17. Hello. Have you missed me?

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Tommy, Tubbo, and Jay all sat near Wilburs grave. It was the day after the whole fight with Dream, and it was time for them to get back to normal life. Well, as normal as possible.

They had brought a blanket down here, and some food, to have a picnic. They had already spent the day messing around and having fun, playing music(Wilburs old guitar), and just talking.

It was nice to be able to be kids again.

"Hello." They heard from behind them.

"Hey, Ghostbur." Tommy said, sighing.

"I'm not, I'm not Ghostbur." All three turned, and there, in all his glory, was Wilbur Soot. Ghostly, but there. His tartan trench coat blew around his legs as he floated there, hair a mess and red beanie stark against the dark locks.

"Wilbur?" Jay asked, standing.

"Hello. Have you missed me?" He asked, smiling.

"Oh my god." Tubbo whispered.

"Alright, I gotta ask, how did you do it? How did you end the war, get the discs, and without killing Dream?" He asked, pride evident in his tone.


"Well, Tommy, you've always been hotheaded. I just can't believe you actually did it without killing him." He said, shoving his hands in his coat pockets.

"Someone told me I should learn to fight without weapons." Tommy replied, smiling up at his big brother.

"Ah yes, an older and perhaps handsomer person." Wilbur teased. "Good job, child."

"I am not a child. Wilbur, you are dead."

"But you're still a child!"

"I am not and if I ever see you on the street I will just stab you and all I'll say is oops L, L, L!"

The two boys kept yelling for a while.

"I'm proud of you, Tommy." Wilbur finally said, ending the childish argument.

"Thank you, Wilby." Tommy nodded at him.

"Hey, when you come back, I hope all of the conversations are like this." Tubbo commented, Jay nodding in agreement.

"When I do what now?" Wilbur asked, confused.

"Oh, well, the reason Dreams still alive is so you can come back." Tubbo said.

"What?" Wilbur looked upset now. "No, no I don't want that. I don't want to be alive again." He said, bits of his body disappearing.

"What do you mean? Ghostbur told us to."

"What have you done?" He yelled, wide eyed. "You're gonna bring back Schlatt too!"

"What?" Tommy yelled back.

"You're gonna kill Casper the Friendly Ghost!" And then he was gone. Just as soon as he had appeared. The three looked amongst each other, confused.

"Did we do the right thing?" Tubbo asked.

"I think we did..." Jay said, though she sounded uncertain.


It was almost impossible to find one of the three without the others, Jay didn't want anything to happen to her brothers so she never left their sides.

Sometimes, it felt like they were all they had left. People tended to fall silent when Tommy and Tubbo walked past, not talking to them. They weren't doing it with ill intentions, but it could be isolating.

It wasn't like people were scared of Jay, but they had seen her take on Dream. And win, at that. That wasn't an easy thing. A sibling of Technoblade had to be strong, and it was like people were tiptoeing around her.

Tubbo had gone to spend some time with Jack, with a fleeting warning coming from Jay and Tommy, he set off for the day. Puffy had invited Jay to lunch with her, so she was headed there. Tommy was invited to something similar with Sam, and so all three siblings were separated for the first time since the whole fight with Dream.

Jay stood from where she sat on her little brothers bench. She found herself staying there many nights, alone. She pulled the compass she held in her hands closer to her chest, the one from Techno.

She couldn't help but feel guilty.

She finally stood and made her way towards what was now a coffee shop. She was told it had been many things before, but now only served as a place for friends to meet.

Jay sat as Puffy pushed a coffee mug towards her.

"Let's talk." She said, smiling. Puffy always had this motherly aura to her; always seemed to be happy to help others and was just always so caring to everyone around her.

"About what?" She wondered, taking a drink of the sweet drink. Honestly, she's pretty sure she likes the sugar and the cream more than the actual coffee.

"Tell me about what's been going on." Puffy said, trying not to pry too much.

"Umm..." Jay cleared her throat. "I mean, I guess that I don't know if I did the right thing." She started, looking up at Puffy hesitantly. The older girl simply nodded for her to continue. "I mean, I would risk everything for Tommy. Every single thing. But, sometimes I wonder if it was all worth it. I've now betrayed my dad and brother, all for him. And I know that I needed to be there for Tommy, because he's just a kid, but-"

"Jay," Puffy cut her off, "you're also just a kid." She said softly, reaching a hand out. "You're not responsible for everything. You don't have to be. There are people who care about you."

"I guess..." She sighed. "But I just feel terrible because I turned on Techno. He changed everything to help Tommy and I and then we just betrayed him."

"I don't think you betrayed anyone." Puffy shook her head. "You told him you would stay with Tommy through everything, you told him you were going after Dream, and you told him you were on L'Manburgs side, didn't you?" She asked. Jay nodded. "Then you didn't betray anyone."


"Technos a big boy. He doesn't need his little siblings fighting his battles. And if he really cared about you, which I think he does, then he has already forgiven you."

"I know..." Jay sighed again, taking another drink of her coffee. It was silent for a long moment. "I guess I'm just worried that he's gonna look at me differently. I just thought that Tommy needed me more."

"Have you talked to Techno at all?" Puffy asked.

"No. I don't know if I'm ready." She shook her head. Even the thought of visiting him bubbled up panic in her throat. He was going to hate her, absolutely hate her for betraying him. He wouldn't understand, he would just kick her out.

"Maybe you should try." Puffy suggested. "I'll even go with you, when you're ready." She added, that sweet motherly smile coming out again.

"Thank you." Was all Jay could muster out, pulling the mug up to her lips once more.


I seriously can't thank you all enough for the support you have given me and this story! I am incredibly proud of how far we have come.

That being said, I still have about 4 chapters worth of ideas before I'm all caught up on the canon. So, I'll keep posting those every other day until we get more stuff, but if I catch up and nothing more has happened yet, it may be a while for the next chapter. (Think resurrection arc, etc, etc.)

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed and I hope you're all doing well!

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