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Quinn's pov

They were some seniors that were here. Maybe about twenty of us. We were all of the popular kids. Well everyone except me. We were all sitting in the library because we were having a mini assembly.

"Okay so we are having a field-trip. All of you will be able to bring one person along with you but we will be going bowling!"

Oh? This'll be fun

"Why is she here?" Macey the blonde head cheerleader asked

"Yeah she's not a popular kid like you promised it would only be us!" Hayden another popular girl yelled at the Senior president

"I had no choice okay! She has the best record here and she also missed our other field trip navies she was at a funeral. And then the only other field trip we had she was also at a funeral for both of her parents,"

"Whatever," Madison rolled her eyes

"So make sure to get your permission slips signed and get you guest ready. They will need to have a background check as well if they aren't from this school." The ass president explained

Okay so I'm going to bring Colby and then cheat the system.

"The bowling alley is on the permission slips,"

After the assembly I went home because it was the end of the day. When I say home I really mean the traphouse

I opened the door and walked in

I walked into the living room and screamed  a bloody murder high pitch scream. There was a thunder of footsteps coming down the stairs with Colby being first followed by Corey then Sam, Jake, Brennen, Aaron, and the girls behind him.

Colby rushes up to me and grabbed my face looking at me

"Hey hey what's wrong? Quinn tell me what happened what's wrong?"

I broke from his hands

"Now that you're all down here I wanted to ask if y'all wanted to help me cheat my school system,"

"What the hell?" Colby asked

"that's what you screamed so loudly for? Sam asked

"I thought you had gotten hurt or something." Colby said sighing

"I fell out of my chair when I heard you scream like that," Aaron confessed

"I almost had an anxiety attack running down those stairs!" Colby threw his hands up

"I'm sorry!" I looked at him and hugged him

"Why didn't you just text the group chat like a normal person would?" Tara asked

"Because none of us are normal," I said causing everyone to laugh a little

"So basically we're going bowling and everyone at my school thinks I do t age a social life so I'm brining Colby as my "plus one" and you all can just ironically be there when we show up and then I can hang out with all of you

"Low key that's actually sounds fun," Jake said

"So we're all in?" I asked looking around

"Yeah," they all agreed

"Brennen no picking up the senior girls please,"

"No fair!" He whined

We all laughed

I told them where to be and what time to be there. They all agreed they would somehow "accidentally" show up ten minutes before we got there.


It had been a week and now we were leaving. We all were on the rented bus and it was surprisingly big. Most of the cheerleader had brought other popular kids who weren't invited and same with everyone else. This meant the Mason and James were on the bus. I didn't honestly care because I had Colby with me.

"I feel so weird sitting in a sea of high schoolers," Colby laughed

"Yeah I bet," I laughed also causing us to get a few looks

We didn't talk much on the way there. We just sat in silence listening to the drama around us

When we got there we waited to get off the bus. We got off last and then went inside.

We went down to the alley portion and saw the gang sitting there. It looks like they had been running late because they didn't have a game started

"Hey guys!" I said loudly "wow I didn't expect you to be here!"

"Neither did I," Aaron mumbled earning a bit from Jake's elbow in the side

"Yeah we've had this planned out for a few weeks!" Corey said energetically

"Well since you're hear so you wanna bowl with us?" Devyn asked

"Yeah sure!" I said setting my bowling ball down in on of the two lanes we had. I could tell that people were staring at us.

Just then one of the teachers came up to me

"What is going in here?" She asked looking at the traphouse than at me

"Oh well these are my other friends and it didn't occur to me until now when I saw them that they had to reschedule bowl night," I explained

"What?" She questioned

"Show them guys," I told them

They did as I said and showed her all of their calendars that read 'rescheduled bowl night with the house' and they showed that they were supposed to have it last week

"Katrina, Sam, Corey, And Aaron all had gotten the flu Thursday bad had it until Saturday so we couldn't go last week," Jake lies as the four wave thief hands

I knew that something like this would happen so I had them all put that in their calendars to make it look real.

"Oh well don't let me ruin this for you. I'm sorry for bothering you," she said walking away. More of my classmates were filling in the lanes and that meant we were getting more stares

I then heard someone say my name in a loud whisper

"Is that Quinn?"

I turned around and heard a gasp from Allie the team Capri if the volleyball team

"No way!" Alysa yelled

I was confused. I looked at Colby who also seemed confused

Just then Macey walked up to me

"Uh hi?" I questioned as she stepped closer. 

She pushed me out of the way then looked at the group

"Oh my god it is!" She screamed

The group all had puzzling faced

I saw out of the corner of my eye Sam lean over to Kat and whisper something to her

"It's Sam and Colby!"

Just then a few more kids came over


"There's Devyn and Corey!"

"The whole house is here!"

"Why would they be talking to Quinn? She's a nobody,"

I looked at Colby who seems stunned and so was Sam who was now standing by Colby

"What going on?" I questioned Colby looking at him

He only looked back at me

"COLBY!" I screamed casting the group of high schoolers to quiet down

"What in the world is going on?" I questioned

"Quinn I,"

"How do they all know you? And Sam and the gang?!" I stared to become a little angry and my eyes became a little watery "how do they know the Traphouse?"

He didn't say anything

"ANSWER ME!" The tear fell down my face

"I don't know how to say this?" He said finding his way out of the people who surrounded him.

He cane over to me and brought his hand up to wipe a tear but I swatted his hand away

"How do they know you?"

"It's not easy to say baby,"

There were gasps around the classmates

"Did he call her baby?"

"Is she dating the Colby Brock?"

"Oh my god is that for real?"

"So now you're keeping secrets?" A tear fell again from my other eye

"They know me because I'm famous," I sighed

"Oh so you kept that from me?!" I became angry at him again and I stepped back

"I didn't want to tell you,"


"Brocade I was scared,"

"Scared if what Colby?" I snapped "what are you scared of

"Loosing you!"

"Why would you loose me?"

"Because I wanted to make sure I knew you loved me before I told you because if I told you I wasn't sure if you were just going to use me!"

"You though I was gonna use you?!"

"I didn't know okay!"

"Wow shows how much you trust me,"

"I was going to tell you!"

"When Colby?! When were you going to tell me?!" I yelled back "because by the looks of it you were nowhere close to telling me,"

"I was! Honest!"

"Mhm sure,"

"Well what do you expect?!" He asked snapping at me

I cocked my head

"When would I ever have time to be at a regular full tim job? I'm always with o in the weekends from Friday to Saturday and then by time you get out of school at 2 you're at the house and all of us are there. If we weren't famous how do you think we'd be able to live in that giant house?!"

I didn't know what to say

"Ya know what. I love you to death and back but right now you're being a bitch," he said looking at me "Aaron give me your keys I'm leaving. Get a ride with Jake  and Tara,"

Aaron threw his keys and Colby caught them with one hand.

"We can figure this all out when you're called down cause we both know we don't wanna say anything we don't want to." He kissed my forehead and then left.

I didn't look back at him. I stood there still in shock.

"Sam give me your keys I'm going home too,"

"Whatcwjy that's where Colby's going,"

"I'm going to my house," I held my hand up and Sam threw his keys at my hand after digging though his pocket. As he threw them I clasped my hand around them and I walked off

"Don't text the group chat or i will blow off on you," o stared at them "I'm looking at you Jake, Corey, and Brennen,"

I then walked off and drove to the traphouse. I dropped off Aaron's car and I went inside to grab my keys.

I opened the door and I slammed it loudly to let Colby know I was here. He poked his head dow the staircase

"Back so soon?" He asked

"I'm getting my keys and going home," I short a glare at him "I'm leaving so you have time to think about calling me a bitch,"

"Well it's true!"

I groaned and opened the front door

"I love you," he said

I turned around

"I love you too,"

I wanted to slam the door so hard but I couldn't.

He came up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"You really are always a bitch though so I shouldn't have been surprised."

"Hey!" I playfully yelled back at him

"I'm really sorry," he said "I did want to tell you so bad I just didn't know how. I didn't want to be used again and I loved you to much and I wanted to know that what we had was strong enough for you to handle that,"

"I'm really sorry. I blew up in front of all of the popular kids in our school and I blew off on you in front of the traphouse and I feel horrible about us fighting.,"

"So were good now?" He asked

"Only if you let me raid the kitchen of goldfish and we can make a pillow fort in your room and cuddle while watching Disney movies,"


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