The Selection

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Ren has been spending his summer vacation
Hanging out with Alice

And taking down some jerks in a food war or two

All the students are waiting too see if they'll be in the fall selection

Ren looks around and sees

Ren Dojima

Ren: Heh that's what I'm talking about

Him and soma fist bump

They then run over too the other kyoksei members

Soma: Hey did you get chosen for fall secretion too!

Megumi: sure did

Ren: Nice!

Takumi: even before a food war I Kage been given a chance to battle both of you directly

Soma is talking too meat meat and Ren had wondered off

Ren: Oh yeah yeah good luck takumi I wanna see what you can really do

Takumi: I don't need you too pity me!

Isami is laughing

He then finds Alice

Ren: Ahh so you got chosen too then huh

Alice: Why of course I did, it only makes sense I see you did too

Ren: Sure did! Can't wait

Ryo: let's see, ahh there's my name

Alice: of it is dummy if you hadn't be chosen you would've been an embarrassment as my intimidating aid also I forbid both of you too get eliminated in the preliminary round

Ryo: don't worry I am ready too put up a fight too the end even if it means I have to go up against you too win

Ren: (his tone did not match what he just said) yeha same here now matter who my opponent is I'll take them down! Even if it is my girlfriend I'm not holding back!

Alice is annoyed

Ryo: what's wrong with your face

Ren pokes Alice's cheek a few time

Ren: Uhh are you ok?

Alice: What's wrong with the two of you it wouldn't hurt for you two too show me some respect once in a while

Ren: Huh what are you talking about Wh6 should I show you respect I don't work for you I'm your boyfriend not your aid

Ryo: I also always show respect anyway

Alice: Hmm you should still both respect me more take some notes from erina's secretary shes grovels like a pro

She is still hitting them both Ryo and Ren just glance at each other It's looking done

Soma: Oh It's erina's cousin Hey!

Alice: Oh Hey! How are you soma!

There's a random announcer girl talking Ren decided not too listen because he already knows this crap

That's when they are seen on a bench together Alice has a tight grip on ren's arm too keep him there

Soma: I didn't see erina's name up there

Ren: yeah she's a member of the council of the they need to oversee everything so she is basically too busy

Alice: Aww man! It's going to a while before I can battle Erina

Ren: Hey snow Angel I need to go and sort some buisness out I'll be a few minutes

Alice: oh what are you doing

Ren: teaching some mouth breathers a lesson

Alice: Ok! Have fun

Ren walks over too two guys

guy: How come we didn't make the cut but somehow that loser country bumpkin did

Guy2: my cooking skills and class ranking why higher than that little hick it makes no sense

Guy: total

He then can't breath

Because Ren has him gripped by the throat

Ren: You two should really learn when too shut up! 'He throws the guy too the ground and draws his knife' because one day that "country's bumpkin" is going to leave you all in the dust!

Guy scrambles back up: what would you know huh?

Ren: judging by the state of your hands and your hair products you two are just scraping by- no that's not the right word-hmm hanging by your finger tips over the side of a cliff, no still not right, you are falling ready to meet the deadly ocean of failure that awaits you

Female student: No it's more like they are hanging onto an air plane that's flying and holding onto a very thin peace of thread

Ren: yeah that sounds right 'he then swings his knife around and seethes it' and threads are easily cut, Wait a minute who are you

The female student ignored him and intimidated the hell out of the students and they ran away

Megumi: Uhh thank you miss

Myoko: I'm myoko Kojiro

Ren: that was a nice job Myoko I couldn't of done it better

Megumi ran behind Ren

Ren: uhh what are you doing?

Megumi: she's scary

Myoko: Ren Dojima correct

Ren: that's me

Myoko: Hmm you interest me in fact both of you do

Ren: well considering you showed those arseholes whose boss the feeling is mutual

Myoko: well here's a question are you the 2 girls that fought with that transfer student against Kojiro shinomiya

Ren blinks: Uhh what

Myoko looks confused: are you the two girls that went up against kyojiro shinomiya

Ren: yeah I got that part but why are you calling us both girls

Myoko: you're speaking as if you are a boy

Ren: well I am

Myoko: what but your so-

Ren: Feminine, Androgynous, believe me I've heard it all before either way it's because apparently apart from my eyes I look almsot identical too my mother

Myoko smirks

Ren: Uhh what's with that smirk

She starts getting closer too him until he bumped into a wall

Myoko: with these looks I bet you get underestimated a lot right

Ren: yeah you could say that it's been a big pain but I'm used too it

Myoko smirks almost seductively and places a finger under ren's chin

Ren: I wouldn't do if I was you

Myoko: oh really why not, whose going to stop me

Alice: Well that would have too be me!

Alice cracks her knuckles and Ryo is seen being intimidating

Myoko: Ahh the great Alice Nakiri what do I owe the pleasure

Alice: Oh believe me if you don't stop away from him this experience is not going to be pleasurable

Myoko: oh so does this boy interest you two

Alice: well you could say that I am his girlfriend after all

Myoko then shivered a little bit

Ren: I wasn't telling you too stop because of her

He then grabs her arm and pulls it away from his chin

Myoko: what,,

Ren: Heh people under estimate me sure but I couldn't care less and if you stop bothering me I'll let go

Got it!

Myoko seems to be unusually scared and backs off

Ren: that's good

Ren then throws his hair back and him, Alice and Ryo walk off

Alice: well I didn't expect too see what who does that girl think she is

Ren: seriously I bet if it was a guy doing that everyone would be going crazy

Ryo: ain't that the truth

Alice then stop and grabbed Ren by the chin and looked too her left too see myoko walking away from Megumi

She kisses him right then and there

Ren can't help but go with it

Alcie: there no she should know who you belong too now stop by my room tomorrow tonight and we can practise together

She winks and walks away

Ren blushes and brushes it off and walks right passed a guy with long white hair and tanned skin

He feels a chill

The night after the choice for the preliminaries has been chosen and it's curry

Ren gives Alice a call and tells her too come to the forest

Alice does so and what awaits her is a picnic under the stars

Ren: evening snow Angel

Alice: my how romantic of you

Ren: what can I say I had a lot of time too plan

They take a seat

Alice: So what's in the menu tonight

Ren: that would be curry

Alice: hmm kind of ironic don't ya think

Ren: well don't you remember the lovely prank you played on me all that time ago

Alice: you where making curry and I put chocolate in it as a prank

Ren: and do you remember what happened afterwards?

Alice: our parents tried it and they couldn't figure out what spice it was and we where too afraid to tell them

Ren: yup that sums it up and afterwards as an act of revenge I forced you to try some but you loved it so then you made me eat some and we both loved it

Alice: so what does this have to do with the curry tonight

Ren: well essentially I found a way too improve it though too be honest you'll be the first one too taste it

Alice: a walk down memory lane nice, but you do know the taste of this will depend in whether or not I forgive you

Ren: yes mam I'm aware of that, but don't worry you'll love it

Alice: Well moment of truth 'she takes a bite' it's not bad but I'm missing something

Ren: well what's your idea snow Angel

Alice: I'm not sure, but I can tell you're going to figure it out before the preliminaries

Ren: oh you are playing it like that never change snow angel, but thre's still a big question do you forgive me

Alice: I will under two conditions, first you complete the dish and then after the preliminaries I get too dress you up for the whole day just the two of us

Ren sighs and blushes: I guess if an go along with that

And that's a wrap

Next we start the training but that can wait

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