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After our kissing session, Camren kissed me once last time on my cheek and told me she loves me before she left. I let out a sigh of relief when she left because that means I'm finally alone.

I slowly laid on my bed looking at my ceiling then remembered the sketch I did of Steven. I reached in my back pocket and unfolded it and began studying it.

I finally know who did this to me, which means I should go to the cops so I can finally get rid of this problem that's been bothering me, even though there's other problems on my mind. My thoughts then began thinking about the girl, Ella.

I sat up from my bed and opened my drawer to grab my sketchbook. Once I had it in my hands I began flipping through the pages until I got to the drawing of her. I studied every detail of the drawing of her, but immediately scrunched up my nose and closed the book, placing it back in the drawer.

It then happened again. A headache formed while another flood of memories slowly began coming back. This time I could remember everything, well I think everything. I just know I remember some things, like Ella. 

I laid back in my bed rubbing my temples again, why did she come along and ruin my life? Because of her I'm dealing with too many problems and all these weird feelings leaving me confused, which I hate. I liked it better when I went along with my life not caring about anything other than my drawings.

I stopped rubbing my temples and just laid there looking at my ceiling. I then heard scratching paws on the ground walking my way and in came Red who jumped on my bed and laid by me.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw him. I felt my face again, which was still smiling and concentrated on the nice feeling I was feeling inside. I guess Ella forcing her way into my life wasn't all bad.

I then leaned over to grab my sketchbook out of my drawer again and flipped to the drawing of Ella. I studied every detail again and felt this strange feeling inside me. I think I have an upset stomach.

I placed the book back in the drawer and rolled over looking at Red who was also looking at me. "You're lucky you don't have to worry about anything" I said petting him while he licked my face a couple times. Gross now I'm going to smell like dog.

I rolled back onto my back and closed my eyes to go to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and told my parents everything. They just stood there looking at me with a strange face. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my things to head to school.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Where do you think you're going?" My mom asked.

"That's a dumb question, to school obviously."

"First off, watch your tone and no you're not going to school today."

I looked at my parents, "Why not?"

They looked at each other then me, "Because you finally know what happened, which means we can go to the cops." My mom said. They then began quickly grabbing there things and headed out the door dragging me along. I mentally sighed, I was hoping this could've waited until after I got out of school.

We pulled into the police station not long after and walked inside. I stood their looking around remembering how I was once in here with Camren. I guess I should tell her where I'm at.

I pulled out my phone and sent her a quick text.

Me: I won't be at school, since I'm at the police station.

It was only seconds when I got a response from her.

Camren: Wait why are you there?! Is everything ok?

I didn't feel like responding so I just left it at that.

"Ava come on we have to go talk to the sheriff." My mom said dragging me by the arm.

We walked into the sheriffs office and sat down. "Ok, so what is so important that you had to barge into the station and started demanding to speak to me?" Sheriff Otto asked. What a stupid name.

"My daughter finally got her memories back and knows who hurt her." My dad answered.

The sheriff looked at me with raised eyebrows, "Please tell me, who did it?" He asked. I reached into my back pocket and gave him the drawing of Steven.

"The guy who did it was Steven Henderson." I said. "Now can we leave so you can go arrest him and I can get back to school?" My parents and I began getting up to leave, but was stopped when we heard a muffled laugh.

"About that, we can't arrest him because we have no evidence it was him."

My mom looked at the sheriff, "But you're holding it in your hands and my daughter can tell you everything from that night."

The sheriff looked at my mom then me and got up, "Look," he said clearing his voice, "We can't just go around arresting people just because there's a drawing of him and a story saying it was him that your daughter could've possibly made up."

My dad walked closer to the sheriff, "Are you calling my daughter a lier?!" He asked angrily.

The sheriff looked at him, "Calm down sir and no I'm not calling her a lier. I'm just saying that I'm going to need more than this to prove Steven's responsible."

"If you want more prove, why don't you do some sort of tests on the scars that was on Ava's body?" My dad said.

"It's not that easy." The sheriff said.

"How is it not that easy?"

Sheriff Otto walked around his desk and leaned back on the front of it, "Ok fine we'll run those tests and if we find something then we will contact you immediately. Now if you don't mind I have a lot of paper work to do." He said sighing as he sat back behind his desk.

"This police station is a joke!" My mom said as her and my dad marched out of the room.

I stood there staring at the cop. Wow he doesn't care at all. Without thinking I bluntly blurted out, "You're a lazy fat pig." Then turned around and walked out of the room.

"Watch your tone there missy!" The cop yelled, but I could care less to what he said.


My parents dropped me off at school since I still was able to finish half the day. Before shutting the door they told me they loved me and believed me no matter what the cop said. I felt this little warmth in my stomach, happiness I think, and smiled a small smile them then shut the door and began walking into the school building.

I checked the time and saw there was only 10 minutes left of class before the next one started, so I sat on a bench outside of my classroom waiting for the bell to ring.

I got out my sketchbook and started sketching when I heard someone running and mumbling to themselves. I looked up and saw this nerdy girl jogging down the hall while trying to put books in her bag, but failed and dropped them on the ground.

I watched as she got down on her knees mumbling things to herself some more as she picked up her things. She looked up at me a couple times then spoke up in a quiet voice.

"Could you not stare at me? It's making me uncomfortable." She said, but I just kept watching her as she tried picking up a piece of paper but kept dropping it over and over. She's a klutz.

She looked up again, "You're still staring. Gosh this school has a staring problem."

"Tell me about it." I said when I remembered all the times Ella and Camren and others would stare at me. What weirdos.

The girl got up and looked at me, "You look familiar. Have I seen you before?" The girl asked.

I looked at her, "Probably."

She then walked to me and sat down on the bench, "Whats your name?"

Why is she still talking to me? "Ava." I said.

Her eyes widened, "You're Ava! Oh my gosh, I knew it was a matter of time before I met you. This girl named Ella who sits by me in my next class talks about you all the time and it's annoying. Do you know her?"

Ella talks about me that much? "Somewhat." I answered.

"Well she talks about you non stop, especially about your drawings and how amazing they are and your personality. It's kind of annoying to be honest, but from the sounds of it, she must really like you." I felt that strange feeling again, but this time it was in my chest. I think I may be dying.

"Anyways," the girl continued, "you need to talk to her about her staring. It's rude."

The bell finally rang and the girl got up to leave but stopped and turned to me, "My name's Amor." People have some strange names.

I watched as she left then got up to walk into my classroom.


The lunch bell rang and I'm currently sitting under the tree eating my apple as I watched Camren talking away about something.

"Don't you agree?" She asked me, but I wasn't listening to what she said at all.

"Sure." I said.

Then out of nowhere I felt arms wrapped around me, "Avaaaa! I missed you!" Ella said.

"You made me drop my apple, now can you get off?" I said while I watched my apple slowly rolling away on the grass. I never get to finish my apples.

"Yeah get off her." Camren said. The arms slowly unwrapped around me while Ella sat across from me.

"You guys are rude." She pouted.

"Well before you got here, me and Ava we're talking about some very important things. Weren't we?" Camren said looking at me, but I still had no idea what she was talking about.


Camren rolled her eyes and looked at Ella, "We both agreed that we will sneak into Stevens house to search for the keys." Wait what?

Ella looked at Camren then me with a worried look, "That's crazy! You really let her talk you into this?"

I looked at Camren then Ella, "I guess." It's too late to back out now.

"This is stupid. You're going to get Ava hurt!" Ella said glaring at Camren.

"No I won't because she'll be with me the whole time!" Camren snapped back.

I zoned out again while they argued about who was better at protecting me and began sketching in my book, but couldn't concentrate with them arguing. I looked at them both and snapped, "Fine if you think you can do a better job protecting me, then just come along."

Ella smiled a big smile and gave me a hug, "I don't think I can do a better job, I know I can." She said sticking her tongue out at Camren who sat there mad.

"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes then leaned over to pull Ella off me.

The bell rang so we got up to head back inside. I felt weird when both girls were holding onto me as we headed to p.e. They were like that up until the point where I had a separate practice from them, meaning we had to part ways. About time.

Ella gave me a big hug and rested her forehead on mine looking into my eyes and softly said, "I'll see you later." What a weirdo. I thought as I felt warmth grow inside me.

"Get off my girlfriend!" Camren said pulling Ella off again.

"Sorry." Ella smiled as she let go.

Camren glared at her then looked at me, "I will be seeing you after school to take you home." She said as she slowly pulled me into a kiss. Her kisses are always nice.

Camren broke off the kiss then pecked me in on the cheek before smiling at me and saying she loves me.

She then turned to Ella, who was glaring at her and smiled as she jogged by her. Ella turned back to me again smiling then blew a kiss at me then ran off to catch up with Camren or more like pass her because now they both were sprinting to the track field for no reason.

Those two are something else. I then felt my heart which was still beating then my forehead where Ella rested her forehead on mine. Ella's doing something to me and I don't know if I like it, because I think she's making me sick.

I turned around to walk towards my workout area where Teddy was standing and waiting for me.

I think I like what she's doing, which is weird because I find her irritating and annoying and especially a pest.

I stopped when I got close to Teddy who for some reason was smiling ear to ear. "What was going on there?"

"Just weirdos being weirdos." I said.

"To me it looked like those two girls are battling for your heart." He said nudging me which I pushed him away. My heart? Why do they want that?

"What?" I asked.

He smiled, "They both want you to love them." Love?!

"Let's get this practice done and over with, because you're already starting to annoy me." I said walking away from him.

He laughed, "Ok, fine."


Hey guys! Quick note and  little fact about the girl Ava met. If you read it, you'll know that the nerdy girl she met was named Amor, who, in old stories is known as the God of love or also known as Cupid.

Peace Out!!!

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