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*****coltons pov******

I stared at the diner. It was supposed to be open 24/7 but it was apparently closed.

"Where to boss?"

I shrugged feeling irritated. A few murders and the whole city closes. I guess that was my fault seeing as I was the one who killed them, but still. What kind of small town was this?

"Let's walk around and see if there's anything good going on tonight."

The guys followed behind me. It wasn't a suggestion. I had taken over my fathers business when he retired last year. I was fit for the job. I had been raised to be cold and ruthless without a care in the world. It was like these people were nothing but trash under my shoe.

We heard a noise behind the diner and I smirked. Whoever it was had no idea what they were in for.

"Let's go boys."

I looked behind the diner noticing a girl in a short skirt taking out the trash. She turned around scared for a moment but when she saw us her eyes light up. I was instantly turned off.

"Hey boys."

She started walking towards us licking her lips.

How desperate. Whore.

"Have fun then get rid of her."

"What's your name sweetie?" Josh asked.

"Cindy." She had that high pitched whiny voice I could stand. My boys would take care of her though. Josh and Dante had been working for me since high school. I had a lot of men in my gang but those two were in the few I trusted.

"Please." I heard a voice. It didn't sound like that girls annoying voice. She sounded scared. I ran to the alley and saw a girl almost completely naked underneath a guy while the others stood around.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled rushing towards them. I pulled the guy off of her and punched him. Then I turned to his friends. They ran off once I pulled the gun out of my pocket. I pulled out my phone letting the guys know to handle this.

I had never been so disturbed in my life. The girl was still laying there shaking. She still hadn't moved. Why did I feel bad for her? Why was I so angry? I wanted to kill those guys but making sure she was okay was more important.

I walked over to her slowly trying not to scare her.

"Please." She sounded so broken. I hated that she felt this way. She was dirty and covered in bruises but was still the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. I threw my shirt over to her and backed away. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I never wanted to.

"Thank you." She clutched onto my shirt that was hugging her body. I glared angrily at the house behind her. It was no place for her to live. I wasn't stupid either. I knew some of those bruises were old. Someone was hurting her and I was going to find out who. I didn't want to leave her here. I felt terrible for doing it. I wanted to take her back to my house to stay with me, but I didn't want to scare her off.

I waited until I saw a bedroom light turn on before pulling away.

"I need all of the information you can get about a girl named cashmere. Don't forget surveillance."

"Right away boss."

I opened the door to my bedroom. I wondered if she would like it. Would she think it was too boring? Too clean?

I shook of my thoughts wondering why I even cared about that girl. Maybe I was just sleep deprived.

"Give me the information about the new shipments."

Ace my second in command stepped forward with the detailed list. Everything was looking good.

"I also have information about the girl. You want her dead?"


Then I remembered. The girl from the alley. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her.

"Right. Hand it over."

I looked through the file. She had been hospitalized multiple times. Broken ribs, arms, and even a broken tailbone. She seemed to have good grades in school and worked a lot. Unlike her parents who were living on government assistance. I was surprised to see she went to school today.

"Adam, looks like you and Allen are going back to high school." I smirked. I needed someone to keep an eye on her at school. To make sure nothing happened to her and report back to me if it did.

Boss she's going over to some guys house to work on a project

Every guy in school is staring at her

I sighed as I closed my laptop focusing instead on the messages from the guys.

Don't let it happen

This girl clearly had no idea had jealous she was making me. I had always been so focused on work but now I couldn't stop thinking about her.

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