Chapter 12

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3rd POV. 2 years after the Kamado Family Massacre. Asakusa, Tokyo.

With Sora casting upon Kotoamatsukami on himself to remove his memories and relieve the effects of Madara's Tsukuyomi or more like ease the psychological effects of Madara's genjutsu, he began to travel with Tamayo and Yushiro.

Tamayo and Yushiro decided to keep Sora's basic information of him. As for his story, they decided to keep it out for a while because it might trigger the nightmares of Tsukuyomi that was casted upon him.

As of now, he is at Asakusa with Yushiro and Tamayo in order to buy some medical supplies.

Yushiro: Sora, can you bring this to us?

He gave the list to Sora and it consisted of medicines and medical equipment.

Sora: Aren't we just going to hoard all of these?

Yushiro: No. I don't even know what is Tamayo-sama's reason but....

Yushiro: Remember, Sora. We are still in hiding from Muzan. Even though you know how to fight.....thanks for your memories not being completely wiped out, that is.....

Sora: Yeah. I know that it is just familiar.

Sora: But yeah, I feel like I know how to use a sword and fight demons.

Yushiro: Remember what Tamayo-sama said. If you force yourself to remember all of your memories, all at once....

Yushiro: It might damage you psychologically.

Sora: I know. Although, I'm still having constant nightmares that I don't even know if they are connected to my past or what.

Yushiro: The nightmares are still present? I thought that by erasing his memories, the effects will wear off even just a little.

Yushiro: But......I only fear that it could be a matter of time if those nightmares trigger his memories.

Yushiro: However, the method that he chose is......

Yushiro: There could've been better methods. Or he doesn't have a choice?

Yushiro: I don't know the whole story but people do say that the past will come back to haunt you, someday.

As Yushiro went back on his business, Sora scanned the list that Yushiro gave him and went to the first pharmacy that he saw and showed the list to the pharmacist.

Pharmacist: I'll be right back, and check if we have the items you have listed here.

After waiting for a few minutes.

Pharmacist: We only had at least three of the items you listed.

Sora: That's okay. Please refer to the stated quantity of the available items that were stated from my list.

Pharmacist: Right away.

After getting the medicines and paying, he went to search for another pharmacy to buy the remaining items on the list. It took him at least half an hour to find all the medicne and the equipment that Tamayo asked.

Since Sora is carrying a lot of medicine and equipment, he decided to look for Yushiro for help, but he is nowhere to be found.

Sora: Damn it, where the heck is that guy?

Sora: I can't find him anywhere. Don't tell me, he decided to leave me here while I used my very own money to buy all of these?

As Sora is about to continue with mumbling his complains, he heard something that a commotion just happened.

Sora: What happened here? Did something big happened here? An accident?

Sora: Uh, mister, did something happen?

Citizen 1: I don't even know. There is just a commotion of a kid and a man. The kid was saying weird stuff and restrains the man.

Citizen 1: Others even say that he is like cursing someone or never forgiving someone and hunting them to the deepest parts of hell or something.

Citizen 1: Kids these days.

Sora: Maybe just a misunderstanding or something.

Citizen 1: I'm not really so sure.

Sora: I see. Thanks mister.

The young Uchiha continued to make his way back and struggled through the heavy foot traffic. Once he reached the "dead end" of his destination......

Sora: Wait, what's this? This feeling.....? Something went wrong......

Sora: I can feel it.

Sora made sure that no one is around, and once he confirmed that, he went through the wall or rather the illusion and he was only shocked to find the house in ruins.

Sora: What the!? What happened here!?

He rushed inside the house calling the names of his fellow occupants.

Sora: Yushiro! Tamayo-san! Where are you!?

???: Sora? It's alright, we're fine.

He saw Tamayo, a woman wearing a fine kimono with flower patterns, and Yushiro, and both of them are having bloodstains on their clothes and other parts of their body.

Yushiro: Sora!

Tamayo: I'm glad you're safe.

Sora gently set aside the medicine and the equipment that he bought to check upon Tamayo and Yushiro.

Sora: Tamayo-san, Yushiro, what happened here!? Did demons attacked this place?

Tamayo: Yes.

Yushiro: Never mind that now! Do you have your sword?

Sora: Yes—

Sora immediately dodged an incoming temari via reflexes alone.

Sora: What the!? What's the deal with this temari!

Yushiro: A blood demon art. Also, don't let your guard down! There are arrows and it's going towards your direction!

Sora: Arrows!?

Yushiro: You can't see them—

Yushiro: Ah, that's right! He even erased his memories of having the Sharingan. It might risk him of his identity as the last Uchiha and the curse that was inflicted upon him.

Yushiro: Damn it!

Yushiro: Here!

Yushiro puts a paper tag on Sora's forehead as an eye like symbol manifested within it and he was able to see the arrows.

Sora: So that's what you're talking about!

Sora nimbly dodged the arrows.

Sora: There is no end to this. We got to decapitate the demon controlling the arrows and the temari!

Yushiro: The demon hunter is already taking care of the arrow demon.

Yushiro: While his demon sister is currently fighting the temari demon!

Sora: A demon fighting....a demon?

Tamayo: We'll discuss that later. For now, Sora, please help us.

Sora: Of course.

Sora unsheathes his sword and he finally saw two figures fighting. One is a demon with six arms, and the other is a demon girl with a bamboo muzzle and is wearing a hemp leaf pattern kimono.

Somehow, Sora can't help but be familiar with the young girl.

Sora: She looks kinda familiar. Wait, no, this is not the right time for reminiscing!

Sora quickly intercepts three temari balls that is directly coming towards the demon girl, and cut them in halves before they disintegrated.

Temari Demon: What!? Who are you!? Another demon slayer or are you with the traitor?

Sora: I will not answer to filthy demons like you. Incorporating a children's game into your sick tricks.....

Sora: You disgust me. I shall give you one hell of a beating!

Temari Demon: Oh, hahahahahaha! What can even a mere human like you can do!!!

The Temari Demon replaced the Temaris that Sora destroy just now as he prepares to intercept it.

Sora: There are six temaris.

Sora: I got to cut them with perfect accuracy!

Through pure reflexes and observation, Sora was able to cut all of the temari.

Temari Demon: W-What's the deal with you! How are you even able to cut off my temari!

Sora: ..........

Sora: I don't answer to filthy demons like you.

Sora: Just die and rot in hell!


Another barrage of Temari is directed towards Sora but knowing now how his enemy works, he is able to read it all.....

He slashed all of them in perfect accuracy. But he noticed something odd.

Sora: Five!? Wait, there are six of them! Where is—

He noticed it too late, as the last Temari is about to close in.

Sora: Shit! The Temari is too low! If I kick it, my leg will be gone—

Before he even got to think, the Temari was suddenly kicked back by none other than the demon girl with a bamboo muzzle.

???: Rrrrrrrggggghhhhh!

Sora: !!!

Sora: Wait, in the first place, why is she, a demon, fighting her own kind? Just what happened when I was away?

The Temari Demon dodged it.

Temari Demon: Hahahaha! You're an amusing girl. As for the swordsman, you got skills.

Temari Demon: This time, I'm going all-out against you!

Sora: I was saved because that bamboo muzzled demon girl saved me. I got to finish this fight quickly. Also, the arrows aren't even coming here. It seems like the Demon Hunter is taking care of business on whoever the hell is casting those arrows!

Temari Demon: I wonder how long you two can hold out!

????: ..........

Sora: Observe her stance, predict the trajectory of her throws—

Tamayo suddenly steps in.

Sora: Tamayo-san! Please step back! It's too dangerous for you!

Tamayo: I'll be fine, Sora. You don't have to worry about me.

Sora: ........!

Sora: Her arm! It's......bleeding.........

Sora: Bleeding!?

The Uchiha immediately glanced upon Yushiro and it seems like he doesn't even noticed it yet.

Nevertheless, Sora sheathes his sword as he fixed his scarf and wrapped it around his nose.

Sora: Tamayo-san.......what are you planning to do?

Yushiro noticed that Sora covered his nose with his scarf puzzling him, however.....he knew that gesture has a meaning.

Yushiro: What is he doing? Wait, did he smell something from afar? We never knew he had a sharp sense of smell.

Temari Demon: Get out of my way, you damn fugitive!

Tamayo: Just tell me one thing please. Are you aware of Kibutsuji's true identity?

Sora: True identity?

Temari Demon: !?

Temari Demon: What the hell did you say?

Tamayo: That man is nothing but a coward.

Sora: This isn't the time to be slandering your opponent!

Tamayo: He lives in constant fear of something.

Temari Demon: Stop! Damn you! Stop it!

Tamayo: Do you know the reason why it is that demons can't band together? Why demons cannibalize each other?

Tamayo: It's to prevent other demons from banding together against him.

Tamayo: That's the kind of man he is.

Sora: In other words, Muzan controls his demons through fear.

Temari Demon: Shut up! Shut up! Now way he is that petty!

Yushiro: !?

Yushiro finally noticed Tamayo's bleeding arm.

Yushiro: I see! So that's the reason why Sora covered half of his face and sheathed his sword.

Yushiro: He must've knew that Tamayo-sama will use a spell!

Temari Demon: The power he wields is mind-blowing! There's no one stronger than him! Not Kibutsuji-sama!

Sora: Heh. You fell for it, you fool.

Temari Demon: *drops temari balls*

The demon quickly realized what is going on as Tamayo reveals her bleeding arm, as peculiar aroma patterns manifested around the area.

Tamayo: You've uttered that name out loud, right? That will trigger the curse.

Sora: Magical Aroma of Daylight. Tanayo-san's blood demon art that weakens the target's mind, rendering them unable to lie or keep secrets.

Sora: I saw that spell for the first time, when a patient denied the symptoms of his disease, and Tamayo-san somehow knew that patient is lying.

Sora: So, she used that and we exposed the patient's true illness.

Sora: And now, it affected a demon......well, demons aren't really that immune in mental attacks.

Sora: Unless if the demon's mental fortitude is equal in strength with the spell.

The Temari Demon quickly rans away, blabbering for apology or something. Until three monstrous arms just came out of her body and devoured her.

It's horrible, truly horrible.

Sora: Is that.........?

Tamayo: Kibutsuji's curse. If a demon were to utter his name out loud, the curse will trigger and will kill the demon on the spot. That is the curse that he placed upon his demons.

Sora: Unbelievable.

Tamayo: Sora, please bring Nezuko-san to the basement, please?

Sora: Nezuko? You mean the demon girl with a bamboo muzzle?

Tamayo: Yes.

Sora noticed that Nezuko fell asleep, as he gently carried her to the basement.

However, he noticed that name is somehow familiar to him.

Sora: Nezuko, huh.......

Sora: It feels like, I've heard this name before.

Sora: Yeah, it really feels familiar.

He brought Nezuko to the basement in order for the girl to rest.

Sora: All right. Just stay there for a while.

Sora: I have to retrieve the medicines and the equipment that I bought earlier.

He also went to check the damage and salvage other things that he can. After retrieving the items, he went back to the basement, and he saw the said demon slayer.

A boy wearing hanafuda earrings.

Sora: Tamayo-san, here are the equipment and the medicine you asked me to buy.

Tamayo: Ah, thank you, Sora.

Yushiro: You should've bought new ones!

Sora: Oh, shut it! I checked them already and none of them are damaged and I salvaged some of our essentials during the damn chaos!

Sora: Also, can you please tell me what the hell just happened—

???: No way.......

???: Is that you......

???: Nii-san?

Sora: Huh?

Yushiro: Huh?

Tamayo: Sora?

Sora: What?

Sora turns to face the demon slayer named Tanjiro, and the girl with the bamboo muzzle.

Sora: Me? Nii-san? What are you talking about?

Tanjiro: You don't remember me, nii-san? Me and Nezuko?

Sora: Huh? I don't even know who you are.

Tanjiro: .....!?

Tanjiro: What's going on? Why did Sora-niisan.....? Or maybe I mistook from another person—

Tanjiro: No, I can't be mistaken. His scent....I knew that scent! That scent of kindness! There is no mistaking it, that is our adoptive brother.

Tanjiro: Uchiha Sora.

Tanjiro: He wasn't there when my family was murdered. I thought that maybe Muzan devoured him but I didn't got the scent of his blood.

Tanjiro: So, I guessed he went missing and somehow he also thought that I went missing with Nezuko when he saw what happened.

Tanjiro: But does he really not remember.......not a single thing?

Tanjiro: You don't remember me.....or Nezuko?

Sora: I-I don't know what you're talking about. Who are you even?

Tanjiro: Kamado Tanjiro, and this is my sister, Kamado Nezuko.

Sora: The demon girl? That's your sister?

Sora: ........!

Sora suddenly felt a sharp pain to his head....

Sora: Ack!


Tamayo: Sora!? What's wrong!?

Yushiro: Oi! What happened!?

He glared upon Tanjiro and Nezuko.

Yushiro: Oi! What did you two do to Sora!? Is this you're doing!?

Tanjiro: N-No! We didn't do anything!?

Tamayo: Sora! Sora! What's wrong!? Did something triggered your memories!?

Yushiro: His memories!?

Yushiro: Wait, now that you mentioned it.......

Yushiro confronts the siblings.

Yushiro: You, demon hunter! How the hell did you know about Sora? Answer me!

Tanjiro: What do you mean!? He's my brother!

Yushiro: Your brother? You two look nothing alike!

Tanjiro: Adoptive older brother!

Yushiro: What!?

Sora: *suffering from a cluster headache*

Tamayo: Yushiro, get a painkiller and sleeping pills!

Yushiro: Right away!

Soon afterwards, Tamayo administered the medicine on Sora who fell asleep. When the Uchiha is asleep, Tamayo and Yushiro asked about the Kamado Siblings on how they know Sora.

Tanjiro: He is our adoptive older brother.

Tanjiro: He was adopted by our parents when he is around nine. He is probably 21 years old now.

Tamayo: If you know, Sora......

Tamayo: Yes, it seems like that confirms it......

Yushiro: Tamayo-sama?

Tamayo: Yushiro, remember the time where he asked us to help him erase his memories?

Tanjiro: Erase his memories.......?

Tamayo: Yes. He asked us to erase his memories, because he said he is under a curse.

Tamayo: And the only way of somehow, alleviating the curse is for him to become a blank slate.

Tamayo: However, in my perspective, I guess it is similar to a psychological trauma.

Tanjiro: Just what happened to nii-san all those years?

Tamayo: He never told us about you or your family. He only told us about himself and the Uchiha Clan.

Tanjiro: It seems like, he kept it a secret.

Tamayo: So it seems.

Tamayo: I'm afraid that Sora will take time to recover.

Tanjiro: Tamayo-san, will you please let us stay for a while? Please, it's been so long since Nezuko and I saw our big brother.

Tamayo: Tanjiro-san, Nezuko-san.......

Yushiro: Tamayo-sama, what should we do?

Tamayo: .........

Tamayo: Do you even know his secret?

Tanjiro: Secret?

Tamayo: ......

Tamayo: No, I promised that I won't tell anyone of that particular secret.

Tanjiro: A secret? Is he hiding something from me and my siblings?

Tamayo: Yes. But not in a bad way. I guess he chose to kept that a secret as a way of protecting you.

Tanjiro: Protecting us.......?

Tamayo: That is what I get here but......

Tamayo: Tanjiro-san, if you know about Sora, then tell us everything you know.

Tanjiro: A-All right.

Tanjiro recounts the memories he had with Sora.

Tamayo: I see. So you've also been searching for him.

Tanjiro: Yes. My two reasons why I became a demon slayer is first, to find a cure for my sister.

Tanjiro: Second, to find our brother.

Yushiro: Tamayo-sama, what should we do? Sora doesn't even know about these two?

Tamayo: That is sure troubling........

Tamayo: Wait, if he never told Tanjiro and his family about his secret......

Tamayo: Then I guess its fine. That headache just now......

Tamayo: I can only guess that he gained a fragment of his memory.

Tamayo: ..........

Tamayo: Hmmmmm.........

Tamayo: We can only guess if he even remembered a part his memories......specifically, of you and your family.

Tanjiro: ........

Nezuko: ..........

Tanjiro: Why did he wanted to erase his memories?

Tamayo: He is suffering. He suffered so much that he probably wants to forget it all and he wants to start anew.

Tamayo: He mentioned that he was even having frequent nightmares about someone being murdered in front of his eyes, traces of blood.....

Tamayo: I believed those nightmares are the curse that were placed upon him and by wiping out his memories......

Tamayo: He believed he can alleviate the curse. I guess it did alleviate the curse, because he doesn't even know the story behind those nightmares.

Tamayo: When his memories were wiped out, the nightmares haven't even become frequent. Although he will still have them from time to time.

Tanjiro: Nightmares........?

Tanjiro: Did he discovered what happened to our family?

Tamayo: I don't know. But Sora is the only one who holds the

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