True Ending

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Please play the music when it says.

I pushed his arm up and away from us. Quickly I put pressure on my hands and aimed my blow at Kars's stomach.

   " Hamon Zoom Kick!" 

   " Y/n, no! Hamon doesn't affect him! It'll only hurt us now! " I heard JoJo scream. 

My feet connected and the kick knocked Kars back from us. I swerved and stood on my feet. My feet weren't seared like JoJo's knee. They were perfectly fine. 

   " How? "

I looked down at Joseph and smiled at him.

   " JoJo, the reason I've always been stronger than you, Caesar, and Lisa Lisa is because I have learned the Hamon from the original Hamon masters. His is potent and powerful but when you compare it to mine, we are on an equal playing field. JoJo, you can't defeat him with Hamon, but I can. "

I walked further away from JoJo and Stroheim. I begged them to think of something while I'm fighting. I started planning out what I should do and how I can defeat him with Hamon.

   ' He can kill me with my own abilities now. I have to be careful. I still have some water left to help me. '

Kars stood up and when he did I could see a small hole in his stomach from where I kicked him. He could only look at me with amazement and wonder.

   " How were you able to strike me and not have repercussions? I struck your arm with Hamon. "

   " I know. "

I lifted my arm and showed him that my arm was red, but not enough to do any damage.

   " Kars, I've learned Hamon from the original masters of it. We are on the same playing field with Hamon. So, if you think you can defeat me you are wrong. "

   " I've liked you since you sacrificed yourself for that stone. You intrigue me and always prove me wrong. "

   " Well, I don't like you. And I will not let Joseph fall. Not until I do. "

   " Very well, if you will not join me then I must kill you. You are too powerful of a user. "

   " Come on. " I told him waving at him to come.

He charged at me and I jumped over him and laced my scarf around his neck.

   " Hamon transfer! "

The Hamon was so quick he didn't have time to prepare. The Hamon hit his neck and I heard his shout before pulling the scarf off. His neck had a line around it and I could tell my Hamon created that line. 

   ' If only my scarf stayed on a bit longer then it would have done more damage than a simple line. '

He hit the side of my arm and I flew to the wall. The impact made blood leave my mouth. On the side of my arm, I saw that there was still no damage. I stood from the wall and in front of Kars.

   " You still remain with no injuries. "

   " Maybe I am more powerful. You have a small hole in your stomach to where I have none. "

This seemed to make him mad and he started running at me. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. All the memories of Jonathan and Baron Zeppeli came to my head. When I envisioned their deaths I felt tears fall down my face. Then my mind brought up the memories of Caesar's death. When I rewatched the part where the stone cross fell on him I felt my Hamon seep out of me. It flowed around me because I couldn't hold all of it. As Kars got closer I took notice that his skin started to burn by how powerful my Hamon was. When he tried to punch me I grabbed his fist with no problem. I looked down at him.

   " This one is for Caesar. Hamon Kick! "

I raised my foot into the air and kicked Kars. He flipped back and landed on his back. I started running towards him. I took notice of how the hole got bigger in this stomach. I leaped once more.

   " Hamon Saphire Zoom Kick! "

When my foot made a connection to his stomach a Saphire Hamon spread from my foot and the hole in his stomach was bigger now. It almost covered his entire stomach. I ran at him raising my fist in the air.

   " Hamon Zoom Punch! "

I launched my fist at him and he tried to catch it. He did and bent my hand downward. He pushed me to the floor and forcibly sat me up on my knees. I couldn't move and I wanted to spit on his face so bad.

   " She's a fighter. "

   " Y/n! Let go of her, you bastard! I'm the one you want! "

He leaned down to my height and started to whisper into my ear,

   " Last chance. Join me. "

   " Why would I join a cheating, honorless, disrespectful, beast like you? "

   " Your choice my dear. "

Start the music here, please.

I felt something press hard into my skin. Tears left my eyes as I realized what he did. I fell to the hard floor and felt my body start to shake.

   " Y/n! What did you do to her! "

   " Simple, primitive. "

He raised his hand and I recognized it as JoJo's hand that was cut of earlier. My shoulder where my birthmark sat was burning and It stung like a thousand suns.

   " Not again. " I whispered to myself.

   " I took your arm and pressed 'your' thumb against her birthmark. "

   " You bastard! "

   " B-But the blood. It should have been drained by now. " I told him.

   " It has, but I made sure to keep the thumb full of his blood. Now, you will no longer be trouble for me. "

   ' Erina, I'm so sorry. Speedwagon forgive me. '

My body was shaking uncontrollably. I started drawing away from Kars until he sent a Hamon kick my way. I couldn't defend myself in time and I flung away from him and beside JoJo. There was a hole in my stomach from the kick. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either.

   " Y/n. "

JoJo pulled me closer to him and sat me in his lap. I saw tears start to leave his eyes. 

   " I'm sorry. I said I would stay this time, but it seems I lied. "

   " Y/n don't apologize, this wasn't your fault. "

   " JoJo, I told you, you would make it out of here. "

   " But I wanted to make it out of this with you by my side! "

   " I knew I wouldn't JoJo, luck is never on my side. You need to keep fighting. You're smart. You can defeat Kars. I've done some damage to him for you. He'll be a little weaker if you work quickly. "

I looked down at my feet and noticed the sparks start to circle my feet and climb my body. Tears left my eyes and they left JoJo's as well. 

   " Is there any way for me to stop it? What if I press your birthmark? "

   " If you press it again it'll only make it go faster. There's no stopping this. "

   " Y/n...I love you...please..."

   " I love you too Joseph but I can't. "

The sparks now were at my thighs. When JoJo moved his hand over the missing parts of my legs his hand just went through the air. 

   " I'm not invisible. "

   " It was worth a shot. "

   " Joseph when I leave you must prepare to feel pain. The Hamon on your arm will leave since you can't control Hamon at the moment. Your blood will be spilling again. Okay? "

   " Okay. When will I see you again? "

   " When you have a grandchild that needs me. "

   " But...we were supposed to have kids...and get married...then I could be the fun dad and then the fun grandfather. "

   " Did you really plan all of that out? "

   " Yeah..."

   " That's a little creepy not gonna lie. " I said.

It made him chuckle and smile. The sparks were now at my neck and were about to consume my head. Another set of sparks lit at my head and started following down my face to get to the other set. It was slow, only covering my forehead.

   " JoJo, this is goodbye for now. Maybe I'll see you later? "

   " I will see you again. I promise. "

   " Don't make promises you can't keep. "

Then you were gone. There was nothing left behind but your jacket, that you took off earlier to help Joseph. More tears spilled out of his eyes and his heart was breaking in two.

   " Y/n! " he shouted. 

He let his arms fall and he hit the ground underneath him. A new type of determination was lit in his eyes and he glared at Kars.

   " It's time to finish this foolish game. " Kars said.

   " It is. "

   " Y/" Stroheim said with tears of his own.

   ' I'll defeat him for you Y/n. I promise I will see you again, somehow in the future. Goodbye for now my protector. '

~The End~

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