Chapter 26

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What is a dream?

There are a lot of interpretations to dreams.

If someone were to answer this question in a literal meaning, the answer is: a dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind whenever they sleep.

If a philosopher would answer, their answer would be: dreams are another term of a person's deepest desire or ambition.

If a pessimist would answer this question, their answer would be: dreams are like a way to escape the cruel reality of this world.

There are a lot of interpretations when it comes to the said word.


We're going to combine the three different meanings that were tackled earlier.

A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occupying a person's mind, that projects their deepest desires and as a means to escape the cruel reality of this world.


To the person who inherited the eye that reflects the heart and can see the truth of all creation without any obstructions......

How will his eyes perceive the truth?

How will he perceive the truth?

What will he find in his dreams?

Dreams that he never thought he would have.

He who lost his memories.......

Will finally uncover the truth of a fragment of his memory.

Before Uchiha Sora even remembered how to use the Hinokami Kagura in battle, before he snapped back from reality......

He saw a vision of a young boy with black spiky hair and black eyes, and was also performing the same exact kagura that Sora knew by heart.

The young boy that Sora saw in that vision......


Along with the boy.......

He will regain a fragment of his memories.......

A memory of brotherly love.


Sora's POV.

As soon as my mind drifts to slumber........

The next thing I knew, I was standing in a forest.

Sora: A forest? Again?

I began exploring the forest until I reached the end of it and at the end of the forest.

At the far end of my view, I saw a village.

A village?

Sora: Another weird dream, I guess.

Then I heard a voice from behind.

???: Sasuke, where are you?

??? 2: I'm here, Father.

I turned to the direction of the voices and saw two people standing before the forest near the said village.

First, is a man with black hair, and black eyes, the other eye being covered by his bangs.

Sora: Who is that man?

Once I gazed upon the tree that the man is looking up, I saw a young boy with black spiky hair and black eyes.

Then I just realized something.

Sora: Wait, this boy.....! He's the one I saw in my vision! The one performing the Hinokami Kagura dance!

The boy nimbly jumps from the tree.

Boy: So, father, what is it?

Boy's father: When I came home, I learned from your mother that you just went out of the forest for a walk.

Boy: Is there something wrong?

Boy's father: No. Actually, I was hoping that you're at home so that I would be able to teach you about the kagura.

Boy: The kagura!? You mean the Hinokami Kagura!?

Sora: WHAT!? Wait, this man knows the Hinokami Kagura!?

Boy's father: That is the reason why I wanted to go home so early.

Boy's father: Since you already turned six. It is time for you to learn the Hinokami Kagura.

Boy: Then, then....! Can my little brother also watch?

Boy's father: Haha.....he's only two years old. I'm sure that his senses aren't really fully developed yet.

Boy: But still, it wouldn't be that bad.

Boy: I'm sure he'll also have much fun.

The father and son went towards the village.

And I quietly followed them. However, as soon as I passed by one of the houses, I lost the father and son.

Sora: They disappeared? Or I was lost?

It also wouldn't hurt to explore the village.

I observed the village and the other people and it seems like no one even bothers to bat an eye on me.

The village seems peaceful. Or so I thought, because I just heard the sound of fighting and not from the adults.

But from children.

I followed the source of the voices until I saw the same boy in the forest, although he's a little bit older and taller. Probably around 10 years old.

This time being ganged up by five kids.

Kid 1: So, what now, tough boy? You're gonna what? Beat us up?

Kid 2: Impossible! With that little body of yours?

Kid 3: As if he has the chance?

Kid 4: Right?

Kid 5: Also, what's the deal? We're only having a little fun with your brother. But he's an idiot!

Boy: .........

More and more taunts came........

The boy finally snapped when he heard this.

Kid 1: Maybe your father died because your little brother is being a nuisance.......

Boy: ...........

Out of a sudden, the boy suddenly kicked the kid square in the stomach and sent him flying.

Kid 3: You bastard!

Kid 4: Oh, so you wanted it this way?

Kid 2: Fine. Get him!

However, each of their punches and kicks never even touched a strand of his hair.

And in the end, the boy bested the other four kids.......who were now terrified of the boy.

Boy: Now......what were you saying to my little brother again?

Boy: Huh? Come on? Say it.....

He grabs one of them by the shirt.

Boy: Come on, say it!

Kid 3: I......I...........

The kid frees himself as he and the other kids ran away from the boy, as the sound of their cries are heard.

Sora: The hell is wrong with those kids? Not even a single sorry?

Boy: That's what they get for messing with my brother! Don't they dare come near him again or else I'll beat them up!

I became alarmed by his words and I told him.

Sora: I know what you feel but please, there could be other ways rather than just beating them up.......or yeah sure, if you don't have any other choice—

Once I got a good glimpse on his eyes.......

I can't even believe what I'm seeing.

The color of this boy's eyes are red......

Red.....and possessed a wheel with two tomoe patterns.

Sora: Wait, is that what I think it is? Is that.......the Sharingan?

As soon as I was about to talk to the boy, he immediately closed his eyes to calm down, when he reopened his eyes and it returned back to being his normal black colored eyes.

Until he suddenly realized something and ran on a certain direction.

From what I saw, he went to another boy with black hair. The other boy seems to be younger, and he seems to be crying.

Boy: Don't worry, nii-san is here. Okay? No matter what happens, nii-san is always going to protect you.

Younger boy: Nii-san.......*sobs*

Boy: Don't cry. Come on. Let's go home and treat your wounds.

The two brothers walked away from a certain direction as I quietly follow them.

Once I saw them entered the house, I wanted to follow the two.

Sora: People might see me and might be even accused of stalking someone.

I decided to find a fence or a tree on where I could see them.

And I found one......I hope so.

Sora: Here goes nothing.

When I reached the branch of the tree. I carefully sat on it, and luckily it is strong enough.

I also got a view of the brothers. It seems like they grew older a little bit.

The brothers are holding two wooden swords. It seems like they are practicing swordsmanship.

Boy: Come on! How are you even supposed to protect yourself and your friend if you are hesitating to strike back!

Younger Boy: But I can't! I can't hit you, nii-san! You're always dodging my attacks!

Boy: I'm not dodging your attacks! I can read them and you're hesitating to strike back!

Younger Boy: But if I strike back, you'll get hurt!

Boy: Then what if you're facing a different person? Would you also hesitate to strike back?

Younger Boy: But......I mean......! Mother told us that hitting people is bad!

Boy: .........

Boy: *sigh*

Boy: I know that. But did you know that there are other people who wouldn't even hesitate to hurt you.

Boy: Like those kids who bullied you!

Young Boy: But.....

Boy: I know I'm kinda being strict on you......but please understand.....

Boy: Father told me, before he left us......

Boy: To teach you how to be strong.

Boy: So please......

Young Boy: Father, huh.......

Young Boy: .........

Boy: Oh, that's right.......

Boy: You're still not aware that he passed on.

Boy: You never really saw his face......

Young Boy: Say, nii-san, what was father like?

Boy: Hmmm......

Boy: He's strict but not to the point that he'll punish you if you did a single mistake.

Boy: He is strict because he doesn't wants us to lose our way.

Boy: He is strict because he wants us to always side on what is right.

Boy: But behind him being strict, he is a hardworking and loving father.

Young Boy: Really?

Boy: Yeah.

Boy: Oh......speaking of father.......

Boy: How old are you now?

Young Boy: Five!

Boy: Five.......

Boy: Well, next year.

Young Boy: Next year, what do you mean—

Suddenly a woman's voice called out the two boys.

???: Boys? Where are you two?

Boy: We're here at the backyard!

???: Oh. Can you two help me out? I'm going to sell these flowers.

Boy: All right. We'll be there.

The boy looked on his younger brother.

Boy: Well, like I said. You got to wait until next year.

Younger Boy: Awwwwww.

Boy: Don't worry, that will be my greatest present ever!

Younger Boy: Yeah!

Boy: But what about you teaching me swordsmanship?

Boy: ...........

Suddenly, the boy gently poked his brother's forehead.

Boy: Mata kondo da. (Maybe next time.)

Boy: Sora.

Sora: .............!?

What.........? Wait.........what..........?

Did he.......just name.........?

Sora: Wait......! Wait.......! Wait.......!

I don't know but.......


I feel like this is just another fragment of my memories!

As the two figures enter the house, I followed suit when I opened the door......

I was suddenly engulfed by flames......

The same flames that I saw during my fight with Lower Five.....


Sora: Flames!?

Sora: These flames.......!

Sora: *gasp*

Sora: Nezuko's blood demon art! Wait, her blood demon art........!

I closed my eyes and activated my Sharingan and I saw that even if I try to enter the house, it wouldn't let me.

As if it is a barrier of some sorts.

In the first place, why am I even aware that


A dream.......

Don't tell me.......!

Nezuko is burning me because.......!


3rd POV. In the real world.

Nezuko was the first one to wake up and she sensed that something is going on.

When she checked on her two brothers who never responded to her......

To the point that she headbutted Sora and Tanjiro, which she began to bleed when headbutting the latter......

She used her blood demon art to burn both of her brothers.


Inside of Sora's dream world.

The flames continue to engulf Sora within his dream world.

Sora: What's going on!? What's even happening outside!?

The flames just continued to go brighter and brigther, and even engulfed him even more.

When the flames subsided.......

The scenery changed and this time......

The village that Sora explored got destroyed and burning in flames.

Sora: What the!? Did Nezuko burned the village!? No, that's impossible.

Sora: Neither of us never even knew this village.......

He explored the devastated village and......

When he went outside of the village's border to see if there are someone who evacuated......

Instead, on a nearby tree tht is near the village's border......

He once saw the two figures on his dream......

But this time.....

Sora finally knew the identity of the other figure.......who is a younger version of himself.

He rushed to the two figures and when he did......

Sora's eyes began to widen in realization........

It is exactly like in his nightmares......

The devastated village......

And the person who is dying in front of him......

???: So, please, Sora, from now on, you got to take care of yourself.

???: I'm really sorry, mother and I kept you in the dark about so many things.......

???: Sorry if we ever lied to you.....

???: But.......

The mortally wounded person reaches for the face of the younger Sora, then gently pokes his forehead.

???: Yuruse, Sora. Kore de saigo da. (There won't be next time.)

???: Shikashi, kore o oboete oite kudasai...... (But please remember this........)

???: Okaa-san to ore wa, omae wo zutto aishteiru. (Mother and I, will always and forever love you.)

With one final forehead tap........

The wounded figure breathed his last......

As the one who held the figure's dying corpse.......

He is none other than Sora himself, from 9 years ago.

As for the beholder of the dream........

His eyes teared up........

As he discovered another fragment of his memories.......

Sora: Nii-san..........

The memories of his happy days with his true family......

His mother, Uchiha Misaki......

And his elder brother, Uchiha Sasuke.

His memory came back on those days where he and his brother would always go to the forest and hunt.

Helping their mother sell her flowers.....

Training their swordsmanship together....

And lastly......

When Sora finally learned the Hinokami Kagura......from Sasuke.

When Sasuke performed the kagura dance in front of his brother......

The very first moment that Sora witnessed the Hinokami Kagura........

Sora began to burn once more from Nezuko's blood demon art......

As Sora's memories of his mother and brother came back to him.

As he teared up.....when his memories finally came back.......

Sora: Mother.......

Sora: Nii-san..........

Sora: From the bottom of my heart.......

Sora: Thank you, for everything.

If Sora learned anything to wake up from a dream, that is to kill himself within the dream.

So, he let Nezuko's flames burn him.

Sora: Mother, nii-san.......

Sora: Don't worry.....

Sora: I will never try to forget, those happy days that the three of us spent together.........

Sora closed his eyes as his body disintegrated into ashed within his dream world.

It took a few seconds......for Sora to finally gain awareness of the real world.

And he heard Tanjiro's voice calling for him.

Tanjiro: Nii-san! Nii-san! Please! Wake up! Nii-san!

Tanjiro: Nii-san!

The Uchiha slowly opened his eyes to slowly reveal the figures of a teary eyed Nezuko and Tanjiro.

Sora: Tanjiro........Nezuko...........

Unknown to him, Sora shed his tears.......and he pulled the two into a warm embrace.

Tanjiro: Nii-san.......!

Nezuko: Mm!?

Sora: Tanjiro, Nezuko......I remembered something again......

Tanjiro: !?

Tanjiro: His memories!?

Sora: I finally true family........back before I was adopted......

Sora: I have an elder brother.........

Sora: His name is Sasuke.......

Tanjiro: finally remembered........after all, you always mentioned him to us back in the past......

Sora released the Kamado Siblings....

To wipe his tears......

Tanjiro: How do you feel now? Nii-san?

Sora: ........

Sora: Somehow, a part of me just went back.......

Sora: Although my memories are still somehow incomplete......

Sora: I managed to regain my memory of my biological mother and brother.

Tanjiro: That's good to hear but then......

Sora: I know.......

Sora: If ever I had those nightmares again.......

Sora: Then I'll be forced to......relive their deaths........

Tanjiro: Nii-san!

Tanjiro snaps Sora out of his trance.

Sora: I'm sorry. It's just.......

Sora: *sigh*

Sora: Anyways......I felt like Nezuko just burned the hell out of me earlier.

Tanjiro: It's the demon! The demon put all of us to sleep!

Sora: Oh shit! Then!

Sora glanced at Zenitsu and Inosuke being asleep, and not to mention.

Tanjiro: Zenitsu! Inosuke!

Sora: Kyojuro!? What the hell!?

Kyojuro, is currently choking a young girl.

Sora: What is he doing, is he still asleep?

Tanjiro: Nii-san, look, there are other people?

Sora noticed the

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