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A/N: I will let you know when in the chapter, but please listen to the song! It will give you a bit of an insight to the night. Thank you!! But on with the story!!

Theo's POV:

"And that's the history of how the airplane was invented. Hard to believe life without them. Am I right?" I nodded my head along to the old man, whose name I had seemed to forgotten through the boredom, ramble on.

"Yeah that's so crazy." I chuckled but turned my head to subtly let out a yawn I'd been holding in the whole time I'd been listen to the elderly man. As I was letting out what had to be the longest undercover yawn I caught glimpse of someone arriving at the steps who looked so much like Amaya that it was crazy.

I turned back to the old man and let him yammer on for another few seconds. Earlier today my mother persisted on me being nothing but polite, and also reminded me multiple times that she had Amaya's fate in her hands. She was the whole reason I was willingly listening to my mother. My mother's "proposition she offered earlier today also didn't help settle my mind any.

Just thinking back to our little chat had me wanting to rip my hair out. My mother made our deal even worse. As if having Amaya's academic future in my hands wasn't enough, she added yet another playing piece to her evil playing board.

I roll my eyes and take a swig of drink in my hand.

Yes. it was alcoholic beverage, but in truth, I needed it. Like to see you try and get up the courage to dump the one good thing that's ever happened to you.

Yeah...you heard that correctly. I was going to break up with Mya tonight. I didn't have a choice, not with everything my mother had over me. I sigh as I close my eyes and remember how my mother had, well in her own words "sweetened the deal ."

Earlier this morning:

"My dearest Theo," Her grin went from innocent to devilish within the snap of a finger. I immediately knew she was up to something. Possibly something worse than usual. "I have a proposition for you."

I sighed, knowing this could only mean trouble.

"What more could you possibly want from me?" I questioned as I positioned both my elbows on my knees and let out a tired yawn.

Her devilish smirk made a quick reappearance and cleared her throat almost like she was excited to share her newest and juiciest piece of information. I already knew it was going to be something negative, and by how excited she was about breaking the news, I already knew it was something about Amaya. She truly was a sick woman, and I don't think I'd ever know why she was this way or why she seemed to despise a girl she barely knew. I also knew I'd never ask.

"Well you see, Theo I had my private detective look into your little girly friend." She got up from the couch and went over to a row of books.

She reached up and snatched a manilla folder that had been sandwiched between two rather large red volumes of encyclopedias. With eager hands she flung open the portfolio and tossed it to me with a grin.

Thankfully the papers were all held together or else I'd be left picking them all off the ground at this moment.

"Take a look at that."

I cautiously picked the folder up and held it in my hands. Inside the flaps had to be at least fifteen to twenty papers. The immediate factor I noticed about the top paper of the large stack was the long, mile-long list of numbers. I tossed the folder back onto the table and relaxed back into the couch. I felt like we were going to be here a while.

"I know you don't keep up with my life, but I think you know that I'm a football player not an accountant. What's all this crap mean?" I referred to the papers sitting in front of me on the surface in between us.

She rolled her eyes. "I swear no matter how old your kids get, you're going to constantly be showing them around like a couple of blind puppies."

She walked back over to the couch and plopped down beside me and picked the folder back up. She shifted it in her hands until it was in the perfect position for her to read. I watched as her eyes went from line to line, trying to find a certain line. When she finally did she pointed to it before handing the paper back to me.

I was still tired and waiting for the slumber to leave my system, so I rubbed my eyes for what felt like the millionth time this morning and leaned in. I took a closer look at the spot she is pointing at.

"Patrick Dawson" is typed out in the top left corner of the paper and I immediately remembered that was Mya's father's name. My interest immediately became peaked.

I read down the page and notice all the numbers that I had briefly skimmed over all dollar signs. It was all the costs of his hospital bills, and to say that it was putting the family in debt would be an understatement.

Without Amaya's dad working, their family went from a double to a single income household very quickly. I never really thought about it till just now, but Amaya and her mom had been through so much more than I realized.

I still had no idea what this had to do with my mother though.

"Okay. You know that Amaya's father's hospital stay hasn't been exactly cheap...so what?"

She scoffed like what I had just said was the stupidest thing she had ever heard. "Thank god your brother got the company because you don't seem to have a mind for numbers or common sense."

I rolled my eyes at her comment and took another glance back at the papers, trying my hardest to see something that she wants me to.

"Oh my god, Theo!" She snatched the papers out of my hands and flipped through the pages. "See this? This means their going bankrupt, and it won't be long before their house in foreclosure and the Dawson family is living on the streets."

I ripped the papers back out of her hands and started to really notice how many of the numbers on the papers were either in red or had a little negative sign in front of them. They were really in trouble.

"Okay they're struggling a little bit, so what?" I ask like it's no big deal, but on the inside my mind is already in overdrive trying to think of ways to help them. How much could I possibly get from selling my car? Maybe autograph a bunch of stuff and sell it on eBay? I don't know. I'll think of something.

"More than little."

"Yeah yeah. Do you have a point here? Or do you just find enjoyment in other people's pain?"

"God you're so dramatic, but this is where the new part of our deal comes in." She grinned like that was a good thing.

I didn't want any new parts to our crappy deal. The one part was shitty enough as it was.

"Who said I wanted another part?" I questioned as I crossed my arms and leaned back into the comforts of the couch. I could definitely fall back to sleep.

"Me. Here's the deal, Theo. Our first deal was that you break up with the girl and she gets to stay at the school of her dreams, but I've been watching you and I know you weren't going to go through with it. You didn't want to lose her. I understood that."

She did? With her cold heart of stone she could see that?

As much as I hate saying this, my mother was right. I wasn't planning on dumping Mya. I was planning on staying with her and then calling the dean myself to discuss the matter with him myself. I don't know what the outcome would've been but being able to stay with my princess would've made it worth while.

"Even if it resulted in getting her kicked out of the one school she loved? The number one place where she felt a connection to her father who may or may not make it out of his coma?" My subconscious taunted.

"Okay, so what's this new deal?" I wondered aloud hoping she'd thrown out the whole idea of me dumping my girlfriend.

"Since the regular deal didn't convince you to break up with her I know this one will."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right. Please. Enlighten me on this 'amazing' deal."

She smiled smugly and closed up the folder, placing it back on the coffee table. "I'm going to sweeten the deal. You break up with Amaya and she gets to stay in school."

"Sounds the same as-"

"And all of her family's debt gets completely taken care of by an...anonymous and very generous source. This 'source' will also pay for her dad to get the best care possible, and get him the top doctors. Literally anything would be better than that shithole he's in right now."

"Are you serious?" I ask astounded.

"Yes I am."

"You want me to break up with Amaya so badly that you'll bring the lives of her family into this?" My voice begins to pick up as my anger begins to flare.

"Don't raise your voice at me. Whether you like it or not, I am still your mother, and this new offer is more generous than before, so break up with her tonight. Or else my first call the day after Christmas will be straight to the dean." She stands up fixing her dress and is just about to leave.

"Why are you so hell bent on ruining the one good thing I have going on in my life? The first girl I've ever truly loved? Most mothers would be ecstatic." I frustratedly run my hands through my hair as I stand up to face her.

"Just stop fighting me on this, Theo." She sighed like I was beginning to upset her.

"You'll meet someone new. Someone better." She twisted the door knob. "I am doing this all for you, Theodore. And we both know I am not like most mothers." The wicked witch actually had it in her to blow me a kiss and smile before making her way out the door.

I let out a sigh and leaned back before running a frustrated hand through my hair. What was I going to do?

Back to the Present

As I took another sip of my drink, I surveyed the room until my eyes landed on my mother. Unsurprisingly, she was zeroed in on me. She was surrounded by multiple people dressed to the tens and with my father's arm standing next to her, his left hand in his pocket and right hand wrapped around what I knew definitely wasn't his first drink of the night.

I knew I was on thin ice with my mother and with her threats inching closer and closer to Mya I did my best to be on my best behavior. I knew I had to break up with Mya. She was always so selfless, and now it was time for me to take a note from her. It was my turn to put her needs above my own. I loved Mya, and when you love someone you put them first.

    Although, she would never know that I was the reason behind it all. That was another stupid term of my mother's. She really had thought of everything. I turned back to the old man who was STILL rambling on. I swear him getting sucked up into a tornado wouldn't shut him up.

The depressing thoughts bouncing around my skull made me want to break away from this dull conversation to be alone, so I excused myself and started my journey back to the bar.

But as I was walking away, something distracted me on the way. I noticed everyone's attention seemed to be fixated on the opposite side of the room, more specifically the top of the stairs. So being the curious person I am, I turned to look and noticed a woman at the very tip top. Mentally I shrugged. What was yet another girl in an overly expensive dress? There were so many of them crowding this room already. To be honest, there was only one person I wanted to see right now and she was no where to be seen.

You would have thought my mother's warning along with her crazy eyes would have convinced her to be on time. A few gasps near me resulted from them seeing the girl at the top of the staircase.

"Yeah apparently that's Theo's girlfriend. One of the staff members here saw her arrive with him, so it's 100% true." I heard a girl's voice whisper loudly in a slightly excited voice. Probably ecstatic to be the first to deliver that gossip.

Amaya wasn't at the top of the stairs. That girl was way too tall to be my princess.

"She could be wearing heels, you numbskull." My mind chided with me.

As my mind mulled over the mental image of the girl holding onto the handrail at the beginning of the steps, I began to realize that there was a higher chance of her being Amaya than it not being her.

So when my slightly buzzed mind finally put the last puzzle piece of this mystery together, I twisted my head back so fast I was surprised I didn't give myself whiplash.

But I was right. It was Mya.

I'd seen her in a t-shirt and sweatpants, jeans and a simple sweater, and even a gloriously tight dress that left little to the imagination. But I have never seen her in such an outfit. I already knew that there was no one in the world who could wear that gown as perfectly as she did.

My eyes started at her toes and worked my way up. From the hem to her hips was nothing but skirt. Every inch of the billowy half of the gown was bejeweled in ruby-colored stones and brushed the ground in length. The carmine red fabric elegantly hugged her chest and midsection. As my eyes moved up I noticed her beginning to wring her fingers together, something I knew she did when she extremely nervous. I locked my eyes on hers as she surveyed the room, looking for me and as soon as her eyes caught mine, the wringing halted immediately and a sparkling smile widened across her face.

Out of habit her hand shot up and waved to me like an excited child, causing a soft chuckle to escape my lips before I subtlety waved back. It was like she automatically reverted back to her old self as if my presence here eased her nerves. I knew the feeling all too well since she had the exact same effect on me.

With her charming smile still in tact, she took a deep breath and straightened her posture before placing her right manicured hand back on the balustrade and gracefully began her descent down the staircase.

I watched her as she looked so poised and classy as she glided down the steps one at a time. She made it look so effortless that one would think she'd practiced this descent at least a hundred times.

Being so caught up in the moment, just like everyone in the room, I hadn't realized she was almost to the final step, so I quickly recovered and began to push my way through the crowd. I made it to her just in time.

Just as her heel made its first click against the marble floor her small hand fell into my outstretched one. Her bold hazel eyes shifted up to mine and her reserved smile stretched another few inches, taking over the rest of her face. She looped her arm through mine, with a look that could only be classified as determination.

"Let's get this show on the road." She cutely laughed as she sent a wink up to me and we began making our rounds.

Amaya's POV:

"It's always nice having you up here for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson." Theo nodded to the both of them with dazzling smile that belonged on a tv screen.

"Well thanks for having us, son." Mr. Anderson said in his gruff southern accent. "It's always a pleasure being here. Especially with one of the country's okay-est quarterbacks."

The old man a smirk on his lips as he snatched a piece of shrimp from a passing waiters' tray and popped it in his mouth as he awaited for Theo's rebuttal.

Theo chuckled with a mischievous glint in his eye. "At least I still can play, old man."

"You call that playing? Back in my day, we would've crushed you. First they make education easier on you kids, but now they're sassing up the sports. Big babies need all that padding? My helmet was held together with a piece of chewing gum!"

"That's only because you were convinced that smelly thing was 'lucky.'"

"It was lucky! We won 36 straight games!" He huffed before sauntering off to a long table covered in fancy foods. It was so full not a single inch of the table cloth was even showing.

"You men and your football." His wife scoffed with a playful roll of her eyes.

"But it was so nice to meet you, dear." Mrs. Anderson politely smiled to me as she brushed a piece of her graying hair to the side as her blue eyes crinkled at the edges. She had to be in her late 60s, but was still so beautiful. It wouldn't surprise me if she was a movie star at some point n her life. "I've known him since he was twelve and breaking hearts left and right. I just thought he'd never settle down."

"Well it took some time, but he's getting there." I joked as I wrapped my fingers around Theo's and grinned.

"I'm glad he chose such a sweet girl like yourself. Don't mess this up, Theo. She's a good one." She grinned between us before pulling her husband's arm to get him away from the food table earning her a groan of despair.

"Nancy, just let me have a few more. I'm a grown ass man."

Theo and I chuckled as I listened to their banter.

"No. The doctors say your cholesterol is high enough as it is. You don't need to be shoving bacon-wrapped foods down your throat by the dozen."

The conversation continued but they were soon out of hearing range leaving me without a humorous conversation to listen to.

"I like them." I admitted to Theo as I leaned my head on his shoulder and smiled. I could see us being like that one day. Him basking in the glory of the good old days and me arguing with him about his eating habits.

"Yeah they're always fun to be around. Old man Anderson bought me my first ever football, so I kinda owe where I am now to him." Theo smiled as he reminisced, but his smile soon slipped from his lips when a certain voice boomed over the speakers.

"Hello, everyone. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves tonight, and I'd just like to thank you all for making appearances. Also thank you all for donating a total of," She looked to a woman below the stage where she was currently standing and gestured for hand to her a clipboard As soon as it was her hands she skimmed over the paper until she found what she was looking for. "$450,000!"

A round of applause went around, but Theo's mom wasn't done just yet.

"A little lower than last year's grand total, but hey! The night is still young, so keep your wallets out and keep having fun. Just remember all your donations go directly to a very important charity. The staff will start to clear the floor for dancing and begin setting up the raffle over in the far left corner! Merry Christmas everyone!" She said as rose her champagne glass high to everyone.

A ramble of hoots, hollers, and 'Merry Christmases' sounded out as Mrs. Thompson sashayed her way off the stage.

"Rich people participate in raffles?" I questioned in a surprised tone.

"Um, yeah. Just because we're rich doesn't mean we don't like nice, free things." Theo dramatically sighed.

I chuckled and wondered aloud. "What is being raffled off this year?"

"I have no idea. It's always something different." Theo shrugged. "One year it was an all expense paid trip to Africa, the next was a bunch of Louis Vuitton bags, and then after that it was a bunch of jewelry from Tiffany's."

I shook my head. "With all of the money they put into the raffle, which is free to enter, they could've donated to hundreds of other charities."

"I know. I've tried to tell my mother that, but trying to talk to her about showing off less is like asking her to donate her kidney to a complete stranger."

I laughed at his joke, but sadly I knew he wasn't kidding. As everyone went back to their usual activities, I watched eagerly to see what the raffle was this year. My mind was more than ready to know what they blew their money on just to keep up appearances.

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