Chapter 34

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3rd POV. Butterfly Estate.

Kanae: Long time no see......

Kanae: Uchiha Sora.

Kanae points her blade towards Sora, who is having a dumbfounded expression.

As for the trio.......they can definitely sense Kanae's hatred towards the Uchiha via their senses.....

Tanjiro: This scent.....! The scent of hatred......just like Shinobu-san......!

Inosuke: The hell is this!? This anger is all over the place that it's scary!

Zenitsu: Kanae-san is definitely angry! This is unusual from her kind and carefree sound! Also, how did she knows Sora-san's true family name!?

Tanjiro: Did she happen to overhear what I said? No, wait, we definitely kept nii-san's true identity an absolute secret!

Tanjiro: Still, how did Kanae-san knew nii-san's name? What's going on?

As for Sora......

He doesn't know why.....but just by looking at Kanae's expression, he knew that Kanae hates him.

Sora: What's going on......!? Why does this person hate me? Did I do something wrong?

Sora: Why are you drawing your blade against me!? What did I even do against you!?

Kanae: Don't play dumb.

Kanae: You know what you did!

Sora: W-What!? You're not even making any sense!

Kanae: Just shut your mouth, murderer!

Kanae raised her sword as she attempts to slash Sora but he dodged it by pure instincts, without even using the Sharingan.

Sora: Murderer!? What do you mean!? I never killed a single person! Why would I even do that!

Kanae: So, it's easy for you to forget the people you murdered in cold blood!?

Kanae: It's easy for you to just move on as if it never happened!?

Sora: I'm telling you! I don't even know what are you talking about! 7

Kanae: Flower Breathing - Fifth Form!

Sora: A breathing technique!?

Sora: Then......! Water Breathing - Fourth Form!

Kanae: Peonies of Futility!

Sora: Uchishio! (Striking Tide!)

Kanae performs a flurry of nine consecutive attacks that flows and weaves in on themselves.....

And Sora performed a Water Breathing technique to defend himself from Kanae's sudden attack.

How did Sora perform Water Breathing? The answer is, the Sharingan.

Earlier, before Kanae and Shinobu arrived, Sora visited the trio to see how they are doing, just like he promised.

He made a request to Tanjiro to demonstrate the breathing technique that he is using when he became a demon slayer. That is how Sora was able to learn all the 10 techniques of the Water Breathing, by memorizing it and copying it through the Sharingan.

Sora noted that the Water Breathing is flexible in offense and defense. That somehow made sense to him as the water's flow can easily adapt to changes during its flow.

Making the users of Water Breathing flexible on backing up their allies or even in offense as well.

Zenitsu and Inosuke also asked how Sora managed to copy Thunder Breathing and he revealed the Sharingan's ability to copy movements.

Inosuke challenged Sora if he can copy Beast Breathing, however, Sora felt like he needs to use two blades and he needs to have a sharp sense of touch.

He told them the limits of the Sharingan's ability to copy. He may be able to copy a technique, if he fulfills a prerequisite requirement.

Water, Flames, and Thunder, he successfully copied these three breathing styles, as he is capable of using a sword and the fact that he mastered Total Concentration Breathing.

After learning Water Breathing from Tanjiro, that is where he decided to leave......until Kanae arrived, recognized him and this whole mess of a situation happened.

Kanae: A breathing technique!? Did he just—

Kanae is shocked and confused right now. As she never thought that Sora is capable of executing breathing techniques......

However, she snapped out of her trance and she continued attacking Sora.

Kanae: Flower Breathing - First Form!

Kanae: Sakura Fubuki!

Kanae executes a barrage of fast attacks, as Sora had no choice but to activate his Sharingan and evade all of Kanae's attacks by stepping back once more.

Sora: *pant* *pant*

Sora: I can't believe it.....I knew for the very first moment that this girl is dangerous......

Sora: I was lucky that I barely escaped during the first time but.....

Sora: My luck has run out, so it seems.

Kanae: That blue haori......with that floral pattern......

Kanae: What were you doing at Oyakata-sama's home?

Kanae: Are you trying to murder him and his family?

Kanae: Just like you did to my parents!?

This revelation not only shocked Sora but even the trio who are currently witnessing the fight.

Tanjiro: What!?

Zenitsu: No way.....! That sounds impossible! There is no way Sora-san would do that!

Inosuke: He would only kill anyone who threatens Santaro (Tanjiro) and his sister!

Kanae: Listen to me, you three.....

Kanae: That guy.......he is a criminal among the Demon Slayer Corps....

Tanjiro: What!?

Zenitsu: A criminal!?

Kanae: He killed my parents......!

Kanae: On that night, when Shinobu and I heard a strange noise, we were afraid to check it out.

Kanae: When the noise was gone, we came out to investigate what is going on and from there......

Kanae: We saw him......with his sword and clothes covered in blood.....

Kanae: And beside him.....are the corpses of our parents that he murdered in cold blood.....!

Kanae: I promised that one day.....

Kanae: One day.......I'll erase these doubts and confront him of his crime......

Kanae: It seems like the heavens finally allowed me of that chance!

Tanjiro: But......nii-san never killed anyone! Sure he gets angry and is ready to kill someone.....

Tanjiro: But if it only involves Nezuko and I.......

Tanjiro: He won't just kill anyone without a reason! My brother is not that kind of person!

Kanae: .........

Kanae: Once a upon time......he WAS that kind of person......

Kanae: But......I guess as of now......

Kanae: He's not anymore.

Kanae lunged forward and is going to for the kill, but Sora evades Kanae's attack as he still couldn't comprehend Kanae's words and behavior.

Sora: What the hell is wrong with you!? Like I said, I would never murder anyone!

Kanae: Lie all you want but I know what I saw! What we saw!

Kanae: Your face, your hands tainted with my parents' blood!

Kanae: And those same cold red eyes you call as Sharingan!

Kanae: I know all of it!

Kanae: So why don't you just die!?

Sora: No way! Not until I finish my mission!

Sora: Not until Tanjiro and I turn Nezuko back to being a human!

Sora: Not until Tanjiro and Nezuko grow up, have a stable job, and build their own families!

Sora: I won't allow myself to die!

Kanae: How ironic to someone like you to say that when you murdered my parents!

The two engaged in a fight that neither Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke can't either stop.

This is the first time that they ever saw the ever cheerful Kanae to be full of fury.

Not to mention, Kanae's accusations against Sora......

The trio couldn't just believe it. Zenitsu and Inosuke are having doubts as they just met him recently......

Unlike Tanjiro, who grew up with Sora as his adoptive brother, he knew that his brother wouldn't stain his hands with the blood of innocents.

All he ever known that his brother is kind and is always working hard for the sake of their family, to the point even if he neglects his own long as his family is happy......he will do anything.

For Tanjiro, Kanae's accusations are like something that came out of a fantasy.

Tanjiro: Nii-san wouldn't do that.......he's too kind to do that.......

Tanjiro: He.......will never.......!

Tanjiro chose to believe the person he treated as his brother......

As he only watched in pain as Kanae is furiously attacking Sora.

All this time......

Not a single attack came out from Sora, he only blocked or evaded Kanae's attacks.

Sora: How many times do I have to tell you! I don't even know the crimes your accusing me of!


Kanae: .......!?

Kanae: What? Now he's the one who doesn't make sense? First meeting? Wait.......

Kanae: Is he even serious.....?

Kanae: He doesn't know me? Is this all just a misunderstanding....? No, Kanae. It's not.

Kanae: But still.....

Kanae: He doesn't remember me? Maybe it's because of the passage of time that he forgot about me?

Kanae: But still.......everything just doesn't make sense!

As Kanae is about to go on for an attack.......she noticed that another figure is charging towards Sora......

It's none other than Shinobu, with her special Nichirin Blade drawn.....

Shinobu: .........

Sora felt a change in the air and he knew an attack is coming from behind......

Without any hesitation, he jumped and did a backflip before landing on the ground once more, as he saw the back of the figure who tried to attack him just now.

Shinobu: Nee-san......who is this person?

Kanae: ........

Kanae: See for yourself.

Shinobu turned to face Sora and it was her turn to be shocked.

Shinobu: Nee-san......this is......

Shinobu: There is no way........!

Kanae: I know what you're thinking but......that's him......

Kanae: The murderer who killed our parents.....

Kanae: Uchiha Sora.....

Shinobu: I see......then I guess the day has come for us to exact our vengeance.

Sora: Shit, I barely dodged that! The short girl is fast......and what the hell is the deal with that sword!

Sora: It's too thin and probably can be used in stabbing.......

Sora: But as I got a closer look......that sword......I can tell something is dangerous with that sword!

Shinobu sheathes her sword to infuse it with poison.

Sora: .........

As Sora is now thinking on how to escape......

He felt a sharp headache.

Sora: ......!!!

Sora: Agh!

He held the left side of his head with his left hand.......and his mind somehow began to wander on a specific image.....

He saw two people, a man and a woman, lying in a pool of blood......

And then......the image shifts into two girls who look terrified......

One is a girl around 14 years old.....

The other is around 11 years old.........

Sora: W-What the.......? the world.........!?

Sora snaps himself out from his trance as he barely dodged Shinobu's attack, only to be followed by Kanae but he also evaded it as well.

Sora: Great! Now my mind is interfering! I don't have time for nightmares!

Shinobu dashed and used her speed to close the distance towards Sora but he knew where the attack would land, so he decided to evade and when he found an opening......

He used the sheath of his sword to hit Shinobu's sword hand and disarm her.

Shinobu: .....!?

While in a state of shock, Sora kicked Shinobu away from him, sending her on the grass area.

Sora: I'm sorry.........

However, Kanae soon followed up.....

With Sora's Sharingan still active he decided to step back and evade Kanae's flurry of attacks. 

Sora: There is no end to this! It's either I disarm them or find a chance to escape......!

Sora: Escape........!

He remembers his fight with Akaza, when he used his Mangekyo Sharingan to barely escape Akaza's attack.

Sora: Dammit! I have no choice!

Sora's Sharingan begins to turn and transformed into a four pointed pinwheel pattern, the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Kanae: !?

Sora: Now! Amatsumikaboshi!

Kanae's sword is about to make contact with Sora......but he suddenly disappeared.......

Kanae: What!?

Tanjiro: !?

Inosuke: That's.....!

Zenitsu: So fast!

Sora is currently a few meters away from Kanae, and he is currently gasping for air......and his left eye is bleeding.......

Sora: Shit! I never expected that it will drain so much of my stamina!

Sora still stood his ground even it is evident that his knees is shaking from the sudden fatigue that he is feeling.

Sora: Not to mention....! I just barely recovered......! I don't have time for this.....! I have to get the heck out of here! Now!

Sora felt that another attack is coming and Shinobu recovered from being kicked and is ready to stab him.

Sora knew it and he evaded it and jumped over the fence and made a run for it.

Shinobu: You're not getting away!

Shinobu followed suit, and when she jumped over the fence, she got hit by dirt.....blocking her vision.

Shinobu: What!?

She wipes the dirt on her face and on her field of vision, Sora is out of sight. Kanae also jumped over the fence and saw her sister standing with a frustrated expression.

Kanae: He's gone......

Shinobu: ........

Shinobu: He got away.......!

Shinobu: Tch.......!

Shinobu: Just like last time......he got away........!



Kanae: Shinobu........

Shinobu catches her breath as her elder sister pats her back in order to help her calm down......

Kanae: .........

Kanae: Shinobu....I.....

Shinobu: It's all right, nee-san.......

Shinobu: Now that we know he is alive........

Shinobu: And he's been interacting with those three........

Shinobu: Those three......

Shinobu: They better prepare themselves......I have a lot of questions coming up.

Kanae: .......

Kanae: Still, just now....what was that.....!? He suddenly disappeared......

Kanae: I was sure I was about to land a strike on him but he vanished and reappeared......

Kanae: But.....then.......when I was fighting him.....

Kanae: The fact that he doesn't remember anything at all.......

Kanae: He doesn't know that really the case......? Is there something that we don't know?

Kanae: .........

Kanae: I guess one way of finding to ask the trio.

As for Sora......

He continues to run away, despite having a sharp headache.

He deactivated his Mangekyo Sharingan and turn his eyes back to it's natural blue color.

Sora: I knew it was a bad idea to visit.......! Sora, you idiot!

Sora: I have to go......somewhere......! That's right. They don't even know I'm still residing at Oyakata-sama's......

Sora: No, wait, if they're going to interrogate Tanjiro........

Sora: Dammit!

Sora: No choice!

Sora called for a crow......

Sora: Bring me to where the Rengoku Residence is located. Now!

Kasugai Crow: Caw!

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