Chapter 15: Borderline

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          11:28 pm...

  It was time. After hours of staring at his ceiling with the occasional glance over at his alarm clock, finally it was time. Eli's body was drained. He could tell from the way it sluggishly pulled itself out of bed, aching and protesting against another all nighter. He knew at some point his lack of sleep would catch up to him eventually, but he refused to let his exhaustion consume him. At least not tonight. It couldn't be tonight.

  He quickly threw on a jacket, and crept his way downstairs, being sure to skip the steps and floor boards with the tendency to creak.

Jade Phillips.

  The man who caught his attention from the very start; the fuel powering his will to step into the icy cold winds. At last, he was going to get the information needed to get started. All he had to do was meet up with Sunshine and get to the playground. That was where they had decided to meet. It was easily accessible and everyone had been there at least once. Some more recent than others, but the location was well known nonetheless.

  After successfully sneaking out and meeting up with each other long enough to grow comfortable in the habit, Elias thought they would continue the same procedure. Though they weren't sneaking out to go to the toy shop, the first part of their routine should've been the same, right?

  Elias furrowed his brows when he didn't see Sunshine waiting by the yellow car as usual. He wasn't twirling wildly in the middle of the sidewalk nor dimly sitting on the street curb. Curiously stepping around the yellow car, to Eli's surprise, Sunshine wasn't crouched beside it smoking a cigarette either.

Did he sleep in?

  How odd. Elias was usually the one sleeping in and running late; always being whisked away from his dreams by Sunshine continually calling his phone. This wasn't like him at all, though Elias couldn't blame him. Taking out his phone, he leaned against the yellow car about to call rainbow boy, when the flailing legs appeared in the corner of his eye.

"What the..." it didn't take him long to recognize the short boy dangling out of the room window. His small frame, twisting and turning as he struggled to realign his grip. Snapping out of his state of confusion and shock, Elias ran over as he noticed his grip begin to fail.

Sunshine let go.

Elias looked up.


  Unable to brace himself quickly enough, he collapsed to the ground; sending a sharp shot of pain through his leg. "God d-mmmm!" Elias shut his eyes tight as he gripped his ankle as if his hand could somehow relieve him of the pain. Sunshine immediately moved from above him, almost shocked to see him laying there.

"Oh my--what were you doing right there? I-I checked!" He frantically began grabbing at Eli's arm in a fruitless attempt to lift him back to his feet, suddenly noticing his pained expression. "What is it?" He asked, letting him go.

"Nothing." Elias took a breath as the pain began to dissipate. Looking up at the worried boy, Elias almost chuckled. "You do more damage than I thought."

  Sunshine's furrowed brows suddenly relaxed as he smiled. "I'm telling you." He rolled up his sleeves, flexing his arms until they shook. "It's the hidden muscle."

"Pfft." Elias shook his head, getting to his feet. "More like sharp ass bones--ah!" The piercing sting returned, this time more violent.

Sunshine's eyes widened as Elias caved to the ground; his smile leaving once more. "What is it?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." Elias looked down at his ankle. Spranged ankles were nothing new to him; with his consecutive years engaged in sports, he had his fair share of injuries. However, this one felt different. He could handle the pulsing throb as his ankle laid idly in the grass, but the pain was almost unbearable at large when he stood.

"No you're not. It's your leg, isn't it?" Sunshine stepped closer, leaning down to his level on the ground. "Here." He took Eli's arm and rested it on his shoulders, beginning to stand. There it was again, striking Eli's leg, but when Sunshine noticed him wincing he pulled. "I got you. Come on, lean on me."

"I must've just fell on it weird." Finally Elias was able to stand, gaining his balance primarily on his one good leg.

"I'm sorry." Sunshine frowned. "Do you want me to help you home?"

"No." Elias shook his head. "We've already come this far. I didn't get this screwed up ankle for nothing." He chuckled. "What did you say? We have to commit?"

  Sunshine gave him a small smile, leading him to the side walk as they began on their way. "I didn't think anyone would be below me, honest. I even checked twice. I had no idea."

"It's not your fault. I thought you were falling." Elias hopped with a laugh. "Shit happens. What were you doing going out your window anyway?"

Sunshine shrugged. "My mom has a new boyfriend now I guess. They were down stairs for a while. I didn't want to get caught or walk in on something."

Elias chuckled at Sunshine's look of discomfort.

"Maybe when this is all done, we'll have to hang out at your place instead." Sunshine said.

"I don't know about that." Elias thought about it. He noticed that Sunshine misunderstood from his sudden frown. "Not because I don't want you to--that's not it. It's just..." his words faded as he thought about his home. How would he explain his reasoning when from the outside looking in, his family looked welcoming and happy.
"It's..." Sunshine noticed him struggling.

"What?" Sunshine asked, perking up. "Did your dad bring home a new girlfriend too?"

"Nah." He chuckled, shaking his head until his laugh dwindled into silence. "He brought home a new wife."

"Oh cool. Is she nice?" Sunshine asked, looking up at him.

"I mean I guess she's okay." He replied.

"Then what is it?" Sunshine tilted his head.

"I just...she's not--" Elias took a breath, smiling. "Nothing. It's childish."

Sunshine nodded looking away. "She's not your mom." Eli glanced down at him for a second before looking ahead, letting silence sweep between them.


"Where is your mom?"

"She's uh." Elias looked ahead at the tiny beads of light above. "Beyond the stars."

"Beyond the stars?" Sunshine asked.

"Yea." Elias glanced at him. "That's what people say when someone's you know..."

Sunshine furrowed his brows.

"Dead." He said. "She's dead."

"Oh--I'm sorry." Sunshine looked away, uneasy.

Elias almost laughed at his reaction. "I never met her. It's not like I missed something."

"Of course you did." Sunshine's eyes slowly drifted down, starring at the sidewalk ahead of them as he spoke. "You missed out on the kisses and hugs...the ice cream and pancakes that she let's you order at the cafe late at night."

Elias looked down at him.

"The grand breakfast--well as grand as she could make it. Bacon, eggs, toast with butter." Sunshine smiled slightly. "The tuck-ins with stories to put you to sleep or if your lucky, a song...the times when she tells you everything's going to be alright, even when she doesn't believe it herself..." his voice fell dull as he was consumed in his own thought. It was quiet for a moment before he returned much louder than he left. "Sorry! That didn't help."

"It's fine." Elias assured him. "You know, maybe your dad and my mom are talking about us up there."

"You believe in life after death?" He asked.

"I'm on and off sometimes, but..." Elias glanced up. "I think I do."

"I do." Sunshine said. "Do you believe there's a heaven and a hell?"

"Yea, I mean it's got to be right? Golden gates and fire and brimstone, all that jazz." Elias laughed, looking at the small boy who's expression remained blank.

"Elias." He said.


"I don't think my dad and your mom are in the same place."

Elias watched him confused. "Why do you say that?" He asked. Sunshine's eyes remained low as he helped Elias hop across the street.

"I don't think he was actually bad. I mean at least I don't think he meant to be at first. He drank a lot. Said somethings he didn't mean...did somethings. He would bring home pizza sometimes though." Sunshine shrugged. "I guess he thought that would make up for all my bruises--and my moms."

  Elias furrowed his brows at his statement. He didn't pretend to know everything about Sunshine. In all honesty, he didn't know much other than his current situation and bubbly persona. Though, he couldn't say he was shocked that rainbow boy's dad was an asshole. He always had an inkling, yet for some reason he didn't want to let himself believe Sunshine grew up abused. The thought always lingered, but it was easier to dismiss than wonder. He couldn't describe the feeling that entered his body. Somehow, rainbow boy's words hurt worse than his leg. He was so freely sharing the information as if Elias had already known, and although Sunshine clearly didn't need it, Eli had the sudden urge to comfort him. Almost like he'd console Ava after she hurt herself or had a bad he were his younger brother. The feeling was strange, causing Elias to swallow hard only able to force out,

"What a shitty way to apologize." He didn't know how loud he had spoken until Sunshine let out a slight laugh.

"Yeah, the pizza was always cold too. That's why she would take us to the cafe. Just us two...and she'd let me order whatever I wanted. Even if it cost all she had." There was a pause until his voice returned dim. "I know how everyone sees her now, my mom, but she wasn't always like that. She was nicer then, before he died and before...everything."

"What happened to him?" Elias asked. "If you don't mind me asking." Sunshine remained silent for a moment.

"He fell down the stairs."

  They were still a little ways away, but Elias could finally see the playground in the distance. They could make out two figures moving about. They were running a little late due to his hopping state, but he was relieved they were still there.

"Elias." Sunshine spoke. "I have one more question."


"It's killing me not knowing." He shook his head. "But do unborn babies go to heaven too? Or do they get left behind?" Elias noticed him look up, seeing the fragile glare in his eyes. He couldn't understand why he would ask such a question.

"No. They're special. They get a cool job up there."

"Really?" Sunshine asked, suddenly energized. "What?"

"I don't know for sure, but I heard they become angels."

  A smile rested on Sunshine's face as his words reached him. They both looked straight ahead, letting the moment ferment. After a few minutes passed and they were nearing the playground, Elias cleared his throat.

"Okay, if they ask about what happened to my leg, we have to come up with a better story than you fell on me." He shook his head. "I can't go out like that."

"Don't worry, Hazel."

Elias was about to correct him, but he noticed the smile that rested on his face and immediately decided to hold his tongue. He'll catch him next time.

"Finally." Rocco spoke as they approached the park.

"We were beginning to think you guys weren't going to show." Porter added, raising a brow at the hopping boy.

"What happened to your leg?" Rocco asked.

Elias and Sunshine shared a glance before Eli began. "Well, I-"

"He tripped." Sunshine interrupted, smiling widely. Eli pursed his lips together as the other two watched them silently.

"I got your back." Sunshine whispered, winking, before patting Eli as he helped him towards the swing set next to Porter.

"Well, I hope it isn't too bad." Rocco crossed his arms, leaning onto the pole. "You're gonna need it."

"It's nothing to worry about." Elias shook it off. "It's just fresh. Should be better in a couple of days."

"What did you trip on anyway?" Porter asked, taking out a few folded papers from his back pockets before sitting on the seat of the swing beside Elias.

"Uh--a rock." He thought of something quickly off the top of his head. "Easy to miss anything out here in the dark. Even a big ass boulder."

"Oh, it wasn't a boulder." Sunshine's head popped up from the jungle gym. Elias was shocked at how fast he had climbed up there. He didn't even notice him disappear from his side. "It was more like a"

"So, what do we know about Jade?" Elias interrupted, hearing Sunshine laughing in the distance as he instantly began looking between Rocco and Porter, noticing the slight smile on both of them at Eli's clear desperation to change the subject.

"Unfortunately." Porter unraveled his paper. "Not much different than what you heard at the shop. We haven't been able to do much."

"Bastard is slippery." Rocco added. "Not like the Neet."

"Nothing like the Neet. Clayton is a mole; Jade is more like a snake. More times that not, we have no idea where he is. When we do see him he's always in public somewhere. He's known to have an alcohol problem. Of course, we've see him at the package store and the Rogue Baron Pub."

"Which has a not-so-underground, underground poker club." Rocco added as Elias brought his attention to him. "My dad used to go there." He shrugged.

"Mine too." Sunshine said, making Rocco tense up as he hopped beside him. He looked down at the short boy before stepping to the side.

"That's where I presume he picked up his gambling addiction as well. But who didn't know that already?"

  Elias noticed the frustration entering Porter's voice as he looked down to his feet, gently pushing around the woodchips.

"I mean he also goes to your local laundry mat, grocery store, and cafe like any other...normal being. The most we've seen him do was order a few days worth of food from there. How's his choice of food helping anybody? We still don't know where he lives...where he works...if he has family--friends." Porter shook his head. "We could never look too close, or lean too far. We always had to be safe first and detectives later."

"Because Bausy's so controlling." Rocco scoffed.

"She's just scared." Porter snapped. "We all are, and if there was a way to be safe and catch this killer I'd be in all the way, but I'm starting to think that's impossible."

"Yeah." Rocco agreed. "I don't know what you guys are in it for, but I need to find him." He said firm. "For Madison."

"For everyone." Sunshine said, surprised at all the faces that turned to him.

Elias smiled. "For my dad."

"For Bausy."

Suddenly, everyone's attention was on Porter; his shoulder's shrinking from the pressure of their eyes.

"Really man?" Rocco chuckled.

"What?" Porter flickered his eyes between them all. "I thought we were having a moment...? I mean, I'm doing it for everyone else too."

"Why Bausy?" Sunshine asked, tilting his head curiously. Elias was glad he asked with him suffering the same question in his head.

Porter looked away at the ground as Rocco began. "I'm surprised you guys haven't picked up on it already." He smirked. "Porter here has a crush."

"It's not exactly a crush." He stuttered. "It's more precisely an infatuation with her."

"Yeah, yeah." Rocco nodded. "A crush. I thought he was just obedient to orders, but then...I saw them."

"Saw what?" Sunshine asked.

"The googly eyes." Rocco laughed, and Sunshine couldn't help but join.

  Elias smiled, suddenly interested as he looked at the boy beside him. Porter was hunched, looking at the ground without a sound leaving his lips. Eli suddenly noticed he was the only one without a smile; completely unamused.

Elias drowned out other voices as he asked, "Does she know?"

"No." Porter shook his head.

"I keep telling him to let her know how he feels." Rocco leaned over smirking. "But I get it." He shrugged. "She'd probably knock his head off knowing her."

"That's not it." Porter glared at Rocco before averting his eyes. "She'd never go for guys like me." Elias watched as he insecurely adjusted his glasses on his face.

  Porter wasn't ugly. He wasn't muscular or tall, but he was fortunate enough to have a strong jawline. He had freckles and short sandy hair with a few strands that always hung a little too low around his brown eyes. A way to describe him would be to say he was made of different shades of brown between his hair, eyes, and freckles, all disrupted by his large black glasses; a very thin boy.

"Why wouldn't she?" Elias rose a brow.

"Look at me." Porter sighed. "A girl like her? She'd go for guys like you."

  Elias furrowed his brows. Rocco's and Sunshine's smile had faded. It was silent for a while. Under different circumstances, Eli might've taken that as a compliment but Porter's hunched figure blocked the feeling.

"Guys like me?" Elias pointed to himself.

"Yeah." Porter replied dull.

"The ones who trip over pebbles?" He asked, and Porter looked up at him as they all let out a laugh. Elias wasn't one to poke fun at himself, but he felt right in doing so at the moment. Porter understood what Elias was doing, but appreciated the gesture, letting a smile rest on his face.

"I was just joking about what I said." Rocco added, rubbing his neck as he looked at Porter. "I mean, she'd probably still knock my head off but..."

He chuckled at himself along with everyone else.

"Maybe she's into nerds." Rocco finished.

"I think you should go for it." Elias added, making Porter lift his head as he gave a short smile.

"Thanks guys."

They let the sounds of night bugs take over the moment, appreciating the silence between them, until the short boy spoke.

"This would be the perfect time for a hug." He rocked back and forth on his toes. Everyone watched him before Rocco walked to the other end of the swing set near Porter. Sunshine only took that as his invitation to slide closer to Elias with a large smile.

"Alright, enough with the sap." Rocco cleared his throat. "We're here for a reason."

"Yeah." Porter sat up. "We need a plan."

"So, where do we start Elias?" Sunshine wrapped himself around the pole, watching him.

  Eli looked confused, switching between all the faces; shocked to see each of them looking to him.

"Why are you all looking at me?" He asked. His brows furrowed as they remained silent, watching him expectantly.

  Why him? He didn't know any better than them. If anything, being the new kid should exclude him from such a position of delegating orders. Rocco was the most unstable of them all, but he definitely had the motivation. Porter was insecure and fragile, but Eli didn't doubt his abilities. Hell, even picking Sunshine to lead would have made more sense to him. The pressure felt new on his shoulders. Of course, he was used to being in a team setting, but he was never the one in charge. The weight of other's expectations was too much to bare; he'd only built up the capacity to carry his father's.

"Guys I..." Elias shook his head, letting out an uncomfortable bout of laughter. "You're looking at the wrong guy." He watched as everyone continued to stare at him. "I wouldn't know how to catch this guy--I barely know the town."

"You caught Clayton." Sunshine began climbing higher onto the pole, reaching the top.

"We caught Clayton." Elias looked up at the boy shimmying across the pole above them. "And if it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't even know where to start." Eli glanced at the other

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