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~*A/N*~ GUYS GUESS WHAT!? The next chapter is the last one! (there might be two other books that I have already planned hehe maybe not!) what will happen!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNN!

As I crashed into the waters surface the air forced itself out of my lungs. The impact made my skin sting. The blade in my chest throbbed. I didn't fight to survive. I had given up. I just wanted it be over now. I wanted to see mother and father. I closed my eyes letting the silence surround me.

'And what will you tell them after you drown? That you let your friends die because you gave up?' It was the same voice that called to me in Egypt. The voice of darkness and Purity. I thought I was hallucinating because of the heat, but here it was speaking to me clear as day.

'What can I do? Tell me what to do!' My tears filled the water around me.

"Live." A vision of Yami's dead body in my arms made my eyes snap open as my legs started to kick. My chest felt like it was tearing itself apart from the lack of air. The stab wound wasn't making it easier to breath. I failed my arms trying to propel myself upwards.

'If you want me to live, I need help! I can't swim!' I could feel myself start to panic as I thrashed about, water slowly entering my nose and mouth.

'Do you wish to live now? You had given up a moment ago.'

'I have to save Yami! I can't let him die because I'm weak! Now help me!'

'With the puzzle incomplete, I'm afraid I can't use my powers.'

I wanted to ask so many questions. Who were they? Why am I chosen and what did that entitle? What powers? I was running out of time and needed to think of how I was going escape.

'Yugi, the rock. Climb the rock.' I turned around to see a giant rock with rigid edges. I gripped it hard cutting my hand open as I did. I pulled myself up kicking off the edges until I erupted to the surface gasping for air as if I had never breathed before. I coughed up water. It dripped down my lips and chin as I tried to hold my self away from the lake like it were molten lava. My arms started to shake. My muscles were burning from thrashing under the water and exhaustion was starting over take me.

'I am not giving up!' The confidence in my own words gave me an energy boost. I jumped from rock to rock scraping my skin as I did, eventually arriving at the shore.

'Thank you spirit of the puzzle.' I was utterly confused when the only response I received was my rapid heart.

'Had I imagined the voice because I was dying?' I trudged through the shallow waves and sprinted as soon as my feet touched the sand. I ran head first towards the camp fire but a body interjected my path and I slammed into them hard making the blade in my chest sink further into my flesh. They only stumbled as I fell back smacking into the earth letting out a cry of agony. I was torn up from the ground by Tristan.

"Holy shit Yugi! What happened to you!?" I pushed him away from me dragging myself past him.

"Where's Yami!?" A jolt of pain rushed through my leg as I limped. I must have twisted my ankle when I crashed into Tristan. I reached the front of the cabin and started to collapse when I saw Yami's concerned face looking at me. I fell into him digging my fingers into his jacket.

'I made it. I made it in time. He's here. He's alive.' He pulled me away from him so he could look into my eyes.

"What the fuck happened!?"

"Kira happened! She's here!" His faced twitched as he stared at the blade in my chest. He gently touched it and I flinched away from him. My heart had been beating so fast from the adrenaline I hadn't realized how much blood I had lost. I was covered in it – My breathing constantly irregular.

"Yugi! Are you okay!?" I turned towards the cabin door to see Anzu running towards me followed by Joey, Duke and Maya. Pure horror struck all their faces.

'What a fake bitch!' I snapped into a defensive position – Teeth gritting and eyes widening. I ripped the blade from my chest ignoring the burning pain coursing though my muscles and pointed it towards her. I was disgusted she was here pretending to care about her "friends". They immediately stopped in their tracks on the wood of the deck. Yami took a step closer to me reaching his hand towards my wrist.

"Am I okay? Anzu. Are you seriously going to stand there and pretend like nothing happened?" My tone was cold as I spat my words at her. I could feel the fire in my soul burning its way through my gaze. She stared at me with shock and hurt.

"W-What are you talking about?" Her voice was shaky.

"Don't play dumb with me! Your Kira. I stared into your eyes as you stabbed me and kicked me off the cliff!" I bellowed at her making everyone jump and look at each other in confusion. Yami gently grabbed my wrist.

"Yugi, that's not possible. She's been with us here the whole time you were gone." I glared at him. He didn't believe me? I ripped my wrist from his grip returning my scowl to Anzu. Maya took a step towards me.

"He's right Yugi. You know we share a room and she has been with me all morning." Her voice was gentle but contained fear.

"Yugi! How could you think that I would do something so horrible!" Tears fell down Anzu's cheeks. The sight repulsed me as I lost any sense of calm I had kept.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! It's easy for a pathological liar like you to fake tears! Isn't that what you said to me before you tried to kill me? That you were going to kill Yami to make me suffer even after death!?" I felt Yami wrap his arms around my chest and pull me away from everyone. I fought hard against his advances dragging my feet into the dirt as I kept screaming. "HOW DID IT FEEL WHEN YOU KILLED MY MOTHER AND FATHER? WHEN YOU KILLED GRANDPA JUST TO MAKE ME SUFFER!? YOU FUCKING BITCH I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!" Yami squeezed my wrist painfully hard making me drop the switchblade into the dirt as he kicked it far away from me. He dragged me into the forest as my friends and Anzu disappeared from sight. "Let me go!" When he kept holding onto me I lost it. "I said LET ME GO!" I smashed the back of head against his face and he released me as I dropped down gripping my fingers into the dirt. I cried hard digging my nails into the ground letting my anguish seep into the earths floor. I looked up at Yami who has rubbing his chin from my previous assault. "Yami. I'm not crazy. I know what I saw, what I felt. She betrayed us." I spoke very softly.

"Yugi. I don't think your crazy, but it doesn't add up."

"What doesn't add up!? It ALL adds up!" I turned to him as I wailed. "You think it would be hard for the commissioner's daughter, with his power, to cover up her murders!? Think about it. Any time anything happened to Anzu someone I knew suffered or died." Yami let out a giant sigh and ran his hands through his hair.

"It would make a lot more sense if that was true."

"It IS true!" Yami closed his eyes in irritation before continuing after my interruption.

"It would explain why everyone was out of the house except us when they burned it, but it doesn't explain how she was in two places at once. I swear Yugi. I saw her with my own eyes. She was here the entire time."

"I don't believe you." The words barely escaped my mouth. I know that was selfish to say. Just a few minutes ago I was heart broken that he didn't believe me. I took a steady breath. "Or should I say I can't believe it."

"Let's go back. It's better if we stay together. If she really is Kira, then that means the police might be close."

'Shit! I forgot about the police! I know she's Kira so they have to be here!' I felt the panic rise through my body as Yami hugged me tightly kissing my forehead. I heard him make a weird grunting noise so I backed up to look at him. His eyes became droopy as his body fell limp into my arms.

"Yami? Yami!" As I struggled to hold his dead weight up I saw a yellow dart on the side of his neck. "No!" I loud whistling sound approached me as something pricked my neck. My vision became unfocused as I swayed back and forth dropping Yami onto the ground. I fell on top of his chest fading in and out of consciousness. I heard footsteps approach us. I clenched onto to Yami's shirt as arms tore me away from him. The last thing I saw before passing out was his body being dragged away by men wearing boots.

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