Chapter 4

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"Why did that happened?"

"What was the reason?"

"For three years we've been looking for him."

"And now..........."

"Now that he decided to appear once more........"

"It happened........."


"Do you have a reason?"

"But it doesn't make sense."

"You are so kind."

"But just what happened?"

"What happened to you?"

"Is this because of what happened to your beloved mother and brother?"

"You want us to suffer the same fate?"

"Sora, please, tell me......."

"What is going on?"


3rd POV. Kocho Residence. A few hours after the incident.

Sora immediately left the Kocho Household after he unintentionally executed the parents of Kanae and Shinobu.

Sora casted a powerful genjutsu to the Kocho Sisters.

The moment that Sora's blade cut off the lives of Reiko and Sakurai, the Mangekyo appeared in a few seconds.

But then, he unconsciously reverted it back to the ordinary Sharingan.

As that was happening, Kanae heard the noise, and Shinobu also woke up during that time.

So, curious of the noise, they went to the source, and saw the scene that will never forgot.

Shinobu was terrified, as for Kanae, she was shocked to see the horrific scene that unfolded right in front of her eyes.

She even dismissed it as a nightmare, but Sora pointed it out, that it is reality.

Without even knowing the reason, she fell asleep when she made eye contact with Sora's Sharingan.

That was the first time that she saw those eyes......different from his beautiful blue eyes.......

Kanae somehow describe the eyes as full of hatred, but she is also having second thoughts that it's probably not Sora........

Then again.........

She could never mistake Sora for anyone else.......

Kanae and Shinobu fell asleep under the illusion that was cast by Sora.


Sora began to manipulate their memories, when he received the Mangekyo Sharingan, he tried if he can somehow, alter their memories, to the point that they will never know that it was manipulated.......

And to make it as "what" really happened on that night.

He successfully achieved that goal.......

All of that, just to hide the truth of what really happened......

He manipulated their memories and experiences.

Sora made it feel like their parents were attacked by a demon and he killed the demon.

But.......Sora turns his blade immediately to their parents and killed them right in front of Kanae and Shinobu.

This is the ability of his Mangekyo Sharingan........

Kotoamatsukami........a genjutsu that manipulates the memories of the mind, making it as if the target really experienced it.

And there is no way to break this genjutsu...........

Now, Kanae, who was first to wake up, the memory still fresh in her mind........

In fact, she couldn't get her mind away from Sora's horrifying eyes.......

Although her mind tells her that Sora did the act........

Her heart is telling her to doubt. Because she know Sora all too well.......

The Sora she knew, will never stain their hands with someone else's blood.

She knew nothing about Sora, except for kindness.

But now, Kanae is in a mess.......

Kanae: Why.......?

Kanae: Sora......why? Please tell me this is only just a bad dream........

As much as Kanae wants to deny it, it is the cruel reality.

Kanae found her little sister, shaking from her sleep. This is probably because Shinobu is still too young.......and Sora's genjutsu is too much for the young girl to bear.

As Kanae is still processing all the information........

A man who's wearing a gakuran, with a iron ball and chain went to the house. The said man is blind, but he can tell that something happened. He sensed the two girls........

And he asked them for details.

Kanae: I don't know.......I mean.......

Kanae: We saw something of a monster lying dead, and then........

Kanae: There is one who killed our parents right in front of our eyes.

Blind Man: Can you tell me the appearance of the killer?

Kanae: Black hair, with long hair.....

Kanae: His eyes were usually blue in color, but when I saw him........his eyes were blood red with some strange pattern on it.

The blind man, known as Himejima Gyomei, immediately knew the bearer of the said features.

Despite being blind, he asked the Master to described Sora's appearance, but what gave Sora's identity was the blood red eyes that has a certain pattern...........

He heard of the story from the Master.........

The Uchiha Clan and the Sharingan........

Still, Gyomei is having doubts because the news of the Uchiha Clan Downfall reached him.

The possibility of having other survivors........that is what the other demon slayers were hoping for.........

And then, one person came to mind, and it was Sora.

But, he got to confirm it first........

Gyomei: Do you know the person who is said to have killed your parents?

Kanae: Yes.

Kanae: Uchiha Sora......

Gyomei: !?

This put Gyomei in total shock........

Because he knew Sora for years and this was far among that he could've imagined........

But little did he knew.......

His memories, were also being manipulated.........

Even though the caster is not present, he was able to.

Sora......who before went back to the Kamado Family.........

Sora: I'm sorry, Himejima-san. But I have to.

It was somehow easy for Sora to manipulate Gyomei's memories, as he doesn't have any sense of sight, he exploited that fact by invading his memories and changing it........

But when Sora used his Mangekyo ability for the third time.......

Sora: Urk......!

Sora held his head in pain, and his right eye begins to bleed.........

Sora: So.......*pant*.........this is what nii-san felt when he was using his Mangekyo..........

Sora: *pant* *pant* *pant*

His vision began to blur.......

Sora: Urggghhhhhhh!

Sora immediately deactivates his Sharingan........

Sora: The payback is too great........I guess this is what other people say as the greater the power, the greater the price that you shall pay.

Back at the Kocho Household........

After Kanae recalled her "true" experiences of what happened.......

Gyomei decided to take the girls in and the sisters decided to join the Demon Slayer Corps.......

Their objective is the same as demon slayers, and the other was to confront and if possible, to make Sora pay for his crimes.

Little did the Kocho Sisters know, that Sora was actually a demon slayer himself, and actually was even considered to be at Hashira level. event led to another and now.......

No one in the Demon Slayer Corps never heard of the young Uchiha ever since then.

Five years passed........

Sora is now 19 years old, and he completely put the dark memories of his past behind him, living the peaceful and carefree life that he always longed for.

One day, at the Kamado Residence.......

When Sora is chopping wood with his axe, while being helped by Takeo.......

Tanjiro, who is now 13 years old, carries a basket full of coal and is planning to sell them at the nearby town.

Tanjiro: Nii-san, Takeo, I'll be going out of town to sell these charcoal.

Hanako, Shigeru, and Rokuta heard this and they wanted to join Tanjiro in selling the charcoal, but Tanjiro insisted that they stay to help Sora and their mother.

Sora: Just be careful, Tanjiro.

Sora: Oh, and speaking of going to town, maybe I'll join you part way.

Tanjiro: Why?

Sora: Remember the job that I landed before?

Sora: At the train station?

Nezuko, who heard this recalls it.

Nezuko: Ah, is that what Sasuke-oniichan was doing before?

Sora: Yes. In fact, it was the same workplace that my late brother worked for. When they learn about me, they accepted me and.......I got the job.

Sora: I got to go at the station for today, so, I'll be probably out for at least a day? I guess......

Kie, who happened to hear the conversation went out and gave Sora a pouch of onigiris.

Kie: You'll be travelling, so I guess I'll give these to you.

Sora: Really? Thank you so much, Mom.

Kie: You and Tanjiro have been working so hard ever since your Dad died......

Sora and Tanjiro frowned because they were the ones who witnessed Tanjuro in his dying moments..........

Sora: Don't worry, I'll be working hard more than ever, in order for our lives to be better.

Sora then turns to Nezuko and Hanako.

Sora: Nezuko, Hanako, someday, I'll buy new and beautiful kimonos for you two.

Hanako: Eh!? Nii-chan but-

Nezuko: We don't really need it, nii-chan.

Nezuko: Besides, you've been using your savings for us, save some money for yourself........

Hanako: That's right! You're the one who needs to buy a new clothes!

Hanako points out Sora's old haori that is already tattered in the lower parts of it.

Sora: Oh.......but........

Nezuko: No buts! You buy yourself some new clothes.

Sora: I can still wear-

Kie: Sora, I really think you need to change your haori, it's too old and the fabric is not really that good, especially for winter.

Sora: Winter........

Sora: Huh........

Kie: That's right. So, go out there, and buy yourself some new clothes, okay?

Sora: O-Okay. But if I still have the spare money, I'll use it to buy you guys new clothes-

Kie: No need. Our clothes are still fine.

Kie: Sora, you've been dedicating yourself to your younger siblings, but, it's not also bad to.....just treat yourself a little.

Kie: You hear me?

Sora: Y-Yes.

Kie: Good. All right, you two. Since you'll be out, I won't hold you two here any longer.

Tanjiro: Y-Yeah!

Sora: Right! Tanjiro, let's go.

Kie: Have a safe trip, you two.

They both bid their farewells and set off to their destinations.

Once they reached the nearby village, the brothers parted ways.

Tanjiro: Take care, nii-san.

Sora: Mm. You take care of yourself as well.

Sora passed by the village, actually, he still needs to pass by three or four villages in order to reach his workplace, and that would take him at least a day.

But with his improved stamina and speed, he'll be able to reach the workplace around two hours.

Two hours passed, and he arrived at the station. The chief led him to his workplace and began his work.

His late brother's work is to maintain the train's fuel. As for Sora, his job is helping the maintenance of the train, from the engine, to the maintenance of the train's fuel........

It may not be a high paying job, but it is enough for him and his adoptive family to make ends meet.

Working from morning, until sunset.........

That is Sora's routine.......

Until it changed.........

After a month.......

Their company was blamed from an accident to the train's malfunction of the engine, causing it to explode that killed one of the conductors and the driver of the train.

Because of that, their company was disbanded and they had to pay one million yen for the damage.

The incident also caused all of their workers to leave........

Including Sora himself.......

So, with the loss of his job due to an unfortunate event........

He went home dispirited.........

Sora: *sigh*

Sora: Now how will I be able to explain things to them. It happened all of a sudden......

Sora: Looks like I got to find a new job..........

Sora: Again..........

Hours passed and Sora finally saw the village that is near their house.

He passed by the village and he is already looking for job opportunities at the village.......unfortunately for him, there is none.

Sora: Looks like I'll have to search tomorrow.

It's already night, and the snow on the mountain path gradually thickens.

Sora: This is dangerous, there could be an avalanche........

As he treads the snow, he saw mysterious footsteps on the way to their home.......

Sora: Hm?

Sora: Footsteps.....? Must be, wait, he should be back even before this hour.......

Sora: And these are fresh.......

He looked upon the trail and among the snow storm, he saw a man.......

Sora: What the......? What is that man doing here in this thick snow?

Since the snow storm is obscuring his vision, he can't clearly visualize, what the man is wearing.

But for a good measure, Sora decided to immediately go to the spot where he buried his Nichirin Katana.......

Once he retrieved his blade, he went back to the spot where he saw the trail and he started running along the trail.

The Kamado Residence is still too far off, and finally he saw the man. Wearing western clothing........with a black coat......

Sora: Um, hello.....!

Man: ........

The man stopped on his tracks and faced the young Uchiha.

Man: Yes?

When Sora finally saw the man's face, as if he just saw a ghost.......

Because he clearly remembers Muzan himself. His own brother fought this man, the same man that rob them of their simple life.

Sora: Plum colored eyes, pupils that are slit like a cat, a man who looks like in his 20s.

Sora: There is no mistaking it! This man, is Kibutsuji Muzan!

But nevertheless, Sora kept a calm disposition.......

Muzan: Young man, did you just interrupted me?

Muzan became irritated by the silence....and Sora sensed the bloodlust........

Sora: N-No. I mean, I am just going to ask where are you going with this ongoing blizzard.

Muzan: That's not your business.

Sora: ..........

Muzan didn't kill Sora because he's not worth the time to be killed.

So left him there without doing anything.........

When he turned his back on Sora, the young Uchiha, activated his Mangekyo Sharingan and used his ability to enter Muzan's mind, and he immediately read his intentions.

Sora: I see, so that's what you're doing here........

Muzan halts.......

Muzan: .........?

Sora: I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you go any further.

Sora: Kibutsuji Muzan.

Muzan: !?

Muzan slowly turns to face Sora, and the latter draws his black nichirin blade.........

Sora: Looks like I hit the nail in the head.

Muzan: You.

Muzan: Will.

Muzan: Die.

Muzan quickly transforms his arm into a whip of flesh with sharp blades......

For an ordinary demon slayer, it would be in a flash.

But Sora, activated his Sharingan and he was able to evade the attack.

Muzan: Ho......? Those eyes.........

Muzan: It's been a while since I last saw those eyes.......

Sora glared straight at Muzan's eyes.......

Sora: Yeah, long time, no see. You monster.

Muzan: ............

Muzan: I see. So you're the last surviving Uchiha. I didn't expect that you survived. Maybe I should've killed you back then.

Sora: You're arrogant. Thanks to that, I was able to survive.........

Muzan: ..........

Muzan: Hmph.

Muzan: But your luck run out here, boy.

Muzan proceeds to attack as Sora gets to his stance as he fended off the barrage of Muzan's relentless attacks.

Sora: So, this is what nii-san fought!? But how did he survive!?

Defending won't get Sora anywhere.

When he found the gap, he switched from defense to offense.

Sora: Hinokami Kagura, Enbu (Dance)!

Sora closed the distance and managed to land a clean hit to Muzan.

But the demon instantly regenerated.......and began a counterattack.

Muzan: Die.

Sora read the movement and he quickly used a form.

Sora: Hinokami Kagura, Gen'nichi Kō (Fake Rainbow).

Muzan: !!!

Sora immediately appeared behind Muzan and he took his chance for a sneak attack.

Sora: Hinokami Kagura, Hirin Kagerō (Solar Heat Haze).

Muzan: Huh? What a sloppy attack, it didn't even-

That was his mistake, the attack landed.......

Muzan: What!?

Sora didn't let up and followed up on another attack.

Sora: Hinokami Kagura, Retsujitsu Kōkyō (Raging Sun).

Slashing horizontally, in order to cut Muzan's arms, but he was missing an inch......

And Muzan, now angry.......retaliated with full force.

Muzan: Blood Demon Art.......

Sora: No, you don't.

Sora: Hinokami Kagura, Kiki Onkō (Beneficient Radiance)!

Sora spirals into the air and delivers a powerful slash, cutting Muzan's upper body in half, but he missed the head.

Sora: Damn it! I missed! I have to attack-

But he wasn't able to execute a follow up attack.

Muzan retaliates again with his flesh whips.....

And Sora countered the attack.

Sora: ...........

Sora: Hinokami Kagura, Shakkotsu En'yō (Burning Bones, Summer Sun).

Sora performs a circular slash and Muzan began to tremble........

Three memories flashed through Muzan's mind........

The first memory is the mysterious swordsman with the hanafuda earrings, the one who first cornered him.

The second one, is during the Meiji Era, a man with black hair, and eyes with a pinwheel pattern, and a ethereal manifestation......the first Uchiha who managed to corner Muzan.

And the third one, is Uchiha Sasuke, the third one who was able to corner Muzan.




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