5 | ≠ delight

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I feel terrible.

I feel absolutely terrible.

I'm a terrible, terrible man.

I groan as the harsh sunlight pouring in from my windows wakes me up. The warmth I feel makes me close my eyes tightly, the sunlight taunting me that I've overslept. Guilt eats me inside out. I look around and see a naked girl lying next to me. As all memory of the previous night floods back in my head as an opened tap, I groan even louder and sit up, feeling even shittier.

The small clothless body next to me shifts in her place and opens her eyes.

"Morning, baby. Why do you look so tense," she says. Amanda is lying next to me, looking up through her blue eyes. She gets up on her elbow slightly, the sheet covering her dropping just a bit, revealing her naked skin as my eyes instinctively follow the movement. But unsurprisingly enough, the jolt of lust I had expected never came. 

I guess guilt overpowers all emotions. 

Looking back at her, I look at her face and suppress a sigh.

"Firstly, Don't call me baby. Secondly, you should go now. I have...stuff... to do," I stammer. This is what happens every morning I wake up late. The awkward get out conversation. Usually, I've left for practice or lectures by the time the girl wakes up, but not today.

Amanda gives me a blank look but quickly manages to cover her expressions, her usual easy-going smile taking over, "Okay ya sure. Even I have stuff to do. See you in class." 

She quickly gets dressed and as she's walking out of my bedroom, I watch her hesitate and I wince a little, getting ready to politely tell her to leave again before she turns around, "You know Nathan, you could've just told me to leave. You didn't have to treat me like someone you have to dump before getting on with your day. We both know last night was a one-time thing, so I was going to leave anyway."

My jaw drops open and she smirks a little when she notices that, "Well, it was fun. See you around, Wright," and she walks straight out of my bedroom and apartment.

This time, I groan again, but because of how my asshole personality managed to piss off two girls in twenty-four hours. 

"Dude, Amanda just walked out looking pissed. Did you tell her you had stuff to do?" Eli says as he walks into my room with two mugs of coffee in his hand. He hands one to me and sits on my desk.

"Yes, I did. Now get out," I say, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Wow. This is the kind of treatment I get after getting your coffee?" he feigns mock offence.

I glare at him and say, "Thank you, your highness."

"You're welcome, peasant. Also, telling her you have stuff to do is basically get out but politely. I think I heard her telling you off. Good for her honestly, you're quite an asshole these days."

"Thanks Eli. You really know how to make me feel better," I grumble, heavy sarcasm lacing my words.

Eli snickers and he looks at his watch and back at me, as if he has just realised something.

"Wasn't yesterday your mom's birthday? How were you home banging that hottie?" he asks.

I grow quiet, guilt eating me. Yes, it was my mom's birthday and I had fully intended to go. Sure I hadn't bought a gift, but I was going to. But Amanda happened. After having a little fun with her, I had remembered about mom's birthday and how pissed she would be if I didn't show up. So I had told Amanda to pause and had quickly run down the street to The Bakery to get her their famous chocolate cupcakes which she adored. I figured if I didn't show up this year, at least the cupcakes would act as a peace sign.

On reaching The Bakery though, I had noticed that there was only a single girl present in the shop and she was closing up. Upon remembering now, I realise she was the same girl we had met a few days ago.

Oh shit.

When I had entered, she had seemed shocked and had quickly tried telling me that she was closing up, but I was desperate. So, I had rudely cut her off, had been a complete asshole to her and had told to deliver the cupcakes herself.

I immediately feel another pang of guilt hit me as I remember how she looked at me when I spoke to her rudely. She looked like she absolutely despised me and wanted to rip my head off. Not that I would blame her.

"I messed up," I tell Eli.

"You think?" Eli laughs and walks out of my room.

I quickly take a bath and get dressed and drive to my childhood home. The party stringers and balloons are still stuck to the house. I ring the doorbell and wait. Almost immediately, mom opens the door and looks at me with a pissed expression.

"Happy belated birthday mom?" I say nervously.

She walks away from the door without answering and I enter the house.

Let's make the pissed-girls-in-twenty-four-hours count to three.

When I reach the kitchen, I see the empty cupcake box on the kitchen counter. Mom catches me staring at it and says, "Ah yes, I loved the cupcakes. I would've loved them more if you would've delivered them to me. But nevermind, I got to meet that lovely young lady who bothered to wish me on my actual birthday."

My mom is a sarcastic lady. Always has been. Every time she's pissed, she retorts to using sarcasm. Today being no exception.

Maverick, who's sitting at the kitchen table, looks at me at the mention of young lady and smirks, "You don't know who she is, do you?"

I glare at him, feeling irritated that my family seems to know her a lot better than I do.

Of course, the one girl I'm interested in is the one I don't know. Which is completely my doing.

Dad chuckles from the living room, totally used to his wife's temper and elder son's dry humour. He looks at me and throws me a look which practically reads, you're in trouble.

"I'm sorry mom some work came up. I promise I'll make it up to you," I plead. Mom ignores me, continuing whipping the pancake batter.

Mav fakes a cough, making me glare at him and he smirks, "We all know, along with the young lady from last night what that work was."

"Fuck off Mav."

He laughs and picks up his coffee mug and walks into the living room where dad is sitting.

"Mooooom," I plead again.

Mom gives me a knowing look as if she knows as well the work wasn't so important as I am showcasing it, "Was the work important?"

I bite my tongue and rub the back of my neck and say in a small voice, "No."

"And still you missed my birthday?"

"Yes," I whisper, looking down at the kitchen counter, feeling the guilt increase tenfold.

"You know, I'll forgive you, but on two conditions," I hear her say, instantly making me whip my head up to meet her eyes.

"Anything mom. Just tell me and consider it done." 

She smiles and says sternly, "Only if you get me another two boxes of those cupcakes. And if you apologise to the lovely lady who delivered the cupcakes yesterday." 

I quickly nod my head yes, but then my attention drifts off to the second part of her statement.

"Hey, so, did you meet that girl yesterday? Did she seem mad?" I ask casually. I search my mother's face and notice a small smile forming on her face, which I notice she's trying very hard to control.

"Why, yes, she did. She also knew who you were. She said you both weren't friends. But she was very kind. Everyone loved her yesterday," she says while flipping a pancake, looking up at me from her pancakes for a split second, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Okay, I need to go apologise to her. I'll see you later, mom. Bye!" I say while hurrying out of the door. I hear mom and dad laugh in the back as I quickly make my way to my car.

⋈ ⋈ ⋈

Heya! To anyone actually who reads this, I'm so glad you do. I like writing author's notes even when I have nothing to say. On a side note though, has anyone noticed that my banner does not have an apostrophe before s? That was because the font I used over here did not give the apostrophe symbol but I love the font way too much to actually change to one which has an apostrophe.

Anywho, enough rambling. Question of the week coming right up,

Q. Who is the one person (alive or dead) who you wanna have lunch with?

[Yes, I have totally stolen this question from gossip girl. No, I'm not Dean whoever (forgot his name). Also, this question is related to Chadwick Boseman passing away yesterday. RIP king. Wakanda Forever.]

Okay, that was an extra-long author's note. I'm gonna get out of your hair now. Vote, comment or do anything if you like the story so far. I'll talk to you later!


Anushka <3

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