15~ Scavenger hunt

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"No I swear I will murder you!" Larissa squealed as I chased her around the kitchen with a bowl of icing.

We were making cupcakes and I was bored.

"I promise I won't intentionally get icing all over you" I said innocently.

"That's what you said last time and I believed you" she squealed.

"You girls sound like your having fun." Dad laughed as he grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"Help me, Dad #2!" She dodged me and hid behind my dad.

He chuckled and stepped out of my way. "Sorry Lar you're by yourself on this one."

"Mama Chris!" She called as she continued to hide behind random objects.

"You girls" she rolled her eyes laughing at us.

The oven beeped and we made a truce. I may or may not have still got icing on her cheek.

We iced them cupcakes and messed around.

"Hey do you mind if Del comes over? I really want you two to get to know each other and I know you probably want to hang with only me-" she put a hand over my mouth to stop my rambling.

"Of course she can come over. I would love to get to know her" Lar smiled at me.

I pulled out my phone and texted Del to come over. She was here in only a couple minutes.

"Not to worry guys I am here" Del strutted into the kitchen making both of us laugh.

"What should we do?" I asked sitting myself on the kitchen counter.

"I don't know, what did you do in Kansas?" Del asked as she leaned against the counter beside me.

"You up for a little scavenger hunt?" Larry said evilly while she rubbed her hands together in a weird way.

"We should invite the boys so the teams are even" I suggested.

They both agreed and I called Alex and texted Parker just to make sure everyone knew.

"Sav's coming to make it even." I said.

We grabbed every we needed and Del drove us to the mall. The boys were meeting us there.

"Of course they get here early just to go to the food court" Del rolled her eyes at the sight of the boys stuffing their faces with food.

"You guys are pigs." She walks up to them and sits by Briar. Not even a second later she's stole his fries.

"And they're the pigs" I said sarcastically. "Larry this is Savannah Jasper's girlfriend. Sav this is my bestie, Larissa"

"Nice to meet you" they both smiled at one another before laughing at their synchronization.

We sat and talked for a little bit while the boys finished their food.

"We need to pick teams" Lar spoke up. "I call dibs on Pine tree"

"I get Ash!" Alex almost yelled.

"Parker you're ours" I said to him. He kept his gaze on his food, which he hadn't touched since we got here, and nodded.

"We're stealing Jasper" Ash called grabbed his chair and scooted it closer to him as his territory.

"Briar" Parker said.

"Del" Jasper looked Briar in the eye as if he was challenging him.

"Sav" Briar shot back keeping his eyes on Jasper.

"That leaves us with Silas" Del said.

"Don't sound so happy about it" Silas said sarcastically.

"Aw why so grumpy?" I teased pinching his cheeks. He quickly swatted my hand away.

"He's just upset he had to push back his date with Layla" Alex teased.

"What? You moved a date back so you could come here? You didn't have to" I said in all seriousness.

I just asked if they could come. They didn't have to.

"No she had something come up. I won't see her until later tonight and it's not a date. We're just hanging out"

"Ok as long as I'm not at fault" I sighed in relief.

"Okay rules" Larry clapped and explained everything.
"How the f*ck are we supposed to find a coin on the ground?" Briar voiced.

"It's not that hard Briar" Sav sighed.

"Okay let's split up it'll get it done faster" I said.

We already took the picture of the food court and the soft pretzels.

"What about the group photos?" Sav asked.

"Let's do that now" Lar squeezed in.

We found Claire's which wasn't too far from the food court. We all put on a pair of sunglasses and took a picture.

"Can I help you?" The nice employee asked us.

I remembered on the list it says a group picture with an employee.

"Actually can you take a picture with us?" I asked.

"With you?" She asked. I nodded and she agreed. She even put in a pair of glasses.

"Thank you!" I said as we rushed out of Claire's.

We did the rest of the group photos. Someone nice took the picture of us on the bench for us.

After that we split in two groups. Me, Parker, Lar and Briar and Sav.

My part of the team went to find leopard print, kids play area, LEGO's, phone accessory, gift card, coffee and gold shoes.

Briar and Sav had to find the mall directory, 25% off sign, massage chair, the coin, a vehicle inside the mall, and as escalator.

"25% off at American Eagle!" Sav yelled and dragged Briar with her as she looked at her phone.

Thankfully ours weren't that hard to find. Most of them were right by each other or pretty close.

"I see some gold shoes!" Larry yelled and ran away from us.

"Come on the play area is right around the corner" I quickly led Parker to the play area.

"How would you know? You've been here for like a month" he remarked.

I ignored him.

"Can you go get the coffee there's a Starbucks right over there?" I asked Parker.

"Anything for the Princess" he said sarcastically.

What crawled up his ass and died?

I snapped a picture of the play area trying not to get many kids in it.

Parker came back with a iced coffee in his hands. He handed it to me with a sharp "here"

"What's your problem?" I snapped.

"Nothing" he shot back, not even bothering to look at me.

"I am tired of your snide remarks and rude comments! A week ago we were friends and now you're acting like a bitch" I yelled in his face.

"I found leopard print too!" Larry said cheerily before she saw our faces.

"Let's go to Barnes and Noble, they usually have LEGO's and we can find a gift card" he said to Lar before walking away.

She gave me a questioning look. I groaned in frustration before following Parker. She shrugged and followed me.

We took the last pictures and stopped at a phone accessory kiosk and took a picture of a case.

"Sav, where are you?" I asked.

"We're right across from Claire's, at the massage chairs. Briar insisted that he needed a massage." She groaned.

"Okay headed that way" I giggled at her frustration. I hung up the phone and we rushed to our meet up spot.

Parker led us through the mall to where Sav and Briar were.

"Briar! I swear I will murder you!" Sav complained.

"I just wanted a cookie" he defended himself by putting his hands up in surrender.

"I didn't say you could use my money, you owe me" she pointed at him accusingly.

"Let's go guys the food court is right around the corner"

We saw the other team on the other side of the food court. All we need is to get our whole team over to the table before they do.

They noticed us and in a second we were all running to the table. Both teams dodged customers and workers telling us to stop running.

The last member of each team got there at the same time, which meant we were tied.

"Is there some sort of tie breaker?" Del asked. Her competitive side taking over.

"The challenge" Larry and I said at the same time.

They all looked at us waiting for us to continue.

"Each person gets a rival from the other team. The teams, beside those chosen, have to come up with a challenge object that they have to get. The first one back gets the point." Lar explained.

We each paired up with someone from the other team. I had Alex, Lar had Ash, Sav had Jas, Parker had Silas, and Briar had Del.

Alex and I went first. The rules were that our teams can't help us, with the exception of Larry since she's never been here. She probably won't take it though.

"Your challenge is Spider-Man"

I ran to the poster kiosk where I saw a poster of Spider-Man earlier. My team followed me. I quickly took a picture and ran back to the empty table. Seconds later Alex and his team showed up with a picture of a Spider-Man funko pop. I smirked victoriously at my boyfriend and his sulking face.

"Don't worry babe you'll get it next time" I pat his cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and threw me over his shoulder in playful anger.

"Hate to break the moment love birds but it's Larissa and Ash's turn" Del sneered jokingly.

We discussed what the challenge should be. Something easy but not too easy.

"A four leaf clover is your challenge." Sav announced to the pair.

They both ran in separate directions. Me and my team followed her and the other team did the same.

She swore she saw a four leaf clover in the store with the shoes and she did. Turns out that Ash found a four leaf clover closer than we did.

"Sav and Jas your challenge is Luigi"

Again they broke off into separate directions teams following each of them. Sav ran into the game stop and found a Luigi plushy. She took a picture of it and ran.

"Lost again" Jasper smirked. Sav punched him in the arm and Jasper's smirk fell into a frown as he rubbed the place of the punch.

"We can come back don't worry all we have to do is win the next one and we're even." I encouraged our team.

Don't judge me this is really important.

"Parker and Silas, you're up" Ash clapped Silas's back.

They're challenge was a rose.

Parker ran into Barnes and Noble and straight into the Disney section. He took a picture of Belle's rose and back to the table.

We were the first ones back. Happy with the small victory with cheered. The other teams saw us and immediately frowned.

It was tied and now we only have one pair left, Briar and Del.

"Okay your challenge is..." Larissa paused for dramatic effect. "Darth Vader"

They both paused for a second, but at the same time their faces lit up with an idea. Both of them ran in different directions each team following their teammate.

We followed Briar to one of the only stores that sales Star Wars things. This time, since it's the last challenge round, they have to buy the object not just take a picture of it.

Briar picked up the last Darth Vader mug on the shelf. Del and her team walked in eyeing the mug in his hand.

"Brair" she warned in a low calm voice. "Please give me the mug. It's the last one"

"I know darling that's why I'm taking it." He smirked at her.

"Oh darling, you don't know what you've done" she threatened him as she walked closer and closer towards him.

"Oh I think I do" he said in the same low voice as he smirked at her.

Both of the teams were watching clearly entertained by the scene unfolding in front of us.

Without a second thought, Del crashed her lips into Briar's and he let down his guard. She grabbed the mug and ran to the register paying for it, winning the game for her team.

Briar stood back shocked at what just happened. A smirk slowly took over his shocked expression.

"You are a cunning little snake" he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into him, tickling her sides. She laughed and looked up at him.

He kissed her and we all cheered and clapped.

"Encore, encore!" The boys yelled.

"I'm returning what's rightfully mine" Briar said into Del's ear low enough that only our group could hear it.

"What would that be?" She smirked.

"Your kisses"

The boys clapped and split the two lovebirds up.

"Keep it PG people!" they called laughing and splitting them up.

"Well played Delilah well played" Larry threw her arms over each of our shoulders leading us out of the store.

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