3 | ≠ polite

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The next morning I wake up to my alarm blaring at my side. I glare at it, hoping to the higher powers that I'll get some supernatural powers to turn it off, but unfortunately, it just starts screeching even louder. I groan and switch it off. Throwing my blanket off, I pick up my phone and open Instagram. The early morning sun rays spill through my windows, illuminating my room with warmth and sunlight, both of the things I love more than anything.

As my feed loads, the first post, I notice, is of our star football player's. Immediately, yesterday's events flood my memory.

Nathan Wright, and as fangirls call him, Mr Right.

I chuckle. Honestly, this play of words always manages to get a reaction out of me. Nathan Wright is hot. I won't deny it, but he just isn't my type. It was a weird conversation, to say the least. He was staring at me as if he saw me for the first time yesterday and he probably did. I'm not on campus that often, all my time is invested in either the bakery or studying my ass off. 

Nathan is smart and insanely talented, so, naturally, girls adore him. The fact that he's a Greek God in terms of his looks is always a plus point. The quarterback of our team, standing at the height of 6'3, brown hair, forest-green eyes and a smile to die for, he's quite the looker.

But he and I, we never mingle. Sure, yesterday was an exception, but other than that, we never crossed paths.

I check his post and notice he has about a thousand likes and 200 comments, some from girls who worship the ground he walks and others from actual friends and family. He's posing with Eli and both are smiling at the camera.

I like the post and scroll for a few more minutes before getting ready to go for my first class. I have to compulsorily take the 8 am class as I have evening shifts at The Bakery later on in the day.

I  quickly run in the shower and get my morning routine on track. After freshening up, I throw on my white shorts and a plain pastel pink tee and pair it with some converse and my bracelet which Ma had gifted me when I was 15. I have worn this bracelet ever since. I like to dress in something which I'm comfortable and that depends on the day. Somedays I put the extra effort and there are other days when I hardly give a shit. But no matter what, I like to look presentable and today is no exception. Today feels like a tee, short and shoe day. One final look in the mirror, I smile at my own reflection, feeling quite confident in my outfit.

"I don't look half bad today," I muse, talking to myself as I usually do. The familiar sentence slips out of my mouth, as does a small laugh as I recall innumerable occasions on which dad has said this to me.

Shaking my head, I put on some mascara and lip gloss, let my hair open and allow it to fall in it's natural dark waves to my back and walk out to make myself some breakfast.

I see Mia already sitting at the table having her coffee. "Morning" she greets. "I've already made your tea. Just heat it and off you go,"

"You're an angel," I praise her. Mia winks at me as she grabs her bag, walking out of the apartment for her class which starts half an hour before mine. I quickly drink my tea and leave for my own class. 

After hours and hours of classes, I breathe a sigh of relief when I'm finally done for the day. As I pack up my stuff, a guy from my class, Jake approaches me. He looks nervous, running his hand through his hair and lightly rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Hey, Aliana," he says, voice cracking a bit at the beginning of the sentence. He looks embarrassed as fuck, clearing his throat for a few seconds before finally meeting my amused gaze.

"Hi, Jake! What's up" I look at him quizzically. He takes a deep breath and continues.

"I was wondering if you were free today evening. I thought we could grab a cup of coffee or something and hang out, Only if you're free. If you're not, I completely understand. I figured I could try asking at least," he rambles on nervously. Honestly, it's kind of endearing and super sweet.

"I'm free. Maybe you could pick me up at 7? It's a date," I smile at him.

His face lights up like a light bulb and he says, "Ya ya sure. Definitely. I could pick you up! At 7. Yes. Okay, see you!"

He then walks away as quickly as he can. I chuckle and finish packing my stuff and walk out of the room.

As I walk out, a light breeze hits me, making my hair dance mid-air. I slow down in my steps, choosing to revel in the insanely pretty weather. I quickly shake myself out of it, making myself walk a little faster in order to reach The Bakery on time.

⋈ ⋈ ⋈

As soon as I reach home, I keep my belongings in my room and leave for my shift at The Bakery. The Bakery is a cute little shop Mia and I had found at the corner of our street when we were in dire need of a job. Bills were piling. We didn't want to ask our parents, solely because we are now of the age when we can start earning and give them a little rest. Lucky for us, The Bakery was hiring. We had instantly gotten the jobs. ISU students love The Bakery, as it is the most convenient and reasonably priced cafe around the area, so it's always bustling with energy.

Upon reaching The Bakery, I'm hit with two things. The aroma of cinnamon rolls and my apron.

"Where were you? Aliana how many times do I have to tell you this is rush hour. Rush hour means more customers and more work. Now get behind the cash counter we have work to do" whispers Mrs Warren menacingly.

Mrs Warren owns The Bakery. And unlike the shop itself, nobody likes Mrs Warren.

Mrs Warren is the human incarnation of the devil's wife. Nobody dared to cross paths with her, not even her own daughter, Shaye. Mrs Warren wishes she has a genie, so she can get three wishes granted. The success of The Bakery, 100 hands so she can manage it all by herself and last but definitely not the least, to get rid of us all.

I quickly take my position behind the cash counter and get to work. Mrs Warren and Mia are in the kitchen as usual and Shaye is with me at the counter, taking and packing orders. The Bakery is very famous in the area, so during rush hours, we're insanely overworked. Even though my boss is Mrs Satan, that lady can bake and she bloody knows it.

Our day goes by in a blur, customers coming in and out, placing orders left and right. In no time, it's time to close the shop. Mia had left already as she had a project to complete and Shaye and Mrs Warren had gone out of town to meet a client. I had asked the delivery boys and the cleaning staff to leave as I finished cleaning the counter. Humming under my breathe, I lightly dance over to the sign at the window. As I am about to flip the open sign to close, I hear the door open and someone tumbling in.

"I'm sorry we're clo-" I stop, as I recognise the guy who has tumbled in.

Standing at the entrance of The Bakery is Nathan Wright. And boy does he look dishevelled.

His hair is standing up in all directions, his t-shirt is half-tucked in his grey sweatpants and he's wearing different flip-flops on both his feet. He's panting hard as he quickly looks up to meet my curious stare for a second.

"Umm welcome to The Bakery?" My greeting comes out more like a question. I don't really know what to expect.

He looks out of it for a while, eyes flitting over the entire shop before finally landing on me. I doubt that he recognises me from a few days ago, but I don't have the time to think about that as he regains his composure and remembers the purpose of his visit.

"I need a box of chocolate cupcakes. The chocolatiest cupcakes you have."

As I am about to interrupt him and tell him that we're closed, he cuts me off, his hands flailing frantically around and continues speaking.

"I would also like you to write Happy Birthday on top. In neat handwriting. You have good handwriting, right? And you need to deliver the box to this address," he slaps a piece of paper on the counter. I lean over to read it. The address is on the other side of the town. There is no way I can deliver the box and reach on time for my date with Jake.

"I'm sorry we don't have any delivery guys at the moment," I say, trying my hardest to not go she-hulk on him.

He looks frustrated, running his hand through his hair and messing it up even more than it already is. He sighs and fetches a few notes, slapping them on the counter.

"Listen. I'm busy tonight. Very busy. Take the extra cash and figure it out. Thanks," and just as he came in, he walks out the door without giving me a single glance back. 

"Wow, he definitely lacks manners," I mutter to myself looking at the box of pre-packed cupcakes and then at the cash kept on the counter. If I decide to not go and if, God forbid, Mrs Warren comes to know I did not deliver the box to the address, she will lose it. I might even lose my job. Sighing, I pull my phone out to call Jake. He picks up in one single ring, making it even worse for me to give him the news.

"Hey, Aliana you ready? Cause I'm not. But I will be," he still sounds nervous and excited.

I wince, knowing what I am about to tell him is going to rain on his parade.

"Hi, Jake. Listen, is there any way we could do this date on a different day? I suddenly have some extra work at The Bakery. I might not be able to make it today."

There's a split-second pause before he replies, "Oh ya sure. We can do it later. Sure sure. I don't mind. I'll talk to you later then?" sounding defeated.

"Yes, later. I'm sorry. I promise we'll do it on some other day." I reassure him.

"Another day. Sure. Bye," he hangs up. I stare at my phone for a while, hanging my head down and taking a deep breath to relax.

I feel awful and curse Nathan in my mind. Sighing heavily, I close the shop behind me and get in my car, getting ready to have an extra-long ride tonight.

All because of Nathan fucking Wright.

⋈ ⋈ ⋈

The picture above represents my daily mood. Blair Waldorf is a mood.

Hi! Hello! I hope everyone's having an amazing day (or whatever it is according to your timezone). The story is picking up pace and I'm so excited for you all to read what happens in the upcoming chapters. It's gonna be fun (hehehe)

And to all my fellow Indians, Happy Independence Day! 

Anywho, Question of the week,

Q. Favourite movie?

Hope y'all find this chapter okayish and all kinds of feedbacks are welcome and appreciated. Vote, comment or do anything you'd like to do. Have an amazing week!


Anushka <3

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