Help From The Hellblazer - Asaka Mayama X Reader (Oresuki) (Req)

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On god, I be getting some really good girls to write about.

P.S.: Swear I never heard of this anime until I got this request. It was actually pretty entertaining ngl πŸ—Ώ

P.S.S.: Oh yeah, Johnny boy and his mystical shenanigans are in this oneshot too, so that's fun.


"W-Woah, is that Y/N? What a coincidence!"

Adjusting your glasses, you could see one of your many peculiar friends just standing there, pretending that it was mere fate that you two happened to run into each other right outside your house.

Y/N: "Was it?"

Asaka: "Of course! I was just walking and then I saw you come out of your house."

Y/N: "Right. Where were you going?"

That part she hadn't thought of very well, so she started blushing and looking back every now and then, seeing her friends all very obviously hiding in a bush, waving at her.

Asaka: "I-I was just going for a walk. You know, connecting with nature and all that!"

Y/N: "Right..."

Asaka: "Where are you going?"

Y/N: "To my friend's house. There's... a project we're doing so I'll spend... a couple of minutes there."

Asaka: "That sounds interesting... but it's not like I would like to go just to spend some time with you or anything!"

Y/N: "I... well, do you wanna come? I'm sure he'll be fine with it."

Asaka: "Well, if you insist then yes, I will..."

She looks back once more, seeing all of her friends nod simultaneously.

Asaka: "Go with you."

The bush suddenly decided to sneeze.

Y/N: "Bless you."

Bush: "Thankβ€”"

One of the girls covered the other's mouth to prevent her from blowing the cover that you had already spotted before you started talking to Asaka.

Asaka: "L-Let's just go now!"

Y/N: "Follow me then."

It was quite a long walk, and Sasanqua's wandering hand brushing yours every now and then was honestly kind of cute, although the fact that she couldn't just go ahead and hold your hand was a bit irritating.

Y/N: "Here we are."

Asaka: "It looks... creepy."

Y/N: "My reaction was the same when I first saw it."

The house looked way too old for anyone to actually live in there, but it always helped him when it came to paranormal cases. It helped "set the mood" apparently.

The creaky door of the house opened on its own when you knocked on it, and because of the noises that came inside, it seemed like this friend of yours was busy.

Asaka: "W-What's that noise?"

Y/N: "Don't worry about it, he's probably exorcising his room again."

Asaka: "Exorcising? What kinda friends do you have?"

Y/N: "You're the most normal friend I have, which is something I really like about you."

You walked in the house slowly, leaving Sasanqua to think about what you just told her.

Asaka: "Something he liked about me..."

Y/N: "Are you coming?"

Asaka: "I'll be there!"

She gently slapped herself.

Asaka - I'm an idiot! He's just your friend, he's just your friend!

Asaka started walking right behind you, making sure she would stay as close to you as possible since the house was starting to scare her a bit more every second.

Y/N: "There he is."

You and Asaka entered the guy's bedroom, seeing him wipe the sweat of his forehead with his arm. He smiles and winks.


Asaka: "That's him?"

Asaka had a very visible face of disgust, but anyone would upon encountering someone like John. He didn't get the chance to shower often.

John: "What, ya got a problem with that?

Asaka shook her head quickly.

John: " 'Right then, Are we ready Y/N?"

Y/N: "More than. Is it okay if my friend tags along?"

You placed a hand on Asaka's shoulder, which made her tense up a little, but she tried to ignore it as she looked away, blushing like crazy. John managed to quickly catch what was going on and smiled.

John: "Well isn't that interesting?"

Y/N: "What is?"

John: "Nothing mate, follow me."

You and Sasanqua followed John to another, much bigger room. He pulled out his lighter and flicked it on, and a small flame was lit.

John: "I recommend the little miss to cover her eyes, this is gonna be a bright one."

Asaka - This is my chance!

Asaka quickly hugged you from behind, using you as a shield while John lit up his whole hand then closed the lighter and put it back in his coat pocket, chanting something and seeing the flame of his hand quickly vanish. Then, a bright light consumed the room.

Sasanqua opened her eyes, seeing you and John lying on the floor unconscious.

Asaka: "Y/N?"

She kneeled down next to you and started shaking your body a bit, but you weren't waking up.

Asaka : "Y/N?!"

John jumps up, quickly looking around before calming down and pulling out a box of cigarettes.

John: "Another job well done, eh?"

John takes a drag of his cigarette before realizing you were still asleep. He wasn't worried, but pretended to be in order for his plan to work.

John: "Oh that's not good."

Asaka: "What do we do?"

John: "Well when this happens, I'm the one that pulls him out. Why don't ya try it love?"

Asaka: "I don't think I couldβ€”!"

John: "Ah you'll be fine. Sodmirod Sotejus."

Asaka fell on you, unconscious after the spell. John simply took another long drag of his cigarette before chuckling.

John: "Oh this is hilarious."

He leaves the room, seeing how comfortable Asaka seemed on top of you. Nothing really bad happened to you, all that John did was make you asleep before he woke up and got Asaka to sleep with you, helping you two in his own way.

Six Hours Later

Asaka: "W-What's this..."

Sasanqua's hand was poking your face, which caused you to wake up as well. Now, for the reaction John had worked for...

Asaka: "N-No way!"

Y/N: "Wait what happened?"

She quickly got off of you, looking away completely embarrassed. You just looked at your friend and smiled.

Y/N: "Why are you blushing?"

Asaka: "I'm not! It's just really hot in here okay!"

Y/N: "I'm sure it is..."

Asaka: "It is!"

Y/N: "John?"

John: "I'm here mate."

You two turned around, seeing that smug bastard with another cigarette in hand.

John: "So, how was it?"

Y/N: "It didn't feel too bad. I owe you one I guess."

John: "Bah! Don't mention it. Always here to offer a hand."

Asaka: "Wait, what's going on?!"

John: "Nothing to worry about, love. If you'll excuse me, I have things to do, so go on then."

Y/N: "Alright, thanks again."

Asaka: "I still wanna know what's going on!"

John: "Oh you'll find out soon enough."

You and Asaka left John's house, and as soon as she stepped out that building, Asaka let out a sigh of relief.

Asaka: "That was a weird experience."

Y/N: "That won't be the last we see of him. Are you gonna go home now?"

Asaka: "I was hoping that maybe I could go to your house?"

Asaka quickly covered her mouth, taken aback at how she could just say that so casually.

Y/N: "Sure."

Asaka: "Wait I didn't mean that! I did, but I wasn't gonna say it!"

She slaps herself.

Y/N: "You okay?"

Asaka: "I'm fine! Let's just go now!"

On the way back home, Sasanqua didn't hesitate to hold your hand but ended up regretting it a second later. She wasn't exactly against this strange behavior of hers, because she thought that maybe, and just maybe, it was going to help her get what she wanted, which was you.


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