Tea Therapy

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AN: School's out, finally! Which means more writing time!

Also, for those who are reading my Supernatural fic, my chapter got erased so I have to rewrite it and I was busy for the last couple weeks with all the work my teachers were throwing at me before school ended. I was at the very last sentence in the chapter when my iPad glitched and deleted it! I nearly cried because I had worked so hard to get it done!

Thanks so much to all my readers, you really make writing these chapters a joy :)

Tea had always been a tradition of sorts for Anna and Minerva. Whenever something bothered or upset or confused Anna in her school days, she would go to Minnie and they would have tea and talk. Minerva had always loved the girl like a daughter. She enjoyed telling Anna her opinions and sharing stories and laughing. The tea always helped calm both of their nerves after stressful situations, which was why the two had decided to continue their little sessions.

Minnie poured the tea and Anna nodded in thanks, adding her usual amount of sugar. Minerva fixed herself her cup, put in her sugar and milk and stirred the cup. She set the small spoon down, along with her tea and looked at her former student, "He was a first year, he was a nice kid, average student, a bit naive and talkative but he didn't deserve this." Anna smiled sadly. She was referring to Colin, of course, "Well obviously, someone thinks otherwise. He's muggleborn and, to some people, that means he has contaminated, corrupt, and damaged genes that have no place in the wizarding world. Voldemort's followers say that their deaths are justified. They may even be under the delusion that they are heroes. But they aren't, their cowards, the whole lot." Minerva raised an eyebrow, she heard the irritation in her voice, the loathing tone she spoke with, "You're angry."

It wasn't a question. Anna was angry. Colin, wasn't her favorite student, and she wasn't going to pretend he was, but these kids were special to her. Someone couldn't just waltz in and do something like this. It didn't bother her when it was Filch's cat. The thing was old, anyways. She was pretty sure he had first gotten Mrs. Norris as a kitten when she was in first year.

Anna sighed, "Minnie...I've had to deal with people making fun of me and my sister and treating us like second class citizens ever since I came here in first year. Sure, most people didn't think that, but the kids who did, the bullies, they didn't go away, nor did they grow up and mature and become better people. They just sought out power and became stronger. I had my friends to help deal with them when I was in school, but who is going to protect these kids now. This time, apparently, they aren't pushing people down and calling them names and pulling nasty tricks. Now, it's unforgivable curses and petrification."

McGonagall paused for a moment before speaking, "It's possible it isn't a person who is doing it. A creature maybe?" Anna shook her head, "A creature that can write on walls and can identify a person by blood status? If it's a creature, it has to have help. But it has to also be in the castle. You can't apparate at Hogwarts. Whatever it is, it's on school grounds, waiting, watching."

Anna picked up her tea and took a sip, pausing to look at the other professor. Her eyes softened, "So you found him? That had to be scary." Minerva's eyes fell to the floor, "I thought he was dead, when I first saw him." She whispered. Anna reached over and took the older woman's hand, "Don't worry, Minnie. He will be fine. Severus will finish the antidote as soon as he can get the ingredients and we will find a way to stop this from happening." Minerva smiled slightly, "You are still the same old Anna. So caring, so smart, and always right." Anna returned the smile warmly and the two teachers finished their tea in comfortable silence.

-Two Days Later-

You could feel the fear radiating from the students. The tension was unbearable and everyone either seemed eager to gossip about the incident or determined to avoid the topic all together. Others, looked scared out of their wits. Ginny Weasley was one of those people. Anna didn't really know why she was so frightened, she was a pure blood after all. Perhaps, she was just frightened for her friends. Either way, the professor wasn't just going to ignore her when she saw the girl curled up in the Gryffindor common room early that morning, looking rather upset.

Anna crouched down to eye level, "Hey, Gin. Need to talk?" The girl hesitated, but nodded and Anna pulled her up by the hands, taking her to the couch, where they could sit together. The youngest Weasley wiped her tears, "I don't know what's wrong with me...."Anna's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?" The first year looked up at the professor with wide eyes, "I think I'm going mad. I've been having memory loss and I've been feeling so drained lately, and I've been feeling very...strange."

Anna smiled comfortingly, "Ginny, breathe. You are not insane. I have met the insane. I have been to Azkaban. You're probably stressed. This whole ordeal has taken it's toll on everyone. You sat next to Colin in charms, no one can blame you for being upset. Not to mention, this is your first year. I'm sure you have your own issues." She nodded, "I have hand-me-down...everything, I have my grades to worry about, and I have to live up to my parent's expectations and deal with my brothers teasing me and pressuring me about it. Even Ron is making Mum and Dad proud, being friends with the famous Harry Potter and saving the school, even if he did steal the car." Anna stroked her hair, "You'll be great. Ron always says the exact same thing about his brothers, just do what feels right, don't pressure yourself, let your greatness come naturally. I can help you if you have trouble in class. If their teasing gets too bad, come to me. I'll set 'em straight."

Ginny smiled, "I can see why my brothers like you. You really think I'll be great one day?" Anna nodded, "You have the potential. You can't second guess yourself, Gin. You aren't Ginevra Weasley, the weak defenseless little sister, you're Ginny Weasley and you can do anything you set your mind to. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." The professor pulled Ginny to her feet, "Now run up to your dorm and get ready, the others will be waking soon. We can be the first ones to breakfast if we hurry."

As the day went on, Anna had started to notice students clutching talismans and amulets and lucky charms. She wasn't quite sureEven Neville Longbottom, a pure blood, was taking extra precaution. He claimed he was 'almost a squib', which was a load of rubbish in Anna's opinion. She had started to grow a soft spot for the boy and she hated how lowly he thought of himself.

- Time Skip (Second Week of December) -

Harry and his friends were certain that Draco was responsible for opening the chamber and were stilling looking for answers. They had been planning to use the polyjuice potion during Christmas because Draco had suspiciously signed up to stay at Hogwarts during the holidays. However, Harry didn't know what he'd be doing for the holidays. He wasn't sure if Anna wanted him to go to her house or if he would be staying.

But before they could this, they needed the last of the ingredient...from Snape's stores. They managed to pull it off, with Harry as the distraction and Hermione as the thief. It hadn't been a very nice experience for the rest f their class, who had been splashed with the swelling potion they were making.


Anna felt bad for the students and was about to offer her assistance when a black owl landed next to her with a letter. She put a Knut into the small pouch on it's leg and it flew off. Anna opened the letter and read it carefully.

Dear Mrs. Lupin,

We regret to inform you that your request to become the legal guardian of Harry James Potter, has been denied for safety reasons. You may reapply next year, but for the time being, Mr. Potter will remain with Mr. and Mrs. Dursley for the following Summer and winter holidays.

Warm regards,

-Cornelius Fudge

She crushed the letter in her fist and sighed. She had a feeling this would happen, but she didn't think they would go as far as taking away their holiday with each other. It was Christmas. She went looking for Harry.

Anna found her nephew by the bathroom Moaning Myrtle haunted. She didn't ask, she just told him to come with her. She brought him to an empty corridor and broke the new, "Harry...There's been a change of plans regarding our holiday plans." She wordlessly passed the wizard the wrinkled letter and watched his expression as he read. He looked heartbroken, "I have to go live with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon this summer. I understand that, but they can't seriously make us be apart on Christmas, can they?" She knelt down to eye level and gripped the young wizard'll shoulders gently, "Not if I have anything to say about it. Maybe I could go home for Christmas Eve and come back at noon on Christmas Day? They can keep you from coming to my house, but they can't keep me from coming here to see you. I'd stay for Christmas Eve, but I promised Remus I'd come on the holidays."

Harry smiled. Yes, he was disappointed that he wouldn't be going to Anna's but he had just realized that he would finally get to spend Christmas with the people he actually considered his family. Ron and Hermione would be there, Anna was coming, Hagrid would probably be staying, and he couldn't ask for anything more than that. How could he? The Dursleys gave him hangers and socks for Christmas and that was when they actually remembered to acknowledge his existence. He was mad about having to stay with the Dursleys over the Summer, though. What gave them the right? Why would they keep him with relatives who were so cruel? They kept him under the staircase for met of his life!

The young wizard looked at his aunt questioningly, "Why would they do this?" Anna sighed, "They don't like me very much and they like you because of the affect you have on the public. They want you alive, but they don't care much about what would make you the happiness. Don't worry about it, for now. We'll get them to let you live with me next summer." He nodded and went off to his friends.

- A Week Later -

Severus found his friend early that morning and did not hesitate to pull her aside, "I need your help, Anna." She raised an eyebrow, "Really? Whatever for?" He smirked, "The school is starting a dueling club and Lockhart and I are teaching it." She let out a bark of a laugh, "You against Gilderoy Lockhart? That's hardly a challenge. You'll knock him off his feet with a single spell!" The Slytherin nodded, "So, I convinced the idiot to let me duel him and someone else to help 'further educate the children' and I want you to do it." Anna began to pace, "So let me get this straight, you, my best friend, want to have an epic battle in front of the children in order to teach that whiney, no-good, loser, Lockhart, a lesson?" He nodded curtly, "Precisely."

The redhead spun around to face him with her signature smile and a mischievous gleam in her eye that all the marauders were known for, "How could I refuse?"

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