did with Veronica behind her back. She kept thinking about it as Hunter dragged her to the boy's locker room.

Ella cringed. "I am not going in there"

Hunger rolled his eyes. "Do you want fresh clothes or not?" He asked amused.

She groaned and followed him in. Thankfully they were the only ones in the locker room. He pulled out two pairs of sweatpants and hoodies. Both had a big Hunter Grey printed on the back.

Ella held it up and pointed at his name. "Really? Narcissistic, much?" She asked unbelievably and he playfully shrugged.

He took off his shirt right before her and his perfectly sculpted chest came into her view. She gawked at his chest for a few minutes then she gulped and looked away immediately. She thought about seducing Hunter and shove it Ace's face that she can be happy without him too. But she realized, she didn't know how to. The other day, when she tried to flirt with him alcohol helped her but now she realized she didn't even know how to talk in a flirtatious manner. Her whole life she has been with Ace, she didn't have much experience with boys.

Hunter unbuttoned his jeans and her eyes widened. "WHERE DO I CHANGE?" she asked loudly out of nervousness and he jumped.

"You can go back to the girl's locker room because I am about to take a shower," he said and took off his jeans.

"Oh my god," she said when her eyes fell on the bulge in his boxers.

"That's what she said" he answered smugly.

Ella tightly closed her eyes, she turned and sprinted out of there, her knee collided with the corner of a steel bench and she winced. "Fuck!' She held her knee and limped while trying to run.

She stopped when she reached the girl's locker room. She peeled off her sticky smelly clothes and took a shower. She washed her hair thoroughly and dried herself with a towel. She wore his hoodie and it reminded her of all the times she wore Ace's clothes. She inhaled sharply and wore his sweatpants.

Both of the things were way too big for her tiny frame. She kept pulling up the sweatpants as they slipped down her legs. His hoodie ended right above her knee. Holding onto his sweatpants, she walked out of the locker room only to collide with someone's chest.

"I knew they'll be too big for your size. You are like an abnormally large baby" Hunter commented

Ella's mouth hung open. "What? No, I am not. You are like an overgrown... Sasquatch... Ogre" she said annoyed and confused.

He laughed a throaty laugh that sent a jolt to her stomach. "Come here, let me fix this"

He slid his hands under the hoodie. He clutched the waistband and pulled the sweatpants up. So, it won't get underneath her feet. He held the drawstring and pulled them until they were fully tight. She was nervous. He was so close to her. His warm breath tickled her neck because he was looking down. He tied the drawstring and looked at her face. Their eyes met and she gulped. The only guy she has ever been this close to was Ace. She was comfortable with him. But with Hunter, she felt all hot and bothered just because of the way he was staring at her. Someone cleared their throat and she jumped away from him. The drawstrings fell out of his hands.

She turned to see Ace staring at her intently. Her mouth parted and she was stunned to see him here. Ace eyed her up and down. Seeing Hunter's clothes on her made him angry, it made him mad. Then he noticed their wet hair and his frown deepened. He glanced at Hunter and he was already staring at him with a smug look on his face.

"I--" the loud voice of the teacher cut Ace off.

"Ms. Carter and Mr. Grey, I was looking for you both. Come on, Mr. Felton is waiting for you. Hurry up"

Ella looked at Ace one last time and followed the teacher with Hunter.

"Hunter, my office is like a second home to you, isn't it?" The principal taunted. "What is it this time? A fight? Smoking? Disrupting the class?" Mr. Felton asked

"Food fight, sir" The teacher answered

"That's a new one and with Ms. Carter, the queen of cutting school"

Colour drained from Ella's face and Hunter muffled a laugh. "Mr. Felton, he started it," she said

"I don't care who started it. Detention for a week after school for you both, Mr and Mrs troublemaker. You are dismissed."

They both walked out. "God! I hate you so much!" Ella said

"Why?" Hunter asked


"Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you? Have I ever disrespected you? Have I ever made fun of you? What did I do to make you hate me so much?"

Ella furrowed her eyebrows. "I-- um-- You annoy me"

"I tease you"

"Yeah" she shrugged. "I know you and Ace have some bad blood but he and I aren't friends anymore, so, you can stop. Stop-- teasing me now. I won't put up with his bullshit anymore. If you have a problem with him, sort it out with him!" She said and immediately turned and walked the other way before Hunter could say anything.


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And don't forget to read "His forbidden Entanglement"
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XOXO, Jane Doe!

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