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I looked out of the window and saw squid tentacles start to hold the propeller on my side and it exploded. I covered my eyes and felt the plane tip down towards the volcano. JoJo opened his eyes and threw out a dummy with a parachute. He looked at me and asked,

   " Are you ready? "

   " As always. "

He got back in his seat and started pointing the plane towards Kars, who was below us.

   " I'm a Joestar. We don't go down without a fight! "

   " JoJo, damn you! "

   " There we go! " I shouted as the tip of the plane hit Kars.

Kars was stuck to the nose of the plane as we started going further down to the volcano. The wind pressure was strong and held him there. We were almost to the magma and I smiled at my life so far.

   ' There are no more repeats after this. I die here. Jonathan, Baron, Caesar...I'll see you both soon. Speedwagon, Erina, Lisa Lisa, and Smokey please forgive me. Erina I told you I would stick around this time. I'm sorry I lied. I didn't mean to. '

I could imagine their faces smiling at me softly and I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I looked over at Joseph and saw he was in the same state as me. He had no tears but the look on his face told me everything. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. We nodded at each other and looked towards the nose of the plane.

   " Really, now? Do you think I can't pry myself from this foul contraption before you try to smash it into the ground, you gibbering primate? "

   " You coward! "

Kars was back in his original form. No feathers or talons. He had arms and legs with blood on his body.

   " Know that your death won't accomplish anything! "

He was about to jump off when a mechanical hand appeared. It grabbed his neck and made him stay on the nose of the plane. I looked below us and saw Stroheim on a small platform hanging from the plane.

   " Von Stroheim! " I yelled with a smile.

   " How did you get into the plane? When did you have time? " JoJo asked.

   " Let's just say next time, I should stow away in the cabin proper. "

   " Next time, huh? " JoJo laughed.

   " When I give the word the both of you need to jump out! "

   " Believe it or not piranhas ate all the parachutes. " I told him.

   " Unless you want to die, jump out of there this instant! "

   " What have we got to lose? "

I jumped out with JoJo following me. We landed in the volcano but on the hardened magma part. Von Stroheim followed us and the plane with kars went into the magma.

   " Stroheim, you're crazy. "

   " Crazy brilliant. " I added.

   " Please tell me Kars fell into the lava! " He yelled.

The ground around us erupted. Lave erupted but we remained unharmed on the hardened magma. It was thick and wouldn't be penetrated easily. Plus the eruption acted like a mushroom. It spread its smoke and fire outside of the volcano. We were unharmed except for a few cuts. I could hear Kars's screams and I relaxed knowing it was over.

   ' Thank the Heavens it's over and I'm still alive to see another day. '

We crouched over the edge and saw him burning alive in the lave. We watched as he struggled but a shell was starting to form around him. He stood from the lava but it wasn't enough. The lava still burned him.

   " You dummy, that's lava! It's a thousand degrees in there. Now burn to a crisp, you cocky bastard! "

There was one final explosion and he was nowhere to be seen in the lave. JoJo and I stood up with smiles on our faces.

   " That did it! Finally. Kars was the last of them. The pillarmen are defeated! "

JoJo was laughing with joy and all I could do was smile. JoJo twirled me around and placed a kiss on my lips before walking to Stroheim. My face was red but I blamed it on the heat of the lava.

   " Let's get you to safety. " He said to the German.

He picked up Stroheim and we started walking away from the hole. Before we knew it the ground underneath us cracked and I watched as JoJo's left arm, from his elbow down, was cut clean off. 

   " JoJo! "

Through the crack, I watched as Kars rose from the lava with his bone blade out. He was covered in armor that protected him. JoJo let go of Stroheim and sat on the ground holding his arm. 

   " Music to my ears. "

   " JoJo! "

I took my jacket off and pressed it against the bleeding arm. I tried to stop the bleeding and I created a Hamon casing to build around the part that came off. Most of the blood stopped coming out but there were a few holes that stayed. I put my hand in my satchel of water and cupped my hand on the Hamon net. The water stuck to the Hamon and I took my jacket and held it under his arm. 

   " You perform that aria perfectly. I've so longed to hear you sing it, JoJo. "

   " You bastard. " I whispered.

   " There is nothing we can do. We must submit or perish! " Stroheim screamed.

   " No! " I shouted.

I stood up from JoJo and faced Kars. His smile was still plastered on his face, but his eyes sparked up in amusement. 

   " I will not submit to this monster! "

   " Hamon Overdrive! "

JoJo stood up and tried to knee Kars, but it only damaged him. He fell back and his leg was melting away. I brought out more water and put it over his knee and pulled out all of the Hamon that was there.

   " Denial will get you nowhere, my friend. Hamon did that. I conquered the sun itself. What makes you think that something like Hamon was somehow beyond my reach? "

   " Hamon is now at his disposal. His Hamon compared to yours Joseph is a hundred times more potent. " I told him. 

My water cooled his knee down and I threw the water to the side and grabbed fresh water. I covered his knee again and started extracting the Hamon. When I threw away the water this time his knee was black. It was seared as if he touched the sun.

   " JoJo, your knee will be burned for a long time. I was able to take most of the heated Hamon off. If I added more then it would have increased the main Hamon there and hurt you more. I took it in. "

   " I suppose It's time to put you out of your misery. "

Kars raised his arms and they were charged with Hamon to an unimaginable degree.

    ' Just wait. '

   " Let me be the first to welcome you into oblivion! "

His arm started coming down towards us.

   ' Now! '

I raised my arm and blocked his hit. My Hamon connected to his and it let out a blast of Hamon in the air.

   " You'll have to get through me to get to him first because I am the best friend to the Zeppeli family, sister to the Speedwagon name, and the Joestar Protector! "

Alright, here it is. It's time for the endings. First I'll do Joseph's ending and then the True ending. The True ending will lead to the final book. Book 2. 

Here we go.

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