Spider-verse Final

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Y/n is seen glitching roof to roof before landing on Fisk Tower. He looks around to see everyone else still hasn't arrived. 

Y/n: … Well, I guess I'll just check this place out.

Y/n looks through the glass ceiling to see it's some sort of party? It was some sort of memorial for this universe's Spider-man. All the waiters were wearing spider-man masks, while all the guests were wearing formal attires.

Y/n: Oh, now that's just bad taste.

Y/n looked around as he began to think of an idea. 

Y/n: *thoughts* Well the vents seem to be filled with toxic chemicals when I checked eariler, so the only way in is through this party. And maybe I could get some info about these glitches that have been happening around the city apparently… but I can't be seen wearing this. 

Y/n glitches through the roof and begins to stealthy crawl across the ceiling. Y/n then sees a familiar looking man heading towards the bathroom.

Y/n: *thoughts* Is that… Flash?

Y/n's former bully entered the bathroom, and Y/n then suddenly got an idea.


Flash whistles as he leaves the bathroom stall and begins to wash his hands. He hears the door open, so he automatically looks to see who entered, only to see no one there. He looks at the mirror in front of him only to see Y/n in his spider-suit.

Flash: Spider-ma-


Y/n is now seen walking out of the bathroom wearing Flash's suit over his spider-suit, and his mask in his pocket.

Y/n: Now, let's have a look around.

As Y/n walks through the crowd, he approaches a small group of people chatting, as he overheard their conversation.

???: Yeah, my wife and I are thinking about moving soon, after everything that's happened in this city, we don't think this place is safe to raise our kid in.

???2: Yeah, with Spider-man gone, who's gonna protect us from those monsters?

???3: I don't know, I might leave soon too, I mean the past week, the city looked like it was glitching twice already.

Y/n: Sorry, I've been out of the city, and I just came back yesterday, what's this about the city glitching?

???: Oh, yeah a week ago, the buildings began to look like they were glitching or something. Then 3 days ago, the same thing happened.

Y/n: *thoughts* So they fired it twice already?

???3: Yeah, my brother keeps saying crap like "everything is a simulation!!"

???: Yeah well Wade's crazy. So what do you expect from him?

Y/n began to think as he walked away from the group.

Y/n: *thoughts* Three times huh, guess that's gonna be Fisk's unlucky number. Alright, so I know the collider is under this building, so maybe I should wait for the others to get here… or I could glitch down there and probably get my ass beat by at least 4 villains. *sighs, and then speaks out loud* God what's taking them so lon-

He suddenly bumps into someone.

Y/n: Oh, sorry I wasn't paying attention-

MJ: Y-Y/n?

Y/n: *thoughts* ...Son of a bitch.

This dimension's MJ is seen staring at Y/n wide eyed.

MJ: *slowly backs up* W-What are you doing here?

Y/n: Wait, before you freak out, I'm not Nightmare, look, my eyes aren't purple or anything.

MJ looks at him, clearly cautious, before looking at his eyes.

MJ: But… how?

Y/n: Uuh…*Y/n looked at Fisk* Can't exactly tell you yet. But trust me when I say, I'm not your Y/n.

Y/n opens his suit to reveal his spider emblem, before showing his web shooters too. 

MJ: What… but Peter said he was the only one.

Y/n: Yeah, well, I'm not from around here. Now…

His spider-sense goes off, he looks to his right to see the rest of the spider gang, except for Miles and Peni oddly, in "disguises".

Y/n: I need go for a bit, enjoy the evening.

MJ: Y/n wait-

Y/n then glitches away leaving her confised.

???: MJ! Your speech!

MJ turns around to see two familer adults.

MJ: Right, sorry Mr. And Mrs. L/n!

The older couple smile as MJ makes her way to the stage. While over with Y/n, he's seen approaching the others.

Y/n: Exuse me! Do you guys have anymore napkins? Ran out at my table.

Gwen: *quietly yells* Y/n?! Where were you?! Do you have idea how worried I- I mean, We were!?

Y/n: *gets closer to her and whispers* Yeah well it wasn't an easy fight. I figured you all make your way here eventually. So where's Miles?

Gwen: *sighs* He couldn't come along. He's not ready, we all decided that.

Y/n: *crosses his arms* Except Miles and I?

Gwen: Yeah, it was mostly Peter's decision though. Miles just lost his uncle… and he doesn't have any control of his powers. Y/n, you have to understand, he wasn't ready.

Y/n: damn it, alright, where's the goober then. If he isn't here, I need to shut the collider down then.

Gwen: Peter has it. Wait, Fisk is going to his elevator, let's go. Noir! Grab Peter.

Noir: On it. 


After a few minutes, the spider gang are approaching the Super Collider as everyone began to glitch a bit. The whole room began go shake, as suddenly the collider activates, as everyone looks on.

Peter: Alright, I'll take control of the collider, then everyone goes back to their dimensions Alright?

Y/n: And I'll shut it down, I could change a bit, but, I won't die, unlike everyone else here.

Peter: Right, let's go.

They began to twip towards the button, as Y/n and Peter land on the panel.

Suddenly everyone's spider-sense began to go off, as lasers began to be shot at them.

Gwen: They were expecting us!

Y/n: what?! God damn it!

Peter tries to enter the usb, however he did it the wrong way.

Peter: Why is this always difficult!

Both of their spider-sense go off, as behind them, Nightmare is seen flying directly towards them while Doc Oct attacks Peter.

Y/n: Of course you're here!

Nightmare: Why aren't you dead!?!

Nightmare fires a large burst of flames at Y/n, who opens a small portal and absorbs the flames. Y/n then glitches over Nightmare.

Y/n: You said it yourself, I'm an anomaly, a tough one too!

Y/n opens the portal again, this time shooting the flames directly at Nightmare's face. Nightmare slashes the flames away, only for his shoulders to be webbed, as he's then thrown to the ceiling. Y/n goes to punch Nightmare, only to be wacked by his tail, casuing him to be knocked away.

Suddenly though the collider, buildings and objects began to pour out.

Y/n:  What the hell?!

Gwen lands next to him

Gwen: It looks like our universes are coming to us!

Y/n: Great, just great. 

Gwen: You need help?

Y/n: No I got everything under-

Suddenly Nightmare grabs Y/n's face and tosses him towards a building.

Y/n: -CONTROL!!!

Y/n turns his body allowing him to land on the building while Nightmare lands across him.

Y/n: Damn, you never let me have time to talk do you?

Nightmare simply roars, and launches himself towards Y/n, shattering the windows under him. Nightmare slashes at Y/n, however he quickly dodges and delivers a Venom shock directly on Nightmare's side. Nightmare growls in pain, before punching Y/n directly in the stomach.

Y/n glitches away, and holds his stomach, as he hears Peter in the distance.

Peter: You're doing it on command Miles!

Y/n: What? Miles?

Y/n sees Miles in his brand new suit.

Y/n: Huh. Dope.

Nightmare attempts to claw at Y/n again, however, Y/n glitches through and delivered a double venom-shock on his chest, blowing Nightmare away. Y/n sees everyone else at the panel, which he then quickly glitches over.

Miles takes control of the panel.

Miles: Alright, Peni. You're up first.

Peni: Thanks Miles *her spider crawls on her shoulder* from both of us, and Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Peni then kisses Y/n's cheek causing him to blush under his mask.

Peni: I hope to see you again.

Peni drops from the panel, and falls into the beam, crossing her back to her universe.

Noir: I uh, love you all. *takes out the Rubik cube* And I'm taking this cube thing with me. I don't understand it, but I will.

Noir jumps into the beam, causing the room flash of black and white, befoe returning to normal.

Porker walks up to Miles, and hands him a cartoon hammer.

Porker: I want you to have this *tears up* It'll fit right in your pocket. That's all folks.

Peter Porker began to float into the collider.

Peter: Wait, is he allowed to say that? Legally?

Miles looks at Gwen.

Miles: You're next.

Gwen: Right.*Gwen turns to Y/n* could you raise your mask?

Y/n: Yeah, sure.

As soon Y/n raises his mask, Gwen grabs his hood and pulls him into a kiss, suprising the glitch.

Gwen: You may not be my Y/n… but I can't help but love you. You don't have to say it back, but I just wanted you to kno-

She's cut off by Y/n giveing her a second kiss, casuing her to flare up.

Y/n: I'll find a way to travel dimensions, just to be with you. And that's a promise.

Gwen couldn't help but grow a smile.

Gwen: I'll be looking forward to it. Love you, *to the others* See ya.

Gwen then jumps into the collider sending her home.

Miles: Pete.

Peter: Right, hey, I'm proud of you kid.

Miles smiles.

Miles: Thanks man

Peter: No, thank you, you gave me hope to try agian. And make things right.

Peter then leaps into the collider. Sending him home, to set things right.

Miles: Alright man, let's get you home.

Y/n: Alrigh-

Fisk: You ain't goin anywhere!!

Y/n then sees Nightmare flying straight towards them.

Y/n: Shit! Miles, take my coordinates off! 

Miles: But you need to get home! 

Y/n: And I can't allow Nightmare to follow me! Just take my coordinates off and shut it down!

Y/n then glitches away, and confronts Nightmare.

Nightmare: I'll enjoy killing you again.

Y/n: Yeah, well, it won't do much, but it hurt soooooo… nah.

Y/n glitches behind Nightmare and delivers an axe kick, only for his leg to be grabbed by Nightmare's tail, and begin tossed into the air. Y/n tries to glitch away, only for flames to appear in front of him. Y/n quickly pulls himself away, using a web, however, his spider senses go off as a cracked Truck was approaching him in alarming speeds.

Y/n: Not today truck-kun!!

Y/n opens a portal, and closes it, before re-opening it towards Nightmare. Which then hits the beast square in the chest, causing him to explode in multiple peices, only for them to reattach, at slash at Y/n's shoulder, cutting it a bit. Y/n then smirks as he glitches and the wound began to close.

Y/n: Yeah, you're not the only one who can heal you bastard!

Nightmare growls, as his chest began to glow a brighter purple. Nightmare's whole body began to glitch as he began to grow multiple spikes out of his back and tail, his wings grow larger, and his neck a bit longer.  He began to look more monstrous, as his jaw unhinged as let's out a loud roar shattering the glass of the nearby buildings. Y/n tries to cover his ears, as Nightmare stands tall in his new form.

Nightmares chest began to glow, as his spikes began to glow a light purple.

Y/n: *takes a step back* That can't be good.

Nightmare's lower and upper jaw then splits open, as black liquid holds them together like webbing. A purple light is seen glowing from his throat. Suddenly Y/n gitches away, as a purple focus beam goes straight by Y/n as it begins to melt through the buildings around him.


Y/n tries his best to avoid the beam, as it cuts through multiple buildings like butter, before he lands onto Nightmare's back. Y/n grabs the upper jaw peices, as the heat from the beam, began to burn his suit a bit. Y/n sent a venom-shock through the jaw, that began to shock Nightmare's body, canceling the beam. Y/n then rips the upper jaw off, and kicking Nightmare away.

Nightmare's arm liquefies and quickly stretches and grabs the upper jaw pieces and began to heal. Nightmare jumps inform of Y/n and does a full front flip, before slamming Y/n with his tail, through a building. Y/n came out the other side, with multiple cuts and bruises, but began to heal a bit as he glitches. Nightmare then flies through the hole as the two began to throw punches at each other. Y/n punches Nightmare straight un the jaws causing multiple teeth to fly out of his mouth, before Nightmare, could heal, Y/n punches him again, knocking him straight through a billboard.

Nightmare growls, and retaliates, by fireing multiple fire beams, forcing Y/n to dodge, when suddenly Nightmare threw a bus at him.

Y/n quickly glitches through, only to be grabbed by the neck.

Nightmare began to slam Y/n into the ground over and over again. And again, and again, and again, till Y/n's mask was torn, and his face was brushed.  Nightmare then drops Y/n as he looks down at the collider.

Nightmare: More anomalies are appearing. It's like a web. First you arrived, then others arrive, then more branch off them. It'll continue, until the multiverse tries to set itself right. And that force…

He turns back, as his wing spread.

Nightmare: Is me.

Nightmare then jumps off the building and flies straight into the collider, causing the whole room to glitch, and flash purple.

Y/n: N-No… Not again.

 Y/n tries to push himself up, only to see what looked to be a electrified Kingpin hit the control panel, and causes the Super Collider to lose control.

Miles then swings by and picks up Y/n as the Super collider begins to explode.


Y/n is seen groaning as he wakes up in a in a a new location.

Y/n: What… Where am I?

He looks around to see he's sleeping in a livingroom, as he's no longer wearing his spider-suit.

MJ: You're finally awake.

MJ is seen holding a tray of food, 

Y/n: MJ?! How am I here?! The collider did it??

MJ: *nods* It's destroyed, and the villans were arrested. Miles brought you here after explaining what happened last night, since Aunt May's place was destroyed. So she's staying with a family friend for a hit, while they fix it.

Y/n: Alright… Damn it… how am I suppose to get home now?! I have a city to protect!

MJ: You need to rest for a bit longer okay? I know how stressed you could be, being in another dimension isn't exactly the easiest thing to go through… especially when we just blew up the only machine that could take you back.

Y/n: *sigh* Yeah… where's Miles?

MJ: School.

Y/n: Great. Well, tell him good job on saving the multiverse, because now, I need to do my part and stop Nightmare.

MJ: What do you mean?

Y/n: Your Y/n went through the collider, he went to some random dimension, and is most likely wreaking havoc.

MJ: H-He went through the collider?!

Y/n: Yeah, right before we blew it up. Now I need to not only find a way home, but figure out which dimension he could be in. Cause most likely he's gonna be killing more of us. *sigh* Where's my suit? And… who's clothes am I wearing?

MJ: Oh, it one of your old clothes. You let me borrow them when you were still… happy. It's raining really bad, and I was soaked, he gave me these clothes to change to, and called Peter to pick me up. As for your suit.

She goes behind the couch and picks up the suit that was neatly folded.

MJ: I sewed it back up, luckily it wasn't too different from how Peter made his out of.

Y/n picks up the suit.

Y/n: You got somewhere I could change?

MJ: But wouldn't it be better for you to rest in these clothes?

Y/n: I cant rest till I get home, plus i have an idea how.

MJ: Oh, alright, uh around the corner, through the kitchen straight down.

Y/n heads to the bathroom and quickly changes before coming back with the clothes in hand.

Y/n: *hands MJ the clothes* Here, you should keep these. A reminder of when your Y/n was… himself.

MJ: *small smile* Thanks, and good luck Y/n.

Y/n: *smiles* No problem, and thanks, for everything.

Y/n then glitches out of the house.


Y/n is seen crouching on top of a roof of the empire state building. Suddenly Miles is seen standing next to him.

Miles: You sure this is gonna work?

Y/n: It better. I can't leave my city unprotected much longer.

Miles: ...So what happened in your dimension? You never really told us anything… except for what happened to your Gwen.

Y/n looks at Miles.

Y/n: Half of our universe was wiped from existence by a mad titan. That included my girlfriend Petra Parker, and many people I loved. Only a few people I loved survived and that included my other girlfriend Gwen, and yes I had two girlfriends at the time, and yes they concented to it. Basically she became a Spider-woman and I trained her. But during a mission, Scorpion killed her. And I've been the only Spider-man for the last two months.

Miles: Damn man… sorry I shouldn't have asked.

Y/n: It's fine. I just have to keep working to protect it. Plus at least I have a universe to protect thanks to you.

Miles smiles under his mask.

Miles: Ah right. Hold up, I found something at the wreckage yesterday. Maybe this would help find Nightmare?

Miles hands Y/n a few of Nightmare's t-rex like teeth. Apparently Nightmare didn't get to take them with him on the way out.

Y/n: Thanks Miles *puts them in pocket dimension* You just made my search a whole lot easier.

Miles: It's no biggie.

Y/n: *chuckles* Alright kid, see ya.

Miles: See ya.

The twi share a fist bump, before Y/n began to glitch excessively, and jumps of the building. Y/n began to glitch even more as he opens a portal below him, that began to glitch as well. He began to concentrate on home, as the ring began to glitch even more, before an image of the alleyway he was pulled from appears.

Y/n then falls into the the portal, as the petal glitches one last time before shattering.


Back in the G-S Dimension, a portal is seen opening, as screaming is heard from it, as Y/n is suddenly thrown through.

Y/n: -BIITCH!!

Y/n then skits across the floor, as he lets out a groan.

Y/n: I. Hate. Portals.

Y/n rubs his shoulder as he stands up. Suddenly, his suit hud began to display he had internet again, as many missed calls and messages began to pop up. Most of them being from

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