Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


After the decoration was done with Ashton grumbling throughout; there were few things yet to be done, but that I left for the other members to complete. I decided to stay after school until the decoration was completely done, and also to make arrangements for those students who weren't allowed for this party because of their behaviour at the beginning of the school. I made sure to keep them from gate crashing.

It was finally the end of school and the decoration was done too, saving me from spending more time after school. "Here. Everything is done. The food arrangements will be made tomorrow." Lucy grinned.

"Good as usual." I grinned back.

After a last check, I made my way towards the parking lot. Wait, I remembered I came with Max today and looking around, I couldn't find Max and the car anywhere.

I pulled out my phone and called him. "Max, how in the world did you forget me?"

I heard a moan from the other side. What the hell?

"I'm sorry, sis. I'm kinda busy and I had a company while going, so yeah that's pretty much it. Also, I didn't forget you. Now you see, I mean hear, I'm busy. Later." With that he ended the phone, but not before I heard a whine about 'come back' and the line was off.

Seriously? I can't understand this shit!

I ran a hand through my hair, wondering how am I suppose to go home. I can't walk home since it's not too close to school. But I guess I don't have an option, I have to walk. Can't call any of my brothers, knowing them they'll probably be busy.

While walking, I thought about everything I have to do tomorrow. I have already talked to Nate and Will about the plan for tomorrow. They didn't want me to go through this, but I have to have a proof and to show it to Dad so he can cut off any relation with that person in business.

I was so in my thoughts that I didn't notice a car coming from behind. A loud honk broke my thoughts, causing me to jump. I turned toward the car, a little irritated. I raised my eyebrow as the window roll down. There sat Ashton in the driving seat.

"Why are you walking?" He asked.

"Since Max had some business to do, I didn't have a ride. He took the car with him," I said. He just raised his eyebrow.

Nodding, he said. "Come on. I'll drop you off."

Stunned for a minute, I blinked before sitting in the passenger seat. Why would Ashton offer me a ride? Courtesy maybe?

"Don't be so shock. I offer ride to some needy people," he remarked.

Jaws dropped, I smacked his arm. "I didn't ask for your​ help."

"Sure about that?" He smirked.

"Hell, yeah!" I shouted.

"Don't worry. Just admit it. You just like looking at this," he said, gesturing at his face.

"In your dreams," I retorted.

"Now, now, you don't want to know what I dream about," he said, his smirk widening.

"Go to hell." I hissed.

"The hell will look a lot better with you in it," he said as he continues to drive to my house.

"Rude much?" I questioned.

"Its fact, babe." He winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Just take me home."

He looked at me for a minute, grinning widely. Idiot! Again, I can't stand him. Just when I thought we can talk reasonably, he had to go and be this. We reached soon and I didn't wait a minute before sprinting out of the car. I ran upstairs, but stopped short when I heard a car door being shut behind me. I turned around and narrowed my eyes at Ashton.

"Go home." I said to him. He only rolled his eyes and stalked past me. "I mean it."

"I've come here to meet Ryan. I was suppose to come here with you or without you," he said, pushing his hands in his pockets.

"Fine. Whatever." I said and walked inside.

Ryan was sprawled upside down on the couch. He was talking to himself about what? I don't know. Weird.

"Hey," Ashton said as he sat on the couch. Ryan glanced at him and frowned.

"Amy is ignoring me," Ryan blurted. I smirked. Ah! Someone's jealous.

I squeaked loudly when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around in full speed, ready to kill whoever tried to scare me.

"What the bloody hell, Lucas?" I yelled at him. He was laughing his ass off; placing his hands on his hips and bending forward type laughing.

"Dude," Ryan warned, coming next to me. "You alright?" He asked, looking at me. I placed my hands on my chest to calm my heart. It was like the same thing that happened before.

"I'm fine," I stuttered. "I'm going to my room." I smiled lightly and ran upstairs. Slamming my door shut, I changed and made myself comfortable.

Later that night, I went upstairs to my room on the fourth floor. I decided to wear a dress for tomorrow. Being the head girl, I have to look pretty.

Keeping everything ready and after talking on the phone with Amber, Chris and Alex, I went downstairs. Eating was fun. Mom and I decided the menu for Sunday as the guys were planning on making food that day. Since it is a holiday for everyone, I think them cooking will be good. After food, I went to take my beauty sleep. Kidding, but I did go to sleep. Tomorrow is the party and there will be lot of things to do.


Next morning, I got up with my alarm blaring off. I shut it off and sat up on the bed, looking around. Oh it's Saturday, means work on Saturday. Yay! I sighed and got out of bed.

Picking up my phone, I called Amber. "Hello?"

"You better have a good reason to wake me this early." Amber threatened.

I snorted. "Wake up. We have to go to school hall. Since you have an amazing head girl as your best friend. You have to come with me."


"I'm not asking." I rolled my eyes. "Don't get ready. We'll first see the arrangements and then come back home to get ready. Since party starts at 7, we'll have plenty time to change. Mom can help too. So now, wake up!"

"I hate you." She grumbled.

"I love you too." I smirked.

I hung up later and went for a shower. Actually, I myself don't know why I woke up this early. I shrugged to myself and took a pair of skinny jean and a full sleeve shirt and tugged it inside. I let my hair in a natural wave and wore my flats. I walked downstairs in the kitchen for some food. Since it was early, the breakfast wasn't ready. Actually the breakfast was but not the people of this house. I took an apple.

"Are you not staying for breakfast, Gwen?" Mary-Ann asked.

"No. I have work. You know it's fresher's party today." I smiled.

"Oh! Yeah I remember you telling me about it. I hope everything goes as planned." She winked. I laughed and waved her bye.

Eating, I made my way out of kitchen when a very sleepy, half naked Ethan walked in. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him.

"Where are you going?" His voice was still thick with sleep.

"I'm going to school," I said, slowly, giving him time to process.

He nodded his head, scratching the back of his neck. He gave me a lazy grin. "Okay. I'll go back to my bed. It's calling me."

"Of course, it is," I smirked. He scoffed while I laughed.

Shaking my head, I went out to see my car already waiting. "Thanks Jack."

"You're welcome." He smiled.

I drove to Amber's house. She messaged me that I have to pick her up since I woke her early and that this is my punishment. Reaching outside, I honked twice. I saw her come out, kissing her mother's cheeks and waving bye.

"Hey," she greeted, opening the door.

"Hey." I laughed as she struggled to put the seat belt.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" She grumbled.

"I thought we already had that conversation?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"You so very much know I hate being woken up," she stated.

"Yeah yeah, you'll get over it." I laughed.

"Why are we even going? I thought everything was arranged?" She asked.

"I just want to check again to make sure." I said. "Besides, Lucy said the food arrangements are to be done. I have to check that."

"Leave that girl to do it."

"She is just in charge of making the decoration look perfect. I have to see the rest," I said, glancing at her.

She sighed. "Responsibility of the head girl."

"You got that right. Now suck it up."

We reached school and stepped out of the car, making our way towards the hall. As I entered, I removed the list from my bag and began checking while Amber called Lucy and the other head members of the three committee. Now, we just have to wait for the night for the party to start.


It was time. Time for both. Time for party and time to expose the person responsible for planning something against Dad.

I was currently back at home, getting ready for the party. Amber was with me. She had already brought her dress in morning with her. She dropped it at my place so that later we can get ready together with the help of my Mom. Having a designer mother definitely pays off.

I was ready with getting ready, if that makes any sense. My dress was mid thigh and orange-ish in colour– a little light than orange. From my waist down, it had box cut that flares upto my thigh. I paired it with my orangish high heels. I wore my charm bracelet that once my best friend gave me. Sorry ex-best friend. Force of habit. My hair was curled perfectly behind my back. My face held natural beauty since Mom thinks I'm beautiful as I am.

I heard a squeal and a dreamy sigh. I turned to see Mom grinning at me. "You look so beautiful."

I smiled, shyly at her. "Thanks Mom." I went to give her a hug. My dress was simple, but Mom saying makes me feel more beautiful.

"You're​ welcome, sweetie." She then turned to Amber and let out another squeal. "Oh, Amber, honey. You look so stunning." Amber smiled brightly at Mom and gave her a hug. She linked her arms with me and we made our way downstairs.

In the living room, Dad, Will, Nate, Blake were sitting and laughing. Ryan and Max are upstairs since they are the one taking me. Chris was suppose to come any minute to pick Amber.

"Wow!" Blake said, looking at me and Amber, up and down. Creep.

Will smacked the back of his head. "Stop checking them, idiot."

Blake rubbed his head, cursing under his breath. One glance at Mom and he shut up.

"You girls ready?" Dad asked. We nodded our head. At the same time, Ryan and Max came down.

Ryan wore a white shirt and washed black jeans with white ankle length shoes. Max wore a blue shirt matching his eyes with a signature leather jacket, giving himself a badass look.

"Let's go?" Amber asked, checking her phone. "Chris is waiting for me outside."

"Okay." I answered.

"I'm picking Amy up. Gwen, you are going with Max, alright?" Ryan asked, blushing when he said he is going to pick Amy. I smirked and saw that it wasn't only me, but everyone smirking at him.

"Amy, huh?" Nate smirked. Ryan scoffed and practically ran out of the house.

I laughed, following Max outside. But before I go, Will pulled me back. "Be careful. We'll be there soon." He warned.

I just nodded my head. Max pulled the car and waited for me. I sat next to him and we drove off.

Now, it's time. Get ready. You tried your best to take my Dad down. But this time I'm going to take you and your Dad down. You made a mistake by joining hands with the wrong person. And now you'll regret it. I'll make sure your business is not yours any more.

Picture of Gwen's dress!

Wow! Too many surprises. The next chapter everything will be clear. Wait for it. God, I'm excited. Sorry to leave you here. But patience. Until then.

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