Chapter 20

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I was about to go to the dance.

I could hear music blaring from inside the cafeteria from the top of the stairs. I didn't expect the academy to throw such a party. If anything, I could imagine a cocktail party, soft music from violins, as we all wore our uniforms.

I was surprised that they had a decent party, with actual music. There must be a reason. This academy didn't do anything by accident, and I was suspicious before I entered the cafeteria.

Dane and I had agreed that we should meet each other inside the party; Rule blah blah had already confirmed that students were not permitted to enter any relationships. We also knew how vicious and manipulative students were at the school. If someone like Madison saw us enter together, it wouldn't be unlikely for her to tell Allegra, or someone of authority that we were dating. I wondered if there were any other authoritative figures at the academy besides Allegra.

I knew that there was another adult involved in the academy's running by the name of Dale. However, I hadn't seen any sign of this mysterious man. I'd only heard his voice on the phone. Deep, a bit gritty. The rest I knew about him was that he knew where my sisters were and how they were.

Nothing made sense to me still. The Ivy Academy as well as Bronson Academy, where my sisters were supposedly being held. I felt guilty entering the dance, but I knew in my heart that I deserved a break of some kind.

Dane told me that once we were inside the dance we would both go to our table. That would be how we would find each other. However, once I entered the room, I could see that every table had been moved to the outside of the cafeteria to make room for the dance floor.

Clearly, our little meet-up plan would not work, but we could meet each other by the buffet. I knew we were both passionate about food. If he knew me well enough, he would know exactly where to go.

I pushed through the crowded room, feeling the sweat and energy of dancing students in the air. I had to admit, the music was wild enough to pump up about any crowd. Again, I wondered why this academy, so pristine and proper, would give us kids what we wanted, which was an actual party. I was sure there was no sinister reason behind it, but given my track record on being correct lately, I couldn't trust myself.

When I reached the buffet, another disappointment struck me. Scarlett was standing, exactly where I was going to go. I started to walk away.

"Rhi!" I heard her voice behind me. I turned around reluctantly. Would she slap me, throw a punch in my face? Neither, it seemed, at least from the wide smile she had on her face.

I waved at her awkwardly, pretending I couldn't hear her well over the music. I hoped she wouldn't notice I was wearing her dress. She laughed and motioned for me to come near. Ugh. I would brave a one-minute talk with her and get it over with. We couldn't ignore each other forever. We were roommates.

I had sort of forgotten that she existed after we fought. Because both of us had avoided each other like oil and water since, I hadn't seen her in a while.

"Hey," she said, putting her hand on my hand, like we were old friends. We weren't. "I have something to tell you."

I leaned closer. "Yeah?" I asked expectantly.

"It's about Dane." She seemed serious now. What was a friendly smile 30 seconds ago was now a sinister look. She looked guilty, with her avoiding my eyes, her moth curled down in a slight grimace. I had seen her talk about her guilt of lying, and this was the exact face she had.

I leaned closer again. This music was really loud. "Yeah?" I hoped that she wasn't going to tell me anything that would affect the way I saw him. Maybe they had kissed, or cheated on me after we began dating.

She began reluctantly. "Well, I--" She was interrupted when someone bumped into me from behind. I tripped over my heels and into Scarlett, spilling her drink on her stomach. I didn't know what she was drinking, but it was bright yellow, and on her white satin, it looked like a urine stain.

When she saw the damage, she shrieked. I winced.

"Shit," She scowled. "Now I have to change my....." I watched as her eyes trailed my body. "Dress." I could understand her anger. I had stolen her dress, on top of poisoning her with tranquilizer liquid. I wished I could just tell her that I didn't know how to act with her, that I was new to this whole friend thing. But based on the anger, in her eyes, that wouldn't have made much of a difference.

All of the sudden, her hands were on me, and she was shoving me.

I fell on my back, in the middle of the dance floor. Kids were jumping all around me, girls' heels inches from my face. I felt a sharp pain in my leg. A girl had stepped on me with her heel, barely even noticing. I was going to get trampled.

I imagined Dane riding through the cafeteria on a horse, lowering his hand for me and picking me up. We would ride out of the academy and back to my house, where my mother and my sisters would be waiting for me, waking me up from this nasty dream. But Dane was real. He would be the only real part of this horrible place.

That's when a hand extended out. It wasn't Dane's. At first, I didn't think it was for me. Then I saw who the hand belonged to. Beck.

"Come on," he said, a smirk on his face. "Don't you trust me?"

"Not a bit," I said as I took his hand.


In the next few chapters, something will go terribly wrong. What do you think it is? Vote and comment your thoughts below!

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