|19| ~War Plans ~

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Claire Pov.

She is not his beloved! I don't know why discovering that information sends a million and one butterflies spreading through my entire body. I shouldn't be that excited. It really shouldn't matter to me. Just because he hasn't claimed her as his beloved at the moment, it doesn't necessarily mean that he won't eventually. Maybe he's just taking it slow. He's the king. 

He can make his own rules, right? I really don't know, but it's strangely satisfying, really satisfying, to learn that he hasn't.

The kings enjoy their feast with no interruptions. The chosens and I are sitting with our heads down. We aren't allowed to eat with the kings. We just have to sit and watch them stuff their faces with all this amazing food.

I bet they wouldn't feed us at all if it wasn't for the fact that they need us to be healthy. Healthy, well-fed slaves mean a good blood supply and let's face it, vampires need to drink our blood, like how humans need to drink water. They can eat human food, but in order to survive, they need blood, healthy blood.

That's why it doesn't surprise me when the servants place salmon, avocado, and a glass of green tea in front of me. I'm honestly sick of this dish. Now don't get me wrong. The food is not bad. Actually, it's amazing. The zesty orange sauce is rich to the taste, and it's one of my favorite dishes. That's probably why I crush my meal in five points two seconds.

"I mean no disrespect," King Marcellus starts the conversation back up, after wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. "But, you know I have a point. Europe holds a lot of lands. I can't afford to leave it unguarded."

"Save the shit, Marcellus," says King Rufus, slamming a knife down onto the table. "Asia has more territory than any other kingdom. We have marked and unmarked lands. With that being said, I'm still willing to go to war with those dogs."

"And so am I," says another king, with crystal blue eyes.

His face is covered with an ungroomed long golden beard. His hair, just as long and untamed as his beard, trails down his back. I realize that this is the first time he has spoken. He is the only king I haven't identified. I eliminate every other king's name I've heard from my mind, and I realize he is King Seneca of Africa, the violent and quick-witted king.

King Seneca picks up King Rufus's knife and plays with it.

"Africa is the second-largest territory," he speaks through clenched teeth, his voice low. "I will partake in the war. My governors can handle the lands without me. Those dogs will die. An attack on one king is an attack on all kings. We shall destroy each and everyone," he announces.

"Attack?" King Marcellus laughs out loud, bending over and tugging on his pet's chain in the process. "A pack of mutts freeing one group of transported humans is not an attack. We shouldn't leave the circling kingdoms unguarded for too long. They can have those humans!"

He pulls his pet roughly by her hair, causing her to release a small whimper. Her neck is bent to the side, and even my human ears can hear her heartbeat.

"We have their entire species. Why should we declare war?" His intense green eyes sparkle with mischief. "We are at the top of the food chain," he says, before plunging his fangs into her neck, and unlike Jasmine, his pet releases a high-pitched scream.

I flinch and shut my eyes. I can't watch this savage act. I try my hardest to tune out the pain in her voice as she begs and pleads for him to stop. For what seems like hours, her scream fills the air. It doesn't stop until her heartbeat does.

He has killed her.

I can hear the guards dragging her lifeless body away.

I open my eyes to be met by King Nicklaus's stormy‑cerulean orbs, watching me attentively, cautiously. He clearly expects me to react, offering myself up instead. If only it's that simple.

Once Marcellus gets himself back together, he hisses in King Seneca's direction, "Plus, you are only agreeing because you and Cyrus are good friends."

King Seneca says nothing. He simply continues with his meal.

Nicklaus keeps on watching me for a long-drawn-out moment before finally speaking, "You're right, Marcellus."

He takes a sip of his drink, and my stomach clenches and food starts to resurface as I look at the thick red liquid that occupies his cup.

"We can't leave the circling kingdoms unguarded. Most of our people reside in those lands, and they must be protected at all cost."

"We have people in Antarctica and Austria," Xander adds. "And unlike the other kingdoms, they are the least protected."

King Marcellus speaks again, "Those creatures will not survive Antarctica's climate. News flash, no one lives there. Why would they attack the land of the dead? Everyone knows once a human is taken to your territory, they're dead."

I must admit, he has a point.

"Your territory is the least likely to be attacked. That's why it's your territory, remember. We wouldn't want you to relapse and avenge your long, lost lo—"

"I suggest," Xander growls, "you mind your tongue before you lose it."

His eyes flash red and his body visibly shakes, providing evidence that his threat is real. All eyes, including my own, are now on Xander. I can't help but wonder why he's so pissed. The other kings do not seem to be surprised by his outburst, which piques my interest even more.

King Nicklaus stands, and all eyes travel to him.

"Everyone has a point, and I respect every single one of your opinions." He turns to face King Cornelius. "We have yet to hear yours about the war."

King Cornelius doesn't immediately respond. He turns to face Jadis, and my heart rate increases tremendously. I can only hope that he is not going to use her like King Marcellus used his pet, to prove a point. I won't be able to just sit here and watch it like a good little slave. I will kill him.

"I agree with King Marcellus," he answers, twirling his finger around a string of Jadis's hair. "Going to war because the dogs freed a few pets is just not worth the trouble," he continues, staring at her, and the others at him.

I take that opportunity to grab a knife on the far end of the table. I meant what I said; he will die.

"Very well," speaks King Nicklaus, nodding and shifting his focus onto me.

I gulp. My heart rate increases triple-fold.

He must have been listening in. Surprisingly, he doesn't call me out. Instead, he continues with their conversation.

"As I said before, I respect your opinion, and I have taken everything that was stated into consideration." He pauses while walking to the center of the room and then says, "With that being said, I have made my decision."

The other kings stand in unison.

"I declare war on the dogs and any other creatures that decide to come to their aid. As King Marcellus pointed out, we can't afford to leave the circling kingdoms unguarded."

What are the circling kingdoms? I'm still lost.

King Marcellus smiles, but it's short-lived.

"That's why I've decided that Seneca, Rufus, Cornelius, and Luscious will stay in their territories."

"What?" King Marcellus objects, grinding his teeth. "That's bullshit!" he growls. "They can stay at home and guard their kingdoms, but I must partake in the war."

In response, King Nicklaus walks towards the upset king, who is having a bitch fit. The others watch with smirks.

"Are you defying orders?"

King Marcellus glares at the others, who are now holding back laughter.

"Of course not. I just don't see the point."

"The point is," King Nicklaus growls, "as you stated several times tonight, the neighboring kingdoms have too much precious territory that we cannot afford to leave unguarded. Asia and Africa have more lands to guard than Europe does, which means that your governors can withhold a threat. And because of Europe being a part of the neighboring kingdoms, Rufus or Seneca can come to its aid if need be." He turns to face King Luscious. "Just like I expect you to come to our aid in the war if things don't go as planned. With you being the closest ally to Cyrus's territory, I expect that it shouldn't be a problem."

"Not at all," responds King Luscious, taking a bow, then he continues, "My governors shall be notified just in case I have to take action."

King Nicklaus's facial expression turns dry.

"Xander, I suggest you notify your governors about our plans."

Xander takes a bow and exits the room without another word. Victoria soon follows after him.

"Now that we have discussed war plans, you all may return to your kingdoms, to make proper preparations. I suggest you all be very discreet. If the council found out about our plans before we take off to war, it would do nothing but cause me a headache. I shall meet Xander and Marcellus in North America's territory before the new moon. You are all dismissed."

Just like robots, the kings bow and take their leave.

Jadis hesitates to follow after King Cornelius. I can tell she wants to say something but might be terrified of the consequences.

I, on the other hand, am not. I run in her direction, refusing to allow my first, and perhaps an only friend, to leave without a proper goodbye. This may be the last time we see each other.

"Thank you," I tell her, giving her a hug, "for wanting to befriend me." I tighten my hug around her tiny little frame.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice King Nicklaus and King Cornelius watching our interaction. Thankfully, neither one of them intervene.

"Hopefully we shall meet again," I add.

She smiles a truly genuine smile and says, "We shall. Stay safe and stop allowing things you can't control to get to you. I don't have to tell you to stay strong because you're the toughest human I know." She pulls away and walks out of the door.

I stare after her for a little while, praying for her safety. I hope we shall truly meet again. And if not, I'll be okay as long as she is safe and breathing.

King Nicklaus clears his throat, and I turn to face him. We are now the only ones in the room.

"You shall return to my chambers until we leave my territory. We have a couple of nights before we take our trip. I suggest you pack lightly."

"Wait, trip?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

His eyes are fixed on me.

"Yes, trip. As my chosen, you are required to accompany me. I have to be at my strongest, so I need my food directly from the source."

Food, from the source? I can only hope that he means I would be hunting rabbits or deer for him. I can't allow him to feed on me. I can't, and I won't.

"You will," he declares, sending shivers down my spine.

I'm pretty sure my face is blue, like a blueberry.

He continues, "I can bite you now so you can get used to it. I promise I will not hurt you. All you shall feel is an intense pleasure.

Bite me. Bite me.

Now my face is colorless. The color has damn sure drained away. I have been bitten many times, and I know it hurts like hell. I don't know why Jasmine moaned when that savage ripped into her skin. Some humans are like that, they like pain. But I'm not one of them. He will have to catch me first. I won't go down without a fight.

He takes a step closer, and I take a step back.

"Claire, don't," warns King Nicklaus.

He's in my head again. He knows I'm about to make a run for it. Oh well, I take off, running towards the door.

It doesn't take him long to catch me, not even a second. He grabs me by the shoulder with force and holds me in place. His crimson eyes and pointy, monstrous fangs are on full display.

I panic.

"Be still, Claire, I promise it won't hurt," he compels me, and my body goes still right before he sinks his fangs into my skin.

Awake Mondays. Please Please Please don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks, Love-bugs♥️

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