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‘You promised to make me a snack,’ Brad reminded Tessa, as he turned off the ignition.

‘How about an omelette?’ Tessa offered.

‘With lots of cheese and ham please.’

‘Can I quickly check in on Lyndon,’ Tessa draped her arm around Brad’s shoulder.

‘Hurry, I’m starving,’ he complained.

Tessa was having difficulty keeping Brad at bay.  He was standing behind her at the stove.   His one hand was trailing over her thigh, his teeth gently nibbling at her throat.

‘I wish you weren’t wearing trousers,’ he groaned.

‘Just stop,’ Tessa elbowed him away.  ‘Your dinner’s going to burn.’ 

‘I’m not interfering with the omelette,’ his tongue was doing erotic things at her earlobe.

‘But if you keep doing that, I want to kiss you back,’ she moaned, stealing a quick kiss, whilst trying to finish cooking Brad’s omelette.

‘Good evening Brad, Tessa.

‘Good evening daddy,’ Tessa shifted away from Brad and gave the omelette all her attention. 
Thank heavens, I was not lying on the kitchen table with my legs wrapped around Brad’s hips.

Had they been in her apartment or back home in London, that graphic image could not have been ruled out.  Damn, she should have been aware, that they would not enjoy privacy in her dad’s home.  Well technically it was her husband’s home now.  Brad had bought it from her father and gifted it to Tessa after he married her.

‘Joseph, you’re up quite late,’ Brad was unperturbed at his father-in-law finding him and Tessa making out in the kitchen.  Actually, he was doing the “making out.”  Tessa was trying to stave him off.

‘Tessa, why didn’t you call Hanna to serve you and Brad?’ Joseph enquired.

‘It’s late to trouble her daddy.  I’m just making Brad a light meal.’  Tessa placed Brad’s delicious looking omelette onto a plate and switched the percolator on for his coffee.

‘I heard your car driving in,’ Joseph smiled at Brad.  ‘Tessa, I was wondering if I could see you in the morning.’

What are you going to try to twist my arm about?

Brad watched Tessa tense up.  She inhaled deeply, her eyes narrowed.  The instant her father had walked into the kitchen, Tessa was full of tension like a spring coil, weary and subdued.  She had been warm and responsive when he had been flirting with her, now she was on edge and dangerously cool, like the proverbial English cucumber.

‘What’s it about?’ Brad questioned casually.  He moved closer to Tessa.  Immediately he felt Tessa leaning closer to him, drawing strength from his presence.  ‘Tessa and I have an appointment tomorrow morning.’

Tessa knew nothing about any appointment.  If her husband saw fit to invent an excuse just for her, then they had an appointment.

‘It should not take long,’ Joseph addressed Brad.  ‘There’s a businessman from the Middle East.  He is in financial services.  He wants me to invest in a local project there.    I wanted Tessa to look at that contract.’

Brad looked at Tessa, inviting her to respond.  She breathed a sigh of relief her father was not intending to lecture to her about anything. 
Come to think of it, since her marriage to Brad, Joseph hardly interfered much in her life, unlike when she had been single, he had constantly badgered her about every aspect of her life.

‘Would you need about an hour daddy?’

‘That’s more than enough,’ he nodded.  ‘You can peruse the contract at leisure and give me an opinion at a later stage.’

‘Sure, no problem, daddy.  Brad your meal’s going cold.’

‘Care to join me Joseph?’ Brad offered politely.

‘No thank you,’ Joseph smiled. ‘We have enjoyed dinner with Lyndon, and he did eat all his vegetables, Tessa.’

‘Good,’ she smiled, as she put Brad’s plate in front of him for the second time.  This time she gave it a warm up on low heat in the microwave.  ‘Darling please eat,’ she instructed.

‘Good night then,’ Joseph left the kitchen.

‘Thank you,’ Brad sat down to his meal.  ‘My coffee ready?’ he asked.

‘Coming up.’

‘What about you?’ Brad asked.

‘I did nibble something at JeTag.   Maybe I will just have a bite with you,’ she moved a chair closer to Brad’s and sliced a tiny piece of omelette for herself. 


‘Hmm?’  Brad responded with his mouth full.

‘I’d like to spend a night at the apartment please.’
Brad looked at Tessa.  She was slicing through her piece of omelette.  He could not understand why Tessa would want to stay at the apartment when they had a beautiful home at their disposal.  There were certain times Brad knew from experience not to question his wife, this was one of them.

‘We can do so tomorrow night,’ he draped an arm around her neck and kissed her cheek.

‘Thank you,’ she smiled, her lips lingered close to his.   She kissed him tenderly.  ‘Hurry up,’ she whispered.  ‘I want to go to bed.’

Bentley had just come out the shower when he heard the knock on his door.  He yanked the door opened to find Keri standing there.  She was still in the sexy cream number and stilettos.  She stood before him weary yet determined.

‘You’re still awake?’ Bentley raised an enquiring eyebrow.

‘May I come in?’ Keri asked nervously. She did not know if she’d taken leave of her senses.  He had the fancy hotel gown strapped on, a towel around his neck and he was bare footed. 

He has cute feet.

‘Keri it’s late.’  He did not invite her in.  ‘Mr. Blakely has a hook up session with the Australian team at eight in the morning.  I need to be up early to set things up.’

‘I can help you,’ she stepped into his room, uninvited.’

‘What I have to do is not labour intensive,’ he laughed. 

‘Oh he still laughs,’ she grinned.

Their eyes meshed.  Keri inhaled deeply. Bentley held his breath.  Silently praying she would not be rejected, she walked up to him.

‘Bentley,’ she murmured.  ‘Tell me that we’re okay.  That you’re not angry with me.’  She reached out for his hands and laced her fingers through his.

‘We’re okay.  I am not angry,’ he answered politely as she had bid him.

‘Bentley please---.  I feel like you’re holding out.  Like you’ve cast me out like something you do not need anymore,’ she whispered. 

Am I being presumptuous?  Dare I hope we do have something?

‘Keri,’ he groaned and pulled her roughly into his arms.  ‘You’re not making this easy for me,’ his mouth closed over hers.  He was not gentle, aggressively possessing her mouth.  Not that Keri had any intention of complaining.  She reached for him, wrapping her arms around him and returning his kisses just as fervently.  Gently Bentley pulled away and drew his lips away from hers.

‘What am I not making easy?’ she asked in confusion, her arms still entangled around his neck.

‘I do want you Keri.’

Her countenance brightened.  ‘I want you too,’ her eyes met his earnestly.

‘’But not tonight Keri,’ he removed her hands from around his neck.

‘Why?’ she demanded, looking disappointed.

‘I’m not going to rush our first time,’ he spoke huskily.  ‘I want to romance you,’ his eyes met hers meaningfully.    ‘I’m going to take you to dinner and then---.’

‘When?’ Keri asked, linking her fingers through his again.  He had lovely slim fingers, like a piano player, and they were clean, well manicured like a doctor’s.

Bentley laughed again.  ‘I’m an old fashioned guy,’ he grinned.  ‘I shall do the bidding.’  He was making reference to her knocking on his door.

‘Oh,’ she looked away embarrassed.  ‘I did not come to proposition you tonight,’ she whispered.  ‘I just wanted to clear the air between us.’

‘I apologize,’ he sighed, removing one hand and raking his fingers through his hair.  ‘I wanted to be certain you were ready to start a new relationship.  I did not want to rush in where angels fear to tread.’

‘I want to tell you about Max,’ she whispered.

‘Thank you,’ Bentley smiled supportively.  He held her hand and led her to the sofa.  ‘Would you like a drink?’

‘No thank you,’ she smiled nervously.

‘Do you mind if I have one?’

‘No---no, go ahead.’  Bentley poured himself a scotch and sat across from Keri.  He would have loved to have been closer to her.  To feel her body close to his, their thighs touching, to reach out for her hand, but he offered her some space to gather her thoughts.

‘Go on,’ Bentley smiled encouragingly.  He waved his glass in her direction to begin when she was ready.

Keri nodded.  She was disappointed he chose to sit so far away from her.  She wished he could have been nearer so she could reach out to him.  She inhaled deeply and began.

‘Max and I were living together,’ she pursed her lips.  ‘I did love him ---in the beginning,’ she fiddled with her fingers. 
Keri did not see Bentley narrow his eyes angrily.  He tilted his glass to his lips and emptied the contents in one gulp.

‘Anyway,’ she looked up at Bentley.  ‘He---Max proposed to me.  We were to be married next year.’  A pained expression filled her face.  Bentley wanted to reach out when he saw her anguish, but he held back.

‘Three months before I arrived in the U.K. was Max’s birthday,’ her voice went soft.  Bentley had to strain to hear her. 
'I wanted to make him a surprise dinner,’ her eyes became glassy.  ‘I went home early.’ 
She forced herself to meet Bentley’s eyes. 
‘He was there ---with another woman.’  Tears streamed down her eyes unchecked.

‘I am sorry Keri.’ 
She had not even known when he stood up and joined her on her sofa.

‘It’s over now,’ she rushed on, blinking her eyes furiously.  ‘I am glad I never married Max,’ her eyes were sincere.  ‘I do not love him anymore, and I am so thankful to have met you,’ she whispered.

Keri visibly saw a weight lift off Bentley’s shoulders.  She smiled through her tear stained face.  He reached out and brushed the tears away from her cheeks.

‘If you are prepared to have me,’ she pleaded.  ‘I want a relationship with you Bentley.’

‘I thought I told you, I’m an old fashioned guy,’ he smiled, cupping his palm to her cheek.

‘Kiss me Bentley,’ she leaned towards him.

‘I give up.’
She heard his beautiful laugh, as he gathered her into his arms and obediently actioned her command.

Is she going to propose to me next?

‘I want to have a relationship with you Ms. Packer.’  Bentley dragged his mouth away long enough to assure her of that fact. ‘And I can’t wait to make love to you,’ his lips descended on hers again.

‘Oh Bentley, thank you,’ she spontaneously lurched onto his lap and threw her arms around his neck.

‘Oh dear Lord, give me strength,’ he groaned aloud.  His body reacted artlessly to her strategic positioning on his lap.

‘Why do you need strength?’ she cupped his cheeks and kissed him boldly.

‘You are so forward,’ he chuckled.  Bentley stood up, with her legs entwined around his hips.  ‘Now Ms. Packer, I want you to return to your room.’  He walked with her to the door.

‘Oh,’ she could not keep the disappointment from her voice.

‘Tomorrow evening at seven, you have a dinner date with me,’ he ignored her pouting face.  ‘Wear something sexy,’ he murmured.  ‘I’m taking you to a very fancy restaurant.’

‘Why can’t we order take in?’

‘Keri!’ He rolled his eyes towards the ceiling.

‘And afterwards---are you coming to me, or am I coming to you?’

‘Out,’ he opened his door and ushered her out.  Bentley took her key card, sliced it through the slot.  With his palm at her lower back, he gently pushed her through her own door. 

‘Good night Keri,’ he leaned towards her and kissed her slowly.

‘Good night Bentley,’ she whispered huskily.  ‘By the way, you look hot in that gown,’ she grinned.

‘Thank you,’ he laughed. 
Keri was so pleased to see the laughter reach his eyes.  There were no more barriers between them.  The sun had definitely come out again and life was definitely looking good from where Keri was standing.

When Bentley took the three steps back to his own suite, Keri shut the door, and began hopping about excitedly in her room. 

Thank you Bentley.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.


‘No, don’t wake up just yet,’ Tessa clung to Brad, refusing to let him get out of bed.

‘I have a conference call with Kim and her team in less than an hour,’ Brad urged.  As it is he was going to have to skip breakfast.

‘Why do you schedule things so early?’ she moaned, snuggling closer to Brad.

‘Blame Bentley,’ Brad moaned, his palm slid down Tessa’s ribcage.  She purred delightedly as his palm caressed over her petite bottom.

‘Mrs. Blakely?’

‘Yes,’ she giggled.  Her husband hardly ever addressed her that way.

‘Shouldn’t you have been in the gym an hour ago?’

‘I’m on holiday and pregnant,’ her sleepy eyes opened with difficulty to meet Brad’s.

‘Oh, I see,’ he suppressed a grin, but his eyes were filled with laughter.

‘Are you insinuating something Blakely?’

‘No and please do not go on a diet,’ he instructed.  ‘I love your body just as it is.’

‘Don’t worry Blakely,’ she smiled.  ‘I am not concerned about my weight.  I’m taking my son swimming, so I thought I’d skip the gym this morning.’

‘Good,’ he smacked her bottom playfully.  ‘I find those size zero models distasteful.’

‘You have no business looking at them!’

‘I haven’t ---since the day I laid eyes on you,’ his eyes locked with hers.

‘I actually believe you Blakely,’ she pressed her lips to his.  Tessa trusted Brad.  Their love had grown stronger during the years of their young marriage.  They understood each other, respected their boundaries and supported each other unconditionally.  Tessa smiled as she gazed into her husband’s eyes.  She thanked God every day, for giving her this amazing man as well as for the beautiful family he has blessed her with.  Very soon she would be the proud mother of two babies.

‘Can I get up now?’ Brad pleaded.  ‘New York’s traffic is the pits,’ he groaned.

‘I’m going to fire your P.A.,’ Tessa threatened.

Brad laughed.  He kissed her lips and reluctantly got out of bed.

‘So should we meet at the apartment tonight?’ Tessa asked when Brad returned from showering.

Brad looked over his shoulder.   He had been busy knotting his tie.  Tessa was curled on her side, facing the mirror, her eyes looked guarded.    She looked away when Brad tried to read her eyes.    Brad dropped his tie.  He walked to the bed, lowered one knee onto the mattress.  He leaned over Tessa and kissed her lips.  She inhaled his musk cologne.  He smelt divine.  She purposefully kept her hands beneath the duvet.  If she touched him, she was going to keep him in bed and he would miss his conference call.

‘You okay with your meeting with Joseph today?’ He enquired conversationally. 
If his wife needed him, he would drop everything to be by her side.

‘Yeah,’ she replied immediately.  If her father wanted legal counsel, she could hold her own with him quite adequately.  It was only when Joseph tackled her personal life, was she weary to grant her father an audience.

‘Tell me if you need me and I will reschedule the conference call,’ Brad offered.

‘Don’t be silly Blakely,’ she sat up and expertly finished his tie knot.  ‘Go to work,’ unable to resist, her fingers cupped his face.  She closed her eyes and met his lips in a lingering kiss.

‘How are you able to do that so well?’ he was referring to her ability to so deftly knot a tie.

‘Experience,’ she bit on her lower lip.

‘Really, I can count on one hand the number of times you’ve helped me?’ he shoved her down onto the bed and tickled her mercilessly. 

‘Wait,’ she gripped his wrists as she choked on a laugh.  ‘In high school,’ she caught her breath.  ‘I had to wear a tie.’

‘Ah,’ Brad lowered himself over her.  ‘I bet you looked real sexy,’ his lips worried at a tender spot on her neck.

‘Blakely,’ she groaned, wrapping her arms around his neck.  ‘You wouldn’t stay in bed with me, because of your conference call.  Now what the hell,’ she moaned and pulled his head closer so she could kiss him.

‘Have breakfast for me,’ he dragged his mouth away.  ‘I will return this afternoon for you and Lyndon,’ he kissed her lips.

‘You’re not going to be home late?’

‘Nope,’ he winked.  ‘Just after lunch.  Bye darling.’ 

‘Bye. I love you.’ Tessa called out.

‘I love you too,’ he threw her a kiss as he left their bedroom.

Tessa stepped into a pair of faded denims.  She was spending the morning with Lyndon, so did not feel the need to dress up.  When Tessa entered the room next to theirs, Lyndon was fast asleep.  She sat on the bed and carefully moved the lock of hair falling over his face.  Lyndon was so gorgeous, just like a miniature version of his daddy.  His long dark lashes beautifully fanned his cheek.  His lips were rosy red as if it had been painted that colour.  Tessa lowered her head and kissed his cheek.  Charlie whimpered at the foot of Lyndon’s bed.

‘Morning Charlie,’ Tessa spoke softly.  The hound enthusiastically shifted closer to Tessa.  ‘No stay,’ she lifted her hand to halt the dog from coming close to her.

‘Momma,’ Lyndon’s sleepy voice called to Tessa.

‘Morning darling,’ she smiled adoringly at her little angel.  ‘Are you still tired my baby.’

‘My daddy---,’ Lyndon lifted his head, searching for Brad.’

‘Daddy’s gone to work darling.’

‘I know.  My daddy told me you’re taking me swimming.’

‘He did?’

‘Yes,’ Lyndon smiled.  ‘And he said I must take care of you,’ Lyndon woke up and wove his arms tightly around his mummy’s neck.

‘Oh that’s so sweet, my baby.’

‘Can Charlie swim with us please?’

‘Yes he can,’ Tessa smiled.  ‘Dogs love swimming.’

‘Who taught my Charlie to swim?’

‘They are born with the ability to swim,’ Tessa smiled again.  She used her fingers and combed Lyndon’s hair away from his face.

‘Are we going to swim right now?’

‘Not right away.  Do you mind if I spend an hour working with grandpa?’

‘No momma,’ he shook his head vigorously, clearly he was still tired.

‘Thank you,’ Tessa hugged him.  ‘I’m going to ask Stacy a little later, to attend to your breakfast and to brush your teeth, then I will come and fetch you okay?’

‘Okay momma.  Is the baby fine?’ he asked randomly.

‘Yes, why?’ Tessa laughed.

‘I can’t wait for my brother to come.’

‘What if it’s a girl?’ Tessa prompted.

‘Will she play football with me?’

‘If you teach her to,’ Tessa smiled.

‘You look beautiful momma,’ Lyndon placed both his palms on her tummy.  ‘Baby is inside there, is he not?’

‘Yes,’ Tessa’s voice was throaty.  ‘The baby is still growing.  When he or she is ready and strong enough then it will be born.’

‘I can’t wait,’ Lyndon smiled at his momma enthusiastically.

‘I know,’ Tessa agreed.  ‘Would you like to rest a little more my baby, before Stacy comes in?’  Tessa pressed her lips to his forehead.

‘Okay,’ Lyndon dropped his head back on the pillow again.

‘See you just now,’ Tessa whispered, as she tucked Lyndon’s sheets around him. 

The breakfast hall was empty when Tessa walked in.  She expected her dad to be there but thankfully, she could breakfast by herself.  She scanned the buffet thoughtfully, still undecided on what to have.

‘Morning Mrs. Blakely,’ the maid greeted Tessa with a silver platter in her hand.

‘Hanna, good morning,’ Tessa smiled courteously.  ‘Where are my

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