~Chapter 22~

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My protective instincts kick in when Summer said those words to Tasha. I jump up from my seat and stand in front of her.

"That is enough, Summer. Walk away now." Blocking her so doesn't do any harm to Tasha and the baby.

"Fuck no. That cunt took you away from me. That bitch deserves a bitch slap in the face." She raised her voice at me. Pointing to Tasha as well.

"Enough of your bullshit, Summer. Leave right now." I could sense a lot of eyes on us.

"Miss please leave quietly or I will call the police on you." I'm guessing he's the manager of this place.

"Fuck you, old man. Mind your god damn business... Fuck off." Raising her voice at the manager's face.

The manager turned around and left. Probably calling the police right now.

"Why are you here?" I wanted to know how she walk herself in here.

"I don't know. Walking by then, I saw you bitches. Having a nice, wonderful time. And you stealing my husband to be. So, I was thinking.... why not. Pop by and say hello." She kept pointing at Tasha still and it was pissing me off.

"Please turn around and tiptoe out of here. Or else." I asked her nicely to go.

"Or else what Corey. Are you going to hit me?" She raised her voice at me and wave her arms.

Holy Fuck. She's pushing me.

"I would never land a hand on a woman. Never. So please leave Summer. Please don't make it seem like a battle between us."

"The battle has just begun." She was smirking at me. When she turns and looks at Tasha. Giving her the dirtiest look.

From the corner of my eye, I see the police have arrived.

I could see Summer's hand turn into a fist and already lifting towards Tasha's face. Just in a nick of time. I grab her wrist in my tight grip.

"You shouldn't have done that." Bitch, I said in my mind.

"Let me go, you asshole." Summer was trying to get out of my firm grip.

Two officers came in the doors. Walking towards us with the manager in front of them.

"This is the lady that won't leave my restaurant and is causing a sense." The manager was standing beside them.

I let go of Summer's wrist. She shutting up now.

"Okay, ma'am, please your hands behind your back. Anything you do or say will hold you at court." Summer did as she was told.

Seeing her getting hands cuffs. What happened to Summer? I know before all of this happened. The other officers took Summer to the car and the second one was still standing here.

"How did this all happened? Sir." She getting her notepad really and a pen on the other.

I told her my and Tasha's name. How did it happen? Any relationship between us? Many questions she asked. I honestly answer each one.

She wrote to a person to contact about a restraining order from Summer. I'll be making that call. I don't want any harm against my unborn child and Tasha.

Since our dinner was ruined. We told the server to put our food in containers. It was awkward for both of us to be there because Summer caused a huge scene for us. We told all the servers and the manager who was there that we were sorry. They said that it wasn't our fault, and it was fine. And the best thing. The manager said next time when I and Tasha go there; we get a free dinner.

So that nice of them to do that.

We arrived at Tasha's place. I took the bag with our food in it while she unlocks the front door.

"Well, I'm going to put pjs on. I'll be right back." She was taking off her shoes and walked up the stairs.

"Sure, I'll meet you in the kitchen." She turned around to face and continue to go upstairs.

I turn on the lights on in the kitchen. Taking the container out of the bag and placing it on the table.

Then grabbing two forks from the drawer. Pulling them beside the containers and also grabbing paper towels.

Hearing footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

"What would you like to drink, Tash?" I ask her as she was already sitting at the table.

"Just a glass of water will do."

"Water coming right up." Grabbing a glass from the cupboard and putting water in it.

Placing it on the side of her.

"Thanks, C.J."

"You're welcome. So, I've been meaning to ask ..." I was nervous to ask her. A man my age. Why so nervous?

"Ask what?" She looks kinda confused.

"About us?" When I said those words. She smiled at me.

"Us what do you mean, C.J?"

"Well... I never ask you out. So would you like to go out with me?"

"I thought we were in a relationship already, C.J."

"So is that a yes. I guess." He giggles at me and nodding her head. With the smile I love.

"Of course, it is. Yes, I would go out with you. I thought we were in a relationship from when you came here a lot. But my pregnancy brain got to me."

"Now that we are done with that subject. When do you want to move in with me?"

"Um... I was thinking before I'm 30 weeks or sooner. I still have to give my landlord at least two months' notice. I have to sell all of my stuff. So, before the last two, I was hoping to do a huge garage sale."

"Don't worry about the garage sale. I'll label everything that you are selling. I'll go get some boxes and a tape for your stuff that you are bringing to my house. Our house."

"So, when are your parents coming?" She sounded nervous about meeting them. Just wait until she met the rest of my family. Maybe soon we'll take a trip together before she gets huge.

"They said Wednesday afternoon. They're staying until Sunday at my place. So, I was thinking of doing a barbeque for dinner."

"That sounds so good right now."

Rest of the night. We relax watching movies until it was time for us to go to bed. We didn't talk about what happened at the restaurant. So tomorrow we will have to act on what's going to happen.

I got up before she did. I kiss her head before leaving the bed. After showering and getting dressed. When I walk by her bedroom. She was still sleeping.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I couldn't decide what to have for breakfast. After thinking for a couple of minutes. I might as well eat cereal for breakfast.

When I open the cupboard where the cereals are. Holy pregnancy cravings. She had at least ten boxes of cereal. But some of them were the same.

She had Capital Crunch, Lucky Charms, French toast, and Fruit loops.

I grab a box of Fruit loops. As I was about to pour into a bowl. Tasha appears in the kitchen.

"Morning Tash." She still looks tired and yawning.

"Morning C.J"

"How did you sleep last night?" I ask her.

"I had a good sleep. You?"

"I slept good too. So would like a bowl of cereal too?"

"Oh, were you surprised how many boxes of cereal I have. This baby keeps craving cereal every time." She chuckles at me.

"Yes, I would. I'll have the same as you." She continued.

I grab an extra bowl and a spoon. Pouring the cereal and pouring the milk into both bowls.

"So, I have a number to call to get a restraining order for us. Especially you two. What would you like to do?" She looks up at me pretty quick. I could tell that she was thinking about the two words I said.

"Um...I can't believe we have to do this. To the person who we know. To be safe. We should get the restraining order." She sounded a little upset about it. But we got to this for us and our unborn baby.

"Well, since I have a day off tomorrow. I'll give this man a call."

"Okay, you do that. Enough of that talk. What would you like to do today?"

"Well, I have a few loads of laundry to do, clean up the entire apartment, then I'm free after that. I would like to go for a walk again like last time."

"Yeah, we could do that. Sounds like a plan. I'll help you clean your place."

"Okay, that will be nice. Well, you can sweep and mop the floors. While I do the laundry and clean the bathrooms upstairs. The broom and dustpan are in the closet over there and also the mop and stuff. The cle-" she was cut off by her iPhone ringing. Before her iPhone rang. She was pointing to the closest in the kitchen where the broom, dustpan, mop, and pail were.

"It's Rachel. I'll be upstairs talking to her."

"Okay, take all the time you need," I said to her.

She nodded her head and left.

So, I clean up the rest of the breakfast dishes. First, I turn on the radio and turn up the volume. Once I rinse the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. I sweep the entire floor in the living room, the hallway, and the kitchen. Now it's time to mop.

After mopping the floors. I sat in the living room waiting for the floors to dry. Scrolling on my Facebook, to everyone's status.

After ten minutes, Tasha still hasn't come down yet. But I think she needs time to figure all this out with Summer.

Getting up from the couch and putting everything back in its place. Now. What to do next.


After a long talk with Rachel. She knows what happened last night at the restaurant. She feels bad and upset that her sister has done that to her. She's not the Summer that we knew. The Summer that we know is different. Even her parents are disappointed in her too. I told her that C.J, and I are going to get a restraining order against her. Because I don't want her hurting me or even worse.

So, she thought it was a good idea. That I did that. After I ended the call with her. I called my parents to fill them what's going on. Let's just say they a few words coming from their mouths I never heard them say before.

Finally, ending the call. I did my bedding. Pulling the sheets and the pillowcases off. Opening the door and walking down the stairs.

It smelt fresh.

He wasn't in the living room. He must be in the kitchen. Holding my bedding in my arms.

Once C.J seems to me. He rushes.

"Here, let me take the laundry down. I don't want you falling." Handing my bedding to him.

"Sure. Thanks." Wow, I never meant a man in my life other than my dad do or carry laundry for me. So, it was nice to see you.

"What setting do these go in?" He asks me.

"A regular setting, cold water, but first put one Tide Pod in before putting the bedding in. Okay."

"Okay, I got it." C.J made his way down to the basement.

I sat down, waiting for him to come back up. Checking my emails on my iPhone. I could hear his footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Did everything go fine down there?"

"Oh yeah. No problem."

"Did it?"

"Um... No, I accidentally forgot to put the Tide Pod first, but don't worry, it's at the bottom."

When they first started coming out with Tide Pods. I thought it was a stupid idea at first. But after doing reading reviews about it. I was like, why not try it. After doing a few loads with it. I hooked on the product. No more liquid laundry detergent ever since. I use Tide Pods from now on.

He helps me clean the bathrooms upstairs. Mostly the laundry was done. C.J was packing a lunch for us. Before leaving. I got dress. I was standing in my shorts and bra in front of my mirror.

Standing to the side. My baby bump was sticking out. I'm about halfway there to meet him or her. Every week my baby bump grows a lot. Feeling my baby kick me like crazy. I took a picture.

After taking the picture. C.J appears at the doorway, looking at me. Smile with love. He came up behind me and rubbed the baby bump.

"I can't wait to until these get bigger and bigger." He spoke. I wonder if he was talking about my baby bump or my breast.

"What gets bigger?" I asked him what he's thinking about.

"You're baby bump, of course, Tash."

"Um huh....you know these get bigger too." I grab my breast that was getting bigger too.

Oh man, his eyes went straight to my breast and are staring hard.

"Yeah, I know. I love your pregnancy boobs." He grabs a handful of them.

I could feel his hard-on. Rubbing my ass against it. My horny hormones are driving me crazy. I need him in me. C.J kissed my neck, giving me love bites. I felt his hands unclipping my bra. He let my bra fall to the floor. Turning around to face him. I kiss him like I was craving for his touch.

Craving all of him.

From here on. He made love to me repeatedly. We laid there underneath the sheets. My head was lying on his chest and his fingers were going up and down my back.

"So much for our walk," I whisper to him.

"Yeah, I wonder why?" Looking at me with a smile.

"Hey. If you haven't come into the room in the first place. We wouldn't it be in this......situation." I wanted to say something else other than the situation.

"You mean laying down with you naked and satisfied."

"We should go for a walk down to the beach?" I suggest instead of going for a walk on the trail.

"That's a good idea." C.J moves his position so he can get out of bed. Standing there naked in front of me. Is not helping my hormones at all.

Grabbing his boxers and shorts that I threw on the floor. Putting them on and leaving me. Here naked in bed. All hot bother. I slowly got up, leaving the sheet that fell from my body.

I open my drawers to find my black bikini. Putting the bottoms and tying the sides. Then put the top on and tying the top into a knot. Putting on my short shorts and a white tank top. Grabbing my purse with my wallet in it.

Walk into the bathroom to grab two beach towels. Just in case, we took a dip. Going downstairs to see C.J sitting in the living room.

"You ready?" He looks up at me.

"Yeah, just let me grab a muscle shirt. I'll meet you at the truck." He went upstairs. I grab the house keys and went straight to the truck.

Before he locked the front door. C.J unlock his truck and I got in first, then him. Looking all hot wearing a muscle shirt, showing his muscular arms. Also wearing a black hat and shades.

Well, I'm surprised that he didn't ask me about my talk with Rachel. Maybe he thinks I need time, it's a lot to take in. I just want it to be in the past.

After walking down to the beach for a few hours and taking pictures of us and myself. Before we left. We took a dip in the water. It was refreshing. The beach was getting busy. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the all ladies staring at C.J because he had taken off his muscle shirt before walking on the beach.

Once we got to my apartment. I went in the shower first while C.J went to grab the take-out. Pepperoni and bacon with extra cheese on top.

After getting dressed and going downstairs to see if was here yet. So, I got myself comfortable on the couch and turn on the tv. One of my favorite movies was one of the movie channels. Con air.

Finally, he came.

"Hey." As I watch him with a pizza box and a bag of chips and pop, I think.

"Hey, well, since you are very comfortable there. How many pieces of pizza would you like?"

"I'll have two for now."

"Would you like a glass of pop and chips on the side?"

"Yes please, and thank you."

"No problem, babe." He walks into the kitchen to serve me and himself.

After five minutes. He came in with my plate and a glass of pop in each hand. Carefully pass it to me.

"Thanks again." He gave a sweet kiss to my lips. Then he left for the kitchen to get his plate and pop.

"While I was getting the pizza. I got called into work tomorrow. I guess someone calls in sick."

"Okay, that's fine. We both work tomorrow anyway. It makes the day go by fast."

The both of us had an early night.

God, I hate Mondays.

He left before I did. Gave me one last kiss and a see you later. Taking my time to get to work. Well, good thing I had no appointments today. Meaning I have to answer my messages, typing, photocopying, and faxing. Then to put them into their files.

Bonnie brought us lunch and ate in my office. Listening to the radio. I told her what happened over the weekend with Summer. Man, she even called her a bitch and some other words.

We had a lot of laughter and smiles. I love her to death.

Once my lunch break was done. I texted C.J throughout the day.

When my time was up. I gather my things, shut the lights off, and closing the door behind me. Good thing I was wearing flats today. I don't think I'll last all day in heels. Especially when I'm halfway through my pregnancy.

Getting my vehicle started and leaving the parking lot. Stopping at the red light. Turning on the radio. Moving my head from side to side. Once the light turned green, I pressed on my gas and going through the intersection.

In the middle of the intersection. I heard a vehicle horn coming closer and closer. Then I look to my right. I saw Summer coming full speed at me. I panic, so I try to swerve around her.

But I was too late.

Her front end hit the side of me, making my head hit the window.

When my head hit the window.

I was thinking of my baby. Who was probably dead or alive?

Please be alive.

My world turns to darkness.


What a cliffhanger I just did? I wonder what's going to happen now!

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Until next time. 😊

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