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Alina and Tomas stared at each other, both wondering what the other was thinking. Alina wondered if Shay should have been escorted off their premises, just as a precautionary measure.

‘I’m sorry,’ Tomas murmured.

‘What for?’ Alina queried.

Tomas looked uncomfortable. ‘I hired Shay.’

Alina was distracted by Emily sobbing softly at the corner of the kitchen. She rushed to pick her up into her arms. ‘It’s okay sweetheart,’ Alina pacified the little one.

‘Emelia,’ Tomas spoke softly. ‘You will tell me if anyone lays a finger on you ever again.’

‘I’m sorry Toe-muz,’ she cried. ‘I did not mean to be naughty.’

Groaning softly, Tomas took Emily from Alina’s arms. ‘You were not naughty piccola. It was an accident.’

‘Shay said it was very expensive and that Aunt Alina bought it from Italy.’

‘I will buy your Aunt Alina another one. Please don’t cry,’ he drew Emily tightly against his chest and hugged her, softly murmuring a litany of consoling words.

Alina swallowed sharply when she saw this tender side of Tomas. She witnessed it often…in bed, but she had been convinced his hormones were responsible for that weakness. She longed to drape her arms around him right now.

‘You’re speaking to me in English Toe-muz,’ Emily giggled, through her tears.

‘That is because I want you to be very clear, that no one shall ever lay a hand on you ever again, you understand?’

‘Si,’ Emily nodded and hugged Tomas.

Alina cleared her throat. ‘We need somebody to replace Shay.’
This mansion was too huge and she did not want Caroline stressing about house-keeping.

‘I’ll call the agency and ask them to send a few candidates for you to screen,’ Tomas stated.

‘There is somebody at the restaurant, that I think can work well for Emily and Caroline,’ Alina suggested.

‘No cara,’ Tomas refused emphatically. Alina’s eyes widened. How can he just shoot down her preferred choice of a domestic helper? Surely she had a say in the matter, even if he paid the costs.

‘Emily,’ Alina spoke. ‘Please go and get ready for school.’

‘Okay,’ Emily slipped out of Tomas’ arms and ran happily to her bedroom.

‘What do you mean “no!”’ Alina challenged.

Tomas looked at the defiant expression on his wife’s face. He knew exactly why she tactfully got Emily out of the kitchen. ‘Like I don’t mix business and pleasure, my home is out of bounds to my professional staff and the same applies to your staff,’ he concluded.

So it’s his home. He makes the decisions.

‘Fine. Do as you please,’ Alina laced him with an angry glare and walked out.

‘Alina!’ Tomas cursed and gripped her arm, preventing her from striding away. ‘Let me explain___,’

‘That ultimately you will always make the decisions, because you are the boss and it’s your house!’ she cut him off.

‘No cara,’ he sighed. ‘We must ___ protect ourselves,’ he suggested cryptically.

‘“Protect?’” she echoed, shifting away. His warm breath was caressing her neck. His thumb was doing erotic things to the pulse at her wrist.

‘I don’t want my office staff knowing what goes on in the confines of our home and vice versa,’ he stated. It took Alina a good few moments for her brain to process and disseminate the information she’d just heard. Finally she got his “privacy” issues, not that she had a problem with the same staff working in their homes and in the business.’

‘Fine,’ she repeated.

‘Fine as in you agree, or fine as in anything to shut him up?’ Tomas raised his eyebrows.
Alina laughed spontaneously. Tomas held his breath. It was the first time he was directly responsible for that endearing sound of her laugher. The laughter died. The expression on Alina’s face sobered, as she and Tomas gazed at each other.

‘I___have to get to work,’ Alina mumbled and looked away.

‘Are you still angry with me?’ His warm hand cupped her face. The nerve ends of his fingers were causing a riot on her skin. ‘Will you consider somebody from the agency?’ He spoke in a soft murmur.

‘No, and yes,’ she answered, silently acknowledging that he had just bewitched her with his seducing fingers on her face and his soft hypnotic words.

‘Thank you,’ he smiled. ‘Now let’s go and inform Caroline of what happened,’ a dark angry scowl appeared briefly on his face. He surprised her. She did not think, her billionaire husband would take it upon himself, to offer that courtesy to his sister-in-law.

     That evening when Alina came home, she found Emily and Tomas on the carpet in the living room. Books were spread out. Emily’s Italian lessons were improving. Tomas looked up and smiled when he saw his wife, even though she was twenty five minutes past her “curfew.”

‘Buonasera,’ Emily greeted her aunt.

‘Good evening,’ Alina returned in Italian.

It was Tomas’ turn to offer a greeting. ‘Buonasera mia carissima moglie,’

‘That means, “Good evening my dear wife,” Emily proudly translated.

Alina’s eyes locked with Tomas.’

Did he really mean that or was it just for Emily’s benefit?

‘Hi,’ Alina murmured, dumping her hand bag on the cabinet. Tomas rose and opened his arms expectantly. Inhaling deeply, Alina made her way to Tomas, trying to bridle the raging hormones that were highly anticipating their imminent engagement. She wanted to offer him a quick peck on the cheek, but Tomas’ needs were more demanding. He pinned her in his arms, moulding her body to fit his and indulged in a lingering kiss.

‘You’ve had dinner already puppet?’ Alina found an excuse to shift out of Tomas’ arms, aware that her niece was watching the display between herself and Tomas.

‘Nope, we were waiting for you Aunt Alina.’

‘Sorry,’ Alina’s eyes met Tomas. ‘Emily wash your hands,’ Alina instructed. ‘Tomas and I will set the table,’ Alina walked into the kitchen.

‘The agency called you?’ Tomas enquired, as he placed four dinner plates on the table.

‘Yes,’ Alina opened the oven to inspect what Caroline had prepared. ‘I’m interviewing two people tomorrow.’

‘Good,’ Tomas nodded. ‘I hope somebody starts in the next forty eight hours. I don’t want Caroline exerting herself, especially with Gustav still here.’

‘Is Gustav not joining us at the table?’ Alina asked.

‘No, he’s feeling a bit under the weather,’ Tomas placed a bottle of Chianti on the table.

Before dinner, Alina quickly popped into Gustav’s bedroom to greet him. He was in bed, reading a paperback novel.

‘Hi Gustav,’ Alina smiled.

A welcoming smile flashed across Gustav’s face. ‘Good evening,’ he beamed enthusiastically.

‘Tomas says you don’t feel so good today,’ Alina kissed his cheek and sat on his bed.

‘Some days are good,’ he shrugged his shoulders, ‘some days, not so good.’

Alina could see he looked tired. She did not want to stay too long.

‘So how was your day?’ Gustav enquired.

‘So, so,’ Alina laughed.

‘Made lots of money,’ he teased.

‘Yeah___I guess,’ she laughed again.

‘Oh good, perhaps tomorrow you will take me on a date then,’ he smiled naughtily.

‘Cara! We are ready to eat,’ Tomas stormed in scowling, before Alina could answer Gustav.

The laughter disappeared of her face. She quickly stood up. ‘I’ll see you in the morning,’ Alina murmured.

‘Enjoy dinner,’ Gustav’s eyes stayed on Alina, ignoring her husband’s dark angry eyes.

     Every morning Tomas made a point of being dressed and downstairs before Alina got there. He did not like the way Gustav’s eyes roamed over his wife’s body. He liked it even less, when his wife only offered him a brief, impersonal kiss on his cheek and yet her eyes lit up for Gustav. Tomas wished for the umpteenth time Gustav could go and stay with his mama, or better still, go back to Greece. She smiled at Gustav and fussed over him. At times Tomas wished he, had had a heart attack, so Alina could pamper him the way she did Gustav.

Alina looked across the breakfast table at her husband. Tomas was so caring. Every morning, he made sure to spend some quality time with his uncle before he left for work. He was so concerned about his uncle’s health. He normally left as soon as he finished his breakfast. Alina wondered why he was still hovering around.

‘Are you ready to go to work Cara?’ Tomas asked his wife in a tone that sounded a tad irritable. Alina looked at him in surprise. Normally he went off in his limo. She had her own driver. She only left, once Emily was ready for school. She would drop Emily at school and then head off to her restaurant.

‘I’ll leave just now. I’m chatting with Gustav,’ she smiled.

Tomas stood up. ‘I’m taking you to work,’ he stated.

‘Oh. Is my driver not here today?’ Alina sounded disappointed. She was still seated and seemed in no hurry to make haste.

‘I sent him on an errand,’ Tomas’ eyes bore into her for daring to question him, when he was trying to get her away from his lusting uncle. ‘Can you check if Emelia is ready?’

‘Yeah,’ she answered. ‘Enjoy your day Gustav,’ she kissed his cheek and smiled at him apologetically that she had to leave him sooner than she would have liked. ‘I’ll call you later. You can tell me what you want for dinner,’ Alina smiled again.

You never call me or ask me what I want for dinner!

‘Alina!’ Tomas’ voice rose sharply.

‘Right,’ she dragged herself away to check on Emily.

After they dropped Emily off, Alina broached the topic with Tomas, to take Gustav out for a meal.

‘Tomas I think Gustav has cabin fever. Why don’t we take him out to dinner tonight?’

Tomas looked up from reading the morning newspaper. ‘Gustav is a sick man. He should not be traipsing around the city. He needs to rest!’


‘Just leave it be cara!’ Tomas cut across her response angrily.

Alina stared out the window at the morning rush hour traffic.

What is wrong with him? Did he loose a few billion in a business deal or what?

In the irritable mood Tomas was in, she decided not to engage him in any further conversation and Tomas went back to enjoying his morning paper.

At least she was getting to see more of her husband, now that Gustav was there. Tomas left later each morning and he was always home before her. She felt a surge of joy each evening when she hurried home, knowing Tomas was already there. Alina was beginning to wish Gustav could stay with them permanently, just so she could have more quality time with her husband.

      In the month that followed, Alina felt like she was on honeymoon again. She lived for their passionate sexual encounters each night. In the mornings, she delighted in the extra hour she spent in bed with Tomas. Every evening Tomas did not seem to mind being home before Alina. He was attentive, caring and so adorable. She found many reasons to justify her happiness in succumbing to marrying Tomas Casiraghi. Caroline and Emily were positively happy all thanks to Tomas’ supportive presence in their lives as well. Tomas Casiraghi never openly displayed his wealth, but Alina and her family were thankful and appreciated the benefits of it. Every morning Tomas began to insist on taking Alina to work and Emily to school and Emily was loving the new father figure in her impressionable young life.

     One fateful evening, Alina knew their second honeymoon phase too good to be true, when she and Tomas were having a screaming match in their bedroom. Actually she was the one screaming and Tomas was trying to be the voice of reason. Alina was spitting mad and felt a violent urge to strangle Tomas at his newest instruction for her to further reduce her working hours.

‘What do you mean, I must only work half days?’ Alina yelled, indifferent that her voice was loud enough to be heard down stairs by Caroline.

‘Alina,’ he sighed. ‘You are going to burn out. You need some time to yourself,’ he wanted to draw her into his arms, but she was so furiously angry. Tomas remained where he stood a few feet away from her.

I can manage my load,’ Alina argued.

‘Sure you can,’ he agreed, ‘but at what cost? You love your family but they only get to see you for an hour in the morning and if they’re lucky a few minutes at night.’ Tomas boldly bridged the gap between them. His arms circled her waist. ‘When was the last time you and Caroline went out for a coffee or whatever else sisters do together?’ he questioned.

Alina looked away guiltily. She had been so busy being the breadwinner, she forgot to live and poor Caroline had never made a fuss because she knew Alina was working hard for her and Emily.

‘It’s easy for you with your billions,’ she shoved him away. ‘I don’t have the unending cash flow that you do to hire people at leisure, nor did I have the time to live,’ she began pacing around their bedroom, ‘and don’t forget, I have a landlord who’s been exploiting me, so I needed to work ungodly hours to make ends meet.’ Not that she need work the ungodly hours any more. The restaurant was doing fantastically well. Alina had paid Caroline back in full with interest. The business had an impressive bank balance, but Alina was saving money for a very worthy cause and a goal she was very close to achieving.

Tomas looked away guiltily at her accusation. He wished he could tear up that damn agreement, but if he did she would walk out of his life and he could not allow that. He would never allow her to leave him, never.

‘We have an agreement. Make sure you stick to it, wife!’

‘Like you ever allow me to forget,’ she yelled. ‘Just why the hell do you need a wife?’ She demanded. ‘From the looks of things, you’re never short of adoring females always throwing their bodies at you,’ Alina accused. On occasion Tomas attended business dinners, or travelled by himself for a day or overnight. The next morning, there always appeared incriminating pictures of him in the newspapers, but he neither admitted nor denied the stories and Alina never questioned her husband. Tomas’ eyes widened. He never suspected that she paid much attention to the trash the media printed.

‘I am a sought after specialist in my field of business,’ he stated immodestly. ‘Being a married man, lends a foundation of credibility to my image,’ he finished audaciously.

Alina just stared at him bewildered. That was all she was to him. A wife, in a marriage that was a facade, portraying him as the happy family man! Okay, granted he had not made any promises, nor did he profess any undying love for her when he demanded she marry him, but still, that was such a callous reason he offered. Oh how she hated this cold, arrogant brute! The only saving grace was the unadulterated sensational sex the both of them clearly enjoyed. Was the stimulating sex worth staying with a boar who was dominating and who always changed the goal posts? Yet Alina disgustingly conceded she did not have the heart or the nerve to walk away from him. She’d rather live with the little crumbs he threw at her than live without him. She found that startling revelation sickening. It reflected in her eyes when she turned her back on Tomas.

Tomas panicked. He mistook the look in her eyes for hatred for him and played the trump card he was holding for a few days now. He knew his wife’s only weakness was her family.

‘Alina, why didn’t you tell me Caroline’s condition was reversible?’

‘What! Who told you?’ She demanded, narrowing her eyes angrily at him.

‘I asked Caroline about her condition, one of the evenings last week when once again, you were late coming home,’ he threw at her. Alina looked away guiltily. There was a private function. It required additional staff. She had assisted as it was a high profile customer.

‘I’m your husband, why didn’t you tell me about it?’ Tomas demanded.

Alina lowered her head. ‘The surgeon’s costs were high. We never had the money,’ Alina spoke softly. ‘But I promised Caroline after six months of the restaurant opening, I would make sure she would have her surgery. I have been saving up,’ her eyes met Tomas’ proudly.

‘Why didn’t you come to me?’ Tomas demanded. ‘You must know I would have gladly written out the check for Caroline’s surgery. She is family now.’

Alina fixed him with a scathing glare. She wanted nothing from him. She did not want to be indebted to him. Not after his vicious accusation on the first night they made love. He did spend money lavishly on them now, but that was his doing. Alina neither asked nor hinted for any favours from Tomas.

‘I have most of the money saved,’ Alina’s chin rose in her familiar defiant stance. ‘I don’t need___.’

‘Yes, I know you don’t need my money. You’ve never made use of the charge card I’ve given you,’ he spat angrily.

Alina looked away. He had really hurt her when he’d thought her a gold digger. Even if her life depended on it, her sense of self preservation would not allow her to be indebted to Tomas. It would kill her if he hurled those accusations at her now, when much had altered between them during the marriage.

‘So why don’t you use the charge card?’ He demanded, when she remained quiet.

'You called me a whore, the first time we had sex. You presumed I traded sex with you for favour! How can I possibly bring myself to use your money?'

He had the grace to squirm.  That pulse throbbed violently at his throat.  'You are my wife now. You are entitled to an allowance,' his voice was gruff, remorseful.'

She caved. 'What do I need to spend it on?’ She raised her hands expressively.  ‘You pay all the bills,’ she waved her hand at their lavish home. ‘You see to everything, even my wardrobe, which you dictate what I must wear when we go out to functions,’ she threw at him.

It was true. When there was a function Tomas wanted her to attend he would have a complete outfit, including shoes and handbag to match, waiting for Alina when she got home from work. He never sought her opinion when he ordered any item of clothing or a glittering gown for her. Not that Alina could fault his choices. He had impeccable taste when it came to trendy and designer ladies’ garments.

‘You see to all my needs,’ she added and only when the words were out did she belatedly realize that her admission was true in every sense of the word. Alina felt her cheeks heating up profusely. She was sure they were bright red like twin tomatoes, on her face.

She looked away when she saw the smirk plastered across Tomas’ face. ‘That’s good to know tesoro,’ he murmured seductively. ‘Not many women are easy to please,’ he teased.

‘Could you leave your other women out of our conversation?’ Alina instructed.

Tomas laughed throatily. ‘If it’s any consolation to you cara, you please me too,’ he confessed, his thumb traced erotically over her upper lip. She slapped his hand away.

It’s no consolation and I DON’T believe you!

‘I want to help Caroline,’ Tomas spoke gravely.

‘I have the money,’ she attempted to reject his offer.

‘You said you don’t have all,’ he reminded her, ‘and I have been talking to an orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in wheelchair patients just like Caroline. She has had many successful cases and would very much like to meet Caroline.’

“She”___why am I not surprised?

‘You had no business ...’ Alina started, when Tomas cut her off.

‘What if the surgery is successful and Caroline can walk again?’ Tomas urged in an impassioned voice. ‘Doesn’t she deserve that chance?’

Tears filled Alina’s eyes. She turned away. Nothing would please her more than to see her sister walk again. Caroline was a very

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