7~ Homecoming Date

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"I forgot to ask how your presentation was?" Del asked as we walked out of school side by side Friday afternoon.

I'm so glad it's the weekend. I get to FaceTime my dad tomorrow since he won't be in meetings all day.

"I think it went good, Ashton actually tried. I think Ms. Dunn was a little shocked. I'm just glad it over" I sighed.

"What about the other Haywood boys?" She asked. We were almost to our cars.

"What about them?" I shrugged.

"Well are you going to keep hanging out with them?"

I stopped in my tracks. I never thought about that. I mean I have no reason to go to their house anymore.

But they're my friends. I said to myself. I went to Parker when I didn't have anyone else.

But they don't care about me. They were being nice to get Ashton a good grade.

I had an argument with myself, standing in the middle of the parking lot, for what felt like a long time.

Del snapped me out of my trance and pulled me out of the way of a honking car.

"Jeez Pen you have to pay attention. You almost got killed."

"Stay out of the road loser!" A voice yelled. I saw it belonged to Ashton's girlfriend, or what assume is his girlfriend, Ashley.

Delilah flipped her off as she drove away.

"Are you going to the game tonight? It's an away game but it's only a twenty minute drive"

"Um sure I guess." I answered hesitantly.

"Okay, I'll take you, we're leaving at 6:45"she informed me as we both got in our cars.

I needed to get my homework done before 6:45. I honestly didn't have that much.

I jogged up to my room and threw my bag on my bed. Today was exhausting, hell this whole week was exhausting. I flopped on my bed and felt a wave of sleep rush over me.

My eyelid closed heavily and I drifted into a much needed nap.

The next thing I remember is hearing the door open.

"Aspen I'm home!" Mom called from downstairs.

She normally wasn't home this early. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and picked up my phone.


I was asleep for two and a half hours!

I'm leaving in five minutes!

I stayed calm. I was already dressed all I needed was get my shoes on.

I stood up and my stomach yelled at me for not feeding it.

And eat something.

I walked by my full length mirror. I stopped in shock, staring at my reflection.

My clothes were all wrinkled, my hair was a disaster and the mascara I had on was all over my eyes.

I looked like a raccoon with a bad hair day.

I quickly rushed to my bathroom and fixed my hair and makeup. I changed into a fresh pair of clothes. Grabbing my phone, I rushed downstairs and found a snack.

"What's got you in such a hurry?" Mom chuckled as I rushed around her in the kitchen.

"I'm late" I answered before throwing on my shoes and running outside.

Del was already waiting in her car for me. I hopped in the passenger seat with a sigh.

"You good?"she asked giggling lightly at me.

"Yeah, I took a three hour nap and woke up looking like a raccoon with a bad hair day, I had five minutes to get ready"

"Well at least you'll be energized for the game." She put the car in reverse and backed out if her driveway.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up. Parker had dm'd me on Instagram. I opened it curious as to what it said.

Hey are you coming to the game? I know it's twenty minute drive and you probably don't want to go but I was just wondering.

I could imagine his face flushing bright red as he typed the text.

Don't worry I'm coming

Ok we'll see you there

Bye Parker

I laughed lightly at the conversation I just had.

"What is it?" Del asked curiously glancing over at me.

"Nothing just a dm form Parker asking if I was going to the game"

"Aww he's so adorable" she basically squealed.

"Shut up" I mumbled underneath breath.

After a twenty minute drive of us screaming to Shawn Mendez on the radio, we were finally there.

We paid at the front entrance. Del paid for me even though I told her not to. We argued for more than five minutes before she paid without my permission.

I looked around for the Haywood boys, but I didn't see them. Until I heard a very loud yell, calling out my name over the crowd.

"Aspen!" Alex yelled.

My face flushed red as we marched up to where the boys were huddled in their leather jackets and blankets.

"Hello boys" I adresses all of them at once until my eyes landed on a girl sitting next to Jasper. I recognized her as Savannah, his girlfriend. "And girl" I smiled at her.

"Hi I'm Savannah, Jasper's girlfriend" she smiled and stood up,extending her hand out to me.

"I'm Aspen, nice to meet you" I returned her handshake and smile.

"I've heard a lot about you" she giggled to herself before sitting back down. I took a seat by Parker.

My legs bounced up and down uncontrollably as we sat out in the cold watching the game. The light sound of my teeth chattering was covered up by a huge uproar in the crowd.

I looked at Parker in question but he was already looking down at me.

"You cold?" He asked amusedly.

"A little" I lied as my body trembled and betrayed me.

"Here" he pulled the blanket off of his lap and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"But you'll get cold" I said meekly.

"I'll be fine" he assured me with his beautiful smile.

I subconsciously leaned into his side seeking warmth on the oddly cold October night.

Okay so maybe it wasn't that cold. It was definitely colder in Kansas right now. I like the warmth. I never went out at night, especially when it was cold. I stayed inside with the heater, hot coco, and a sketchbook.

Parker let out a laugh and slung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to the warmth of his body.

Del was sitting next to me but Alex sat on the other side of her. He looked over at me and smiled. His smile quickly turned into a scowl. His eyes flashed with an emotion I've never seen in his easygoing eyes before. It was jealousy or at least that's what it looked like. What would he be jealous of? Maybe he saw Haley with another guy or something.

I shrugged it off as he turned away and his jealous filled eyes filled with a happier emotion.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jasper kiss Savannah's head as he brought her closer and closer to him. He was smart and had a hoodie under his leather jacket, giving him extra warmth that I would kill for right now.

When I wasn't paying attention, Flynn must've climbed in my lap. He was snuggling into for warmth as well. I let out an awe and wrapped my arms around his little body.

"Hey buddy" I said and kissed his cheek.

The game went on and Briar screamed words that's shouldn't be said at a high school football game.

Savannah may have smacked him a few times very hard and apologized to everyone around us.

"Briar sit your ass down" Jasper pulled him back down by his leather jacket.

Cussing earned him a smack from Savannah as well.

"Ow Sav what the hell all I said was ass" he defended himself and earned himself another smack.

"Jas, we're at a football game, there are children here" she warned.

"All I said was ass" he mumbled under his breath. I think only Parker and I heard it.

We tried not to laugh.

"Jasper Mitchell Haywood, what did you just say?" She ordered.

"Nothing my beautiful princess, who I love so much" he fake smiled and kissed he head.

She rolled her eyes, but she dropped the subject and snuggled close to her boyfriend.

The boys end up winning the game and everyone went on the field. Apparently it's a tradition to congratulate the team in the field. How did I not notice it last time?

Everyone went up to Ashton congratulating him. Del and I stood awkwardly to the side as they all talked. Flynn begged and begged Parker to pick him up until he obliged.

"Hey Aspen can I talk to you for a second?" Alex asked.

"Yeah sure" I smiled and walked over to him. He led me away from the group.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I don't want you to think I'm mad at you or anything, because I'm not."

"Oh no worries" I smiled at him.

"There's also something I wanted to ask you." He blurted before I could walk away. He scratched the back of his head and a small blush crept in his face.

It was kind of adorable.

I looked at him expectingly and waited for him to continue.

"Um, homecoming is next week and I was wondering if you'd go with me?"

"Yeah I would like to but what about Haley, don't you have a crush on her?" I question with a slight head tilt.

"Oh um yeah she's interested in somebody else" he looked down at the ground with the red tint back in his cheeks.

"Oh I'm sorry for bringing it up"

"It's fine, I'm over it" he shrugged.

"So is this homecoming fancy or more casual?"

"It's kind of in between. Delilah would know, she's better at fashion advice anyway" he chuckled.

"Yeah I guess so" I laughed along with him.

We walked back to to rest of them and Del announced that we were going home.

We said goodbye to all the boys. I hugged Parker, Alex, Flynn, and Jasper. I went to say goodbye to Savannah and she pulled me into a hug. After a second of shock, I hugged her back.

"We need to hang out sometime just us girls. All three of us." She looked at Del.

"Yeah we should" I smiled.

I liked Savannah a lot. I feel like I can trust her with anything and I've only known her for a couple hours. She gives off an older sister vibe.

With one last goodbye to all of the boys and Savannah, Del and I headed for her car.

"So, what'd Alex want?" Del asked as soon as we got to the car. I had barely shut my door when she eagerly asked me.

"He asked me to homecoming."

"Aw that's so cute" she squealed and brought the car to life when she turned her key.

"Yeah but it's only because Haley" I noticed Delilah's confusion at the name. "Clemons? Sits behind you in biology?" Her brows still furrowed slightly. "Well anyway she's interested in someone else"

I felt a little hurt that I was only his second choice.

A moment of realization crossed Delilah's face as she remembered who she was.

I was a little shocked at first when Delilah didn't recognize her. Delilah knows everything about everyone. Okay maybe not everything about everyone, but you get my point. If there's a rumor, I bet Delilah would know if it's true or not. She's drama central.

"Yeah she's had a boyfriend since freshman year. He moved away at the end of last year."

"Oh" I said.

"Are you blind girl? He never liked Haley, he liked you." She shoved my shoulder as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"What? Alex? No we're just friends"

"Oh my gosh it's worse than I thought" she overdramatized.

I lightly shoved her shoulder and we dropped the conversation.

He couldn't possibly like me. We've known each other for two weeks. He's really nice and completely hot but we're just friends, right?

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