The Arch

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The air was thick with a malicious stench, an uneasy feeling. To the untrained, it was the unsettling in the pit of the stomach: ominous. With the hairs raised on the back of your neck, it was the feeling of being watched: the epitome of a spine chilling, heart stopping, and quite unpleasant thought of knowing you're alone, but not feeling so. The tell-tale signs that something isn't quite right, nor safe. It was polluting the air, and to Colby, it was a dead giveaway of their unwelcome presence.  There wasn't many of them, the demons seeming to choose stealth over power. The only semi-smart move on their part, he humorlessly laughed. Not that it mattered to him in the slightest. They were all good as dead.

There was a one guard circling the perimeter, and if Colby timed it just right he could be in and out before the guard even realized what smited him. Calculating the guards precise movements like clockwork from his crouched position in the shadows, he surveyed the abandoned building. It appeared to be the ruins of one of those malls the humans seemed to frequent back when the world wasn't on the verge of total damnation. Too caught up in his own thoughts of the trivialities of humankind and his blatant disgust for demons, he barely noticed a break in the guarding pattern.This is when Colbys thoughts were interrupted by a loud snarl that rung through his ears, he had been spotted from his dark corner by the guard.

This guard had been dubbed less than average by the prince of hell and was therefore given the job of being killed off first if someone like Colby were to come along. The guards that were deemed more capable were sent to guard the main doors of the mall. He rose quietly, but with force. His fists were lightly balled, and his black wings spread to their widest length, glimmering with strength and ambition, showing he was not a force to be reckoned with. There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible the air would have been a scarlet red. The movements that came next were so sudden the demon had no time to prepare himself. Colby rained blows onto the guard as if he meant to smash him into the very earth the guard tried to protect. Finally the guard was able to do the same. Each didn't just want the other dead, they wanted him butchered, obliterated, with nothing left to bury.   

By the time the guard had been annihilated, his covering charm that was graced to him by God has inevitably worn off. No matter. The only pitfall of being able to sense demons is they could sense him too; it's a two way street in that aspect to keep things balanced or in Colby's mind: interesting. However, he wondered what they sensed and felt where as he sensed their impurity and foulness in close proximity. The grunt demons, responsible for all the unsavory work and the ones usually begging for the scraps of their 'superior' demon counterparts, seemed to notice a shift in the air. About time. He beginning to suspect this was going to be too easy. He hasn't had a good fight in a while and with all the tension building up in his wings, he was dying to walk hand and hand with death. Nervously, they congregated as their paranoia took their eyes to twilight sky. Their eyes frantically raked over their surroundings looking for the the presence they felt: Colby. They were  trying and failing to decide what to do: tell the big boss they, well, fucked up and risk being killed for sport and amusement or try to deal with it, albeit stupidly, amongst themselves. Colby was hoping the latter. As he sat perched on top of one of the garage ledges, he did exactly what humanity did; he plummeted to the ground below him.

"Decisions, decisions."Colby sighed, nearly bored. Slightly startled, the demons apprehended the dramatic arrival of the celestial being and his the great expanse of his wings . He continued, "Hmm.. you all seem to have yourselves in quite the predicament, huh? Do we tell the boss and risk being killed or worse, tortured-" he smirked pointedly at every single one as the palpable fear took over their freakish features- " Or do we try and fail- because trust me there is no other way this will turn out- try and fail to kill the big bad angel on our very own?"

There was only five of them now and how convenient for him that he didn't have to go chasing after any of them or risk one escaping to warn the others. Earlier before he had descended onto this horde of demons he had said a quick covering charm which had kept them clueless about the warrior angels presence until it inevitably worth off hence the ability of the other demon to sense Colby first since he was so close. Colby was lucky- not that he'd ever admit it because he could easily take out these monsters on his own- that God still came through. God wasn't answering many prayers these days. Slowly, slowly, slowly His involvement was decreasing. Less, less, and less were the favors Colby was calling for in fear that soon, God would eventually just completely stop. Colby hates to admit the doubts that has befallen his brethren like dominoes and that has now ashamedly shaken him.

In that frozen second between stand off and fighting Colby saw their eyes flick from their leader to him. All their faces unreadable, no fear, no invitational smirk.

The smallest demons struck first, they're young and strong after all. But things don't go their way, not at all. In seconds, Colby has taken the two demons down with broken necks. Then the elder of the group stepped forward, in order to present himself as dominant and unphased. Colby had to admit the demons speed was impressive, but again his agile movement was far too slow. Six pairs of rough hands tried to seize him. The demon who had teased him in the beginnings right hand shot out. He twisted it and pulled the demon to the ground with a quick snap of the neck. The last two rushed towards him, but with faster reflexes, Colbys massive wings lifted him off the ground and atop what used to be a large metal storage unit.

The force blown from his wings sent the demon closest to him staggering backward crumpling in the dust and dirt. The elder demon leapt into the air , landed on colbys back,causing an uncomfortable twinge in his left wing. Dropping abruptly, colby executed a somersault, shook himself free and rose making sure to keep his arms locked around the fiend that was once on his back. He slammed himself to the ground of the storage unit effectively crushing his enemies spine, as well as killing him instantly. The very last monster was huge and calm, walking up the graffitied stairs. Colby folded his wings neatly behind his shoulders, and placed his hands in his pockets, watching the creature make his way up the steps. Colby noted the annoyance in its murderous eyes; he understood, he felt it too.

It was almost anticlimactic yet poetic how the next few seconds played out. although the demon was fairly larger than Colby's vessel, he still had a about a head taller from his vantage point at the top of the stairs. 

"You know, you should really watch your step." The questioning glint of the demon was the last thing Colby saw before he deftly grabbed onto the rusted railing and used the brunt force from his legs to drive through the last standing beast before him. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Although he wasn't scared of the demons that were undoubtedly in the mall, Colby still entered the vine covered ruins: nature always had a way to take back what was hers.

With that reflective thought at the forefront of his mind, he noiselessly and cautiously maneuvered through the vacant mall, lest he meet the same fate as some of his fallen brothers and sisters . They were angels: powerful, not invincible and in this mall beheld at least a part of the nastiest demons in the northern hemisphere. The part of the world he was bound and as of late with their growing list of casualties failing to protect. With the flickering light of luminescence swinging back and forth on a hanging wire, his eyes glew a brilliant blue as his enhanced vision and ethereal grace led him the way. It was an instinct, a deep-rooted feeling in his other-worldly bones that knew where to take him.

There were many of them: a few more than there was outside and all the more deadly. Definitely more than he was caring to admit he was ready for. They beheld him with a knowing anticipation.

Extremely bold.

Unquestionably dumb.

"We were expecting you, Colby" with two rows of razor sharp teeth, the demon regarded him. Sensing the opportunity to win good points in with their leader, her nasty companions laughed, a mix of monstrous roars and wheezes to match their demonic look. Colby has encountered an abundance of demons to last him his ageless lifetime, twofold, yet their appearances never cease to send a twinge of shock through him. The what appears to be self-proclaimed ringleader with a killer bite has a set of blood-stained talons to match. Directly next to her is your average run of the mill grunt demon.

Diagonal from them stands a stoic demon that has been eerily quiet in comparison to her counterparts bone chilling and trembling inducing laughter; she will be the tougher to vanquish than her boisterous partners. It's always the quiet ones that set him most on edge: her stoicness was just as much as a reprieve as much as it was a red flag. She appears to be human, but upon closer inspection no features grace her mannequin like face. The sinister power was exuding from her and one simple glance alone had be known to drive humans insane with fear. The apparition in the corner of the room blended in with the shadows- the creature that haunted the darkest places for the only thing to be seen of his was beady red eyes; it was also the last thing you saw until he swallowed you up and forever you would be stuck in a nightmare dimension.. Forced to replay your biggest fears on repeat forever and ever.

Lastly, there was a demon that was specific to whatever human that was unlucky enough to be its prey. It read your mind and took shape of whatever you feared most. It was constantly changing. Its true form though was a ghastly pale seemingly translucent skin. Its limbs were stretched out; its arms fell to the floor, the same length as its body.It obliterated everything in its path, but not in the way one would originally suspect. It would make the human unlucky enough to come across it play a doomed game of 50-50. It would make its victim choose between the worst of two fates making them hold onto hope that eventually they would be let go. That demon was a demon of its word, however it is rare a human has made it that far. If the impossible choices didn't kill or at least maim you- it got to you mentally and emotionally. It took the will of life right out of you, fed on it.

You may have narrowly made it out, but you will never be the same.Some demons were once human, and that's how some knew what fears to play on; it still has a slight remembrance what it was like to be human. Colby wasn't sure which made him feel more sick: the demons alone or the fact that some humans were capable of running alongside them. Some demons were born while many were made and as of late many human souls were beginning to turn;their souls stained permanently black. It's disheartening and sickening to see the men made in his Maker's image fall to such lows. Colby sized them up. They appeared unfazed and apathetic, but Colby knew better. He was an all powerful entity after all. They were scared, or they were stupid. Either one got you killed, and that's why Colby was neither. Emotions got you killed especially in situations like these.

"So it seems," Unimpressed and not a bit bothered by her awareness of his name, Colby narrowed his eyes. He had his hunch his name was infamous amongst the demons. At first, his existence was more of a myth, legend. Demons dared not even say his name in more than a whisper. It was amusing, and that's why he could feel his repressed rage dwindling just beneath the surface of his vessel. How dare she speak his name on her serpent tongue? He had to betray all instincts to instantly kill them where they stand. He was sent here for a reason: information. Whatever may befall these vile and disgusting creatures afterwards, however, was completely fair game. With all the torturing and turning of human souls this particular demon crew has stirred up, Colby was at his wits end with patience. Oh, the fun tortures that await them. Forever wasn't long enough to repay them their fair share in wrongdoings.

"Yes," the demon laughed, "we sensed your presence. Stifling, safe, and boring-" Stifling? Fair enough. Colby pffted. The demon pathetically sputtered and choked on his blood mid sentence. It wasn't to be helped. He was a lower level demon that was finally being allowed to sit at the big demon's table, and he was speaking out of his turn. It happened so fast, he probably never saw it coming unlike Colby, who saw everything. Which was why he found this a little troubling... He didn't see it coming either.

Sensing his uncharacteristic unease an involuntary twitch of his eyebrow, the initial demon picked up on that and sinisterly smirked, "Aw, you thought you feather brains, cloud huggers had all the powers, did you?"

Internally chastising himself, Colby reeled back in the parts of himself that betrayed his thoughts. He reigned his composure. He knew better. "Not that it matters in the slightest but congratulations on your newfound"- in his most patronizing voice he could muster- "magic tricks."

"Magic tricks?," she let out a dryless chuckle, a sound like that alone from a demon has haunted countless humans. It barely phased Colby. "Tell me, Colby-"

"Do not dare utter my name, demon." His statement was simple, his voice however was laced with a thousand threats.

Pretending she didn't hear him she continued weaving herself around the room, "Tell me. For light there is dark. For good there is evil. For angel there is demon. " She pointed at Colby then herself.

"I'm growing quite bored of you," Colby interrupts with a dismissive wave of his hand. He peered at her through the slits of his eyes. No more games, but to her she thought with a callous and vicious smile, the game has just got interesting: it has just gotten started.

"Now don't be rude. I had a whole speech prepared, but I suppose you do have a point. I'll cut to the chase so I can let my friends here tear your feathers apart piece by piece-"

"Get on with it, demon!" Colby snapped. He felt the thinning of his practically non-existent patience holding on by a thread.

"Ooh. Touchy. Okay, okay!" She lowers her head to convey her ghastly and evil smile, "Who do you think our prayers fall upon,angel?" she spit out the word angel like it was foul in her mouth.

It's silent as Colby regards her. She has to be bluffing. He hasn't been seen since the dawn of time, since the stars were hung in the sky. Just as Colby was a legend told by demons in hushed whispers and fear, he was just a myth exploited by the elders and archangels to prevent disruption in the court. To prevent harm of the coveted, precious human beings, they told stories of an angel jealous of God's new and latest creations and what befell him when he tried to eradicate them. Colby can't picture a worse and painful fate than losing one's grace. When he hears her grating voice in lieu of the cringing sound of her talons scratching the concrete wall, he corrects himself. There is a worse and more painful fate. He could be a demon. He internally shuddered at the thought.

"If you believe in God then you must believe in the devil." Colby cringes as the beasts cry in celebration of their delusion. No falsehood could be celebrated this genuinely, though, could it?

"Although- now listen up you're going to want to hear this-," she emphasizes, " Although, we haven't been graced with a sunrise," she smiled at nothing seeming lost in a thought in an attainable future, "a new dawn is approaching." Seeming proud of herself, she feigned mock-hurt when Colby expressed his disinterest. He was not entertained and decided this was enough demon he could stomach for one evening. He humored them enough, and he could find the information in a more enduring way some other time. He would take the reprimanding he would receive once returned to base camp; anything would be better than this taunting and rather mindless encounter.There's no way he can hold anything this demon says to be true. Why can't he properly read them, though? Something else must be afoot, he decides. It's the first decision he hasn't been sure of in centuries.

"Too bad you won't be here to witness His rise though," despite his unamused expression she continued on, "kill him." Almost as an afterthought like she couldn't be bothered to waste anymore breath on him she adds ,"slowly".

"Alright. Whose first?" Colby smiled with raised eyebrows as the demons, though demented as they may be, were circling around him in more apprehension than determination.

Colby was used to this defeated face, demons he fought wore it every day. He liked it. It meant he was in charge. He rounded the corner only slightly out of breath, not because he was tired but the thrill of ridding the world of the most insidious evil. As he walked through the empty lobby of the abandoned mall, he tilted his head upwards, instantly he realized the reason he had an excited itch in the pit of his stomach. Right above him, on the second floor of the mall was a gaping hole where a glass barrier had once been to protect the fragile humans from falling.

Within the space, was a string pentagram tightly stretched and without a doubt drenched in lighter fluid. Triumph blazed in those angel blue eyes and Colbys mouth twitched upwards on the left, dimpling his cheek. He had gathered the information he needed. Damn-it if he wasn't smirking at the thought of the last demon writhing in pain behind him surrounded by his dead friends. All Colby could think of was Next time they better come with an army or it'll be like wiping dust off of his black skinny jeans. He won't enjoy it mind you, but a job's a job and orders are orders. Then out of the shrouding darkness came light and the sounds of birds chirping and heat rising, that made things simpler. None of his blood spilt today, just himself to extricate. He knew that last demon's smirk wouldn't last long, but he'll live to tell the tale. And that's exactly what colby wanted.

He thought of the last words the demon hissed at him "Just as humanity, the angels will fall!" The demon gurgled on her black blood as he left her black soul; gone forever unlike the new threat she presented him with. It loomed over his head, and the cryptic foretelling nestled into his wings; that's
when he heard it. Him.

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