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‘Caro! Where are you going?’ Gabriella screeched, then belatedly offered a smile.

‘Found it,’ he waved a rubber connection that seemed to be the cause of the plumbing problem.  ‘I’m going to the hardware store.’

‘But---but what about your drink?’ She was mortified.

‘It will have to wait till I get back,’ he shut the door and walked out.

     'Tomas, you’re back,’ Alina rushed into his arms.  Okay he was two hours late, but she was delighted to see her husband again.  When Alina reached up to kiss Tomas and realized he was not returning her embrace, her hands fell to her sides.  So much for the kiss that she had been yearning for!

‘I___is Gustav okay?’ she murmured, embarrassed at placing her carnal needs above Tomas’ uncle’s condition.

‘The hospital says his condition is improving,’ Tomas glanced over her scanty attire.  She had a sarong covering her one piece costume.  Her hair was all tangled and held together in a band.

“‘I wanted Gabriella to become Mrs. Tomasa Casiraghi… She has the poise, elegance and training to stand by you publically.”’

‘You must pack.  We are leaving,’ Tomas turned away from Alina.

“‘Leaving?’”  She echoed in confusion.

‘Back to London,’ he answered without looking in her direction.

‘But___we have one more day!’  
And what about our date?

‘I am needed.  We leave in an hour,’ he strode into the rented villa.

Only when the aircraft took off, did Alina realize they were returning to London, sans Keres and Gabriella.  Where were they? 
Alina looked across the aisle at Tomas.  He was seated at a table, working feverishly on his laptop. 
What had happened after he’d left in the morning?  More importantly, where did he go to? 
He had been in a good mood before he'd departed.  He’d even requested her to wear something sexy for their lunch date, a date that never materialized.  Alina had selected a sexy dress and was just about to shower and slip into her dress when Tomas returned before she was ready for him.

Why was Tomas in such a foul mood?  He is definitely not himself.  He’s so distant… and so quiet

Alina wondered if he had lunch but she dared not disturb him.  Perhaps if he was hungry he would instruct one of his many obliging staff and they would scurry to please the master.  Even the aircraft staff seemed to be walking on tip toes around King Casiraghi.

When the aircraft landed at Heathrow, Alina told Tomas, she would like to be dropped of at the restaurant.  She needed to keep busy with something or she was going to explode.  Her husband was acting like a right royal prick.  If she spent another hour in his morose company, Alina was going to strangle Tomas.  She had told Caroline already she was going straight to the restaurant.  Caroline was pleased for the reprieve.  She did seem to tire easily when travelling long distance.  She and Emily would have an early night.

Alina wondered what Tomas was doing this afternoon.  Was he going to his office?  Was he going to meetings?  When she looked his way, Alina found his eyes trained on her.  Her first instinct was to smile at him, but she shuddered.  What if he gave her that cold, detached look he’d given her earlier at the villa when he returned from where ever?

‘I will drop you off, before I go to my office,’ Tomas uttered his first words since he’d told her to pack earlier.  I’ve arranged a second vehicle to take Caroline and Emelia home.’

‘Thank you,’ Alina murmured, shifting her eyes away.

They drove in silence to her restaurant.  Alina had kissed her sister and niece and waved them off.  She desperately wanted to ask Tomas where he’d been the entire morning but she lacked the nerve.  What if he told her not to question him?  What if he informed her that their unconventional marriage did not afford her any rights to interrogate him, his motives or his whereabouts?  As Tomas’ limo stopped outside her restaurant, Alina hastily opened her door.

‘Good bye,’ She murmured and quickly slammed her door, ensuring Tomas would have no need to get out of the limo.  She raced into her restaurant without a backward glance.  The restaurant was quite busy, she was pleased to see.  Almost every table was occupied.  A quick glance at the reservation book pleased her even more.  She smiled, greeted a patron here and there and walked into the kitchen.

     ‘Alina!’  Rocco lifted her up and swung her around ecstatically.  ‘Cara, I was only expecting you to return tomorrow,’ he grinned.  ‘What are you doing___.’

Rocco did not get to finish asking his question.  Alina was roughly pulled away from Rocco and a vicious fist landed on Rocco’s cheek.  Loud gasps were heard as the kitchen helpers stopped working.  Every pair of curious eyes was trained on Tomas. 

‘Tenere le mani da mia moglie! ... Keep your hands off my wife!’

Rocco was sprawled on the floor.  He was massaging his bruised cheek.

‘Tomas!  What is wrong with you?’  Alina glared at Tomas angrily and knelt down to assist Rocco.  ‘I’m so sorry,’ she murmured.  ‘Are you okay?’ She helped Rocco to his feet.

Rocco nodded, looking wearily at Tomas.  When Alina continued to fuss over him, he lifted his hands as if to assure Alina he was fine and tried to keep a safe distance away from Alina.

‘What the hell is your problem?’ Alina fired a glacial look at her husband, 'and what are you doing here?’ She demanded, indifferent to all her staff enjoying the spectator value of her screaming at her husband.

Tomas lowered his eyes and tugged at his sleeves.  ‘You left your handbag in the car,’ he answered evenly.

‘Thank you,’ she snatched the bag from him.  ‘You may leave,’ she dismissed him.

Before Tomas heeded his wife’s instruction, he first took a step towards the cowering Rocco.  Suspecting Tomas was going to assault her restaurant manager again, Alina strategically stood in front of Rocco.  Tomas grunted irritatedly.  He lifted Alina as if she weighed nothing more than a feathered pillow and placed her to his left side.  Wagging his finger accusingly at the retreating Rocco, but in a very soft tone, Tomas issued a grave warning.
  ‘Non bisogna mai posare un ditto su mia moglie.  Spezzerò tutte le ossa del vostro corpo.  Capisci? … Don’t ever touch my wife again!  I will break every bone in your body!  Am I clear?’

Alina gasped, totally appalled at Tomas’ violent behaviour.  How could he just walk into her restaurant and behave in such a barbaric manner?

‘Si,’ Rocco mumbled contritely.  He looked away nervously.  ‘Mi dispiace, signore.’

‘You don’t have to apologize to him Rocco,’ she turned on Tomas.  ‘Stop this badgering!’ Alina yelled at her belligerent husband.

Tomas nodded at Rocco, as if accepting the apology.  He then issued a stern threat to Alina.
  ‘I will have him deported cara.  Do not test me.’
 Before she had the opportunity to retaliate, Tomas gathered Alina into his arms and thoroughly kissed her on the mouth. 

‘I hate you!’ She whispered.   She was tempted to swipe her wrist across her lips and erase the evidence of his brutal, demeaning kiss, but she focused instead, on blinking away the flow of threatening tears. 
Why?  Why was he such a cold arrogant brute?

‘See you at home cara,’ he smiled smugly and stormed out.

     When Alina got home deliberately after her curfew, Tomas had not returned either.  She was spitting mad.  She did not know whether she was angry because he was not there to see she’d disobeyed his curfew or because she was actually missing the dominating brute.

Alina knew Caroline and Emily would be in bed by now as well.  She did not want to go upstairs to their empty bedroom, worse she did not want to toss and turn in bed.  She knew sleep would not come.  So where the hell was this husband of hers?  If she had a curfew, why didn’t he?

Out of habit, Alina found herself tiptoeing into Emily’s room.  As usual half her blanket was on the floor and Emily’s legs were not under the blanket.  Alina smiled.  Gently she lifted the blanket and covered the little girl.  Alina kissed her cheek and whispered goodnight.

‘Good night mum…love you,’ Emily murmured sleepily.

Alina did not say anything further and quietly stepped away.  When she got to the door, she was shocked to find Tomas leaning against the door, one finger was casually holding his jacket over his shoulder.  She was momentarily speechless.  He looked so damn attractive, like a model, strutting his stuff.

‘Good evening cara,’ he spoke softly, mindful of the sleeping Emily.


‘You just got home?’ He questioned, his narrowed eyes raking displeasurably over the chef’s jacket protecting her stunning, flowery sundress.

‘Yes, I just walked in,’ she raised her chin defiantly.

‘I’m surprised you came home cara,’ he grinned, curving his arm around her waist.


‘I thought you were going to punish me and make me sleep alone tonight,’ he pressed his mouth to the soft flesh at her throat.

‘The thought occurred to me,’ she disentangled herself from his arm, but I’m guessing you would send a search party to haul me back here to my master’s feet.’

‘You make me sound like an oppressor from the stone ages,’ he faked a wounded tone, again attempting to circle his arms around her.

‘You are worse!’ She hissed and shoved him away.  ‘You are a callous, atrocious,vile, insensitive pig and I___.  Tomas put me down!’

She had not finished her colourful, descriptive, vocal loathing of him, when he had lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder in rather an undignified manner.  Her slender legs face upwards, with her feet pointing to the ceiling.  Tomas marched her purposefully upstairs.

‘W__where are you taking me?  P__put me down this instant,’ Alina squeaked,’ afraid to wake Caroline and Emily. She tried unsuccessfully with one hand to keep her skimpy, designer silk briefs from being revealed as her dress bunched at her hips. Her other hand clung to Tomas’ thigh in an instinctive manner to protect herself.

‘Oh cara, I wish you could see the delightful view from up here,’ he chuckled, as his palm caressed over her shapely bottom.

‘Shut up!  Don’t touch me,’ she slapped his hand away.

‘Okay,’ he loosened his grip and deliberately allowed her to slide just a tad.

‘Tomas!’  She caught his hips in a vice grip.  Her chin slammed into his very rigid hardness.  She cringed visibly, ignoring Tomas’ soft grunt of pain at her unintended attack on his person.

‘You do this to me cara,’ he moaned, gently lowering her onto their bed.

Alina tried to scramble away but he pinned her down with his body.  The more she struggled, the more forceful, his engorged arousal pierced at her pelvis.

‘Let me go!’ She made a feeble attempt at brushing him off, when he buried his lips in that sensitive spot at her neck.

‘No,’ he drawled arrogantly.

Tomas pulled his shirt off roughly over his head and tossed it to the floor.  Alina watched with fascination as the corded muscles flexed, revealing his superbly toned chest.

‘Get off me,’ she murmured unconvincingly.  Her tongue washed over her lower lip, as her eyes stayed focused on his tantalizing lips.

‘I must kiss you cara,’ he groaned.  His mouth closed over hers, his lips torturing her with sensuous kisses. 

Alina struggled to resist him, her fingers clenched at her sides.  Her brain told her to shove his body off her, but her disgraceful body welcomed his weight, moulding her pelvis to his.

‘You are so beautiful tesoro,’ his fingers roamed freely, possessively, over her wanton body.

Unable to resist anymore, her hands reached for his arms.  They were like tempered steel beneath her finger tips.  The heat of his skin turned her on.  Tomas’ lips worried at her breast until his tongue found its desired victim.  His teeth rasped against her swollen nipples making it simultaneously wet and hot with arousal.  Alina sighed softly, mentally fighting the demons as her aching body urged her to yield to Tomas’ seduction.  Like a drowning person, grasping onto a blade of grass, she felt herself slipping, losing control.  Her searching hungry fingers, travelled from his biceps to his muscular chest.

‘Touch me cara,’ his husky voice pleaded, his sexy Italian accent so pronounced, she knew he was so close to the point of no return.

‘No!’ She shoved him off, with surprising superhuman strength.

‘Alina!’ His arm fell on her chest like a weight of lead.

‘I want to shower and___ I am tired,’ she lied.

Tomas’ eyes narrowed unbelievingly.  ‘Are you denying me, my right to your body, mia  moglie’ …my wife?’ He challenged in a dangerously soft voice.

Alina heard the insinuation loud and clear.  She was his wife, his possession.  He could have her whenever he wanted to.  It was his conjugal right to have access to her body and to sex on demand.  Incensed, Alina’s fiery emerald eyes sparkled angrily, as her eyes met his.

‘I said I am tired.’ Alina tried to look away from his accusing eyes, but he held her spellbound.  For a long moment Tomas, gazed into her eyes and just as suddenly he released her.

‘Okay cara, go have your shower.’

Alina hastily hopped off the bed and sought refuge in her bathroom.  She leaned against the door and listened for sounds from the bedroom.  She heard the mattress crease and then the sounds of the shower from Tomas’ bathroom.

She returned after her very quick shower.  She wanted to be in bed, before Tomas returned.  She observed Tomas’ shirt still lying on the floor.  She left it there and quickly slipped into bed, keeping to her side of the bed, her back to Tomas.  Her breathing was heavy, her shoulders heaved nervously as she awaited Tomas.  She did not have long to wait, when she felt his weight sink into the bed.  His heady, aromatic cologne tinged her nostrils.  Alina shut her eyes tightly when she felt Tomas’ naked body press into her back.

‘Good night cara,’ he whispered and kissed her cheek.

‘Good night,’ she mumbled, and felt a sinking sense of disappointment, when Tomas turned his back to her and promptly fell asleep.

      Her disappointment grew in leaps and bounds in the morning, when she awoke at six o’ clock and discovered she was alone in the bed.  It seemed Tomas had gotten up a long time ago.  Could he be downstairs still having breakfast?  Would she be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of him, before she headed to work?  After another record breaking shower, Alina rushed downstairs, with her hair not properly dried.  That sinking feeling was burning a hole in her stomach. 

     Infact her desolation was so overwhelming, she wanted to throw up.  As her day progressed, her discontent quickly turned to anger.  She found her temper was on a knife’s edge and she snapped and yelled at everybody at the restaurant, including poor Rocco who was trying with great difficulty to ensure he was never alone with Alina.

At her wits end by late afternoon, Alina was tempted to call Tomas and apologize.  She was consumed by a sense of guilt and a greater sense of loss. 
He could have at least said good bye this morning! 

She wanted to hear his soothing voice.  She wanted to hear that teasing, seductive accent that drove her crazy and simultaneously drove her wild with desire.  Plucking up the courage, she dialed his mobile, and waited for the connection. She felt breathless from the adrenalin rush just anticipating his sexy voice.  When her called was routed directly to his voicemail, Alina cut the call without leaving a message.  The last time she'd felt this lonely and debilitating loss was when her parents together with her sister’s husband had died in the freak car accident.

        -end chapter twenty six-

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