The Forbidden Fruit | 9

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Arabella's POV

After struggling to fit two more pair of jeans into my bag, I successfully zipped it all the way up and dragged it towards my bed. I placed it at my feet and slumped down onto my chair before the computer desk, a loud sigh escaping my lips as I relaxed against the leather seat.

Today we were leaving for the "retreat" and I may or may have not packed like an entire freaking suitcase, I know I was being dramatic but I needed to take precautionary measures. "I simply dislike you Ace, I like men just how I take my coffee, black." She snipped down the line, I slapped a hand over my mouth to prevent myself from hollering and just the look on her face was enough to set anyone off.

For a moment I forgot that I was still angry at her for making Tyler kiss. "The most ravishing girl," if only I could go back and fly across that bon fire and rip his lips off of her mouth, I would have done it.

Erika knew that I was still mad at her, I tried my best at ignoring her for the past few days just to get my point across and obviously there were a few benefits from being angry with your best friend. Believe me, they'll do anything in their will power to have you speaking to them again.

Little does she know that I'm not even upset with her anymore. I just love the fact that for the past few days I didn't have to spend a dime on any food and drinks in the cafeteria. Thank you very much, Erika.

"So ugh are you ready for the retreat?" She asked after hanging up the phone. I spun on the chair, turning to face her, and I almost chuckled at the wary look on her face as she stared back at me, almost as if I were about to leap out of the chair and attack her beautiful face.

"What? spending three days in the wild. Of course I'm ready to get the West Nile virus and leave there looking like a burnt chicken nugget." I scoffed sarcastically, smirking as the visible nerves on her face softened when she realized I didn't answer with a glare or a middle finger to her face.

"Are you still mad at me for making–and non-intentionally–Tyler kiss Tailor? She's a bitch by the way and if it makes you feel any better, she has Syphilis and he maybe caught it as well."

Bursting into a fit of laughter I leaped off the chair and slumped down onto the bed next to her, wrapping my arms tightly around her body I gave her one of my many special bear hugs, planting a kiss onto her cheek, "I'm not mad at you, Erika. I can never be actually mad at you, believe me."

She planted a kiss onto my cheek and returned the hug, sighing softly in content. "I know, Ditto."

I shoved her away from me, giggling hysterically at the dumbfounded look on her face before she joined in with me soon after. After several minutes of laughing for apparently no reason, we soon settled down from our giggling fit and it was finally time to go down to the lounge so we could meet up with the students and teacher to go on this retreat.

"I really don't wanna go, mainly because Tyler is gonna be there." I groaned in annoyance as I grabbed my gym bag off the floor and slung it over my shoulders. "Psht, what do you leave for me when I have to deal with Ace?" She sneered in response. I could have sworn there was a smile at the ends of her mouth, but maybe I was hallucinating, "keep telling yourself you don't like him."

She recoiled in shock, her lips down turned and eyes wide as if I had just insulted her mother. She scoffed and spun on her heels, a string of cuss words escaping her lips as she marched away. "I'm taking the stairs!"

"Your problem, sweetheart!" I shouted in response, rolling my eyes since I knew that she would turn around any second now and take the elevator.

I spun on my heels and made my way slowly down the hallway. I was waiting to hear her loud voice and heavy footsteps by now, but it never came. "Guess she stuck to her words," I mumbled to myself as I clicked the button countless times for the doors to open.

Another presence stood behind me as I awaited for the doors to open but I thought nothing of it, as soon as it slide open I stepped inside, peering upwards to gaze before until my gaze collided with a set of familiar eyes.

I recoiled, losing my footing in the process, which sent me careering into the wall behind me. I slammed my head against it, a groan escaping my lips as pain shot through the back of my head and down my spine. I think I should abort mission now! Making the split decision to run, I pushed my body off of the wall and leaped towards the sliding doors, but not soon enough before they slammed shut.


"Someone's eager."

"To get away from you."

I tried not maintaining eye contact with the devil himself as I leaned away from him. His eyes were settled onto me and that stupid, stupid, stupid smirk tugged at his lips, "aren't you tired of smirking!" I snapped. His brows perked upwards, and he parted his lips in response, but just as he was about to answer the lights suddenly flickered off.

My eyes widened as darkness enveloped the elevator. It jolted upwards, then downwards and suddenly stilled. There was no sound for a mere second, just eerie silence and the sound of our heavy breathing. "What the hell!" Tyler's voice bellowed out, and I frowned deeply, spinning towards where I suspected he was.

I was suddenly shoved to the side but rather gently but sort of frantically as Tyler moved towards the panels. He slammed his hands on what I'm assuming are the buttons, a string of profanities escaping his lips. "Keep doing that and we're sure to be stuck here." I mumbled in annoyance.

I could see somewhat of his silhouette turning towards me as he growled in response, his hand movements visible as they came up towards my face and I'm assuming he was pointing a wary finger at me. "Shut it, Smith. Like you know how to control this thing." He hissed in response.

Why do boys always think they know everything just because they're boys? I decided on not rolling my eyes for the millionth time today and instead slid down on the wall behind me and pulling my legs to my chest. If we were stuck here might as well be comfortable. There was simply no need in taking out my phone because I know there wouldn't be any cell service.

There's supposed to be an emergency button on the panels, but I'm guessing Tyler's big ass panicking head wouldn't realize that. "I'm sure they've realized that it got stuck and people are maybe already calling for help. Don't worry too much cry baby."

"Why do you hate me!" He suddenly snapped, and I flinched at his harsh tone. I fumbled for my phone in my pocket and took it out. As suspected there was no cell service, but that wasn't the reason I took it out. I turned on my flashlight and flashed it in his face. He hissed in response and brought his hands to his eyes, shielding it from the light.

"Why do I hate you? Why do you hate me? You intentionally do shit to hurt me with other women and then claim I'm yours. You know sometimes I wonder if you do hard drugs, maybe like crack cocaine." I spat loudly, bringing the light even closer to his face.

"I'm not having this conversation, Bella." He mumbled as he began pacing the elevator frantically. I pursed my lips in a thin line and let my eyes settle on my phone. "It's Arabella to you," I grumbled softly, turning off the flashlight because I simply refused to look at his face in this moment.

"What?" He spat venomously.

"I said-"

"I know what you said, I do and say whatever I want Bella so deal with it," He hissed. I chuckled humorlessly and nodded my head lightly, although he couldn't see me.

"I need to get out of here."

"If you wanna get out of here so badly, why don't you just call someone to open the door!" I exclaimed sarcastically. His ranting and panicking was not gonna get us anywhere. In the midst of our mini argument I had already pressed the emergency button on the panel and I'm positive that help was on the way but Tyler was being a drama queen and it was kind of fun watching him panic like an idiot.

"Fine." He huffed out in defeat as he slid down the wall beside me. I scooted away from him and curled myself between the door and the wall. I didn't want to be beside him at the moment, who knew what he would try to do now that we were alone in a dark freaking tin elevator.

"Why are you so calm?" He asked softly. I peeled my eyes open and even in the dark I could see him watching me from where he sat. I turned on my flashlight once again and flashed it on his face, this time he didn't cower away from the light but peered right into my eyes since it reflected back onto me.

And the look on his face answered the question as to why he was being so anxious.

"You're claustrophobic." I mumbled softly. He didn't reply, but instead turned his head away from me. I inwardly slapped myself as I made the split decision to comfort him. I mean, he's human too, and having claustrophobia is not an easy thing to deal with.

I crawled back towards him, which seemed to catch him off guard. He snapped his head towards me with that frown still playing on his lips, his eyes were down turned and I almost felt pity for him. . . almost.

Our shoulders bumped against each other, and I leaned in, laying my head on his shoulder. Surprisingly, his body stiffened against my touch as if he weren't expecting this, but after a moment he relaxed.

Minutes passed, and neither one of us said anything. We were just silently waiting for the elevator to start moving again until he mumbled something.

"How d'you know that?" He asked as his breathing began to pick up like he was close to having yet another panic attack. I didn't panic because one: I've been stuck in an elevator before and I know we're not in danger and two, I've dealt with claustrophobic people before like my cousin Daniel.

"I just wanna get out of here."

"And we will, Tyler look at me." He titled his face towards me slightly. Somehow his breathing slowed down, and I intertwined our hands, squeezing his softly. "I'm here alright. There's nothing to panic about, any minute now the elevator will start moving and those doors will open and we'll get out."

He nodded his head in response, and I knew this predicament would delay our ride to the retreat. Thank gosh for that but still I hate seeing him like this and even if he's an egoistical asshole who fucks every living, breathing thing with boobs and a vagina.

He's still human.

"You know it's funny how you're supposed to be in my position and I'm in yours." He chuckled humorlessly.

"How so?  I don't have constant panic attacks when I'm confined in small spaces, you are, so deal with me comforting you and not the other way around. Men can cry too." I replied sternly, peering into his eyes as he stared down at me in somewhat awe.

He flashed me a smile. Like a real genuine smile like the day I referred to him as Ty and it almost made me go into a state of shock, but I caught myself before I could let my mouth fall open.

"Tyler Hart never says thank you but. . .thanks, for once you're not a bitch."

Ah yes, finally our narcissistic Tyler Hart has returned. "I was joking, Bella. I know who you are and you aren't a bitch, frankly I shouldn't even be trying to do what I'm doing with you, I'm dangerous." Oh yes, he's the bad boy and being with him puts my life at risk. Gag, I hate those cliches.

I stared at him in deadpan, trying to figure out what he meant by he's dangerous.

I knew what he was referring to when he said he shouldn't be messing with me. Basically, everything he's ever done with me ranging from the night I went to his house for "homework" or when he kissed me when I just arrived.

His words may have not meant any harm, but it did, in away it made me feel like he regretted it. "Are you regretting?" I found myself asking before I could actually stop the ridiculous words from leaving my lips.

I forgot how close the proximity was between us. Our noses actually touched and I could feel his cold minty breath fan across my face. He pressed his forehead against mine and took a hold of cheeks in his warm hands. I felt as though a bulldozer launched into my stomach as I sucked in a harsh breath.

His fingers grazed my cheeks ever so softly and his familiar scent engulfed my nose, trapping my body in the likeness of him. I couldn't get enough of him. He knew it, and it was driving me crazy.

"I regret doing a lot of things in my life Bella, but I'll never regret you."

Just as the words left his mouth the lights suddenly flickered back on. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, dumbfounded. He looked torn and broken. A mixture of desperateness and sadness swirled through his brown pupils. He sighed deeply and let his hands fall from my face.

He scrambled onto his feet and dusted off imaginary dust from his clothes, not bothering to turn towards me as the doors suddenly slid open and countless students flooded the entrance, staring at us peculiarly.

"Are you guys okay?" The maintenance guy asked as we stepped out. "Yeah, we're fine." I mumbled as I turned towards Tyler who was annoyingly prying off a few girls' hands from his chest as they bombarded him with questions.

For only a second our gazes locked, and I knew he was regretting how vulnerable he was in there and how he easily displayed that side of himself to me. Maybe there really was more to Tyler than his egotistical facade. Maybe those genuine smiles I'd get once in a while were a crack in his personality and slowly they were ripping away, showing me who he really was.

Don't worry, Tyler Hart.

Maybe one day I'll understand why you act the way you do.

And how I will crack you.

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