21 | romeo

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She was powerful,
not because she was scared but because
she went on so strongly,
despite the fear.

twenty one |  romeo

Halo's POV

I WOKE UP to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I'm a light sleeper, so it was enough to pull me out of my wonderful slumber.

"Go away," I groaned, my eyes still plastered shut as I pulled a pillow over my head.

I heard my door open squeak open before my mattress dipped down from next to me, an obvious weight brought to my bed.

"Halo, get up." I heard my dad's—also sleepy—voice.

I removed the pillow from atop my head, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the sudden light being welcome, not so happily.

Dad was sitting there clad in a posh, neat suit. He looked far too dressed up to be within this vicinity, but I'm used to it; he has always worn overly professional attire, mainly due to the fact that he is always working.

"What're you doing here?" I asked bluntly, realizing that I unintentionally sounded rather rude.

He snorted, "Good morning to you too, sweetie."

My lips welcomed a faux smile as I tried to push away the running thoughts revolving around going back to sleep, jumping off an extremely high bridge and Holt; not further explanation, just Holt, period.

"What time is it?" I replied groggily, "Shouldn't you be getting off to work?"

He shrugged, "I called Bree and told her to take my calls and etcetera and that I won't return to work until midday, so I can have breakfast with you and take you to school." He rambled, "That's if you don't mind."

Wow, dad wants to have breakfast with me and drive me to school, he's really trying to grease up to me, but what for?

Probably because he announced his not-so-appreciated marriage last night and he wants you to forget about it, my subconscious screamed.

I forgot about that already. . .

I wish I could just be happy for him, but part of me just really doesn't want to. Part of me is furious that he's moved on so quickly, part of me wishes he never found Aubrey and he still came home at the end of each day instead of leaving me and Max alone.

I get it. It's probably extremely hard to deal with day to day life once someone you loved dearly commits such a sinful act like cheating, but at the end of the day he still has children to look after and a family to provide for.

Maybe that's selfish of me, but I believe I'm being realistic.

It just sucks having someone that isn't always there, it's like being half-loved.

"Well, what's for breakfast?"

He smiled, "Get ready for school and come downstairs, you'll be please." he gave me one last goofy smile before getting up and leaving my room.

I reached for my phone from next to my bed, replying to a few comments and checking my social media's.

Five minutes later and I finally was able to convince myself to get up.

I had a shower last night, so I didn't need to have one this morning. I washed my hair too, so it's shiny and my curls are tight and frizzless.

I stripped off my pajamas before grabbing my cheer uniform and a navy hoodie with a small butterfly in the middle, slipping on my air force ones, lastly, I put some product in my hair to maintain it easily throughout the day and applied some mascara.

I slipped my phone in the pocket of my hoodie, then grabbed my bag with some spare clothes for me to get changed into after practice, if I feel like it.

"Something smells good." I stated aloud as I walked down the stairs.

It was the sweetness of maple syrup and the aroma of hot chocolate, it was a heavenly mixture and easily my favorite breakfast option, it's such a simple dish; pancakes and a cup of hot chocolate, but I'd choose that over an expensive restaurant any day, some may say I'm a easily pleased.

My dad isn't the best cook, if I'm being honest, he's actually terrible. But, one thing he can make better than anyone I know, is pancakes.

I walked straight into the kitchen, dumping my bag on the counter as I seated myself on one of the bar stools, dad placed a plate directly in front of me before placing two pancakes straight on the porcelain surface.

I thanked him before reaching out for the bottle of maple syrup from in front of me and drowning the pancakes in the heavenly substance.

"Don't mind if I do." Maxen said giddily as he entered the kitchen, shirtless and in black track pants.

I rolled my eyes, a small smile playing on my lips as he seated himself down next to me, snatching a few too many pancakes from the plate dad had just put on the bench.

I passed him the syrup, he then proceeded to use practically half the bottle. He's going to give himself a damn heart attack.

"Would you like some pancake with that syrup?" I asked.

He turned to me, his cheeks poking out from the amount of pancake he just—somehow managed—to shove in his gob, "No shanks." he murmured, almost spitting out his entire breakfast.

I laughed loudly, finally able to eat myself. It didn't just smell amazing but it tasted amazing too, it made me realize truly how much I missed my dad's pancakes.

"Good?" my dad asked as he held the spatula in his hand, his forehead slicked with sweat.

I nodded vastly, "Ten out of ten pancakes." I said in-between chewing

Dad smiled at me, observing me as I continued to eat, it was a sad smile, it didn't quite reach his eyes.

I raised an eyebrow, "You're so much like your mother, Halo."

My smile dropped and at the same time, so did my heart.

"Dad. . ." I went to stop him, but he shook his head.

Max was quiet too. Whenever the subject of my mother comes up, everyone happens to go silent.

"No. . .I'm sorry." he sighed, switching the stove off, "I know now isn't the time to bring up Alissa—your mother—after last night."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. It's been a good morning Halo, dad actually stayed home all weekend. He made breakfast for me and Max.

You know what they say, fake it till you make it.

"It's okay." I chewed on the inside of my cheek, "It'll just take me awhile to adjust, but I'm happy for you dad, I really am. "

He smiled warmly, he almost looked as though he could cry, "Thanks, Hals." he walked around the counter to give me a hug.

"It'll be good to have you home again. . .permanently." I added, his eyes filling with guilt, "Well I better get going, I don't want to be late for school."

"I'll just get my keys."

Shit, I forgot he was driving me.

I nodded, gulping as I tossed my bag over my shoulder, "See you after school, Max."

"Have a good day at school." he smiled.

I nodded, "I will." hopefully.

Which reminds me. . .I have to see Alix and Zayden today, that's great. If Alix gives me another one of her annoying dirty looks, I will slap her again, and if her sloppy seconds does as well, I'll do the same to him.

Equality, people.

Am I supposed to sit at that table? I mean, besides Zayden and Alix, everyone else at that table are my friends, but I know they won't sit somewhere else and I really don't want to be with in a five-meter proximity of either of them.

"You ready?" my father asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, walking out the door that my dad graciously opened for me.

His expensive white Bentley was parked in the driveway, dad never liked expensive cars until he met Aubrey, he always thought they were overpriced and a complete waste of money.

I've noticed a lot of things about him have changed since her.

He pressed the button on his keys, unlocking the car. I slid into the passenger seat before clicking my seatbelt into place.

The drive was quick and filled with meaningless chatter until we pulled up aside the road in front of my school.

"I'll see you after school" I said as I got out of the car.

"About that," he quickly replied. I sighed, of course. "I won't be home tonight, I have some work to do but I'll be back this weekend."

I nodded, slamming the door shut before turning around and walking off.

"Wait, Halo!" My dad shouted, rolling the window down.

I turned back around, already several meters away.

"I love you." He smiled, adjusting his tie.

I offered him a small smile, "Love you too."

This time I walked away, successfully.

As I walked through the parking lot my stomach twisted into a knot. I wasn't nervous, necessarily. More so dreadful, I was dreading the contents that today will bring, hopefully those contents aren't too bad because after Saturday night, the last thing I want is more trouble.

Christmas break begins December twenty-fourth, so thankfully I'll have a break from this hell hole soon, though that break only lasts a week, it's better than nothing, then six months left and I'm out, for good.


"What are your opinions on Romeo and Juliet's relationship?" Ms Hudson asked the class as she sat on the top of her wooden desk, her pointed black heels dangling in the air.

"Anyone?" she asked further, her green eyes searching the students in the classroom.

Please don't pick me, please don't pick me, I chanted, resting my head on the desk in attempt to hide myself.

I love reading, but I have had absolutely no time to read the book. She assigned Romeo and Juliet to us last week to read but I between cheer practice and seeing Holt, I haven't had the time.

Well that and I may have completely forgotten about it,

"Halo?" She announced.

I froze, slowly looking up. If you can't tell, Ms Hudson, I'm hiding for a reason, I felt like saying but though she is a relatively 'chill' teacher, it's not worth the extra homework.

I cleared my throat, "Umm, well you see. . ."

She raised an eyebrow, she knows damn well that I haven't done shit and wants to embarrass me.

"Personally, I think their relationship was. . ."

"Was what?" she urged.

All eyes were on me at this point, every single pair except for Holt Stone, whom sat at the back of the class, the opposite end from me. I was sat in the second row from the front.

I remained silent, I didn't know where to go from there, because honestly I don't have an opinion on their relationship, the relationship isn't mine so I don't really care.

Shakespeare has always interested me, it's a realm in the 'book' world that I'm yet to jump into, but one day I will, for history's sake.  Plus, I want to know the reasoning for them both dying at the end.

"Their relationship was absurd." A familiar deep voice spoke from the back of the class, causing the hair to rise on the back of my neck, "They fell in love before they even met, they kissed and from that moment on they refused to be without each other, despite the fact that their love was forbidden and frowned upon by their families. "

Ms Hudson pulled herself off the desk, "Thanks, Halo." She said sarcastically, narrowing her eyes at him, "Interesting opinion, Mr Stone, but next time I direct a question towards a student, I'd appreciate if you could let them answer the question, themselves."

Holt snorted in response, but thankfully remained silent.

I turned around in my seat, freezing as his eyes were already watching me. His cold tantalizing stare sending a shiver down my spine.

My cheeks burned as I offered him a tight smile before twisting myself back around, my heart racing rapidly.

The teacher walked over behind her desk before pulling out a box from beneath and slamming it on the wooden surface.

"This will be the second to last book you read this semester, I want you to read it and write a report on your thoughts of the novel, it'll be due just before Christmas break." She announced.

Atleast she's actually giving us enough time, this time around.

The bell sounded, "Everyone grab a book."

I gathered my belongings, making sure to grab a book from the box as I exited the class.

Sense and Sensibility, the title was. Like all other books we read in English literature, it was extremely old, but I'm sure it won't be too bad to read.

I wonder if Holt has read it before, he seems to be well involved with books, especially vintage ones. I can't say I've read many old books, I've read dozens—maybe even hundreds—of books, but a very small percentage of them are old enough to pass the two-thousands.

I walked to my locker, shoving every single thing in there before slamming it shut and heading to the cafeteria, finally.

I've been dreading this the most all day, yet I'm so hungry and all I want to do right now is sit down and eat some lunch.

I entered the cafeteria, heading straight over to the long line of hungry people choosing and waiting for their food.

I felt a chilling presence behind me, I looked over my shoulder, the presence was none other than Xavier Matheson. Of all people, it just had to be him.

"Oh, Halo, didn't see you there." He smirked, running a hand through his brown hair.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure you didn't."

I wish he'd just leave me alone, it's not like he goes out of his way to talk to me, but after Everest's party you'd think he would stop speaking to me entirely, he assaulted me for gods sake, and he still has the nerve to speak to me as though nothing happened at all.

"How're you and Zayden?" he had the audacity to ask.

I clenched my jaw, the plastic tray quivering in my hands, "We broke up, you know that." I sighed.

"I thought you would've sorted it out."

I snorted, "There's nothing to sort out." I replied bluntly.

"Atleast he got to fuck you, right?" he laughed.

I turned around to face him immediately, my skin burning with anger, "What?"

"He said you're really tight." He bit his lip, almost causing me to throw up, "When can I have a turn?"

I screwed my face up, "You're fucking disgusting." I spat, my eyes diverting to Zayden whom just showed up, "And so are you."

Zayden's eyebrows furrowed, whereas Xavier's smirk remained strong. Everyone's eyes were on us already, I wish people knew how to mind their own business.

"Don't act all innocent." He drawled, "Everyone now knows what you're like."

My food tray fell to the ground as I raised my hand without thinking, I slapped Alix and I'm not afraid to slap another bitch.

My hand flew through the air, but was caught half way, Xavier's large hand wrapping around my wrist to stop me.

"Get your fucking hands off her."


I actually updated on time for the first time in a while, I'm not gonna lie I'm not too happy with this chapter so if you have any suggestions feel free to comment them, also let me know what you did and didn't like about this chapter.

Bare with me on the updates, they'll become more consistent I'm just get into habit of things again.

Please remember to vote, comment and follow me 😇

See you Sunday, bye x

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