Tormented: Part 2

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Carissa whirled around and strode back toward the tent. He was afforded one last glimpse of her before she slipped inside.

"You seem rather pleased, especially in comparison with your disposition this morning, your majesty."

Elon blinked at the sound of Elisa's voice—and her bold words. He found that his cheeks were beginning to ache. How long had he been staring after Carissa, smiling like a fool?

He dropped the remnants of the smile from his expression and turned towards her. "Of course I am."

"And why is that?"

And just like that, his smile returned in full force. "I just had the prettiest woman in the world ask to spar with me. What kind of indifferent man would I have to be to not be pleased?"

Elisa laughed as she readjusted the basket of clothing against her hip. "That is a rather good reason to be pleased. And she seems just as happy."

"I certainly hope so." His smile faded. "This journey has been difficult for her."

"Regardless, you've been good for her. She's a new woman compared to the one I met in Iver. You've given her hope, and strength, and love."

He inclined his head. "Thank you for your kind words. And you seem to be getting along agreeably with Viltus."

Her fiery blush belied her nonchalant shrug. "Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. But he's kind to me, and the troubles the border brought has changed him. He has become the leader I knew he could be, and I couldn't be more honored to be the subject of his affection. Once things have settled, it seems we could very well be married." Elisa glanced back towards the tent. "Think you Carissa would like to attend our wedding?"

"Would like to? No doubt. Would be able to?" Pain speared his chest. "That entirely depends on the path she chooses to take."

"Forgive me for being so forward, your majesty, but you have foresight."

"And Carissa has decisions to make: hard decisions, I'm afraid."

The excitement in Elisa's eyes dimmed, and Elon regretted causing it. "I see. In that case, I suppose I'll leave the two of you to enjoy your sparring."

She began walking away, and Elon contemplated calling her back. But what would he say? Was he to lie to better afford her comfort?

"Elon?" A light touch on his arm and the sound of Carissa's voice chased his troubling thoughts away.

He turned towards her, suppressing a smile at the sight of her dressed in his trousers. "I like how those look on you."

She narrowed her eyes. "They're just as unflattering as the nightgown."

True, but there was something about seeing her in his clothing that he liked. In addition, the loose fit of the clothing swallowed her, making her appear smaller and even more delicate than usual.

He tapped her on the nose. "You're adorable regardless... though I have to admit, I'm surprised."

"And why is that?"

"Typically, you take an eternity to dress yourself. Today, you only took half of an eternity."

She laughed—even as she hefted her sword up into the air. "I'm going to make you regret that comment."

Elon suspected the sight would make most men quake, but he couldn't help but grin. "You're quite welcome to try."

She charged him, and Elon raised his sword. Their blades clashed together, locked at the hilt. She kept her sword against his, her arms beginning to tremble. Elon could tell by the pucker between her brows that she was contemplating how to extricate her sword from the lock. If she broke first, drawing her sword away from his, then he had faster reflexes and could easily disarm her. If she continued as they were, she'd eventually wear out, giving Elon the victory.

Elon glimpsed into the future—and surprised surged through him. So much so that he eased the pressure on her sword, affording her with the chance to duck underneath his blade and press herself to him, her dry shirt clinging to the front of his damp one.

Though he'd known what was going to happen that didn't stop the heat kindling in his chest.

She gripped the back of his neck with her free hand and drew his mouth towards hers. Her lips were soft and unimaginably sweet as they caressed his. The heat in his chest flared into fire, and he dropped his sword so he was better able to wrap his arms around her, pressing the curves of her body against the planes of his.

And then he felt something quite different—the cold kiss of her blade against the back of his neck. And he'd dropped his own sword, leaving him with no weapon with which to defend himself.

Carissa's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Surrender?" she murmured against his lips.

He pressed one last kiss to her lips. "For you? Always."

She withdrew her sword and rocked back on her heels, a pretty blush brightening her cheeks.

Elon straightened, rubbing the back of his neck, where her blade had previously rested. "I don't believe that's how you're supposed to win a sword fight."

A smile spread across her lips. "It was more fun that way."

Elon laughed, unable to disagree.

"Carissa!" Someone hurried up to Carissa, her young face making her appear more a girl, but the two children toddling behind her suggesting she was well into her womanhood.

Elon suppressed a long sigh. He'd barely spent more than five minutes with Carissa, and already someone was about to steal her away.

The woman cast Elon a curious glance before halting at Carissa's side. "Elisa is taking the women down to the river to launder our clothes. I was wondering if you could spare the time to help me. With these two," she nodded towards her children, "I have more soiled clothing than I know what to do with."

Tingles cascaded over his skin as his foresight-induced vision gripped him. Akar was out there, waiting for her. Fury surged within him. He ought to go with them, hunt down the man, and finish him.

"Elon?" Carissa's soft hand against his forearm drew him back to the present. "I'll only be gone for a moment."

She must have noticed he was upset and assumed he didn't want her to leave quite yet. Which was true. He explored the futures branching out before him. If he pursued Akar, he'd leave Carissa and the fort unprotected, leaving both vulnerable to other enemies lurking within the forest. If he asked Carissa to remain within the fortress, Akar wouldn't come out and expose himself. If Carissa accompanied them to the river, it would lure Akar out and give Elon the chance to deal with him. He didn't like leaving Carissa vulnerable, but that was the best option.


He moved her hand to his chest. "I know, but I'm loathe to see you leave me."

Her lips stretched in another smile, a genuine smile that made her eyes squint and her cheeks round. He tried to still his breathing, so Carissa wouldn't hear his breath hitch. "I'll be back soon, you know. And remember: then you'll have me for the rest of my life." She winked at him.

An unexpected sadness swept over him, but he suppressed the emotion long enough to nod once.

As she drew away from him, Elon found himself once more glimpsing into the future. He'd promised Carissa that Akar wouldn't touch her again, but what if he came too late? Fear coiled around his chest. "Carissa?"

She'd begun to walk away, but she stopped. "Yes?"

The words were on the tip of his tongue—to warn her about Akar and what was to come. But if he did, her fear would be evident to all, and Akar would notice as he watched her from the forest and become suspicious. Then he'd decide to strike on a different day—and on that day, Elon might not be able to prevent him from touching her like he'd promised.

Elon cleared his throat. "I forgot something."


He closed the distance between them, pressed her tightly against him, and kissed her deeply. She moaned faintly—only loud enough for his ears—and delight warmed his chest. Lands above, he loved her. He hoped she'd forgive him for this.

When they parted, her lips were plump from their kiss, and her breaths came in small gasps. Then she smiled. "I expect more of that when I come back."

After seeing Akar, he doubted she'd welcome his touch for a while. But he bowed in her direction and said, "Your wish is my command."

By the time he'd straightened, she was walking with the other women towards the passageway leading to the forest.

Elon stared after her, tormented by what he was going to let her experience. At least there was one advantage to this situation: he'd finally make Akar pay for the harm he'd caused.


Author's Note: Cliffhangers are just the worst, aren't they? 😏 And the sneak peek is in my bio, which may either make this better by alleviating the tension or WORSE by ending on another cliffhanger. Who knows?

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